Reet Just Did it Again.

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re is back at it again setting a world record for chapter 5 Solo versus squads in unreal rank so he's dropping near snoody steps right now um no kills yet 83 people alive quick PP on that guy he's going to go for the peace control finds both these players kind of just lost and listen guys I know he's going to make a lot of people look very silly but this is an unreal ranked game mode and it just shows that any of you watching could get to Unreal rank we already talked about you know Bush Camp dad and his strategy but anybody watching right now realistically you guys can get to Unreal but you have to have the patience and the I guess IQ of when to rotate and avoid fights until the end game so that you can keep gaining rank instead of dying off spawn so we're going to see how he breaks this Lobby down and what weapons he uses so right now he's using the striker burst SMG and shotgun I'm assuming eventually he's just going to run run burst SMG uh with the shotgun and if you guys are not on the burst SMG bandwagon you need to hop on that every single Pro Player abuses the burst SMG with the laser attachment uh they use that as their AR and if you watch any of the fncs that's happening right now almost every player is running a burst SMG beautiful pce control right there and then he's just going to take him out takes a little bit of damage he's going to let the re happen this is smart so he can start racking up more okay so already seven eliminations 62 people left he still has to kill like 40 people to make this happen there's another one right there and now he has a medallion I'm wondering if he's going to have all five medallions towards the end of this game it's going to allow teams to push him oh my God oh my God his movement right there just to avoid that third party as well that's the thing about Reit is he's so mechanically smart he's not necessarily the fastest editor in the world or the flashiest but we saw him in the video that we did with all the pros how does he not die here oh my God shock waves out goes right back down for the 100 a clean take right there on that wall another oh my God no no way oh he's out of every ammo these just aren't quick Squad wipe those guys were lost so like I was saying earlier we saw how he went against all the pro players in my video that I recorded on the main Channel and the thing about him is that he just has very very smart peace control and very very good shots um his angles he doesn't miss he always hits hard and his peace control is simple but very effective you don't have to be flashy and you don't have to have the fastest edits like Peter bot uh to be as good as re it's easier said than done I know there we go quick Knock these guys are running uh superhero skins and they're just making they're just they're just fodder man there's left and right they just keep dying where's like I'm wondering when we watch him drop the 50 bomb in OG fortnite he went against some actually really really good opponents and I'm wondering if maybe the players in OG fortnite are just a little bit better cuz so far these guys that he's been fighting are kind of cheeks I'm not going to lie they're kind of Che but there's still 34 people left there's some Medallion teams still alive as well so maybe he'll run into some real competition here misses the peace control right there but he's just going to keep going up trying to find this Guff the Guff is kind of wasting his time the Guff just keeps building up and then shock waves dude that's that's painful that's painful he just lost a lot of resources right there that gu just did not want to die quick 73 right there with the pump his mats are going down he does need to get a refresh right here to keep it going drops right into this guy's box 120 easy easy easy okay so there's the refresh he has shock waves now and I like like I said earlier he was going to drop the striker he's just running the burst SMG and the shotgun that's all he really needs quick Knock that guy was weak these players are not building bro this is and this is unreal this is na Central unreal I can't believe it guys if you're watching this right now and you're not in unreal like I'm not trying to you know throw you guys under the bus but you can easily get unreal oh my God if that car hit him that actually would have ran him over I'm not even kidding cuz cuz it could do like 100 damage driving at that speed look he's low on health he's just letting he's letting his medallions do the work he's popping this med kit real quick why does a player shooting him look like an AI bro what is wrong with these guys there's no way hey all right he's going to get this refresh right here 23 eliminations 28 people left finds These Guys these guys have no Shields ooh the hip fire with that burst SMG A lot of these opponents have like no shields on them these guys are not looting well all right he's going to let the reboot happen again this is smart we saw a lot of reboots in his 50 bomb he's going to let it happen catches this guy with the burst SMG midair leading his shot even on controller he's leading his shot man is just accurate with or without aim assist quick one pump but that was a little dicey right there he took a lot of damage from that guy 27 kills 16 left okay wait so if he kills the rest of this Lobby he's still not going to have 45 so he really like people have to have gotten rebooted from now until the end game finds this guy burst SMG does work he's going to try to find G his box he's looking for the pre-edit bang doesn't get the kill but he's going to just hop out right here oh my God that this is what I'm talking about this is what makes re super dangerous he hits hard as hell and he and he finds these shots when you when you like wouldn't find them he's always finding these quick little 100 pump shots on on his opponents in the middle of