Reflections on the Prophets - 10 - The People of Nuh - Belal Assaad

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smelly rahmanir rahim alhamdulillah was salat wa salam o allah rasool allah while early he was of a admiring tonight insha'Allah we continue the journey with our prophet nor Holly his Salam we continue the journey with prophet no Holly his Salam in a time where only a very small amount of people had believed in him our scholars differ on how many actually believed in him he called for nine hundred and fifty years how many years 950 we look at sixty years as a long time seventy nine hundred and fifty years and in that time there was people still being born so generations generations were coming into and leaving no Holly asylums time such a long time actually for Darwin now obviously a las penitas ila he gives this struggle to the prophets because the prophets can handle the prophets of Allah the connection with allies different towns different in the sense that they are closer to him and because they receive inspiration and washing VCG buried Ali's say them a bit more signs have been shown to them their connections are usually stronger than else but at the same time when they do a wrong thing to us it may seem small very small but to Allah their sin is bigger than ours and the punishment is bigger than else and you will see today in tonight insha'Allah one very small error no ha lay his salam did and we listened to a large reply to him but at this moment 950 years of calling to the people the scholars differ as I said when I mean the scholars I meant the Companions of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam as they heard it from him some assumed that it was 80 people and this is the majority unanimously they agree about 80 people believed in nor Holly his seller in nine hundred and fifty years but there are other opinions some say seventy-three others say a hundred maybe a little bit more than that but not much more I never rich 80 80 people contrast that to one of us this is a listening to us and share a lot to be patient when we give down Dawa means inviting people to Islam whether they're of a sadawa means to people who are not Muslim inviting them into Islam to Muslims it's reminding death Kira for that karenina MedicAlert environment meaning Allah says remind the reminder benefits the believers whereas Dawa inviting you got to start from scratch from the beginning we have to be patient in both ways contrast that to people who enter and hamdulillah either repent to Allah spano at the ILA or they start new in the Deen some people they forget that in the many years that had passed they were astray and that if someone came to remind them about the Deen they would burst at them or they will try to avoid them they forget that when they used to be called to a dad's or an Islamic event or some kind of event that will remind them of a lost man entirely they will try the utmost ability to make excuses and avoid because they didn't want to feel the blame they didn't want to feel guilty they didn't want to change yet because they want to enjoy what they're doing for now a person who enters into the Dean or repents to Allah or likes to invite I'll call his own family for example to become bitter Muslims should exercise extreme patience what is patience patience means you continue doing what you're doing you avoid them when they harm you you defend yourself if they attack you that's okay but what we mean by patience is you don't give up and you don't use abusive words and you try your best not to show them words that not to judge them keep it to yourself or to say you're going to Hellfire or you're not going to be forgiving you don't deserve to be forgiven you people or talk with disgust this is a wrong form of Dom you've given up already you've given up already and I've heard of people yeah Annie and Cheryl I know they're insha'Allah and their intention is for Allah Spano Tyla but they didn't follow the method of the prophets and this is a result of ignorance so I advise people who start in the Dean or repent to Allah to learn the methods of the prophets Allah says to prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the following : of the venom no shirt on the regime similar of Manara him : heavy he severely he no longer I'll ever see writing and now I'm an attorney say to the people this is my clear path I call to it with clear-sightedness and clarity I and whoever follows me meaning we should follow the methods of the prophets and the messengers so be patient in your call so no Holly his salaam invited 80 people embrace now here is something very important to note extremely important who were these 80 people what were their backgrounds what were their positions and status in the community or in society you will find that every single one of them as Allah mentions him in the Quran describes them in the Quran by they're not from I'm not saying from my head Allah describes them in the Quran that they were people who weren't very important in the society what do I mean by that they weren't popular people they weren't famous people there weren't people who had high positions such as the chief over of a tribe or the leader of a nation or a doctor PhD or or an engineer for example or a famous singer or a famous actor or some kind of figure they were there were merely farmers simple people they would call them primitive people and when they heard the religion and when they heard the