Redesigning My LEAST FAVORITE PvZ2 Plants

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shrimp Alfredo hey everyone welcome back to another upload been a while since we talked about Plants versus Zombies huh look I'm just going to cut to the chase my 50 question Q&A special please go watch it if you haven't already took a bit of a toll on me so I thought it'd be fun to chill out with the video on a familiar topic I even thought it'd be fun to put my recently revealed interest in game design to the test so in this video I'm going to be redesigning five plants from plants vers zombies 2 2 and plants for zombies 2 China collectively I'll be redesigning their appearances present concepts for how they'd be animated and rework their abilities in the context of both games no need for a longer intro let's get right into it starting with sorry in advance if I'm the one who has to introduce you to this thing but this is pomeg gunet or machine gun pomegranate if you want to be a nerd about it I'm sure a lot of you know who this is but just in case you don't pom gun it originates from Plants vs Zombies 2 China which is a whole another can of worms compared to plants vers zombies 2 International it's got additional worlds more plants more zombies and a variety of extra content and of that extra content is pomet here I've got a complicated relationship with pomet on one hand I don't like it and on the other hand I don't like [Music] it pomegranate spits pomegranate seeds in a radius around them their attack style is pretty close to that of Snapdragon and three pater in that they attack in a 3x2 radius and that zombies too close to them will absorb all of their projectiles their attack is also closer to a scatter gun with the machine gun aspect of their name only being showcased when given plant food that's not to mention that they're extremely weak with their shots missing zombies a tile above and below low their attack range granted they get stronger past level one but what plant doesn't all of this at the cost of 325 sun and it's safe to say that you've got a pretty shiy plant so let's redesign them for starters 325 sun is way too much for what we want to do with them for the sake of balancing them with ppc2 International 175 sun is a much fairer price that projectile absorption is going to give them a 25 Sun Edge over Snap Dragon we also want poman to deal more base damage than snap dragon as snap dragon's attack pierces through zombies while pomeg gun at seeds don't of course we'll also make it so that their shots won't miss zombies in these two tiles and what the heck we'll keep their 3.5 plant food attack radius just to give them that extra Edge over Snapdragon just remember we aren't trying to make one plant better than the other we just want them to coexist together now that they've got their base stats covered let's talk about the leveling system system in PVZ2 International most plants can be leveled up to 10 15 and 20 respectively and upon reaching their max level can be upgraded to Mastery up to Mastery level 200 in PVZ2 China most plants can be leveled up to 3 four and five respectively and can unlock a plethora of new abilities apart from increased health and damage level up stats aren't that important to bring up well except PVZ2 C's but for the sake of completion I thought it like you know that in PVZ2 International pagun would require 250 seed packets to unlock could be upgraded to level 10 and unlocks chance to boost and damage Pierce at Mastery level one as for PvZ 2C pomon already has level up stats up to level four however I'd like to propose the idea for poman to unlock the splatter gun upgrade at level five this upgrade gives poman the chance to fire a barrage of seeds similar to peashooters level two upgrade in PvZ 2C and now to talk about their design I initially wanted to go an entirely different Direction with them but realized that they didn't really feel like pomeg it so I decided to clean up what worked about their design and add some PVZ2 flare in places that needed it culminating in this I even gave them a new costume based on their original color palette and a new name pom Gunner nothing wrong with pagun it but I felt like this rolled off the tongue much better for me [Music] come [Applause] [Music] on down [Music] official flower business switching over to PVZ2 International we have Sunday new tangler who's so close to being a plant I'd like but is just barely Off the Mark it's definitely a design thing because I enjoy their personality as a seemingly innocent trickster who entangles zombies for sun but man the execution kills it for me this is a problem I find in a lot of new PVZ2 plants where I'll see a design and go yeah that could work before seeing it in motion again Sund tangler is so close but I think they need a bit of reworking [Music] suu tangler is a plant that can trap zombies who walk over it in snaring them to deal damage and produce Sun zombies and snared will also act as walls for other zombies and sundu tangler itself is immune to most forms of damage such as being crushed transformed pulled Frozen and so on thankfully sundu tangler isn't free and actually has a long enough recharge but at the same time sundu has a little too much for my liking so let's rework it for starters sundu seems to serve the role of a support plant you shouldn't rely on sundu as your primary Sun producer but you also shouldn't deny the benefits of using them as a secondary Sun producer so we're going to make suu tangler deal zero damage this stems from a problem related to the leveling system in which sundo starts to deal so much damage that it kills zombies before producing any sun from them pair this with suu's ability to negate armor and you've got a bit of a busted PL to make up for this removal though we're going to make it so that ins snared zombies are given the sunbean effect incentivizing players