Reforged Deep Dive | Elden Rings Very Promising Mod

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hello everybody today we're diving into Elden ring reforged a mod that brings back the good old Katana Perry we can deflect adding a new layer to the combat torrent has taken some severe amounts of speed new status effects new and improved encampments that actually pose quite a challenge and there's also a couple of new bosses but what really makes this mod unique besides the obvious deflect system is the way we can change the difficulty if you are up for the ultimate Challenge there is something here for you or if you just want to take it easy there is something here for that as well I mainly play it on the hard mode but did also dabble with the shura preset these settings involves a improved AI system which I question at the start but truly is noticeable while playing then we also have the four Tunes with these we can Niche our gameplay to a certain style this system is really cool and I highly suggest trying a couple of them out so what is the hard mode like well enemies are really tanky and deal more damage status effects like bleeding frosts are not going to save the day here they are by no means you useless but not nearly as strong as in vanilla the improved AI is in my opinion the most noticeable out in the world where one is used to just cut through most enemies like they're nothing but in reforged one can't take such things for granted and must always be a bit more careful at the round table there is a chest that contains a new item which basically works like a Pokedex with a sign of the all-knowing we can Mark enemies kill them and then they're added to the Codex it's good to make habit of doing this when engaging new enemies as they will give more runes after the fact I did previously mention the encampments these areas always contain one or several enemies with red eyes these are not only way more powerful than the rest but is also required to kill to be able to open the chest there all of the loot in these chests have been changed to some sort of equipment which some even come with a bonus effect so if you see an area with red-eyed enemies it is usually worth it to check them out and see what kind of reward you got the way we could normally access some areas has also been changed for example the door to garage sales is now closed it's the same thing with the teleporters in liernia forcing us to play things out a bit differently one small change that I really like is that smart now has the key to real Courier in his mouth I did not test if you can actually grab it from there while he is alive but we do get it once we take him out forcing us to engage in some content that we could normally just skip there are many of these small changes across the lands between where we'd easily be able to get up strong plus 4 weapon is now capped to plus three I did check and this locks us out from a higher level weapon until either go to Altus or kill it besides having a new spell renal is not the same in reforged it is way harder to break enemy's Poise everybody knows that Phase 2 ronalda is a breeze because he just laid on her and she can't do anything not here they did a really good job of making bosses that are quote unquote easy more difficult but not always in the way you'd expect for example the Earth tree avatars have the ability of using the physic they drop once killed in combat really throwing me for a loop in several occasions as you can see here this guy suddenly started flowing and then released the exploding physic on me same goes for the bubble tier we get from the one in Weeping Peninsula we now get the halves of the dectus medallions after killing the blood frenzy knights in Fort height as well as Fort Gale we can still go through the precipice in the hernia to get to Altus but since we can't access the dragon borrow as early anymore this change makes a lot of sense on the broken bridge in Lim grave that takes us to leernia is now a fallen Cavalry probably named so because it fell from his horse after killing him we get a no-skill ash of War this did cracked me up as it really takes no skill to take them out when they're not riding the way we craft things have also been changed here we can craft different substances that are required for normal consumables or throwing items as well as the science of the all-knowing don't really know how to feel about it but felt like it was worth to mention nonetheless out in the world and in usually quite obscure places we can find runic traces with any ass help we can turn fragments into various binding runes this does in a way work like a level but there are some small unique benefits to get from each of the major bosses you need 20 of these fragments to craft one single binding Rune but if you regret your choice you can simply just use it from your inventory to get the 20 fragments back onwards to my personal favorite change of the mod red main Castle getting there is not nearly as simple as it usually is as the freaking catapults got aim hack and will kill you many times upon reaching the castle the main gate is now open and we'll hear a tune that we recognize from the pages in Lane Dell out on the clip side there is a new Grace but we cannot get into the castle from this side just yet on the inside there's a bunch of locked doors so we need to find a new way to Traverse it among some soldiers there's of course Pages here now this one in particular is protecting a new painting and I don't know if you noticed that but there is some sort of plunge attack now in this mod as well once we finally dispose of that guy we can pick up the falling sky painting unfortunately we cannot see the full painting from the inventory so make sure to take a screenshot to keep track of it I'll not spoil where this leads and what you get but it is worth pursuing with the door opened we can now get inside from Cliff Graves we got earlier and yes we can't deflect arrows and even spells with nowhere else to go we need to jump across the side to get to a ladder up here is a soldier as well as a pumpkin head take care of them and then drop down on the burning Pirates there's Alabaster Lords hanging possibly blaming them for what happened to radon once we get to the inner Courtyard things will look more like we're used to the door to the grace is unfortunately locked so we yet again have to find another way in this is where I really started to notice the hard modes AI changes I was desperate for more heals and ended up getting caught by a bunch of men taking shelter inside the tower did not prove to be much of a help a soldiers just started turning up from nowhere for some reason this reminded me quite a bit of Dark Souls 2 scholar of the first sin Edition while running from enemies was not an option as they just chase you for what felt like an eternity well at least we had the grace did I learn from my mistakes no I tried to rush past previously defeated enemies and I got caught in even more trouble than before all of these guys suddenly started chasing me like I was cattle and they were flies at least it did turn up to be some good content after making it through all of that I finally made it to the grace and into the Boss Arena inside we fight azash Pride of the red Maids with a sword infused with fire he attacks a similar passion to all of these lion type enemies the interesting part of this pipe