Dawa of no Holly his Salaam they did not hesitate to accept they did not hesitate to accept they actually accepted it very quickly and they stayed at 80 almost or whatever the number was within that so when Noor Hani Salaam began to give Dawa to the others who were the Chiefs and the big men and the big people and the hotshots and all that and you know what happened they replied to him we will not believe in you you're a madman you're a crazy man and anyway look at who has followed you this is in the Koran women are cat the barakah in ladino moon the lunar we cannot see anyone has followed you except the most inferior among us in society in who are they they're gonna presume are they to us they're inferior to us bad they are rocky they just take very simple words without thinking about it no logical no logic to them they just anything you say to them they believe it are you know what they're trying to say is a type that believed in fairies in fairy tales put a tooth under your pillow the next one you'll find a coin this is what they they were trying to say this is the type of people they were like children this is how they saw them but contrary to that opposite to that Allah saw them quite the opposite he saw those ones inferior and these ones superior why when the truth comes brothers and sisters the truth has a description how do you know the truth from false the truth is clear number one the truth is very clear the truth is powerful it can it takes you five minutes or less to accept the truth ask if you know of people who converted to Islam I know many of them those who sincerely converted to Islam the majority of them among us say every single one of them at the majority of them they will tell you a common trend when they first came into Islam people told him about Islam they heard it from here heard from there but you know but as soon as they read the Quran with an open mind and open heart they say this to you they say whether I embraced Islam a year later or two years later or quickly or whatever I'll tell you one thing they say it takes you five minutes or less to know that this is the truth it takes you five minutes all is to know that this is the truth and then what lie that's true for those who with an open heart without any preconceived notions and media rubbish that they put into their heads and you know arrogance and get rid of all of that and you read the Quran and they find the Quran reads them look what has repetitive all the time talks in different ways to you and reads you tells you what you is like five minutes - no this is the truth that's it but things prevent you from accepting it but in your heart you know it is I have met numerous people who converted all were Muslim always but they didn't know their Deen and with a bit of understanding of language they read the Koran and subhanAllah in any language they say it took me five minutes to realize this is not from Earth the truth is clear brothers and sisters that's that's the description of truth you can tell we can tell menow human intuition you know inside of us you see someone coming talking to you look at him you see something's wrong with their eyes the way they move the way they've told you the Shivering there are people who are experts in this and you have a doubt I don't know if he's telling the truth or not the truth is clear you know it when you see it when you hear it and the Quran and Islam is like that so these people whom they called inferior bear the are a primitive minded like children they were deliberately calling him net out of arrogance and proud eNOS why these people they didn't want the truth because the truth will make them equal to the farmers and to all the others when I mean farmers today farmers are important but in those days when you said farmer it means it's just primitive doesn't have any education today farmers are quite educated actually switch to agriculture is them very educated but just contrast in living you know what they were thinking it's like saying today this is actually about nationalism racism and all those other isms where people see themselves superior to someone else Allah says in the Quran yeah now finally music any weapons that means I can tell Charlie never bad even in Ramadan mahiette Wow which means oh people we have created you from a single pair of a male and female and major intonation Zand tribes so that you may come to know one another the most honored among you indeed are the ones who are most righteous again there are people who when you say to them advising them brought in a brotherly way you say brother or sister you know and remember to fear Allah span over to Hilah some of them reply by saying why why me you fear Allah why telling me what have I done Allah says in the Quran were either either clean and I would totally rather Teresa to be with him when it said to him or her fear Allah they begin to fill up with boastfulness and proud eNOS this is this is kibriya proud eNOS this is haram this is one of the major sins should actually he say to someone Allah here dick may Allah guide you say why what have I done I'll layha DQ may Allah guide you sometimes I get proud of us in that since nationalities any I know of when for example if a Turkish Imam is speaking knowledgeable and educated you know to say I'm an Arab I don't listen to a talk this is proud leanness why you listen to the truth he's not listening to the Turk listen to the truth or the Turkish says he is an Arab I don't listen