to kill the Zombies trapped within suu tangler to produce sun and let the plant refresh it's plant food effect will also remain the same just replacing the damage component with the sunbean component finally let's make sundue a bit more vulnerable while I don't think this plant should be edible it should definitely be capable of being crushed pulled and Frozen sender tangler already has level up stats in PVZ2 International although I'd replace the damage ability with sun production instead as for PVZ2 China though I added back its ability to deal damage as an upgrade along with the ability to produce big sun at level five PvZ 2C is unbalanced enough as is so I figured a plant capable of stunning damaging and producing Sun from zombies wasn't the end of the world over there as mentioned previously Sun tanglers design is barely Off the Mark for me so my redesign is pretty faithful I did try to make them cuter by rounding up their head shape simplifying their tricomes and giving them some characteristics that the classic plant designs have I also got rid of their plant base as it's usually not visible in actual sundos their leaves even curl in like little fists hinting at their true personality before the zombies get ins snared next comes the color and behold and while you're beholding their costume is actually inspired by a Beholder from DND D which is a powerful aberration with multiple ice dos however it appears that sundu tangler went a little easy on the accuracy given their impression to [Music] uphold [Music] [Music] oh [Music] going back to China wait shifting back to PVZ2 China we've got a plant that needs an introduction because nothing about them is memorable in the slightest bamb brook or bamboo bro I really don't like bamb Brook not only are they one of four bamboo plants in PBZ 2C not only are they severely underd designed and not only are they mechanically uninteresting but actually no that's about it they're just boring and ugly still I'm not one to suggest problems and proceed to do nothing about them let's dissect bamb Brook Ben Brook is an extremely simple plant when a zombie gets too close to them they'll push them back ever so slightly and act as a walnut the only interesting trait ban Brook has about them is that they can actually heal however this trait is extremely outclassed by another plant from PVZ2 China an which has healing so strong that it can withstand being eaten by over 10 zombies while dealing enough damage to kill them there's also aloe you know a plant designed to heal defensive plants so giving a defensive plant the ability to heal thems while still having the same Health as a regular Walnut is a questionable decision out of every plan of this video bamb Brook is probably going to be the most redesigned still I'm going to keep them a defensive plant just with a little less Health than a walnut however we're going to play more into their knockback ability it's so so subtle and they only do it the first time a zombie approaches them instead we're going to make them perform a one tile knockback that deals 25 damage every 12 seconds not as strong of a knockback as chuard but theoretically has unlimited uses this also allows Benbrook to quote unquote heal thems without directly healing thems providing a reason to use aloe they could also heal thems through their plant food effect along with knocking back zombies in front of it back five tiles in PVZ2 International bamb Brook would require 250 seat packets to unlock could be upgraded to level 10 and unlocks chance to boost and toughness bonus at Mastery level one of course B Brook already has level up stance at PvZ 2C but for the sake of their redesign bamb Brook unlocks more health and damage at levels two and three has a chance to be boosted when planted at level four and unlocks the not so dumb upgrade at level five giving them the ability to deal 1,300 damage upon being eaten now you're probably wondering what bamb Brook looks like considering how much I dislike their design and how much I've redesigned them thus far well allow me to introduce you to Bamboo dummy I know this is a change I really wanted to keep the Integrity of bamb Brook's original design but with how many bamboo plants there are in PvZ 2C I figured I'd come up with something more unique bamboo dummy is based on a Wing Chun dummy which is used by martial artists to practice Wing Chan Kung Fu and other Chinese martial arts as such bamboo dummy makes for the perfect defense against clumsy zombies willing to run or crash into them sorry to the one bamb Brook fan out there who had to see their favorite plant become something entirely new they also have a costume guess every scratch needs time to heal I wonder who was so kind as to bandage them up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a e dude what the wonder how many of you saw this one coming tomb tangler is weird when you see what tomb tangler is believed to be based on you can kind of see what they were going for but look this plan is ugly as hell however I'm not going to undermine that aspect of their design let's just clean them up a little bit [Music] tomb tangler can be planted on gravestones destroying them and adding 80% of that gravestone Health on a tomb tangler's Health tomb tangler also emits a fog from its mouth that slow zombies additionally zombies within that slowing fog have a 50% chance of being pulled into the ground on top of that tomb tangler will simply damage zombies that cannot be pulled into the ground some of which include gargantuars imp cannons pianis zombies yetis catapult zombies zomboni you see that's just too much stuff I'm cool with tomb tangler being a direct upgrade to grave Buster but you can just tell that half of its additions are due to Arena so let's simplify tomb tangler a little bit to start off positive we're going to keep tomb tangler's defensive capabilities intact after