Reid Hoffman: Build A World-Changing Business | Chase Jarvis LIVE

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hey everybody how's it going I'm Chase Jarvis welcome to another episode of the Chase Jarvis live show here on creativeLIVE you guys know this show this is a show where I sit down with the world's top creators entrepreneurs and thought leaders with the goal of unpacking their brains and extracting valuable insights to help you live your dreams and career in hobby and in life my guest today you will very quickly recognize him as soon as I say he's the co-founder of LinkedIn he's a partner at Greylock venture capital which is one of the top firms in the history of the world and he's now only so many other things aside from being the Oracle of Silicon Valley which has him touching or basically a core part of being near every social network that's ever been invented an investor in so many of the top companies folks like Airbnb I introduced suck to his first investor back in pee it was like he's been involved in everything and most importantly he's got a new podcast alcohol masters of scale we're gonna talk about it my guest today is mr. Reed Hoffman Green awesome to be here [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you so much yes I appreciate it it's a long time in the making you're a busy guy but very grateful to have some time with you today delighted awesome speaking of podcast which we're recording right here let's go right into yours congratulations it's like I saw it I screencap to the other day the chase diamonds live show and masters of scale were both right at the top of the iTunes and the little player there what was the giving the story behind it so maybe four ish five years ago I realized that what Silicon Valley people tell the world about why Silicon Valley's magical is an radically outdated story and so what Silicon Valley pinky well first why Silicon Valley special half of the Nasdaq created here all right this is there's three million people in the whole area that's not the people in tech industry that's three million people in the area roughly half of a hundred billion dollar-plus new companies created here why is that what is the magic right what is the magic so the old story which is important but now no longer the real story you say well we have immigrants entrepreneurs technologists technology companies venture capital major tech universities you put them a soup you stir it up you have a culture that allows a kind of a no fear of failure or limited fee or a failure to kind of run at these impossible problems and then some of them work and magic and that's true but that now exists in easily 50 places in the world yeah maybe more than that so if you say well that was only the story then there'll be 50 Silicon Valley is still not special then yes and why is it that Silicon Valley is still amazing and the answer is that we actually in fact have built a playbook around how to go to global scale very quickly that's kind of implicit shared in the Talent Network constantly evolving I talk class a couple years ago at Stanford called blitzscaling berries I'm working with a my co-author Chris yeh on a book now on that on blitzscaling and June Cohen who is the former executive producer of Ted who you know you know delightful human being and super talented came to me and said hey I think this would make a great podcast you know would you do this and I was like huh podcast I don't really hadn't really thought about that and you're super creative I mean I like I know good content I know how to ask good questions but making something magical that's your business versus in yours and so sure I'd be delighted to do that and it's been a blast it's so much it's so dense the information that you pack into these podcasts and I try and represent the same thing here to the folks listening or watching at home but the reality of access I mean we've had folks like yourself Richard Branson Mark Cuban Arianna Huffington you know the world's best and yet you have a different I have a different relationship with those folks I still consider them friends or mentors or or advisers to some of the things that I'm doing and wildly inspirational but you have a pure relationship in these folks and that allows you I think to get something special out of it now right before we started the cameras rolling I was like how is it you know like is it fun are you having fun and I'm gonna paraphrase it was like I didn't know it was gonna be fun but now you're having a blast and what is it about what you're doing that's joyful for you I think the thing that's joyful is a it's very easy to have a warm and uniquely insightful conversation because my friends know that I'm not they're trying to to get them to spill a secret or to or to catch the turn try to get them in the saying something that they don't want to say that my entire goal is I know there's a bunch of things that they know and think that are super valuable to entrepreneurs around the world to anyone who's interested in this kind of magic of how do you scale companies and my only goal is to help them express that through a set of different questions and because I know them I actually have some partial map to what that is now part of the joy is not just the the the camaraderie these the conversation but also part of it is that actually in fact you know while some of it I know already there's also parts of it that I go oh that was really interesting I realized that gaps like it's like that was really cool and I learned something and that's awesome too yeah it's the ability to have a heartfelt conversation with someone in an environment this used to be live there used to be you know somewhere between 100 to 200 people and I love that now we've just got a little camera in the corner for those of you who are at home and listening we are broadcasting this via Facebook lab but it used to be a big event and I realized that that creates a lot of again a noise and joy and then all these people are tweeting and all doing all the stuff it's valuable but the conversation there was a gap between what I could get in this environment yes relative to the really highly produced event so to speak so that's why this is mostly podcast these days let's go talk about some of your guests and for the folks at home like you should subscribe it's it's masters of scale yep with Reid Hoffman and I subscribed I've heard the suck one-to-one you talked about some of your favorite you know recent episodes so the folks I don't get a flavor well all of my children are beautiful that's right I'm just thinking the first question like very tough question couple of highlights how it gets a couple eyelids well so like for example one of the ones I was referring to that I had I had thought that in the history of Facebook I was aware that early one of their cultural values was move fast and break things and now it's moved fast with scale infrastructure and so I had done what most be nearly as sexy but ya know not really sex it and I had actually made that kind of simple outside view of oh they learned more traditional business and I changed a point of view and so I asked Chuck about this thinking that the question I was asking was how did you grow and learn in your management structure because zach has an infinite learner it's one of the things that's that's among the many things that's awesome about him yeah that's one of things that's awesome and so I was expecting get a little here's what I learned and he looked at me and said what do you even I'm like well phrase one for his to change no no no we're always about speed we're about speed of execution and effectiveness in the early stage that's move fast and break things however if you're breaking things in the big stage fixing them slows you down right and so it's still optimizing for speed it's just you have to realize that you have to keep stable infrastructure to optimize for speed and I was like oh Bing Bing of course it makes total sense of course so you had I think everyone runs to the suck episode because you guys have a special relationship because there's a lot of insight but also Sheryl Sandberg yes inaudible yep and in Sheryl is a simply world-class leader that I think other world-class leaders learn from sure and you know one of the things that Sheryl really kind of typifies a lot of what we're trying to do in blitzscaling which is the I know what the shape of things will be such that you set them up now with lightweight work and then you scale much more effectively and like one of the powerful examples that uses because what people don't realize is setting up culture in these companies is really important and that culture of how do we get to scale and preserve our mission or coherence or identity as opposed to oh now it's a big bureaucratic organization so she has this great anecdote that she learned from her Google days which was she started saying all war-worn personal so they would celebrate everyone's birthday on the day then you get to a group of like a hundred people and you're selling a ready to birthday every day and so then they move to okay we're gonna celebrate you know the July that it was June birthday is July birthday is August birthdays and of course what that then does is that sets everyone back and they go oh now we're a big company know something away I took something away yeah and so part of the lesson that Sheryl illustrate is say look be careful when you're setting up some of these