to Arabs why not listen to the Erin listen to the truth if it is the truth take it's not the truth then take it hello end of story sorry to use Turkish in Arabic because I'm an Arab and I know the lot of Turks iam so we used that as an example don't get offended please anyone I'm not talking about race or nationality here I'm talking about nationalism and racism that it is not my choice to be born in the Arab as an Arab it's not your choice to be one is a Turk or a Pakistani or an Indian or a European or anything British or American Chinese it's not your choice similarly it's not your choice to be born as a male or a female or a rich family rapport family you were brought in here by the choice of Allah Spano at the island so therefore Allah says laugher Caribbean arginine or the province of la Salem said sorry laugher Caribbean Allah al Germany leva taco there is no difference between an Arab and non-arab except in piety in righteousness now we have a second problem okay in righteousness so we don't want to have people coming up and saying I'm better than you because I'm more righteous well because I go to the Masjid I'm better than everyone else because I donated $100 the other day I feel on the top of the world everyone else is below me because I think I'm on the right path everyone else is on the wrong path the sectarian type of thinking I belong to this organization every other organization is urge is wrong and so you see we don't you don't want to see backbiting stabbing even the Companions of the Prophet Allah sent him differed on certain things but they never differed on that arc either on the belief of Allah never Chitti was little issues but in righteousness husband and wife husband can't say to his wife I deserve paradise more than you wife says what have you done I served my children every day I'm going to paradise before you God loves me more he ever heard that statement God must love me well that's a wrong statement how do you know if Allah loves us insha Allah he does Allah tells us that his name is Allah he is the most merciful yes he loves all his creatures but how am I so certain that it is me superior to you that Allah loves me more than you for example only unloaders there was a time where the provost Elam was since hadith is in Bukhari by the way the sitting and a man who looked quite important dressed well well groomed horse you know taking you back to the other it's like today saying you're driving the the newest BMW of the most expensive type and got the most expensive suit most expensive watch you look important right like that this man was passing by entrepreneur and he said to his companions what do you think of a man who looks like this of a man who looks like this so it's not the point of this man and they said earlier a soul Allah we think that a man like this if he enters any home asks for their daughter they'll say yes immediately if anyone comes to him to help them to intercede you like connections they'll get their way and so on like he's an important man everybody would would love him and work for him and do things for him and so on and so forth then another man came past and he was wearing raggedly hard-working sweating he looked like a hardworking person like a labourer and they said what do you think of a person who looks like this they said Allah ya rasulallah person looks like this we think he enters anyhow now as for a daughter thou shun him away find it hard to get married because they'll look at him and say who's this anyone who comes to him - for connections to intercede with someone else it won't work there won't be successful is the last to go to a rasoolallah liason and did not comment on the first man but he said on the third on this one in his hadith he said to this man he said to them how do you know and nájera a shot the other book this man who looks ragged and dusty dusty because his hard-working not that is unclean he's hard-working because that's how he survives that's all he can do no Oksana ala llahi labora if he were to ask Allah and play to Allah in his name or swear an oath by Allah about anything Allah Spinetta Allah will respond to him immediately hi Barbara billary is more than just responding a lot more than just respond labarbera meaning you'll respond and he will love to respond to him he'll give him extra he'll give him more than just responding to his door la barrera he'll give him and more on top of it so no Muslim this mentality should not exist in the hearts and minds of any Muslim because this is the practice of the people whom Allah destroyed before destroyed with his natural disasters so they said to him the primitive minded inferior people to us have followed you why should we follow you in another verse they were telling him as other people told their prophets later on as well same same tune same sound are there on the same melody all of them no matter what they worship all same Ellen I'll cook for me lower head as our scholars say this belief is all just one they're all the same no matter what they whether the atheist or is a Christian or Jew or whatever they're in the same pathway once you know the truth and you reject that you're the same as everyone else why reject the truth admit the truth take it and go with it if it's false false same melody they said to him if you get rid of these inferior people who are primitive minded will think of following you will think so what are these people actually is asking you they're not after the