REFERENCE MANAGERS | Everything you need to know about Endnote, Mendeley, and Zotero

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[Music] [Music] and I am finished ah but as you put in those references [Music] hi my name is Laura and I'm a PhD student from the Netherlands and today we are talking about reference managers what is it and why do you need one there are three main programs that basically everyone is using and those are n nodes Mendeley and so Tierra I'm reviewing these three reference managers or specific points and I put timestamps on it and you can find it next to here and let's just get started okay why do you need a reference manager well you saw the intro clip if you have written a whole manuscript and you need to put in two references afterwards is such a hassle if you have to do it manually but fortunately they found something for that and it's just a tool on the internet or two on the computer and it can help you with this and it's actually wonderful but it also tracks your PDFs and your articles that you want to read or that you have read and it organizes everything for you so you have all your literature in one place which is basically a very nice thing to have so if you are working on a project that takes a longer time for example a bachelor thesis master thesis or even your PhD thesis or any projects afterwards you can just use a reference manager and everything will be in one place and everything is where you need to be there are several different programs that let you put in those references and that you can use it as a citation tool with plugins in Word or blogs and Google Docs or whatever you are using I'm reviewing three reference managers and not mendelian Sottero or specific points and let's just get started with the first one which is money so the main argument is that and not cost money and menelaus otehr are free but it is a little bit more complicated than that for example many institutions have a license to add notes and it might be free for you as well just like Mandalay and cetera so let's look at the prices and notice cost three hundred and two dollars and forty four cents it's a one-time purchase and you get unlimited storage for all your PDFs and references and they have a student discount which makes it one hundred and forty dollars and 33 cents with a one-time purchase as well so many lanes with zero are free from the beginning you can upgrade these stories as you go so Mandalay has a free storage for two gigabytes and if you want more you can purchase more storage which is a subscription so you pay the money every year and so taro has the same system but the free version only has 300 megabytes as free storage for you so if you want to have the two gigabytes that's movement elating already offering for free then you should pay $20 a year for that I put up the prices over here so you can check them out and you can compare them and I want to note that and not has a one-time purchase and Mendeley s80 have a subscription-based business model so if you had a lot of storage it might be best to go for $8 all right let's go to the second point the second point is organization how do these reference managers actually manage your references and they basically do it all in the same way it's just a list of all your papers and when you click on one you can see the metadata for that one that means you can see the year the authors the journal it was published in etc etc and you can open the PDF the full text that is linked to that if you have that so if you look at EndNote you can see that there are many references in here and you can just click on them and then you'll see all the metadata that is linked to it over here that's how it looks and this is dark mode of course there's also a light mode but I like the dark much from Emily it looks like this so basically the same thing you have a list within depositors and names of the papers the years and the published in and if you click one you can see all the data over here all that metadata you want to know about and you want to see and you can actually change it if it's necessary I do have some PDFs in Manly because I actually use mentally mentally is my preferred reference manager and you can just click on the PDF if it's you click on it and it'll open that's how mentally it looks like and plus we'll definitely not least it's at zero so zero is also a list with names and authors and you can ask the year yes here's the year and again on the right side you can see what all the metadata is about and you can go to the PDF if there is a PDF links by just clicking on it like this and it will open in a separate window so that's how and know Mandalay and Zotero Luke with regards to organization every program has also a folder structure so on the left you can see the folders that I have created and so basic folders that Sottero has created and you can see for many layers the same thing the same goes for endnotes there are also some groups here over here and you can put the reference in there to categorize them one thing at EndNote has and Mandalay and Zotero lag is customization for your columns so you can customize what you want up here and mentally and secure can do it as well but you can actually create a column that is a custom form so if I press over here with my control key on title for example you can see here custom one to eight and you can use that for example when you're writing a systematic review and us creating papers you can put in name of yourself first is the name of the other screener and I actually use it for my own systematic review and I can tell you this quite useful to remember who picked what paper okay let's talk about the next point which is annotation and note-taking so if we look at EndNote and I actually found a reference with a PDF on it and you can see the PDF on the right and if you click this button it will open up and you can annotate and make notes on this one as you can see I already highlighted this so it just selects and let's say we select this one and we just highlight it like this you can also underline it you can also make sticky notes so let's say you want to make a sticky note about this piece then you can just press this one and when you double click says this but you can also this is sticky notes at that it's quite useful you can pick all kind of colors and you can pick all kind of lines if you want to make a line it's that's right so that's how EndNote handles annotations and if you want to make notes you can do that if you scroll down and you can see that it says nose of research or research notes and in this you can see I made a note already this is a note and you can just put it in here and it's very basic in Mendeley it's a little bit more false than note-taking so if you you go to a random paper you can just go to notes and you can add a note and there's also some text formatting options over here and if you double click on a paper you can also highlights create a note just like we said before with endnotes so those options are the same and it's 0 it works the same way but in Sottero if you open a PDF it goes to a third-party app so in this case preview note thanking you so there is a little bit more advanced you can actually click on this link go to notes and you can add a note and as you can see the note will appear over here and if you double click you can do a lot of word formatting in here so you can make it bold or you can underline it and all kinds of things so this is and it was safe and it will save to the metadata the same for another mentally but the cool thing about Zotero is that you can ask several notes so this is second note and you can see that they will all appear over here which is very handy if you want to make different points and organization wise it's a little bit better I believe for the organization part as last but not least all reference managers have attack options