things so you just set it up from the very beginning of we do August birthdays that's what we do and that oh it's still special is still going and it's a scalable mechanism and it's those little simple things that help keep that sense of we are still the people that we were and the people were on path to and that kind of leadership technique simple easy concrete learn about by everybody yep there's a kind of joys that you get from Cheryl and the wisdom borrow a phrase from Tony Robbins two millimeters the difference between those two things is like two words right we're gonna save it everyone's birthday or August birthdays yes and it's it's so narrow but it's so critical for the long it's incredible vision so I'm not gonna blow any more secrets from the episodes but fantastic kudos a lot of great reviews coming in I love how well it's produced I think you guys have done a bang-up job so keep going yeah don't that's all June and the team original music all the rest is not what I listen to I was like oh that's really good that's not what you had in mind I'll be creative you know obviously we pride ourselves on making really powerful content here at creative live that's super good stuff so I'm good job going to make this personal now so you and I share something I don't know if you know this or not aside from me being in the Greylock family which full disclosure you guys are investors you know I'm happy proud investor yeah thank you very much you've been on the platform before but we both share a background in philosophy and I remember the first time I told my folks that actually it was not my folks there's my parents friend I was we're at dinner party and I was like yeah I'm majoring in philosophy like we're gonna philosophize about being unemployed and yet yeah Here I am and this is one of the my favorite things about the world we live in there's a million paths to get to anywhere and yet philosophy has served me so well and before I share why or how it served me your background you have some background you gotta be a MA in philosophy right from Oxford yep master studies yep yeah so you know he also had some was it air computer intelligence or whatever but a little bit of your background education and then and the point I'm trying to make here is that you can basically have any kind of background and and go to a million different places but talk to me about philosophy first in your school so I've always had a my primary interested in human nature in human condition across everything so when I was an undergraduate Stanford I was majored in something called symbolic systems intelligence cognitive science and when people asked me what I was doing I called myself a transcendental anthropologist which was a kind of a continent view of the dental meditation yeah yeah sorry some nerds go yes we're we're we're a velocity geeking and then what I realized at Stanford was that while we had these literally leading-edge world-class inventors in language my and artificial intelligence cognitive science we as a set of theorists lacked an understanding what thinking was really what speaking was and I went okay well maybe it's time to go to go do professional philosophy because philosophers have been wrestling with this question probably some long before there was you know scrolls and manuscripts right clergy back in the day yeah I get it yeah doing it and so and so I was fortunate enough to win a Marshall go to Oxford and what I'm most valued actually so I went there with a theory that I was going to learn a lot about thinking a language and I think I learned that everyone's pretty confusing these topics including philosophers although there's some philosophers who don't think we're studying like vitcon Stein and Chomsky and big concern for sure the three you read three papers it was the cleanest are in philosophy minor philosophy science you know because it was kind of like what are the three different angles to try to try to understand this and and what I actually learned much more than the kind of the subject study which is what I had started with was how to think and communicate precisely like one of the things that I had this kind of delightful first tutorial experience where I mean I wrote a paper it was crap as what is wise and my tutor opened with what is a classic Oxford philosophy line which he says there is both good and original thought in what you've written the original parts are not good and the good parts are not original and that was the most positive thing in the next hour of conversation and that experience was an enormously honing experience of taking the activity of thinking and writing much more seriously - when you're presenting something - try to be as close to true as possible and try to be precise about it and understand the nuances of it because one of the things that I found about philosophy training was I got a lot better not just in thinking and arguing but also in a question I liked theorizing like what what is an accurate theory like so for example one of the things I do on on startup companies on the board of is to say well what's your theory of winning this game and part of the things that underlies the the precision of the expression of that theory is actually my philosophy training right is like do we understand really what your strategy is and really what the moving parts are and what your theory is about why you're gonna win this game I love the well hey I'll share that our interests I think that you can only connect the dots looking backwards and I'll confess that I went into it as being I was pre-med and and was you know being whipped by culturals about cultures values of what successful and then when I started tapping into philosophy and this is how I'm going to bring it around to the folks who are listening you know largely creators and entrepreneurs that are watching on the cinema show is that the ability to explicate what you mean and for me originally it was it was art how to position the product that I was creating relative to a million other people and why it was beneficial or different and and that certainly carried on into my life as an entrepreneur being able to be precise about displaying the vision and mission that you have or that you're you're going for it turns out getting other people to be excited about your stuff is very valuable and if you can't tell what you tell people what you're doing or why or in the case of a creator trying to get people excited about what you're building what you're making and selling that you're gonna struggle so there's this it's I'll never forget Leon Rosenstein this is one of the professors at San Diego's the fine is the to San Diego State San Diego State where I went not so fine I went there in the soccer scholarship however he wrote it's more important to have a well-formed rather than well filled mind yes I feel like philosophy gave that although the senses art is an interest let me share with you a funny funny experience I had a year or two ago so I'm always very curious to learn about our I actually don't know very much I know that a lot of people know more and so I went to this event at MoMA and I did the kind of that that earn a student thing and I sat in the front row because I was like I want to learn about this and and so the curator gonna starts up and says so I'm gonna start with some pieces by my my favorite up-and-coming artists or one of my favorite up-and-coming artists and it's this professor about my at the MIT Media Lab Neri Oxman who's a friend I was like wait I know something was awesome anyway so it was a kind of a funny art like thing cuz I actually agree with you about that creativity that invention not only is that super important for the human condition super important for how we express ourselves we find our identities how we make something of ourselves in the world have meaningful lives but I actually think part of this whole understanding kind of the art world and being able to express it precisely is I think that as we as we go more into the world of automation and kind of work force change actually in fact those elements of creativity are going to be critical for for the many of the job industries that are going to be growing and so I actually think it's more important than ever that we actually learn that study it you know promote it enable it within the world so no beautiful and that's a feather in the cap for everywhere everyone who's listening watching I just gave keynote at the next web the big European tech conference and the title of the quinoa's creativity is the new literacy focused specifically on you know and right before me was a robot on stage and it was it's a tech conference so I got to be the very unpopular s'en and say all right futures AIA rvi VR all of the acronyms and that only works if the machines are a layer on our own creativity and obviously somewhat controversial but I I really and it's great to hear you sort of underscore or punctuate at that point that is one of the things that that separates us from something there's pieces on the planet and they're our ability to not just think critically but take two things at one point unlikely to be connected putting them together to make something new and novel and so there you go one of the the the brain of Silicon Valley is focusing us on creativity if you're not if you're not paying attention you heard it here at least first first you're the first smartest person besides me I said it on this show created these new