truth they're after Fame they're after popularity thereafter status status the seat the position and this is hypocrisy in its absolute meaning well it is part of the absolute meaning where a person wants to look like something that they are not and now we refused to mix with others who will make them look in the eyes of other people something else inferior this in Islam does not exist a rasul mohammed salah sin and for those of us who study his character they say if delegates from like big delegates like ambassadors from countries came to see the messenger sallallaahu lay or sell em non-muslims came to see him to talk to him with a message they could not find him amongst us they couldn't tell who he was he's there they don't know which one it is you know why he said well la he they said he dressed like this looked like us and even some of us looked even looked on the outside superior than him by the way we dressed as if we had a high position or something but he used to sit amongst us if he wasn't talking to us advising us he'd be sitting amongst us like you here imagine now a man big a man coming in here no one knows him just sits among you and me I'm talking to you thinking he's come to learn something from me like that but he's not he's a bigger man than me Russell's asylum came he was sitting among the people they knew who he was but if a stranger came in they wouldn't know who he was he was like everyone else sallallahoalyhiwasallam never ever ever saw himself bigger than anyone else ever even there he could have they offered him for I offered him you know the story they said to his uncle Abu Talib what does he want let him stop this call you know what's he after if he wants women we'll give him one more give him all the women of Medina if he wants money we'll make him the richest if he wants the position we'll make him our king I just turned to stop this word it's it's it's it's embarrassing us it's humiliating us and he said to his uncle in private because uncle went to him to talk to him and he said to him yeah I'm uncle well no he know what the hardships of India be emini well Kamara BSA a networker Heather I'm a doctor uncle let them understand this wallahi by God if they had control of the Sun and they placed it in my right hand to control the world the universe and they had the mooning their control they gave it to me in my left and I controlled the universe with the Sun and the moon to leave this matter I will not leave it tell them I will not stop what does heal we are not after position as death there is one more before I continue this story about no holidays Sinha one more incident I think is a good lesson here have you heard of the blind man at the time the prophet sawas hmmm this blind man is mentioned in surah abasa what are you and jerry' whole army what happened was a result lamb was inviting people and he focused his attention to the leaders of Quraysh the important men because he thought to himself is his intelligent guess that if he can attract the big men then the people and because he need the Arab style that they follow the bigger people right if he attracted them then the others will take example of these big men they'll say wow if they listen to him he must be on the tree so we'll follow as well that's what he thought Salah Larsen but in fact that wasn't the case that wasn't the case so there was his blind man who used to come and used to hear the props are Selim's voice he loved what he said and so he had always tried to come to talk to the messenger sallallaahu as him but he would not get the chance one day a rasul SAS on was talking to a group of the leaders and he's trying his best to keep his attention with the leaders and the blind men came along and he interfered and cut off the prophets of Allah Leo Selim speech like he he he cut him off and said yeah mohammed ur rasoolallah and the promise our Selim turned away from him tried to avoid him man can't see him but the problems moving away trying to talk to the people he doesn't want any disturbance right now and the blind men he got no response from the process in Allah so he walked away very upset inside so why whatever have I done to it something to the messenger saw sir he went home and he was upset and his wife was trying to calm him down and make him feel good the next day Allah Spinetta Allah sent down the surah I was over there when he frowned and turned away about her about Mohammad Ahsan as soon as the blind men came to him one level yes that girl and what how would you know maybe he will benefit more than the people you're talking to I will he had that girdle for them or maybe the reminders that you give him will benefit him in some way as well and benefit others and then I like he was gone reprimanding the prophets of our self telling him you shouldn't have done that how do you know it's a heavy reminder to the prop the heavy Vova loss Panem Tamina but Allah is the god of truth even if he's the Messenger of God truth is the truth he says if this messenger were to make up any word that we didn't tell him we would cut off his jugular vein and we would strangle him until he can no longer breathe and he dies and none of you can prevent us from him severe warning to the messenger / of saying if he were to make up anything we said we'll cut off his air supply and make him die instantly and no one of you can prevent us even the messenger saw sent them the truth is the truth so when the verse came down a row salsa seldom went