so you can just click on text and you can add text and as many as you want which helps for the organization for example I have a technical general papers and in those are papers that I've been use for every project such as the DSM which is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and I use it almost every project because I'm actually in psychiatry okay let's get to the nitty-gritty while we are actually using a reference manager these citation parts we don't want to manually enter every citation in a project no we just want to use a reference mention it does it for us in the right style so there are different styles for citations and there are almost 10,000 different styles that you can use for your projects so Mendel and Sottero work with the citation style language the CSL and this is an open source project that helps to format citations and bibliographies it has a repository of almost 10,000 citation styles so the possibilities are endless when you're using CSL like min delay etc and note has its own system for elicitation and has almost 6,000 citation styles which is enough for every project that you need to do you can also customize styles or as new styles that goes for all three reference managers you can actually make your own style if you want to if that's what you're into which is really cool in theory all outputs should be the same so every reference with the same citation style should look the same if you're using methylated zero and then it doesn't really matter however in practice it does matter and there are differences and output you get and that's mostly due to the metadata that was put in so it's basically garbage in garbage out if you are not putting the right metadata in your reference manager will not be able to generate the right references in your project most of the times the reference manager can get the metadata from the PDF but make sure you check that because it's not always correct or some information is missing it's very important to have the right metadata there for the accuracy of your references in your projects I've said it before my preferred reference manager is mentally and the main reason why I love memory is because it has a proper I bet that so all reference managers are for Windows and for Mac OS but not all have an iOS app which I am using and I put D devices it's available over here as you can see and now it has an iPad as well but I tried it and I didn't like it and I just prefer mentally because it fits my workflow so I read a lot on my iPad and I'm searching for papers on my iPad because I'm just doing that when I'm chilling on the couch and I just want to read something that interests me and then I find something that I like and I'm like oh I need to save this one for when I need it and Mendeley actually provides me with a tool that I can use to save those references that I find when I'm reading on the couch late at night so mentally fits my workflow perfectly and that's why I use mentally we all want collaborations and we all collaborate with other scientists and other institutions or from different places in the world which is great and we want to share references with them if possible for example I did that when I started my PhD projects so my collaborator had this whole list of references that she used for the grant application and she shared it with me through a group in Mendeley so that I could work on the project in the future and use the same references which is pretty cool and pretty nice so I use the group on Mandalay and it can sync all the references that are within this group both Edna and Zotero have similar options if you find a paper in your browser and you want to add it to your reference manager there are so-called web importers which are plugins for your Google Chrome and these let you add the references to the reference manager you are using both manually and fettle have web importer options Edna's has a similar thing called connection file but these connection files let you only connect to one specific library or website so it's not across all websites you are using it's not a plugin for Chrome so now we are talking about plugins you want plugins for the text formatting program you are using and all three reference managers work with Microsoft Word but more and more people are using other text formatting programs these days one of which is late sag which is mostly using a better Sciences such as physics or computer science lead tech has a very good function for formatting formulas which is great if you're into those better sciences but it's not so great for references so you have to export all your references from your reference manager to bit sack which is a sort of code for your metadata and then you have to import those in your latex file again and that Mandalay and Zotero all export to bit thick so you can use it if you were working later not a text for a matter that's getting more and more attention under academics is Google Docs it's very nice when you're doing collaborations or when you're working on a study project together or whatever you're doing together but unfortunately and not in Mendeley do not support Google Docs at this moment so Terrell however has a plug-in that you can use for Google Docs and that will let you put in the references in the same way as in word basically which is very very nice if you are using Google Docs for collaborating so there are some extra functionalities from these reference managers that I did not cover in this video for example one of them is searching for papers through the reference manager this does not work for me because many papers are still not openly accessible and if I'm not using the proxy from a university I will not be able to get the full text for these papers so my workflow does not include searching for papers through the reference managers but I want to let you know that that is an option if you can actually get access to the papers through the reference manager now you know everything about reference managers but what reference manager is good for you which one does suits what you need and what you want well I made a little list for you so I can help you with that for the budgetary I would advise manually both manually and zotero are free but Mendeley has more storage for the free option so budgetarily for the has it'll also mentally I can't stress enough how well the integration with multiple devices is with Mendeley are you into open source and get Sottero it's the open source reference manager you needs the customizer get EndNote EndNote has the most functionalities and is best customizable for your needs allows the collaborators get Sottero it has a google docs plugin so you can put all the references in your collaborative Google Docs documents so reference managers I hope I made clear why you need one and I you can actually use this information to find the reference manager that suits your needs did you like this video or did you find this video valuable to you please let me know in the comments or like this video and if you want to see more content like this video please subscribe and hit the notification bells so you won't miss any video that I'm posting I'm here to inform you how to do and feel better as a scientist you got this [Music] you
Channel: Fleur GL Helmink
Views: 56,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: academic writing, apa, citation, citation (literature subject), citations, citations research, college, endnote, essay writing, in-text citations, library, mendeley, reference manager, research, research paper, research papers, research projects, zotero, phd student, phd advice, phd life, citation managers, mendeley word, phd problem, microsoft word, fleur gl helmink
Id: nWlZ1rX9V7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 25sec (1045 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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