literacy so if we're falling I'm gonna pawn that thread for a second you know one of the ways that we talked about how fortunate we are to have the investors that we have is that you all see 10,000 deals a year and you have to choose ten and in many ways zero to two per partner zero to two to two per partner per year yes Wow yep so very very very few and to me what that underscores is not how lucky we are but but that you have had to become great at curating and the curation is a taste point-of-view and it's based also on all kinds of data where that data is explicit means one's you can grab and hold on a piece of paper and look at balance sheets or implicit like founder DNA or where the markets going do you think of yourself as a curator and what role does that play in your thesis around investments and how do you see the next big thing so that's interesting I probably don't think of I definitely think of myself as an editor and an investor I tend to think of curators as putting a set of things in juxtaposition like a museum curator as well this is how I do the hallway this is what I put next to each other yeah this is how I set up the thing and so I don't tend to do that across my investments that's interesting because each investment is like a unique shot on goal the way I think about it going back to our philosophy backgrounds is our comedian levers like the company the technology the product the service is a lever by which you move the world and can you can you make that lever big and robust enough through kind of go to market strategy is building a product building a service etc and and so each one is actually in fact more unique in part because by the way you know part of what you tend to do when you invest in something is you ally with it and you become a we're trying to help this this this work and so you have to be careful that if you have projects or in the same space both of those projects are super comfortable with you being involved with both projects right so so to some degree it tends to be the and now for something you know kind of different and now for something different and now for something different versus curation now the thing that you do though is that you're looking for some combination of amazing entrepreneurial talent something that makes a huge difference if it pulls off its risks and works and that's something that that that initial plan for getting there which always changes over time is something that shows a coherent shot on that market a shot on that on that and then coal and the the frequent the the challenge the creation is is you meet lots of people and lots of projects you'd love for them to work you know they're interesting to do yeah and the the challenge you end up with is 0 to 2 per year so this is interesting if you've earned it you're interesting projects we'd be done in June that's yes January 8th yes exactly right and so and so part of the discipline comes to is this one of those few right because if you do just one of those few then you end up with a because the by the way the other thing about them is frequently these projects are ten plus year dries yeah seven years and who would have thought so so you really go into it and so that's that's the kind of thing and so it's it's it's it has that highly selective highly thought combination of art in science there's always some martin the judgment as well as as metrics and data and science and learning and expertise and then and then when you when you go you're in it for a while yeah i guess i feel it i feel the support from you guys and I watched you interact with other founders you get to a good job bringing us together we just at a summit I find those things incredibly valuable get to hang out with other people who are all on this together all having the same problems well obviously that summit was also in the scale yeah that was called great scale yeah and that was like one of the things we'd realized was said oh well not only should read be writing this book teaching this class and doing this podcast but also we should actually bring a group of people who were all tackling these problems and having them meet each other have them meet a bunch of interesting content on the stage and try to amplify these journeys so true and one of the things so Joe Gebbia from Airbnb we've been in the same circles before he'd been here two creativeLIVE we reconnected at the event and he's been on the show Accor with joe not too long ago so in the I guess I learned things from Joe Joe's design sense is also amazing incredible and that's one of the things I'm kind of doing is I want to flip the script on you here and see how you do so what Joe advocates and I advocate here on creativeLIVE has been to do unscalable things and the example of unscalable you know and then you figure out how to scale them obviously if they work but with Joe and harken to some of the audience here who are watching today one of the biggest game changers in their trajectory was professional photographs of the spaces at Airbnb and he said at first him and Brian they went door-to-door for the top 20 properties in New York before they were anything and photographed them as opposed to dirty dishes in the sink and having the owners of the Airbnb photographs themselves so they went there Varian scale won't have the founding team backpacking around New York for five days take all these photographs and and Joe you know touts that is a game-changer for like literally when they started doing professional photographs that the trajectory their business changed so as someone who advocates scale and being a master of it how does this wildly creative but non-scalable activity how does that how do you reconcile those things well so as you probably know actually in fact Joe and Brian Chesky were both at RISD and the title of the episode that featured Brian was handcrafted right yeah which is first you have to do things that don't scale in order to scale and so the story about going door to door the pictures some other things were all things that were part of that episode and look the normal thing is everyone presumes that you should start doing the scalable things right away it's one of the mistakes that comes in in and almost never are you actually building the scale the first thing that you're doing with it and if you did you just imagine trying to build all the things the scale on day one you'd never get 90% of them done yes you'd actually is never get or did you just die and so and so part of what you what you do is you say okay whether its product market fit and resonance of customer as well it's okay let's it's the same reason why you prototype let's let's see how this works let's see which parts of this are particularly important to do and and so part of what Brian and Joe do is that they they have this process that called 10-star design I don't know if you've heard this from them but it's it's like an event what's the 10 star experience and so they said ok well say you're going somewhere well the 10 star experience is your plane lands and the entire city of San Francisco is lined up in a row to greet you welcoming the mayor is there no with with flowers and a beverage you know excetera is that dried and spread is that okay well can't do 10 stars what does nine stars look like and so forth down to oh wait seven stars we can do scalably right and so let's do that and and so it's a design process and then it's a prototype and try it and it's actually at every level it's not just a product it's also frequently organization frequently questions around kind of like unique strategies and go to market yeah all of those things have this initial handcrafted phase and to me that's I think it's the Eames brothers that if a quote about you know the makers of the chairs and furnitures the details aren't the details the details are the thing and to me that's one of the things that Airbnb his and especially in there you know in the last five years it just done such an amazing job on the details now and by the way they're doing that now because in November they they release this thing called magical trips which is we could make any place in the world a tourist destination because we enable the creativity in the Entrepreneurship of of kind of micro entrepreneurs to create an experience so for example he said why would Detroit be a tourist destination great art scene great urban farming yeah like a bunch of things and you could you could have a a entrepreneur say I am going to make Detroit a fascinating lens into the modern American cultural experience then a person might want to go for that and that's their hand crafting it right now yeah it's and they're just doing such a good job I just on the phone with one of the folks that runs a photography department they're just it's it's beautiful to watch them work right now they're just really hitting a stride I think it's cool so if we've been talking about small handcrafted for a little bit I want to go back to to scale for a second and as you there's so few folks who are on the other end of these cameras who are ever gonna build something as scales you know I think in here Creative Lab we've got 10 million students you know it's like when you have 50,000 students you want them a hundred thousand we have a hundred thousand one a million and when we hit 5 million I'm like 5 million we're just getting started I want 10 now 10 is not interesting I want a hundred million and and yet there are so many lessons that folks