searching for the blind man he entered his house knocked and he said who the Messenger of God he entered it and a promise are seldom said I welcome you today the best day that has never happened to you since your mother gave birth to you Allah has sent down a verse in your matter and ever since then every time the Prophet SAW said Allah saw the blind man he would say to him marhaban bolivia i oughtta be a kneeler home in agile ik welcome to the man whom allah Spinetta allah gave me an admonishing reminder because of you he admitted so alas and lemmy's fault because the truth so these are some of the lessons we learn from how the people of North responded team Rasul saw wasallam also praises the people who accept the truth immediately and he praises his best friend Abu Bakr brother Allah on he says murder out oh I had an ill ill islami ill again at la hookah baton layer a BB cream for in Naju omnia tela thumb he said I did not call anyone to Islam but he had stumbled meaning he had a bit of doubt or you thought about it all except for Abu Bakr the Aloha he never faltered lam yet a little anthem is more than just faltered he did an even without a tiny pitch a tiny even a little bit he did not hesitate whatsoever straight away among the men among the men and Hadees are the Aloha among the women I will baccarat the LA one who did not even twitch he accepted it immediately he said if I told you I am The Messenger of God do you believe me he said I did not have a single doubt like that came up to him suddenly and he said singled out an extra to that one day he said didn't tonight I was taken from Mecca to al-aqsa to Jerusalem in one night and I was ascended to the heavens and came back in one night takes you a four or five month journey to get in one night people called him crazy they came to Abu Bakr and they said huh now yeah Abu Bakr listen to what your friend is saying now we got you he reckons he went in one night to Jerusalem came back what did Abu Bakar the Lohan who reply he looked at them and he said in koyla delica for who was Sadiq or so doc if he really did say that then he has spoken the truth I believe he has never lied so the truth is the truth it is known from falsehood gotta be in a rush to mean Allah Allah says the clear truth is clear from the false it's very clear and I just have to open your heart and get a rid of the arrogance and proudness now that this had happened a loss of Hanna Hoda Allah sent down a verse were all here Illinois Allah Spinetta Allah he said to no Holly his Salam he said and it was inspired sent to know Holly his Salam and on a yacht minimun kaamika a lemon airman no more of your people show believed in you other than those who have already believed so grieve no longer at their misdeeds then don't feel sorry for them what does this mean Allah told him that I am I know no one is gonna believe any more that's it whatever has believed that's it you know no matter how if he tried for another thousand years that's it no well no one else is gonna believe and among those who disbelieved in Noor Holly's salam was his own son who was said to be named yam yam and another narration some scholars believe that his name was also canon canon so now no Holly his Salaam gave up hope before anyone says anything why did he give up hope he did not give up hope because he doesn't want to give dower anymore no because Allah had told him that no one else is gonna believe that's it there's a hug that's the true means there is no more other space it came from Allah since that's the case no Holly is Salam in his wisdom and intelligence intelligent guests he said well then there's no use for all these Hippocrates typically these mushrikeen these idol worshipers to remain on earth if they stay they're going to delude their children and their children's children and they're going to fill the earth with corruption and malice and all of that stuff so then he made his famous dog well below the mean and carefully in a day in the mutiny better can never G uncuff our Rob beautifully or anyone either here one even the fun of a tea and what me know I need me now one minute whiner desi the old whiny meaning that which means no Holly sallam said oh my lord do not leave a single disbeliever on the face of the earth again then leave him alive if you leave them alive on the face of the earth they will lead your servants astray and they will not give birth to anyone except arrogant boastful disbelievers you see there are disbelievers but they're not very arrogant when they notice lamb they believe but the type of people no holidays Selim had after 950 years not only did they della develop this belief this was not just normal disbelief this was arrogant boastful challenging this belief of all knowing the truth oh my lord he said forgive me and my family this is what you say towards the eonni you know the end of every day the end of every act the end of your life it's all about forgiveness o my Lord forgive me if you do work at the end of your work make this door oh Allah forgive me in my family you wake up from it o Allah forgive me at the end of your day Allah forgive me after the prayer laughing I haven't any work that you do an assignment or something at the end of her brothers and sisters constantly ask Allah for forgiveness forgiveness is used in Islam also at the times when it's the end of things so you want to meet Allah Spinetta Allah with everything clean so forgiveness so no high as Salam basically it's