Reduced Row Echelon Form - #1 Skill in Linear Algebra

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- Hi, I'm Jen from Calcworkshop, and in this video, we're gonna learn about the most important technique in all of linear algebra, row reduction. So, either the form of REF, or Row Echelon Form, or Reduced Row Echelon Form or RREF. Both of these techniques are pivotal to your success in linear algebra. We're gonna walk through a bunch of examples to make sure that you are successful in understanding this important concept. So, check it out. Alright, so let's look at the two forms of row reduction. The first one is called Row Echelon Form. Some people refer to it as just Echelon Form, and others refer to it as Gauss Elimination, since Gauss was the first to have actually come up with this idea. We abbreviate and say Row Echelon Form is REF, which is referred to as Row Echelon Form, REFing, Gauss Elimination. Here's the idea: We're gonna take a system, and we again, we know we like the identity matrix. That's our main guy that we like, 'cause ones and zeros are the easiest. What we wanna do is to, using techniques that we're gonna talk about in a second, is to reduce our matrix down so that we get ones along the main diagonal, if you can see that, ones going along the main diagonal, and if you see, in the lower triangle, we're creating this lower triangle of all zeros. So, again, the objective is to create an upper triangle with just numbers, and the lower triangle has all zeros, with ones along the main diagonal. That is our objective. So, what we're doing is we're taking a system, we're reducing it down, so that we get ones down the main diagonal, zeros in the lower triangle. Now, this is a square matrix, meaning we have three rows, three columns, so we know we're going to get a main diagonal. If you look here, it's not a square matrix. We have four rows and only three columns. This is a four by three matrix, so there really isn't a main diagonal to speak of. We can kinda tell it's got that diagonal feel, but it's not a nice, cut symmetry that we can see in the first one, and that's okay. We're still going to try our best to get this main diagonal if we can kinda fudge it and say, okay, I know it's not square, I know I don't have a main diagonal going all the way down, but again, what I'm looking for is to get ones coming down diagonally, zeros in the lower triangle. Here's the big key: So, we know that we want to get this lower triangle of zeros. For REF, here's what's gotta happen: you get your ones, and everything below the one must be a zero. Everything below the one in each column must be a zero. So, that is the main objective for REF. Now, what are these little asterisks? These asterisks represent any number we want them to be; we don't really care, because what we'll be able to do is do back-substitution to find our answer, and we're seen how to do substitution; we've been doing it since Algebra 1. So, the asterisks represent any number. What we wanna do is get ones along a diagonal, zeros below any of the ones. That's for REF, Row Echelon Form or Gauss Elimination. Now, why don't we like this one as much as the second one? Because, at the end of completing this task, we're gonna have to use the substitution method, and how many of us jumped at the chance to use the substitution method in Algebra 1? Not many of us. So, we would have to substitute back in our numbers to simplify an equation, and substitute again to simplify another equation. Not really helpful, and we don't like doing it. So, what would be better? Well, not just getting zeros below the ones, let's get zeros above the ones as well. That way, we don't have to back-substitute. So, that's the idea behind the second form of row operations, which is Reduced Row Echelon Form, which is RREF. We refer to this also as Gauss-Jordan Elimination, 'cause Mr. Jordan came in after Mr. Gauss and said, hey! Let's clean this up even better. So, it depends on also your textbook and also your professor who's gonna wanna say which form, but we have REF and RREF, so we're gonna REF or we're gonna RREF. So, we're gonna RREF this guy, but we're gonna row-reduce it even greater. So again, if you look at the first example, what you're seeing is we still wanna get the ones down the main diagonal just like we saw here, but the difference with this is that we just love zeros, because zeros are easy. So, we're gonna get the ones down the main diagonal, but notice, we have this lower triangle of zeros and we have the upper triangle of zeros. That's beautiful! That means we never have to back-substitute. We're done, we're simplified, we're happy. So, again, what we see here is that we do have a main diagonal here because we have a square matrix, which is nice. We get ones in a column; anything above and below has to be a zero, which we see here. Well, look at this matrix. This is definitely not a square matrix. It is out of control, a lot of variables, a lot of equations. So, what do we see here? Well, we don't have a main diagonal. There's no way for us to kinda slice that, but we can kinda tell that it is kinda making a diagonal kinda shape to it, which is what we're trying to do. We're trying to eliminate to the point where we're gonna get that diagonal feel going down, but what's important is this. Everywhere we see a one, so if you see this one right here, everything above and below it must be a zero. Well, there's nothing above it, but everything below has to be a zero. Look at the next column. Do you see a one? I don't see a one. So, I couldn't care less what's in this column, but here, I see a one in the third column. If I see a one in