who are listening can apply help me uncork just a couple of the lessons that for again if there's a thousand people or watching right now who are ever going to build us a company that and them just if there's a hundred thousand people watching maybe a thousand ever going to build company that has more than a thousand employees so but yet there so there has to be so many lessons for the folks at home to take home why don't you uncork a couple of those for me so well so we've done the initially don't try to figure out scale first try to figure out other things and then be thinking about scale as you're figuring that out in order to reach to try to reshape it almost with Cheryl's lens on it yes is that kind of another one is you you very much need a strong company culture in order to scale because especially if you're scaling quickly what what what I call blitz scaling because you can get to chaotic mess and essentially you need to have horizontal accountability in a culture where it isn't like we are this from the CEO it's we all know where this and we're all holding each other accountable including you know the the individual employee holding the CEO accountable to this is our mission and so intentionally designing a culture and part of a good culture isn't just we are excellent let that's idiotic everyone's seeking be excellent a good culture is this is who we are and this is why some a players wouldn't work here and this is where we would take pain and suffering in order to stay true to our culture and so for example it early and LinkedIn what we realize is what we were gonna make a lot of our revenue from companies but like our first cultural value is members first eg the the people who use the site there for free are actually in fact our top customers not our only customer yet but our top customers because business is naturally orient towards revenue yeah so the companies are cup or customers in row each individual member and so and so part of the sacrifice is yes we will sacrifice some revenue yes we will sacrifice um things that are other valuable customers companies a want because individuals are a top customer and that's part of how you define culture in some in some good way and then the last one and you know there's obviously you know ten different episodes and masters of scale in this book that will be coming out hopefully next year you know writing that's an awesome work to do yeah the but one of the key things is also to understand triage so I think the episode with Selina tebah koala who was the founder of geek so was titled kind of fun these are all June titles burn baby burn but it's you have to let fires burn right so interesting part of in the scaling thing is there's multiple fires yeah and you focus on the ones you have to do now and let the other ones deal with later which is you know it leaves you a little bit of a sunburn don't know if there's definitely scar tissue this comes we feel good just keep telling me there's plenty of fire burning right yeah that's exactly and and part of the experience that you learn and part of why like for example a network of advisors and spord analysis is helping with a triage right and so those are amongst some of the the kind of key lessons for figuring out scalability and what's more I think the interesting thing is even if people are not themselves entrepreneurs trying to build these businesses I think it's useful for large companies to know I think it's useful for people who are trying to understand well what are the kinds of why is it the Silicon Valley is going and having the impact it is and how do I understand how to participate navigate understand that kind of transformation in the world and that those same principles in some way shape or form apply to small businesses like there is a culture in a small business and if your culture is an accountability to the people to your left and to your right and it's just your boss yeah it's gonna be yeah it's gonna be a problem all right so for the folks that are building companies one of the that's a new thing that we're talking about a lot here we've got folks like Red Bull and Microsoft and we're you know helping them educate in creativity and innovation or that the hot buzzwords right now I think one of the things that we've done great here is emotional intelligence how to be a great speaker presenter good body language and and yet when see what's the right way of getting at this so I wonder if that's the right way to go well for the folks at home are never who are never going to scale a big company and for whom these skills are critical how what's the lens that like what is the lens that these big companies put on that stuff do they care about creativity innovation do they care as we think about having to work with them or like what is what is Facebook think about creativity and innovation what does how important are these soft skills to the companies because we're this is almost a personal task here like yeah we're I'd never anticipated building an enterprise side of creativeLIVE and now it's just all this in it's coming over the transom tell me that it's valuable or tell me to you know bark up a different tree and if it's valuable why so well it's obviously very valuable it's difficult to teach and help cause learn and it's difficult to it's a little bit like you know everyone knows that you need to be innovative in the modern world and then you say what is that and it's like challenging and so it's on the edge of like what maybe want to go here and it's a little bit of a squishy topic this is the culture part because we need a culture of creativity innovation you need a culture of transformation and helping people like all the soft skills they used to be nice to have and now it's obvious that the companies that are masters at that they promote that so how should people think about learning these skills well so look I think that people have a natural aversion actually people tend to be more risk-averse so the bulk of humanity tends to be I don't I want to avoid error more than I want to accomplish amazing things yeah and it's reason one-off it's rational you know it's part of how we get trained is like you know for example avoiding the you know being eaten by the lion is more important than getting the banana yes so you are two million year old brain it's killing us yeah it's getting in our way yeah so you know rational enough and understood but the challenge is is that actually in fact more and more of how we navigate our careers is like playing it safe is actually slow death right versus a chance at at a at serious life and so part of what you when you need to say okay I need to figure out how I can be creative being creative always involves some risk there's always that sense of vertigo and creativity because it's like I did this thing and I think it's amazing but it's not always amazing and I'm scared I'm scared yeah right and so from a from an individual point of view you need to navigate that and you learn the skills and you need to be able to take the risk and then from a accompanying a cultural point of view you need to be sufficiently encouraging it doesn't mean like actually one of the funniest things I saw from a company one says we celebrate failure like that's idiotic nobody does that nobody in Silicon Valley celebrates failure what we celebrate is is learning and learning fast which includes failure and recovery and so having that in your in your culture which is you know how do we essentially you know kind of build something amazing is really cool and give you an example of modern SEO context the team that built the Alexa echo is the same team more or less that built the Kindle Fire phone now you say okay Kindle Fire phone not a big commercial success the normal that was the nicest way it's ever been put yes not a big commercial success you know fair enough fair enough Jeff maybe on the show some day we got to be yes preserver right so but part of Jeff being a great CEO is he didn't do what you would expect like a MBA program say well that's the team and you get rid of of and then was it a healer okay look we put we took that shot what's our next good shot Oh building this other device and so literally that whole team moved over to that - the people who just only wanted to work on phones yeah I mean literally the same team and that's the kind of culture that if you have it encourages people to continue to take creative shots yeah and when they look around and see that's how other people are treated or maybe I can - maybe I can actually go take that risk and so forth because as long as I'm learning you know making a really intelligent play for it and recovering and playing in that I know that the company has you know my back has this alliance with me yeah and that's super valuable beautifully put thank you for bringing my sort of I wasn't quite sure how to get at it we'll talk about the Alliance in a second which you just mentioned before we do I think what we're gonna keep pulling on this is red which is some of the things that that the modern company you know small medium and large have to focus on because it creates amazing things the the inputs need to change in order to create greater outputs and more impressive out butts in one of those things it's been become wildly evident is diversity inclusion and I was wondering if you could talk a little bit about that I know it's it's on the hearts and minds and lips of a lot of smart folks but you have I think a unique