saying o my lord this is the end since I have asked you and I am a prophet the daughter of a prophet is never rejected unless it's wrong but obviously it's not wrong and so now he's making us the phone forgive me and my family and anyone who enters my house a believer and this is a lesson for us to show us the guests are extremely valuable extremely important you have a guest highly regarded in Islam especially if they are believers anyone who entered my house a believer forgive them and will and forgive the believers men and women another lesson he has a prophet mohammed salah salem told us any movement he makes do I ask God for help or for things for any other believers men and men or women then for every single believer on the face of the earth like if you say o Allah forgive the believers men and women then for every believer in the face of the earth Allah gives you a reward on their behalf and an angel stands behind you and says o Allah and give this person the same as what he is asking for them so you get the angels making go out for you while you mcdonough for others isn't it amazing so this is no holidays Salaam and now compassion towards one another well that does it avoid Amina Allah Deborah and do not increase the criminals and the oppressors anything but more grief so now the famous ark was being ordered to be built Allah Spinetta Allah said and it was revealed to know Ali Salah the no more will believe except those were disbelieved those who have believed then he said to him what's nile felucca be are you Nina Wawa Hina voila - hardly belief in ladino valor mu in Omaha kun very well yeah no I responded I order you to go and construct an ark under my under our eyes and as our revelation and address me no further on behalf of those who have been unjust they shall be drowned in the flood that's it it means you've said your door there's no turning back I'm going to go for it construct your Ark under our eyes meaning under our protection under our guidance under our safety meaning our is the royal word used Allah and our revelation meaning I'm gonna send you breed Ali said unto you and he's gonna teach you how you're gonna build the ark I'm gonna teach you how to do it and what you gonna have to do what are the signs when you have to get onto it and how you should sail Allah says and no Holly it's a lamb cold or cold to us and how excellent were we to answer the prayer meaning Allah responded fully to the full meaning of his door and we rescued him and his family from the grievous distress Allah or no Holly Sarah asked Allah Spinetta Allah to save him and his family and the believers Allah promised him that he will save him and his family and the believers but he said except those who disbelieved he made that condition our rescue you and your family and the believers who believed with you except those who disbelieved so what happened let's come back to that insha'Allah but let's see how the building of the Ark happened Allah ordered no Holly assalaam to go up to a mountain strange to a mountain to build the big ship you don't build a ship under up in the mountain where there's no water normally you build it close to the coast right here Allah sister North gone building in the mountain watch what happens as a result of that and obviously there's a wisdom behind that you'll find out soon shall the disbelievers a lot describes how they started to mock him and make fun of him in the following way Allah says what could lemon coming over meaning every time a group of people from his people came past by him and I saw him building this Ark such a Roman they started to tease him mock him make fun of him in one narration it says this is how it said they used to pass by him and say ya know it some of the mockery ya know certain a gerund bother and Kunta Nabire what no now you're a you're a carpenter and before you were a prophet make up your mind for crying out loud you're a prophet now you're a carpenter we told you is crazy that's what they used to say I told you is crazy in the hadith the Prophet SAW said I'm also so here that the people had a tradition every time they had a child that was born that child grew up with the understanding or the teaching that this man nor honey said I was a crazy man don't follow him how how yeah yeah no hi um it's not like that but just to give you an example you know back in when I visited Lebanon in the 90s with the you know up in the village they used to be this really old man was crazy you know he's really had lost his mind and everyone say to the kids you know kids used to saying hey Denton can't pass that man over there if you go past he'll throw something at you or you'll see him urinating in public or something don't go past there it's crazy like that and this is the same way those disbelievers there's go far of no Holly Salem people have no he's to tell their children that children is to talk like that he's a crazy man this is a prophet of God what's left for us be patient what's better Allah other allies to say to prop Muhammad SAW said Allah you shall hear from the people of the book and from those who disbelieve many hurtful words be patient with the harm that they afflict you with and rely on us now it is said in one narration now I'm not sure if this is correct or not but it did come in the books of tafseer I'll say it to you in sha allah that the people used to go into the Ark of Noah listen when he's not watching and they used it as a toilet just to go there and