the third column, that means everything else in that column must be a zero. Well, everything above and below are zeros; we did a good job. Look at the next column. In the fourth column, I see a one. Everything above and below must be a zero, and it is. Look at this fifth column. I don't see a one at all, so it doesn't really matter that we've got zeros and random asterisks which represent numbers. As long as it doesn't have a one, I don't really care, and we've done our job and we've row-reduced. Now, let's look at this next column. In column number six, what we see is we have a one, which means everything in that column above and below it must be a zero, which is exactly what we see. In our seventh column, we see a one, and everything else in the column is a zero. Our last column doesn't have a one, so we don't really care. So, that is the idea behind Reduced Row Echelon Form or RREF. So, over there, everything below had to be zero for REF. For RREF, everything above and below must be a zero. So, there's the big key. Everything above and below a one must be a zero. That's critical. So, REF, everything below the one has to be a zero. In RREF, everything above and below the one has to be a zero. We still wanna see if we can form that triangle going down, but we're not gonna be always successful to do that. We know the overall goal is to get the identity, 'cause he's the easiest, but we're gonna maybe have to kind of fudge that diagonal as we go, but again, if we can get ones and zeros everywhere, we are on the right track. Now, what is also really important is to know what these ones actually mean. They have a name. We don't just go around saying, hey, get your ones, get your ones. They actually are so important, they are pivotal to our answer, they actually get a name. So what I'm gonna do next: I'm gonna put a new matrix up, and I'm gonna show you its equivalent matrix in Row Reduced Echelon Form, and we're gonna talk about what these numbers, these ones and zeros, really mean. Alright, so we have this system, and what we've done is we've put it into an augmented matrix, and then, what we're going to see is, after we've completed all the row reduction techniques that we're going to learn, that it's similar, it equivalates equivalent values, turns into this matrix, which is this simplified system. So, we have this equivalent system to this one, so these two systems are equivalent to each other. This one looks a lot nicer than that one. It's because we've performed all of our row operations to the best of our ability. So, we in essence have simplified our problem significantly. More importantly, we're gonna see that we've got these ones and zeros, and everybody loves ones and zeros, 'cause they're so much easier for us to figure out. So, what do we know? This matrix is more simplified than that matrix, and what we're seeing is that we've got these ones and zeros. So, what are these things called? Well, this one, and this one, and this one, we don't call them ones, we call them pivots. The reason why is because they are pivotal to us getting the right answer. So, these values right here, these ones that we see, are called pivots. They are also called basics or basic variables, but you're gonna see pivot more often than you're gonna see basic. They are basic values, they are pivot values, they are pivotal to our answer. Now, what does that mean? So, how many do we have? We've got three, but wait a minute. We had more than three variables. We had x-sub-one, x-sub-two, x-sub-three, x-sub-four, and then we had the equals and then we had the Bs, the solutions. Well, that means, we have a pivot in the x-one column, we have a pivot in the x-two column, and we have a pivot in the x-four column. Why don't we have a pivot in the x-three? Well, what we see here is that we don't see a one. If we see a one, everybody else in that column must go to zero. We don't have a one, so we don't need to see that everything goes away. So that means that this guy right here is what we consider a free variable. He is free to be whatever we want him to be. So what we're seeing here, in a more general form, is that this little guy is a free variable. So, I'm going to try to put that in a different color so we can see it. So, we have free variables, which in essence say they are free to be whatever we want. They are free to be whatever we choose. So, the pivots, the basic variables, they are going to give you an exact value, based off of the mechanics and the chemical make-up of these equations. The free variables, well, if we know he's free, well, I like the value of one, let's plug him in, but if you like the value of two, you plug that one in. It changes the question just a bit. It's a scalar multiple. So, what's interesting is that the ones are no longer referred to as ones, they're referred to as pivots, and the columns that they appear in are referred to as pivot columns. Now, the pivot columns always go back to the original matrix, so the pivots are found in the reduced row-reduction matrix. The pivot columns go back to the original. So we saw the pivot columns appeared in column one, column two, and column four. These are the pivot columns. So the pivots are found after row reduction. Once you've done the row reduction, you've found your ones, those are your pivots. Once you've found your pivots, then you can say, oh, in the original matrix, these were the pivot columns. So that's how we kind of relate the two. So what's interesting, though, too, is that we can then talk about, well, which variables are basic, are pivots, and which ones are free. If we can't see it here, it's obvious that x-one, x-two, and x-four