perspective on it so talking about that if you can so Silicon Valley very justly gets some criticism about not being sufficiently diverse and inclusive and and you know like there's kind of two simplistic points of view on this one simplistic point of view is to say hey look it's a meritocracy and all just works out and these people are all idiots right like like there are many more talented minorities who are capable of playing this game that are in this game right here yeah and so full stop that statement is just categorically wrong yeah so simple what you wanna symbol view number two is oh it's all because you're sexist racist etc and your end and and the whole industry is corrupt down to the last usually this case white man standing or white Chinese Indian and the Silicon Valley case and that that no one's really trying to work on this and make it happen and so I'm so just a little but and and and the truth is we have a serious problem we need to fix and it's a hard problem yeah right and you actually need to get through it and part of it goes everything from pipeline choose which you have to work on to put in extra energy it's a little bit like when you know there's a problem if you think you're a good person are you putting extra energy every single person to try to solve this yeah over-indexing on that yes because that's how you say yes I care about this yes I'm doing it not I'm just gonna white what you know what yeah sure I care about diversity yeah if it so happens to be the right diverse candidate calls me then hey I'll hire them yeah like no no you care you work right you you you put energy and blood into it now I think one of the things that you're also referring to is a couple weeks back I wrote a post called the diversity pledge because we have a we have a particular problem the venture industry and that there's a the vast majority of venture capitalists two men that's part of the diversity problem of something that we need to improve seriously and you know gray locks been working on it and and other firms have been working on it it's you know it's there are firms that are actually yeah really working on yes absolutely and but the problem is there doesn't exist essentially an HR function between VCS entrepreneurs and if you roughly say let say there is 3,000 VCS I don't know what the number is in Silicon Valley you know some percentage of them 10 5 to 20 or something don't understand that that that any kind of sexual approach to people from and then the positions of entrepreneurs pitching them for money is wrong the same way that a you know a company manager would say hey it's just consenting adults or a university professor would say hey it's just consenting adults me okay no no no no no no zap our dynamic the power dynamic it is categorically unacceptable it makes the other person feel unsafe it makes them feel unwelcome you know makes them feel that this is not the right place for them people don't care and so it's bad right straight up straight up bad yeah and so what happened is Reid Albert Gotti the reporter for the information where this excellent story very well researched and there was insufficient protests and outrage about this and and I've been feeling it and I read through a post from Sarah Lacy on Pando and I went if she's exactly right and and so I got up early one Friday morning more to create a kind of a shaped here is how we can we can we can put a set of voices together on this which is look until we establish what the right HR function is everything else are which you know have to have investigation and have to look at this with Salman judicious now Reid did that he he reviewed a ton of women got three of them on the record right yeah three other ones reporting similar incidences not on the record so you don't have any he said she said as I put on my post you have a he said they said a very different category of of argument response and and we should simply say all of us will simply not do business with these people whether you're an LP GP an entrepreneur you you find this in don't do business though and that's a minimum statement it's it's in it's in the direction and then part of this modern social media world is you you create a hashtag for it you create a movement for it so that people can sign up but that was decency pledge and that I think has had some positive implications in decency pledge yes I was at home yeah it's really exactly it's turned into something very powerful and and I think we're now looking at what are the things that we do in order to help cement and and make the inertia towards that much better pattern behavior now one thing I want to say because some of the comments are on this stuff I thought was it's just important mention is look there are a bunch of bad jerks you know with terrible behavior and we should disallow that as much as possible that doesn't mean that's still a minority it's only a small percentage of them yeah and so that mean we'll say Silicon Valley bad tech industry bad so there's I'm in a row yeah some jerks and we should not let the jerks be jerks yeah I'm accountable yes and hold them accountable and and and part of the reason like probably the central drive I had for this is the more entrepreneurs including most especially because as we have unrepresented underrepresented is women entrepreneurs that we have the more creativity will have the more great companies will have the more talent and the data is pretty clear they actually grow company women grow companies faster than men on X Y Z's yeah it's super important right and so literally there's a moral principle but it's also just a self-interested principle yeah we want to make sure that they all feel like yes this is this is a welcoming community this is a place that I can play this is a things I can do and it's beholdin all of us to make that happen is it's I just wanted to applaud you for taking the stand that was really inspirational and there's a ton of work today where creativeLIVE we are on average a hundred percent higher than Silicon Valley and or national averages on women and leadership across every single position at from from manager to executive team I think I'm really proud of that and I think the the on the other side of diversity inclusion is not any sort of quota but just the richness of the environment the opportunity for great ideas come from coming from a wide range of backgrounds and disciplines and to me it that's just been so empowering it's been really fun and I think that's a message that I want to make sure the people out there in the world here so I've got a couple of notes here one of them is is about leadership and I think you have either hired coached mentor or are yourself one of the best leaders in in entrepreneurship today and I look at Jeff Weiner as an amazing leader he's someone who who James introduced you to and I found a mistaken you hired him the CEO of LinkedIn also his record is impeccable is just an amazing leader but you also get to see leaders and this is leaders of all company sizes because there are people that have three employees that walk into Greylock and have one yeah sometimes one employee of one right I got an idea and I'm I'm the sole employee what are some of the most classic mistakes but you see leaders making and at any scale or any size well this is obviously a ton so the list of errors is is is law much longer than a list of successes that too techniques let's see let's go for some of the more subtle and important ones again the first is that the game changes this is a little bit like the massive scale and blitzscaling your house and frequently what happens is what got you here is not all to get you there and so like for example another of the kinda lessons in that we might we might and then the next masters of scale season focus as an episode is you go from doers to managers and doers you know who we're all managers are also doers to managers of doers to executives of managers and and this whole the the whole nature of the leadership game changes as you go through this time yeah my sequence and you have to constantly be asking yourself what does the new game look like so sure you might have learned you might have really done the old game but it's a new game right and so that's one and come back by the way you know cut the importance of culture the importance of high integrity all of those states saying but for example how do you manage communications or how or what are your responsibilities leader those kinds of things change so that's one I'd say another is to really actually think about so and get in scaling and that pattern is people tend a little bit to try to get to stay to comfortable and some parts of it are important so for example one of things I learned from Jeff is the importance of the parallels between the leaders Jeff Weiner leadership team and sports teams which is in efficiency of working together a shorthand of working together a ability to make decisions an effective a shared context and a set of those things that that really make a high-performance team yeah and that's super important but you also want to be thinking a lot about when do you make transitions and it's another and actually another person I had met through Jeff is a guy named Fred Kauffman who is an excellent offer book called a conscious business which i think is actually in fact one of the things that when you think about let people say why are you making transitions and leadership it's cuz you're a hard-edged