defecate in the Ark you know so much difficult so they say that one day Allah made a disease in the skin of these people and I didn't know how to cure it so one day one man was in the Ark doing what he was doing his deed and he slipped he slipped and fell on his feces few days later the spots went off his skin so they said the people started going to Noah's Ark until they cleaned that all of the feces and they wiped it on themselves so they can get cured now this is some of the narrations that come to us they are narrated by Allahu Alem of their authenticity but the point of that is that his people mocked him in the most ugliest and disgusting ways that's the idea and this is true no Holly Selim replied to them at this stage now there's no more there's nothing between him and them so now he's using the harsh language he said this is allowed when there is no more that's it enemy between you and them hollows enmity and it's clear and everything you reply in strong ways in infirm ways not abusive firm Carla in the Sahara woman therefore in nearness ha Roman come come at us Harun if you're mocking us we will soon mock you the same way you are mocking us and you will find out soon who is truly going to be tortured now this is how a Muslim uses their firm words you can realize no there's no ugly was no abusive words but their firm and their deadly but they're not abusive or disrespectful to any the person's features or description it's just to what their actions he's telling them what the facts is what's going to happen so Allah said to him he said build the ark on our eye and with our revelation so she realized Saleem is to tell him how to prepare the would he tell him to car the wood and make it curved so that it can sail easily and he can float and he told him to use nails and wood allah says in the quran or her many know that the only way you were do so and so we carried him on planks of wood and nails of steel or not nails of steel nails Allahu Alem what kind of middle they were but it was made beautifully now the Companions props are selling well unanimously they agree the majority of them agree that the ark was huge some of them say it was 80 yards long some of them say a hundred and one extreme narration says a thousand yards but minimum 80 yards long and they agreed that it was at least 30 yards high it was made of three stories the first story was 10 yards high second 10 yards in the third 10 yards high so big very big ship huge so it's like saying what like something like close to 2 kilometers long or more even or a little bit less higher than a very high building you know like those skyscrapers we have in the city very high very tall very big and it took him a long time to build this Ark up on the mountain there go sure look at him he's building an ark on a mountain people build it near the shore we told you he's crazy then Allah told him for either ferritin or when literally 10 or means oven in those days then no were made out of bricks and they were hollow deep under in the ground or just above the ground did they used it to heat up bread and fire so no water came into the fork and obviously can't have fire so Allah says for either ferritin or when the oven floods we said to him carry on board your Ark from every creature up just to male and the female this is in the Koran in the Bible and it says something different the Bible it says carry 70 pairs of domestic animals and in a pair of every other animal this contradicts the carranza we rejected as the Quran says appear only of each creature every creature every single animal and creature was bordered onto that ship up here in the second they were in the first story in the second story they say it was the humans and in the third story were for the birds to land and stay there why the oven because it's meant to be for fine what happened was Allah says for fatahna Ababa Sena be may in Muhammad law says its little comer and so we opened up the doors of this of the heavens metaphorically words the doors of the heavens with gushing water when Hamid is like spilling a bucket it wasn't just rain it was like the water that he spilled from a bucket it wasn't drops it was all at once well for Jaron an elderly owner the power of Allah and we burst exploded with his terms used exploded bursts bursts the Earth's the earth and made holes from every part from mountains from valleys from everywhere into billions of gushing fountains and waters in a like a dam you know Dan the holes were like exploding a dam and watch how the water comes through like that like that it came out fantastic on Mariella unwrinkled Qadir the water of the sky and the water of the earth met together on a divine command in the hadith narration says that the ark was covered from the top and from the bottom so the water didn't fill the boat the the ship the ark as the water started to come brothers and sisters in a matter of yani just only a few moments of the day he had warned them of the flood and they used to say to him yeah well bring it on come on where is this flood where is this are there is this come on bring it on where is it it's been 950 years you're lying you're crazy like what today then was was this day of judgment it's impossible what he talking about when you died he turned to Dahl was decided that come and bring it okay why isn't it all right I swear up God now okay where's the thunder lightning what happened nothing happened to me like what one day I'm gonna bring you someone here