starts at half HP where it goes into his second phase not very different from Rodan he turns into a small meteor of blame and comes down with an explosion he also spews fire all over the ground that does hurt quite a bit every now and then he charges forth like a ball of flame sometimes even erupting it from himself all in all a pretty cool fight with a pretty cool reward his blade Fury of bazash it's a big curved sword with a fiery Lion's claw Ash of War adding fire to our weapon after we use it unlike most weapons I tried this thing dealt quite a bit of damage and often staggered after successive hits I immediately put it to use and killed a falling star Beast that dropped another new weapon the star-colored Spire this along with a couple of other weapons are called weapon catalysts and are unique in the way that they can also act as staves in other words they can cast spells this gives us a whole new way of playing the game spells also work a little differently here some spells makes you game FP on hit this opens up a very flexible way of playing a Caster style build and tries to force you not to only spam the same spells there are catalysts for incantations as well so don't worry speaking of changes there are some areas that have now removed the use of torrent for example the town of Celia so do forget about your fancy skips while exploring you'll notice that some places where you'd get stone sword keys or upgrade mats have been changed to the sign of the all-knowing instead classic Gideon ruining the fun oh I am in the dragon Barrow I might as well Chase Grail nope not gonna work in the war dead catacombs where we'd usually fight the tree spirit is an hour Miss begotten Warrior wielding ruins Greatsword this guy is not only extremely aggressive but he also makes good use of the sword leaving gravital explosions after non-stop Relentless assaults I had way more problems with this guy than I'd like to admit in reforged the pacing of white is just a little different and it takes some getting used to at least on the higher difficulty settings after taking him down we do get the sword for ourselves all ashes of War consumes more FP in reforged flasks also gives less HP and FP on use with every successful hit with a weapon though you gain a small bit of FP so one has to stay a bit flexible not sure if I'm the only one that feels this way but enemies that can use sorceries have a tendency to really spam them one small thing that I really never noticed until I fought Loretta is that the iframe window is slightly smaller I was really surprised that I died from that bow attack here deep down in nocron in the night's sacred ground will received farani is another new boss the nox night Maiden while she herself fights just like any normal Knight Maiden would do this boss is in my opinion one of the more tedious fights in the entire game at two different points in the fight she will turn herself in vulnerable and summon up an ally to assist her this in itself does not sound too bad but she keeps chasing you around casting Silver Mist forcing you to move around all the time to try to single out the summon from my experience here she normally summons out one out of four enemies a black knight assassin a pumpkin head a battle mage spamming sorceries and BofA with a lightning imbued sword one time however she did summon something different she summoned Melina with a question mark after her name fighting like a black knife assassin sometimes even using the Elden stars incantation but something with her was a very strange as she'd almost always just gunned it to the corner of the room and just keep running into the wall I no this might surprise you but out of all these summons the pumpkin head was by far the most frustrating to fight alright sometimes the battle mage as well but mainly because these two are so much slower than the others making it very difficult to separate them from the actual boss who's just continuously spraying her Mist after a couple of tries okay that's like eight times I think I finally managed to take her down with just a few health points remaining God this fight was so strange but it did in some weird way kinda like it not only can we progress around his quest we will also get her dagger as a reward the Knight maiden's Edge this dagger is no slouch it has s scaling index as well as the highest crit of any weapon in the game even beating the misery cord with a whopping 170 the night effect also improves stealth attack damage so one can really assassinate enemies with this very fast dagger she is not the only new thing in the underground in Knox Stella we can fight and new minibus wielding the nipple Fists patent pending after entering this room the door shuts itself and we're stuck fighting it out after defeating him he drops the knocks flowing fists I can't be the only one that prefers the nipple fists right the moveset is out of the standard fist weapon type and it has impaling thrust as an ash of War it is a somber weapon so you can't change it but it does actually fit quite nicely at the round table Grace we can resurrect bosses it gives us options to choose which area and which particular boss you'd like to resurrect so I can really go to town and practice or roon Farm any boss at any given time just as an example a resurrected Margaret I almost forgot to mention but the meteoric blade has a new R2 charged attack giving it a crack blade effect that looks like the Itchy Manji from sakuro super cool besides the nipple fists that I'm using here there is one more new weapon that I'd like to mention first we need to defeat the red wolf of the champion found in the Champions Aeros grave in Altus the fists have excellent strength scaling and do pack quite a punch the impaling thrust dash of War fits like a glove for cutting some distance and really getting in there after a successful deflect you can also use the guard counter comes in handy in many situations as you don't lose any stamina at all after deflecting an attack with a few good punches the red wolf of the champion goes down leaving us with a red wolves Fang weapon this is a pure int scaling curved sword and does not have any other attribute requirements to use the ash of war is called the Red Wolves gamble throwing you backwards and then closing in with an extended blade attack you do of course need the requirements to actually use it but it does look like this firing up a sorcery bolt after a little time just like the red wolves do I decided to put it to the test with Ghost Talk assisting he did not like me harassing him with it but I had to try it out somewhere it is possible to continuously use the first part of that Ash and just leap backwards chaining the sorcery bolts together I can't really say how useful this weapon really is in comparison to other end weapons like the Darkwood Greatsword but it does look quite funny thanks to the reports team for putting this mod out they are continuously working on changes and improvements so do give them your support that is it for the reports mod do tell me what you guys think about it down in the comments take care and I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: Jarl Era
Views: 38,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reforged, souls, mod, mods, nexusmods, elden ring
Id: pnBSjl3fwIM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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