and you're you know you're making a difficult decision where you shove that person off the boat and so forth and actually in fact Fred makes this awesome and very important point in the book which is if you think of compassion is like for example take for example doctors working on patients and you say well this is this doctor is not doing the job well well when you actually get them out of building you're actually being hugely compassionate to patients and so compassion is this aggregate thing it's it's your customers it's your employees it's the set of things and so you have to have compassion for the whole group which sometimes can be something difficult for an individual or a small number of individuals but you're trying to maximize compassionate across it and and that's another thing that Jeff Weiner is a great theorist and practitioner and leader in but you need to think about changes in your team you need to think about like okay I have a deep loyalty this person but how is it like when you're when you're going through these scales how is it that I that we now really need to reconfigure in order to be appropriate for the compassion of our customers the compassion for our employees and compassion for the whole group of these things and sometimes that involves difficult changes of course that always means that you're as good for the individual as you absolutely can be and you put energy and but that's another mistake is to is to not recognize the needs and desires look for the for the right compassion the right mission outcome yeah that you need to make changes and so and like for example myself you know to apply that all the way I tend to very strongly go if I'm doing a job and I think there's someone else who's get a bow who would be better at that job I always straight for them that's part of the reason I hired Jeff Weiner it's like you know I wanted someone who is world class and who wakes up on Saturday morning going how do I build an awesome organization doing this that that's one of the things to do well I didn't think about product problems and business model problems and strategy problems and I kind of think okay I'll do the org in order to do that but the org is not how I live breathe bleed etc and that was like oh job needs someone better Jeff better voila yeah well yeah I think Jeff is one of the most highly rated CEOs that I've ever seen and very inspirational on the on the tone of empathy compassion compassionate leader for folks at home if you're interested in leadership Jeff is an amazing amazing guy how about this I wanted to go back to the Alliance I put a pin in that and I'm gonna circle back first Brooke was the startup of you second book was the Alliance and I'm gonna give just a brief overview and then ask you a couple specific questions so for the folks at home the Alliance is a it's realizing and recognizing that the relationship between employer and employee is changing the dynamic used to be 40 years gold watch you know retire Salif under the sunset and now it's very different and the hope is that a company can add value to the employee beyond just the paycheck and and the way that you do that is by having a relationship and so as an employee you could come into an organization that believes in this principle and know that you're gonna grow and develop and that's the thing that we promise here at creativeLIVE and in turn the the company gets people who are dedicated who are not going to be mercenaries and who want to serve a couple tours of duty learn some things and the question now that I've set that background and the question is why did you write that book isn't that it doesn't that harm you you can still operate on those principles but now everyone's got the secret and obviously there's a little tongue-in-cheek here yeah but it sure with me so I'll just be biographical narrative so how the book came about was that I had written this book to start with you would we did a show great job and and part of that that that books our view came from the commencement speech that I gave my high school the Putney school because I was like what do I say to a bunch of high school students like what is my pad have to do with and although it's a very art school and I was like what what is my entrepreneurial path have to do with them because like very few end up being entrepreneurs they end up being educators NGO as a bunch of other things you know broadly I mean obviously there's a whole spectrum and and so what I did is it be the entrepreneur of your own life learn like the modern life is you don't have to start companies but the skill set of entrepreneurs is a skill set that you need for a meaningful successful stable safe all of those things Modern Life and so so I gave that speech commencement speeches the ones I write so send it around people said oh we should write the book I went huh too busy Oh Ben wrote this other really good book and make Ben will do this with me and we could do that and so Ben and I then guess no can I did that together and then what happened is after I did all that I went oh I'm here at LinkedIn and yes there's a shared philosophy behind LinkedIn on the startup of you but I should I should let send this to all of our corporate clients and I went wow if I sent this to our corporate clients they go oh you're telling me my employees should quit and start businesses even though yes it's about being adapted creative entrepreneurial yeah like just not necessarily starting companies but but just being you is how you live and work and so I went alright let's write an essay about why it's so critical to have these talented creative people and how do you hire manage McCreight them and what are some of the things that people like me and other people here in Silicon Valley do for that and so I wrote up an essay sent it off to HBR because I figured okay you know Harvard Business Review would be the place to do this and and they said Oh we'd love to publish his essay but would you really like to publish the book and I was like oh book need and and so we they signed you up for another six months with the work then didn't they yes but you know Ben Casto couldn't crochet we we all came together and that was actually the the simplest book process that at least I've participated in as it was literally just describe what you do yeah yeah and make that available to folks and you know we got some critique saying look this is only true for high-growth industries there's more true for tech this is true for when you have a lot of creative talent and and all which is partially true but I'd say the whole world is going that way yeah right and so look this is the Lee understand the whole world's going that way and there's a particular thing doesn't surprise me that you gave the the strong positive rendition of here's the solution all we do this is you but there's another particular thing that was that we we detailed in the book which was important kind of sounds like most people said wow that's for that aspirational or for the stars there's the whole company's like no it's for the whole company in the modern work world we all know that people don't the general rule is you don't work at one company your whole life you go work in a number of companies and then you think how many times does the manager and the employee have that conversation about that possibility zero yes right exactly zero then you say okay what is the implication of that because they both know it everybody about it and no one's talking about it it erodes trust because if there's something that's a real issue between us like oh well maybe one or both of us is gonna go work on the places and we're not talking about it at all then that means we don't really have a trusted relationship oh you want to have a company without trusted relationships good luck good luck with that dressing accountability of the court ain't growing anything yeah so have a real conversation and part of the real conversation is look I'd like you might love you to work here your entire life but it may not make sense for you what we'd really love you to is help transform our company and then we will make sure that your career is all transformed in a path whether it's with us or else place and that's the premise of the Alliance it's beautiful yeah really is and I read it as a I came back to take over CEO a few years ago and and needed to do some rebuilding and it was so helpful thoughtful it's the things that everyone's thinking and no one's saying yes that to me makes a great business book so embedded in there I think is is a little bit of you personally and we haven't talked over there talking about your companies your scales your your scale your show your firm leadership principles very theoretical I want to talk about you for a few minutes here and a question is is there a part of your schedule your personal schedule that you protect from outside influence such that you have room for the big boulders because real thought transformative thought meaningful that you know those the big boulders and as a as someone who is always working on self-improvement and trying to find the right recipe here we know what are the big boulders that you put in the pitcher of water first to raise the level of the water such that you can drink it and all the little boulders they go around that so what are your big boulders how do you protect create cultivate the scheduler that you want such you've got room to do these things so I need to do that