are the pivots, and x-three doesn't have a one in it, so he's gotta be the free variable, we can see it even better up here. What we're seeing, if I rewrite this, we can then say, if I kinda put this down here, if I move everybody over to the right-hand side and solve, what we're seeing is that x-sub-one equals five plus three x-sub-three. I'm just moving the three x-sub-three to the other side. We see that x-sub-two equals, and I'm gonna bring the other guy over to solve for x-sub-two, is negative three minus two x-sub-three. Well, I see that x-sub-four equals zero, and the bottom row wiped out and zero equals zero all the time, but what does x-sub-three equal? We didn't have a pivot. That means, x-sub-three is itself. It can be anything we want it to be. So, once again, our pivots for this specific question are x-sub-one, x-sub-two, and x-sub-four. Our frees is x-sub-three. So, these are pivot positions. Our pivot columns go back to the original matrix. So, now that we know what these things are called, what are we gonna do? How are we get from this guy to that guy? Let's talk about the row-reduction algorithm. Alright, so here are the steps that we're going to use to perform row operations. There's only three. So, the row-operation rules, here we go. We can replace. What does it mean to replace? We can add two rows together. Now, what's really important is that you're only allowed to add. You can't subtract. We can add a negative, but we cannot subtract, because subtraction is not commutative, whereas addition is. So again, if we need to put a negative in there, we're going to add a negative value, but again, we can replace by adding two rows. We can interchange; we can switch two rows. So we can switch two rows, we can interchange them, saying, why did that equation come up top? Why don't we switch it? Because we can. We can scale, we can multiply any row by a specific number. We can multiply by a positive, a negative, a fraction, whatever we need it to be, to either make it bigger or smaller to what we want. These are all the same techniques that we used for linear combinations, and what's really cool is, you technically know how to row-reduce already. You've been doing it every time you perform linear combinations, but what we're gonna see is that we're just gonna write it differently. So, everything you know about how to do linear combination method, the elimination method from Algebra 1 to solve a system, is everything you need to row-reduce for a matrix. We're just going to write it a little bit differently and show how to work that out. Here are things that you're not going to find in a textbook that are really, really important for you to keep in mind. Once we get better at how to row-reduce, you won't always have to be as rigid with these rules, but these rules will work 100% of the time. So, here's how we're going to do it. You must work column-by-column. No matter if you're an expert at this, this rule still holds. You have to work column-by-column, and you must work with the first column, complete that column, go to the next column, and so forth. You can't just randomly say, I like column number five, so I'm gonna go to column five and work on that one first. You're going to be doing a lot of extra work that way, because you're gonna have to fix it later. So, you work column-by-column. You do not move to another column until you've gotten all the necessary zeros before you go any further. Once you've gotten your zeros, then you can find your pivots. So, pivots, yes, we know they're pivotal to our answer, but it's a lot easier to take any number and reduce it down to a one. If I have the number three, I can multiply three by one-third, I can scale, and that three times one-third becomes a one. It's a lot easier to get a one than it is to get a zero. So, the first thing we're gonna do is get all of our zeros that we need, and then the second thing we'll do is to get our pivots by scaling. So that's really, really important for us. Now, here is the massive hint. The hint is this: if you're working in column one to get your zeros, you're gonna use row one to manipulate. If you're working in column two to get your zeros, you're gonna use row two to manipulate. If you're in column five, you're gonna use row five to manipulate. So whatever column you're in, you're gonna use that equivalent row to make the manipulations. This is really, really important and very helpful in terms of what in the world we're doing. So, these are the rules, and we're gonna continue to refer to them over and over and over again, but we can replace, we can switch, and we can scale. So basically, we can add, switch, and scale, and we're gonna work column-by-column, we're gonna get our zeros first, and then get our pivots, and whatever column we're in, we're gonna use that equivalent row to do the manipulation. Now, before we actually jump into seeing a matrix and how it works, what we're gonna do is we're gonna walk through a system. In this system we're gonna use for linear combinations, the way we did in Algebra 1, and then we're gonna do the exact same system using matrices, and see exactly how they are the same, just different ways of writing it. So, if I have this system, and I have eight x plus six y equals two, and then, five x plus four y equals negative one, how would we do this way back in the day? Well, in Algebra 1, what we would say is we wanna pick a variable we want to eliminate. What we would see is, the Xs are lined up nicely, the Ys are lined up, the equals sign, and also the constants. So, we're already ready to go in terms of combining things. Well, let's get rid of the Xs. So, if we get