converted to Islam he's got a remarkable story but how his gang abused him for becoming a Muslim and he said to them God gave you your wealth and they laughed at him mockingly that night he goes well la he'd that the following week something happens that man I'll let him tell his story one day insha Allah and Allah made him lose all of his wealth true story here in album part of a real gang bring a mirror insha'Allah one day but the point is a Lost Planet Allah tells him just wait why you why you Russian was gonna come I'm just giving you time among the people who disbelieved was his son yam as we said now he came to the ship in the ark to watch it is said that no Holly he said and the majority of them say that no Holly his Salam he had four sons yam and also Sam ham and the EFI's yam disbelieved Sam ham and japheth believed the majority say that they did they were on the ark with him and no Holly salam had a wife beforehand was the mother of young she died before the flood and he had another wife who climbed the weather was the mother of Sam ham and japhet who climbed aboard and those little bits number of people that believed with him no Holly Salaam dr. ihsan yin or canon and he said to him he said to him Carla Yamuna Yahoo c'mon well the common he said oh my son come come aboard with us and don't be among the people who disbelieved what did his son reply in arrogance he said god I said earlier jaboney Simoni me he said dad I'm gonna go to a high mountain and we'll save me from the water what didn't know how they said I'm reply Cornell seemingly I mean he said today there is no protection from the law of Allah except who he has given mercy to as they were having the conversation Allah says right there and then because was quick what they know many know would you again and suddenly the waves intercepted between them both and took his son away and he was among the ones who drowned immediately no Holly is Selim turned and he said in every mean Anthony o my lord my son is part of my family well in now are that kind of hug God and your promise is true well enter come will hack him in and you are the most wise Allah replied immediately to him and said to him Kyle I know how in no one else I mean anything he said I know he's not one of your family why in the earlier verse Allah said to him I will save your family except the ones who disbelieved so the family that I was talking about were the ones that believed but the family of yours are disbelieved I'm not gonna save them they're not part of it now it's not something to do between you and your son this is a matter between your son and me this is my right and I will reward if I see fit and I will punish if I see fit the matter I gave you your son if he wronged you different story he around me don't get involved and I told you before it's the disbelievers I'll save your family except for the disbelievers among them fellows only melee said like I be here I don't don't don't dare to ask me something that you have no knowledge of in ER Luka and who enemy and Gehenna I warn you I demolish you I advise you not to be among the ignorant sure this is what we're talking about the prophets yes they are rewarded more their patient more but also the admission from Allah span of die Allah is more hamdulillah has given us mercy actually brothers and sisters like some people they say and we're not profit so we can't be like them you know their profits but Allah has made them humans like us really don't don't ever say that for Allah has given each one their due course no Holly Selim what did he do now this is where I'm gonna end this most important part no Holly as Salam did not hesitate he immediately prostrated to Allah spano to Allah and asked Allah to forgive him oh Allah forgive me he said and this is the last lesson on to say about this brothers and sisters the sin among men cannot bear staying with a sin for a long time as soon as you hit the sin repent immediately don't say tomorrow on Monday in a few years time when Allah guides me what does that mean when Allah guides me I'll pray our lives already guided you yeah miss keen you poor person you it's you who is not choosing to do so so immediately repent now before tomorrow because Allah says I'm at the Dean of some text evil Vidor why matter they enough so that seemed all by them we never saw behind a mood no person knows what they're going to be doing tomorrow and no person knows in which land they are going to die stuff for Allah God look how he had that thank you for listening heather was sallallaahu and a novena Muhammad Ali was soft we had my universal donor and him handling me you
Channel: Digital Mimbar
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Keywords: allah, quran, islam, islamic, muslim, prophet, messenger, muhammad, mohamed, pbuh, saws, qur'an, sunnah, hadith, hijab, nasheed, jihad, sharia, fiqh, madhhab, sufi, salafi, shia, sunni, haram, halal, lecture, speech, speaker, shaykh, imam, god, ummah, ramadhan, hajj, salah, convert, revert, da'wah, debate, dajjal, niqab, akbar, heaven, hell, religion, religious, preacher, adhan, 'the, deen, show', tafseer, recitation, tawheed, swt, surah, spirituality, worship, pray, prayer, fatwa, soul, purification, salaf, shirk, sins, mosque, masjid, sufism, muslims, song, koran
Id: LWvr378heTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 55sec (3235 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 26 2011
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