better that's not one of the things that I do particularly well part of it is that I have a little a few too many day jobs at the moment so there's LinkedIn at Microsoft there's Greylock there's portfolio companies there's working on books podcasts there's trying to avoid what I think of as the Trump pocalypse in terms of this yes and and so a whole stack of things and so that means that I've actually enormous leery active across a across a large set of things now in theory more than in practice right but I I work I've appreciate your vulnerability only in and on that I work towards the the the the practice what I find is that in order to be seriously creative I need to essentially clear my mind usually the night before so I need to not be redlining getting stuff so up up to whatever hour but also like stressing and like the the evening before needs to be it doesn't have to be sedate but it has to be the kind of calming yeah I'm already good night's sleep and then the very first thing get up and don't accept any other interruptions and is it a half day three days whatever thing is then immerse yourself in that minimum two to three hours to really get going and sometimes what I'll do is I'll try to do that if I'm really working is I'll try to repetitively do calm for hours other stuff for the rest of the calm for hours calm for hours as a way to do that because I also find that or even spaced out like knock like one day a week because I coming because what I find is the background processes of I'm working on it I tackled it and then I put it back on the shelf and then I pull it off the shelf he is very helpful for coming up with the right ideas yeah and common in that answer I've had so many great thinkers and friends and peers and leaders like yourself here in the show and that is a theme just real blocks of time where it's quiet and those of us use lead chaotic lives you're always traveling and and there's a lot of interesting things and we're we're like crows we see shiny objects passionate about that it's it there's no one's ever said I do my best work in in the throws of problems you can be your best because you can rise the occasion but your best biggest freest thinking no one's ever said that it happens when stuff going haywire so it's a it's refreshing B I find interesting or would you consider yourself a morning person because you want to get up and be active or is that just on the back end of a quiet evening followed by seven or eight hours of sleep and and is it the quiet before that is cultivating that over time I find that my creativity goes down the more different projects and different emergencies that I've responded to right so so it isn't so much necessarily morning person as much as to have maximally distanced myself from a triage firefighting that is most of my life yeah and so that's the calming of evening and then asleep and then get up and you're not being interrupted yeah right and so that is what I met my most creative that's when I met my most kind of blank page that's what I prefer to read like I I prefer if I'm gonna try to read you know whether it's you know anything from sapiens to you know the seventh sense or any of these these you know super interesting books over the last few years what I what I try to do is I try to say I want the Clair the the to be able to read it and have it stimulate my own thinking stimulate my creativity but that means I need to not be all I needed to do that oh I need to get that done oh wait wait wait this problem needs to be solved this might this might solve it you know yeah because that's what the normal pay says and if I if that's already been activated it's hard for me to calm down from it I can yeah but it's much better to just have it all quiet what I'm focused yeah and hey thanks again for being vulnerable say you're not as good at that as you want to be yeah well that's something that the folks at home and I'm trying to get good I've been a terrible sleeper my whole life I'm focusing on sleeping Ariana's been bashing about that of course but and you know these dimmers on the computers and yeah oh yeah you got my phone damn returns orange like Santa clock I'm like I remember I did this so it was easier on my eyes and I very much want to turn this up so I can see this but I resist but as a result I've become really protective of my mornings and so it's lovely to hear a little bit about your routine on similar tip is their belief I'm trying to get people to sort of continually examine their belief is their belief that you once held that you feel like you have a reversed course on hmm and there's probably a number of those in the most you know in recent let's see I'm trying to think of which one would be most yeah and I hate these questions as an interviewee because like I have to pick the perfect answer right now like what three albums are your favorite yeah seriously right albums like oh my god I want I don't want to say the wrong ones but just it can be something smaller and and again the the under the point behind the scenes here is that we're all always evolved you know you know and if you're actually one of my favorite questions of people is what would you tell yourself if you were to call you so like for example if you call yourself at the beginning I'm not tense as much at the beginning of yes he is creativeLIVE no-nobody integrate alive what would you tell yourself to do differently yeah because if you actually hadn't evolved your approach your skillset it's not perfect knowledge the future but yeah you're not learning yeah like changing your mind my gosh oh it is so amazing is it correlated yeah with learning right and so and beliefs by the way you should learn your beliefs to beliefs are not handed down handed down and fixed forever I'd say that the even that is a thing right just that your beliefs if they're not always changing then that's actually probably a sign if you're not learning yes exactly I think that's it maybe that's the meta yeah that's the meta well you definitely be thinking and so that that's reason I'm kind of indexing through the set of things I I guess what I would probably say is that in interesting ways I both become more optimistic and pessimistic about human nature so it isn't like I've just become more optimistic or isn't like it's it's a changing shape and what I and there's certain taxis under which is that how you are but you're doing both at the same time yeah and well like for example on one hand I think that when I look at a lot of of people's behavior in groups we have a real possibility of not just having kind of wisdom of the crowd but madness of the masses right and so like I was obviously you know seriously dismayed with with many Americans choices as Trump as president and I thought that was I thought if you look at the tweets if you look at things he says if you look at you know kind of the question of everything from implying like all Mexicans are rapists or they're setting the rapist here which is like like just an evil statement yeah right an anti-american and not the America that many of the people that I know and love bleed for yes right and so that makes you more pessimistic because you're like look I can get it saying oh look we we believe as I do not that all Trump successful businessperson will help us return in business but it's like you cannot defend that position you can't defend Trump without at least talking about how evil these things are yeah there's no such thing as alternative facts science is important and you just you go down and download reading as important knowledge is important compassion is important acknowledging error he's never done that yeah you know that kind of thing is super important and so increasing pessimism yeah because you see that happen sure and then on the other hand you know part of what is kind of delight as I get older is I think I used to have a kind of a simple model of heroism where heroes were that people like you know the the the 300 Spartans who protected Greece from from the Persians you know like this and and I think I've been delighted to see more everyday heroism and and part of where I'm remembering that this was you know in Kenner Aspen's colleagues in a sense what was the most recent stuff is last week I was at the MIT Media Lab because Joey Ito and a crew of folks there and I have helped create this thing called the MIT Media Lab disobedience prize and the event was called defiance and it was when do you take personal risk for social good and we had the the whistleblowers for the Flint water crisis who are up there we had two of the elders from the Standing Rock yes movement we had a climatologist who had been arguing climate's changing against a lot of pressure from very early and we had these two women teachers professors who had created Freedom University in Georgia because Georgia had made it illegal in universities to teach undocumented people and they said look education is how we progressed education is hardly how we become what we are it's almost like a human right so we're gonna go create freedom University and like sitting on stage with these people having given them these awards everything else was was a reminder of of despite the fact that I have these intense unhappiness about pessimism of kind of madness and masses and something's going on that they we have these everyday heroes as well and so that's that's the complicated weave that's life right that's never linear it's never and to me that I think the