rid of the Xs, that means they have to have the same number, opposite signs. What do we see? What we see is that this guy has an eight and this x has a five. They're not the same number, nor are they even opposite signs. So what we're going to do is we're basically gonna do a switcheroo. So we're gonna say, I'm going to take this five and I'm going to bring it up top. I'm gonna move that, and I'm gonna put a five up here. Well, I'm gonna do the exact same thing, I'm gonna take this eight and I'm going to bring it down. So by doing that, I can now multiply the entire top row by five and the entire bottom row by eight. That's still not gonna get me exactly what I want. I still need them to be opposite signs. So, if you notice, do you agree, it looks like we're in the first column? Well, we are, so which row do we use to manipulate? We would use the top row, so we're gonna make the top one negative. We're always gonna do that. So now what we're gonna do is we're going to distribute these numbers into the entire equation, so that means, negative five is going to be distributed to everybody in the top row, and then eight is gonna be distributed or multiplied by everybody in the bottom row. This is what we did way back in Algebra 1. So if we distribute those numbers in, negative five times eight gives us negative 40 x; Negative five times six gives us a negative 30 y; equals negative five times two, we have a negative 10. What did we do? We didn't change the chemical make-up of the equation. We just made it bigger. Could we factor out a negative five and come right back to where we started? Yes, which means we haven't done anything illegal, we just made them easier for us to use. So, if we multiply the entire bottom equation by eight, eight times five is a positive 40 x, eight times four, what we see is we've got a positive 32 y, and eight times negative one, we see is a negative eight. Once again, we haven't changed the chemical make-up of that equation; he's still five x plus four y equals negative one, all we did was make him a little bit bigger by multiplying by an eight. The reason we wanted to do that is, now we notice, they not only have the same number, they have opposite signs. So now, we're going to add them, because that's how we can replace, we can add. So we're going to add these two equations up. Negative 40 x and a positive 40 x got eliminated. It made a zero, which is what we want. Again, we're looking for our zeros. And if we add those two numbers up, we've got a negative 30 y plus a 32 y, and we see it's a plus two y, equals, negative 10 and negative eight make a negative 18. Well, now we've got two y equals negative 18. If we divide by two, y equals negative nine. So now that we know that y equals negative nine, all we gotta do is find what x equals. We have a choice. We can take this negative nine and plug it into either of our new and improved equations, or into either of the original equations. I probably wouldn't plug it into the new and improved because it's bigger numbers. So, but we get to decide how we wanna do that. We can take this negative nine and we can plug it into either the top equation or the bottom equation; it doesn't really matter. If we choose the top equation, that means we have eight x plus six times negative nine, and then, equals two. So now what are we gonna do? We're going to simplify. Well, we've got eight x, and then minus 54, equals two. Alright, so now, let's add the 54 over, and we get eight x equals 56. Divide by eight; x equals seven. Well, that means we've found the solution. We found the value of seven, negative nine. Well, this is everything that we're gonna do for matrices. I'm going to leave this up and I'm going to erase that side, and then I'm gonna take this exact question and we're gonna put it into a matrix, and we're gonna perform the same in essence operations. We're just gonna write it a little bit differently, and we're gonna see that we're gonna get the same outcome in the end by just performing row operations using matrix form, which is exactly like linear combinations. Here we go. Alright, same exact system. We already know what the answer is. We already know what we had to do. Let's now put this into an augmented matrix and see what we can discover. So if we put this into an augmented matrix, that means we're going to put our coefficients, eight and five for the Xs, six and four for the Ys, we're gonna put our bar for the equals sign, and then, two, negative one. So, what makes this a little bit different? Well, we're getting rid of the variables, and we don't have to deal with them. We can bring them back in at the end. We're just dealing with the numbers, which is what we need, anyway. Well, if we're working in matrix form, we have to work column-by-column, so that means we are in column one. Our ultimate goal is to get everybody in the column to be ones and zeros. That's what we wanna do. Well, what's more important? The big hint was, get your zeros first, then get your ones, so get the zeros, then the pivots. So, if you notice, if we're looking for that diagonal to be a one, that means everything above and below must be a zero. Well, that means the five really does need to go away, because the eight will eventually become a pivot; it'll eventually become a one. Again, remember, our ultimate goal is to get this. This is what we're looking for. That's what our objective is. We wanna get ones down the main diagonal, everywhere else to be zeros. So, that means we eventually want to turn the eight into a one, but that's not important to us right now. The most important thing is to get that zero. So, what are we gonna do? We need