Bill fights okay that shock wave just messed him up because he mantled as he shock waved which canceled the shock wave 29 eliminations 12 opponents left oh he's trying to let them he's trying to let him reboot but now he has to put him down oh okay okay there's still one more left so he's just he's probably going to kill this guy and just leave so that they can get rebooted and that'll be like a triple reboot right there he got three of them all right he's rocking up on this okay okay hold up hold up this guy's fighting seems decent but he's going to get full box oh my God bro he runs out of the box you see that's exactly what I'm talking about catching that this guy for 97 really really opens things up for him look and then he's going to catch this other guy right here watch watch watch bang 150 on that little side jump on that little side jump you going to hit him for 150 now the other guy has 50 Health we know that new player comes in the fourth member doesn't doesn't get hit hard there but like this guy's like pretty much boxed up at this point o o o oh this guy's lost FaZe ah FaZe just be higher than anybody these days come on man all right so definitely a revive that just went down here cuz it it got a little too quiet he's trying to find these guys the revive didn't go down but but he's going to find that Medallion here's some burst SMG 200 to zero oh my God bro okay that guy was only in Diamond so it is filling some of these player the lobby is is not all unreal right we're going to to do a video with re where we get 99 unreal like we did with uh clicks cuz realistically if you're in an unreal ranked Lobby they're not all unreal there's some Elite champion and some Diamond players all right so 34 eliminations uh 10 people left he ends up killing 11 more people so somebody does get rebooted but he pretty much kills the entire rest of this Lobby um not as pressured as he was in the OG video in the OG video he ran out of heals a lot fight me what are you doing right now he he has all the medallions and he has five medkits so he has the heals it's not as high stakes but we're going to see if uh if things get a little dice D when it plays out at the end oh someone died in storm so this could have been a 46 kill win he's guys are just driving away from an individual player he's going to crack them right there he's trying to find them here we go first SMG not as effective from this range but in Reed's hand he's still going to get that knock definitely not going hit that guy while he's swimming that's that's impossible reboot in storm oh I need he needs that he knows he needs it too he he's got to be careful at least if he can get some tags on these guys oh oh yeah yeah this is it two free extra eliminations this is it yes sir now he has to he has to start popping a med kit it could have it could have been dice another reboot going off he's going to let that happen and he let this guy get resed too just in case the storm was about to take him he he does not have his uh he does not have his burst SMG reloaded that's a that's a risky edit cuz that guy hit him for 100 he could have hit him for another 100 it would have been over no this kiding killed him oh my God this guy stopped the reboot this guy just stopped the reboot guys this could have been a 50 bomb okay okay this is the pressure that I was looking for re Under Pressure he almost chokes it here he almost chokes it that's crazy he could have very easily lost this there's the there's the 100 he's running up the top keeping The High Ground popping a medy player to his right finds him finds him he's so good at finding these players and putting them down all right player on The High Ground drops doesn't get the pump he's going to hit him for 97 medallions doing their job he's just going to move ahead he's kind at this point I think he's hoping someone gets revived yeah he's I think he's just going to leave and hope for a revive but no revives are going to go down he's going to kill these last four players let's see how hard they make him work takes a little bit of damage of course he has five medallions he's going to go back up to the top here we go here we go finding the 100 full piece gets third party he's going to stay Cal low on mat going to get a quick refresh oh he was looking for that cheeky ramp edit I like this I like he's just like double editing and waiting for the guy to walk into him the guy wasn't walking into him but he's going to get that box notice how he put the cone and he took the wall in One move doesn't need to make it a two move operation especially when his opponent's not paying attention like that makes them jump into his builds here we go con gets down tries to do the side jump he's out of mats he is completely out of mats guys th the oh my God he could he could lose it right here bro he could lose it right here cuz this guy's playing very safe needs the materials grabs them all oh that's exactly what we needed two players left at this point it's just calm cool and collected he's full health that guy was just one shot and then the last opponent he doesn't want it to he doesn't want him to die to storm cuz that guy could die to storm he's really just looking he just wants a tag he wants a quick tag takes a lot of storm damage the reason why he was doing that is cuz he didn't want this guy to die to storm but now at least he gets kill credit for it 45 eliminations guys re just keeps doing crazy things we got to run him through the gauntlet soon thank you guys so much for watching and go subscribe to his channel too
Channel: More SypherPK
Views: 603,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite, fortnite battle royale, gameplay, sypherpk, sypher, more sypherpk, new update, fortnite chapter 5
Id: xAikBEa9YZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 54sec (774 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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