way you framed it is super appropriate and and I think the lens on which everyday people that's another really important thing that I want to put a pin in this episode is that because we're talking about scale and building being companies and what I've always loved about you as a leader I consider you a friend advisor that it's always at the human level the one to one and your background off the background but how you see technology and humanity interacting I know you talked about yourself as an anthropologist at your core that's about people yes and so I guess as on a transition here to I want to get to your philanthropy in just a second but talk to me about the lens this what I think is a very unique lens for someone in your position that you put on the individual like you end up betting on not just ideas in the venture world but you've been on humans you even just the examples you've given just now of everyday heroes so what role does the individual play in Reid Hoffman landscape well so in start-up view I had it's both I and we both matter right and again false dichotomies some people go we as only matters than actually an eye is only matter it's an issue it's like narrow both its individuals in a you know tribe in a group and so forth and so individuals in my view and sometimes you know like Eastern philosophers may think that this is an overly Western perspective you know going back to the philosophy background individuals I think are fundamental it's the accountability the the the onus that all of us have are the instruments of change all right the decision to make a difference the decision to do something decision to take a risk that's one reason leadership so important and so like roughly speaking for example as an investor I almost never invest in somebody unless I think that they are what I call infinite learners which is capable of learning the things at speed in order to make this game go because the Entrepreneurship game changes constantly and so I am a huge believer in the importance and central individuals and individual choices and individual responsibilities individual power and order make this stuff happened leadership on the other hand people you know frequently calling themselves libertarians and I was thinking all the raises individuals and I actually no no we're individuals and Alliance we're individuals in a group or individuals and share mission it's very team etc right and and so I think that the the thing is we say well I'm the I that's also part of the we and that both matter and so for example again and good leaders in entrepreneurship when you have an entrepreneur sizzles all about me they're almost always gonna be terrible leaders and they're almost always going to construct blood companies that are kind of scale right you really want people who go how do I get as many amazing people people who are you know more amazing than me to help with this mission and those are the kinds of leaders that usually go a very long way awesome embedded in there was a little bit of a hint towards your work as a philanthropist and Tim Ferriss good friend of mine and 10-year friend we've both been on his show before and there's a lot of crossover between our audiences and you talked on one of the podcasts that you did with Tim about some of the nonprofit work that you're excited about and you know there's been so many names drop we've talked a lot about books people are taking notes we'll have this in the show notes of course but rather than just say how do you support Reid Hoffman in Reid's life as a business person let's not read as a philanthropist and what are some things you're doing and I'm involved in change and Kiva and there's all kinds of stuff like what are some ways that people who love your message can support you or talk to me about something your nonprofit stuff so there's many good missions great missions in the world and for me part of what I do is I say okay which ones do I have a unique toolset Archimedean levers to make a really big impact occasion I also do something just to support friends and because it has my own personal residence or something but by large the bulk of it is the very big changes and so there's one sloth that is how do we create the right that consumer internet technologies that make a huge difference so change the word enable people to aggregate their voices to to power to companies to governments and say change your point of view change your policy right change what you're doing here to make it more human to make it more compassion to to last more yes exactly so so there's a whole stack around that individual empowerment going back to individuals kind of Kiva it's like how do you enable individuals as micron Trinette entrepreneurship broadly because part of how we make progress is we create these new industries new jobs so also endeavor which is high-impact entrepreneurs around the world you know I can keep going through various things I mean the most recent was but look this is again when you look at where you can be for me when I can be you know kind of uniquely creative and Joe and I were sitting around and I was like look I have this theory that universities can have a much bigger impact in the world by using prizes and we talked about it some and and we talked about what the media labs mission is which is building things all things and we we came up with the the essentially the disobedience prize right love it right and and part of it is that again highlight the people who take personal risk for social good and it isn't just political like obviously amongst the amazing heroes of our you know kind of you know this of our last century America your Martin Luther King it said it doesn't always have to be political sometimes it's art sometimes it's science sometimes it's you know Galileo right and and so and so you know like okay well that's a unique idea it isn't necessarily technology it isn't necessarily you know entrepreneurship but that kind of thing could actually have a big big chance I know the entrepreneur the group to do it the Media Lab it's award committee you know Joey and so forth and so there's a just a there's a stack of things and actually four people were curious almost everything that I do that involves kind of serious philanthropy I write about at some point just that people are are aware of it you know so for example oh and then the other thing I think is important also to think about and philanthropy is like multiple scales so yes I do think about world impact mostly but like local here to San Francisco you know I've helped the Exploratorium a bunch because science museums and children and exploration creativity and then Second Harvest Foodbank down in on the peninsula because by the way if you don't if you don't feed people just hoping that's important yeah human potential it's the it's a raw squandering of human potential and sometimes you say look if they can just get on their feet and get fed healthy food you know they have a chance of doing something amazing yeah and obviously you know one of the other things I think one of the things that I most try to shift America culture and fate in the direction of is is the spider-man line which is with power comes responsibility one of things I I fear comes too easily with kind of an individualist libertarian bent is to say well it's my money in every well no no it's the money that you've you've gained by being part of the society you have responsibility and so we here in Silicon Valley look there's a there's a bunch of people here who are suffering even trouble we should help them right doesn't mean you have to do everything doesn't have to drop you know everything we're doing but it's again that what are you doing to instantiate the fact you're a good person that you are responsible you're doing something on so so this year for me it's a Second Harvest Foodbank huge yeah cool just with Tony Robbins in New York last week it's gonna feed a hundred million people yes sure yeah the thought of just these fundamental things that you know Scott Harrison has been on the show charity water then this is amazing amazing job and I've just I've always loved your you seem to fight fires at so many different levels you're just talking about mass and global scale and then the food buck Food Bank down the street so much for us to learn from you I want to say thank you so much for being on the show we'll make sure that to Capshaw this is a very dense show we'll try and we went to covered a lot of ground I'll try and capture all the show notes I want to say egg and thank you thanks to Greylock for the support that you guys have given us at creative specifically you transformed a lot of lives and I feel like you got a lot left to give so thank you very much appreciate it be on the show if you're at home watching this listening wherever you are when your ears your eyes stay tuned they're probably another episode out you
Channel: Chase Jarvis
Views: 21,994
Rating: 4.7902622 out of 5
Keywords: chase jarvis, chasejarvis, creativity, business, entrepreneur, artist, creative, freelance, photography, career, advice, reid hoffman, interview, linked in, founder, ceo, startup, podcast, investor, greylock, masters of scale, billionaire, paypal, VC, venture capitalist, leadership, LinkedIn
Id: ka--XKeI-o8
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Length: 79min 31sec (4771 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 30 2017
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.