to get rid of him; how do we get rid of him? Well, we can add/replace, we can switch/interchange, or we can scale. Well, what did we do over here? We added; maybe we should do the same thing. So, how did we do it over here? Well, we got the numbers to be the same, opposite signs. Maybe we should do the exact same technique, and that's exactly what we're gonna do. What we're gonna say is, well, if I am in column one, I'm gonna use row one to manipulate, so once again, what I'm going to see is I wanna keep this guy, but I want this one to go away. I'm going to switch those two numbers once again. So, I'm gonna say, this is a five and this is an eight. Now, we did the exact same thing over there, but we recognized over there that we needed one to be positive and one to be negative. Well, whatever column you're in, that's the row that you're going to use predominantly to manipulate. So, we're in column one, so we're gonna manipulate the most using row one, and so, if we need a negative, he gets the negative. If we were in column two and we needed a negative, that means row two would get it, because that would be the column-row combination. So, what do we do now? Well, we're about to manipulate, meaning we're about to distribute into everybody that we see. We're not changing the make-up of the original matrix, we're just gonna make it bigger, just like we saw here. Now, every time we perform an operation, we need to put some command lines down, meaning you have to tell the reader, whoever it is looking at your work, what did you do? I don't understand; how can I follow you quickly so that I can see every manipulation you make? Now notice, we just wrote down that we're gonna take and multiply negative five by the entire top row, and eight by the entire second row. Well, that's the command line we're gonna write. We're gonna say, negative five row one, plus eight times row two. Well, we're gonna take negative five and multiply entirely through row one, and eight entirely by row two, and we want to eventually add them, just like we did here. What do we wanna do? We want this this guy to go away, which is exactly what we saw there. We want him to disappear, which means we're gonna say, I want us to eventually change, let's change row two. Why row two? 'Cause that's the location that we need to go away. That's the elimination part that we're looking for. So we're going to multiply two rows and then add them together, just like we did there. This is the command line, which is what your professor or anybody looking at your work wants to see. Now, every time you manipulate the matrix, we need to say, I am manipulating, I am performing a row operation, I'm gonna put the wiggle in there, saying, hey, operation is about to happen. So, that means I'm going to, in small little blue writing, going to write up high above those numbers. Again, when you get really good at this, you can do it all mentally in your head. So, if you can multiply and add numbers quickly and easily and arithmetic is no problem for you, then you don't need to write this down. For the rest of us mere mortals, we might need to write it down, because we don't wanna make a silly mistake. I make silly mistakes with arithmetic all the time, so, make sure we get it right by writing it down, if we have to; you can write it in pencil, you can write it really faintly, you can put it on the sides and no one will ever know that you wrote down these numbers, but we just gotta make it right. So, I'm gonna do it in small little writing in blue, so you can see the manipulation. If I take this negative five and multiply by eight, I get a negative 40; Negative five times six, we get a negative 30; and negative five times two, we get a negative 10. Oh, we saw that over here. Alright, if we take the eight and we multiply him all the way through, eight times five is a positive 40; eight times four was a positive 32; and eight times negative one gave us a negative eight. Well, we did exactly what this blue command line said to do. We multiplied the first row by negative five; we multiplied the second row by a positive eight. What do they want us to do now? Add it. Okay, I can add these little blue numbers. Who do we want to change? We want row two to change. Well, that means row two is the guy that's changing, which means the original row one is gonna stick around. Now, that's interesting. How come the original row one is staying and I'm not writing negative 40, negative 30, and negative 10? Because, what would be easier to work with later? Big numbers, little numbers. So whichever row we need to replace, that's the only one that gets affected, because I don't wanna have to eventually deal with negative 40, negative 30, and negative 10. You could if you wanted to, but it's so much easier to say, you know what, I never change the chemical make-up over here; I just made it bigger, so I don't have to keep using these big numbers; let's go back to the original. The only one that's getting changed is row two, 'cause that's who I'm looking for. So let's add the little blue numbers together. Negative 40 and positive 40 made the zero, just like we saw here, just like we're looking for there, in terms of our matrix. Negative 30 and a positive 32 gave us a two. Well, what do we see? Negative 10 and negative eight make a negative 18. What you're seeing is exactly what we see here in our line when we simplified using linear combinations. Everything is identical, just written differently. So now, we have finished, completed, column one. Notice column one, we need to keep everybody to be ones and zeros. What's most important? Getting your zeros, and at the very end, get your ones. So, we don't need to change the eight into a one just yet. We just need to get our zeros. Now what we're gonna do is we're gonna move to our second column. If we're in our second column, we want to manipulate using the row two column. So notice, it's mimicking what we want in terms of the identity. We want this two to stick around. We want the six to go away. Hmm, so if we want the six to go away, we want him to become a zero, like we see here. Well, if we are in column two, that means we're gonna use row two to manipulate. So, instead of using the eight and the zero like we see here, we're gonna use the six and the two, because when we're now in column two, we're gonna use row two. So, what we're gonna do is, we're gonna make a little bit of a switcheroo. We're going to switch those numbers around. Now, I'm gonna do something that you probably can recognize and say, why is she multiplying by six and two? Two goes into six three times. Why can't we just use that? We absolutely can, and we're gonna get better and better at it, but what we're gonna do is we're just gonna switch those numbers. So now, we know that we're gonna switch the two and we're gonna switch the six. Here's the question: are they opposite signs? We just switched the numbers, but they're not opposites, so one of them has to be a negative. Which one is it gonna be? Well, if you're in column two, that means you're gonna use row two to manipulate, so the row two is going to get the negative if we have to have a negative, which we do. So, again, we're in column two, so row two is the manipulation part; row two is gonna get the negative. What are we about to do? Well, we're gonna write our command line. We're gonna say, I want us to multiply negative six by everybody in row two, and I wanna multiply everybody in row one by a value of two, and I want us to add it together. So, once again, we want to do an elimination method. We wanna basically eliminate the y variables a little bit. So, what's happening is, we're gonna multiply the entire second row by a negative six; we're gonna multiply the entire top row by a two, because those are the two manipulations we're gonna see; and we want to change row one. Why row one this time? Because that's the zero that we're looking for. That's what we're trying to gain. Now, notice something really cool. You notice, the first guy tells you what column you're in, the second guy is who's getting changed. The first guy is what column you're in, the second guy goes twice, because he's the one we're trying to change. That's the way all of our commands will always be, to keep things organized. So, we're going to perform a row operation. We're gonna put the wiggle in there. Now, again, if you were really good at using arithmetic and adding and multiplying numbers, go for it; that's awesome. If not, write it down. So, we're going to do exactly what it says. We're going to multiply the entire second row by a negative six. Here we go. Zero times negative six, well, is zero. I'm gonna erase this so we can write it down. So we have zero. Two times negative six is a negative 12. Negative 18 times a negative six is 108. Now, if we multiply the entire top row, row one, by a two, let's see what happens. Eight times two, we get 16; six times two, we have 12; and two times two, we get four. Notice that these are the little orange numbers. That's what we're going to be adding. If we can do this in our head, great; otherwise, just write it down. So, we're going to manipulate. Which row are we looking to change? We wanna change row one, which means row two isn't changing. We were happy with row two; we'd already affected him on the previous example, so we're going to keep zero, two, and negative 18. Why? I don't really wanna keep 108 if I don't have to. I mean, it's up to you, but I'd rather keep the smaller numbers. Again, by just multiplying an entire row by a number, you're not changing that equation, you're just making it either bigger or smaller, so use the numbers that are easier, only affect one thing at a time. So now, let's add up the little orange numbers exactly like we see here. 16 plus zero makes 16. Wait a minute; my eight, he changed! Who cares? If I take an eight and I multiply it by one-eighth, we get one. If I take 16 and multiply it by one over 16, we still get a one. It doesn't really matter that we haven't changed him yet, and that's why we don't change our pivots 'til the last minute. So, 12 and negative 12 make zero, which is exactly what we were looking for; and then, four plus 108 makes 112. Alright, so now, we have completed the hardest part of row reduction. What we see is that we've got the zeros everywhere we're supposed to have a zero. We've got zero in the lower triangle and we've got zero in the upper triangle, just like the identity matrix we were looking for. Perfect; what's the only thing left for us to do? Scale; we wanna get these numbers along this diagonal to become one, so how do we get a 16 to become a one? We multiply by its inverse, one over 16. How do we get a two to become a one? Multiply by one-half. So, that's the operation we're gonna perform, and we're gonna write that command line. We're going to say, I want us to multiply by one over 16 times row one, and it's going to change row one to make it easier. We're then going to say, one-half row two is going to change row two. Again, we're just telling the reader what you're about to do, and then, if we do it, we're going to manipulate it one more time. We're gonna say, okay, I'm about to perform an operation. There's my wiggle, and we're going to change both of those rows. We're gonna multiply the entire top row by one over 16, so if we say, one over 16, and we distribute him in, 16 times one over 16 becomes a one; zero times one over 16 stays zero; and then, 112 divided by 16, well, look at that; you get seven. So, 112 divided by 16, we get a seven value; perfect! So now, let's take one-half and multiply it by the entire second row. So we have one-half and we're going to distribute, in essence, scale him in. Zero times a half, zero; two times a half, one. Perfect, I've got my pivots. I've got my ones down the main diagonal, zeros everywhere else, top and bottom, and then, negative 18 divided by 2 or times one-half, we get a negative nine. Well, would you look at that. This guy looks just like that guy; it's just written a little bit differently. Notice we have x equals seven, y equals negative nine. If we remember, this is the x and y columns, and we know this is the equals, well, we're ready to go. That means x plus zero y equals seven, and zero x plus y equals negative nine, well, x equals seven, y equals negative nine, just like we saw over there. So, linear combinations is the exact same way that we perform row operations. We've now proven it. What's interesting is that we were able to do the same manipulations, write some command lines, and get our overall objective. We took our time to make sure that we could guarantee that we're never gonna get this wrong. Now, what did we perform? We performed RREF, Reduced Row Echelon Form, Gauss-Jordan Elimination, because we got ones down the main diagonal, our pivots, zeros everywhere else. Did we have to? No, we could have actually stopped right here, and we could have actually done back-substitution like we did on the previous question, where we saw four linear combinations, and we would have gotten the same answer, but we're just walking ourselves through techniques. What we're gonna do next is we're gonna look at an example of how to just do REF, Row Echelon Form, and then for the next examples, which we're gonna see, we're gonna continue to perform RREF. Out of the two operations, RREF is the more-powerful and the more-useful. REF is every effective if you only need to determine certain things, but again, it would still require back-substitution. So, let's look at how to do REF, and then, for the next bunch of examples, we'll do RREF, which is the more-powerful. Here we go. Alright, so for this example, it says, use REF, Row Echelon Form, or Gauss Elimination, to solve the system. So what we see is, we're given this basic system, two equations, two unknowns, and what we're gonna do is we're gonna put it into an augmented matrix. In order to perform REF or RREF, you must be using an augmented matrix. So, here we go. We're gonna put it into an augmented matrix. We're gonna keep our columns nicely organized and pull out the coefficients. So we say, we've got one and negative one for the x-one column; we have negative two and three for the x-two column; we're gonna put our bar in for the equals sign; and then, negative one and three. So we have now successfully created that augmented matrix. Now, what is one of the most common mistakes is we transcribe wrong. I've done it myself, and so, how important is it that, to make sure we copy correctly to get our matrix, because if we copy it wrong, then everything we do after that's gonna be wrong. So, take your time, double-check yourself, to make sure that you've transcribed it correctly. I've made the same mistake myself. So, what we've done is, we've now written the augmented matrix, and now we gotta think, what is the overall goal that we're looking for? If we know we're looking for REF, that means we are looking for ones down the main diagonal, zeros below all of the ones, but we don't really care what happens in the upper triangle. So that means, we only really need to get one zero and scale on down. That's not so bad; it just means extra back-substitution to get our answer. So, what do we wanna do? Well, we wanna get this guy, negative one, to become a zero. Well, let's go ahead and put that in there, so we can say, hey, I want him to become a zero, so I'm gonna actually put it in and say, that's what I'm really wanting to get. Now, what column are we in? We are in column one, which means, we're gonna use row one to manipulate, so we're going to switch those numbers. Well, they happen to be the same, one and one. Do we need a negative? Well, one's positive and one's negative already, so we don't to put a negative in there. All we gotta do is switch those values. So, what do we wanna do? We want to switch the numbers and then add them together using our addition property, our replacing property. We wanna replace this guy with a zero, so we're gonna write our command line. Our command line says, hey, I wanna multiply the entire top row by one, so we'll say, one row one, or just row one, plus one row two. So, I want to add these two things together, just like I would see in linear combinations. If we just put our big bar and put a big plus there, and we can add 'em up, that's what I wanna do. Well, who wants to be replaced? Who are we trying to manipulate? We want the row two to go away. We want this guy to be replaced, so we say, row two. Again, we're gonna say, whoever comes first is the column you're in. Row one corresponds to the column one. Row two better come twice, because that's who we're going to be affecting. So if we do that, we're about to manipulate, so we say, wiggle, so equivalent matrix is about to come up. We're going to only replace row two. We're going to keep row one exactly the way it is. So, we're going to rewrite row one, so we don't mess it up and don't get anything weird, and what we're gonna do is, we're gonna now perform the operations they want us to. Well, this one's pretty nice, but just because I wanna make sure that we see that we're doing something, I'm gonna still write it in the little blue color. So it says, multiply the entire top row by one, so one times one is one; one times negative two is negative two; negative one times one is a negative one. I've successfully multiplied. What about the second row? We are gonna multiply the entire second row by a positive one. Okay, so negative one times one is a negative one; three times one is three; and then, one times three is three. I've done exactly what it says. Now all we gotta do is add them together. Okay, one plus negative one makes zero. Perfect, I got exactly what I wanted. So now, negative two plus three, what we see is one. Alright, and negative one plus three, we get a value of two. So, we have now completed column one. We have gotten the zero that we were looking for, and if you notice, we are actually perfect in terms of REF manipulation. We have exactly what we're looking for. We have our pivots down the main diagonal, and we didn't even have to scale, and we've got our zero in the lower triangle, and it doesn't really matter what that number is above. What we now see is that we can pull this back out into a system. This is called general form. So, general form now says, rewrite what you've got. Again, this is x-one, x-two, there's the equals, and again, these are the constants. So we see that we've got x-one minus two x-two equals negative one, but what we see here is that the second equation has gotten better. We now have just x-two equals two. We have performed our general-form operation by using REF. Well, what are we gonna do now? Unfortunately, since we didn't do RREF, we still have to find out what x-one is by back-substituting. So now, back-substitute. We're gonna take this value, and we're going to plug it in. So what we have is, x-sub-one minus two times two equals negative one; so x-sub-one minus four equals negative one; x-sub-one equals three if I add the four over, four plus negative one equals three. Now what I've got is x-sub-one equals three, x-sub-two equals two, or it's the ordered pair three, two. So, REF is pretty straightforward. All we're doing is getting our zeros in the lower triangle, and then we would get our pivots if we need to, which what we saw was a pretty straightforward question, but the irritating thing at the end is that you still have to back-substitute, and no one wants to do that, especially if you've got a bigger matrix. This one wasn't hard, but imagine if you had five equations and you had to back-substitute five times. Ooh, that's be really frustrating. So, REF is definitely effective, but it's not as powerful as RREF, and here's something that's very, very important for you to know. REF, there are an infinite number of possibilities on how to solve using REF, because what was stopping me from saying, you know, I don't like the way it's written. I could have said, well, why did that top equation come first and the second equation come second? What happens if we then said, okay, if we had this, one, negative one, and then negative two three, and then negative one, three, well, how come that row's on top and that row's on the bottom? Why? Well, it's because the textbook or the professor or I chose it that way, but it doesn't have to stay that way. I wanna switch 'em, because that's what I wanna do. So, we could switch. I wanna take the second row and move it to the top row. I can say, I want row one to switch with row two. Notice it's the double arrow that we're seeing here. I want them to switch; why not? Because we can. There's nothing saying that we could put one before the other. So, we would then say, well, this would be negative one, three, and three, and then one, negative two, and negative one. I can switch; I can interchange any way I want to. So, what's really important is, there are an infinite number of ways to solve a system using REF, so that means, I can get one value and then you can get another matrix in the end. So this matrix right here I could get, but I can get something totally different if I wanted to if I had changed the way this was written. I can totally get different possibilities. Well, why did I multiply both of them by one? I wanna multiply both top and bottom, row one and row two, by 17, 'cause I like the number 17. So we can have an infinite different possibilities for REF. What's so cool, though, that every single person in the world will get the same exact RREF in the end, no matter what we do to get there. So, I could take seven steps to get to the final outcome and you can take two. We will still arrive at the same answer, and all of our answers will be exactly the same if we're going to use RREF. Now, if we use REF, just Row Echelon Form, we can have an infinite number of possibilities, but every single person will get the same exact RREF in the end. I hope you've enjoyed the lesson so far on row-reduction techniques. For an additional question, where we look at how to row-reduce a four by three matrix, check out
Channel: - Calculus Videos
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Keywords: reduced row echelon form, echelon form, calcworkshop, row reduce, row echelon form, row reduction, row operations, rref, linear algebra, matrix, calculus, gaussian elimination, gauss-jordan, mathematics, matrices, ref
Id: W95p0E-CB_s
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Length: 50min 25sec (3025 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2017
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