all tomb tangler needs something for how uncommon graves are however we're going to increase his recharge and health to that of a walnut combine that with 80% of a Max gravestone health and and its 50% slowness effect and tomb tangler offers 9,120 health for 25 sun on the other hand we're going to remove its ability to pull zombies into the ground considering its existing role as a defensive staller because of this tomb tangler's plant food effect will now tangle random zombies on the board creating 2,500 Health zombie walls against the likes of ice Bloom gum nut and sundue tangler like sundu tangler tomb tangler has level up stats and PVZ2 International although I'd remov the damage and fog pool tick time ability for Tangled zombie Health instead as for PVZ2 China I added back its ability to pull zombies into the ground as an upgrade as I think tomb tangler could make better use of it in that game on top of that tomb tangler unlocks the tomb Thorns upgrade at level five which allows them to create spike rock like thorns in the ground at approaching zombies now let's talk about tomb tangler's design given how specific their ability is it's kind of hard to redesign them entirely as I mentioned before you can see what they were going for so I took their design and simplified it I reworked tomb tangler to be a much simpler planned so I believe that this decision was an order of course they still have their mouth but this time it opens when zombies get close I also got rid of all the rock and gravel and saved their arms to be revealed in their plant food effect now all that's left to do is to reveal them in color and voila they also have this costume which seems to make up for their lack of a mouth or is some attempt at being more [Music] approachable [Music] [Music] berock batter is a plant whose concept is great but whose design and execution leave a little to be desired if you're looking for a strong plant that seems to outclass Torchwood in most aspects then you're in luck however if you're like me and prefer something a little more balanced then you're also in [Music] luck verock batter can hit P's that pass through them hitting either a straight ball which travels faster and Deals more damage or a curve ball which is lobbed and stuns the farthest zombie in the lane berock batter also has a melee attack when zombies get Too Close which slightly knocks back zombies from in front or behind it in my opinion this is a lot for a plant to have and this isn't just a jab at berock batter I think PVZ2 International Torchwood has just as many unnecessary abilities so let's rework the way beroch batter functions like Torchwood berock batter does not need to have a melee attack especially one that attacks forwards and backwards to compensate for this though we'll give berock batter the health of PBC to International Torchwood next up their abilities berock batter is meant to sacrifice damage output for status effects but it's currently very inconsistent so we'll make all P hit by berock batter deal four times as much damage additionally if a zombie is more than two tiles away from berock batter berock batter will always hit curveballs whereas if a zombes within two tiles from berock berock batter will always hit straight balls and when given plant food the next p that berock batter hits will push a group of zombies to the start of the lawn and stun them in place finally we'll just lower its attack rate and boom we've got a consistent support plant akin to Torchwood in pvc2 international berock batter would require 250 seed packets to unlock could be upgraded to level 10 and unlocks chance to boost and damage Pierce at Mastery level one as per usual berock batter already has level up stats in PvZ 2C but for the sake of the redesign berock batter unlocks an increased knockback and Sun duration at levels 2 and three has a chance to be boosted when planted at level four and unlocks the Home Run upgrade at level five giving them a chance to hit a piece so hard that it turns into a fireball dealing Splash damage stunning and knocking back a group of zombies finally their design it wasn't until after I finished their line art when I stumbled upon their concept art on the PvZ Wiki and I'm still baffled that this is the design they settled on however I do like these personalities and the idea of two plants in one so I settled in this design I wanted to capture how I imagined a berock batter to look like equipped with little leaf arms and a berock bat it may be a bit more on the nose but I think it looks and animates more clearly and for my favorite part let's see the final render all that's left is its costume which is a pair of new baseball outfits and a new name which was inspired by the phrase Hey Bada swing B with that bab has finally come into their own and that's our final [Music] redesign [Music] [Music] he [Music] and there you have it five plants redesigned to my liking and hopefully your liking as well I've never done a video like this before but I hope this excuse to talk about PVZ Game design and showcase my art made for some solid entertainment I also want to give a huge thank you to my friend and artist pocket painter on Instagram who did all the coloring and shading for each of the final plant renders including the costumes I could not imagine these looking as good if I were the one coloring them but that's about it I don't have a lot more to say that hasn't been said already I really hope you enjoyed this video as simpler and relaxed as it was and I hope you stick around for the next one thank you for watching and I'll catch you on the flip side [Music] peace [Music]
Channel: theoriginalalex
Views: 189,751
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theoriginalalex, the original alex, theoriginalalex pvz, theoriginalalex pvz2, theoriginalalex pvz2 china, plants vs zombies, plants vs zombies 2, plants vs zombies 2 china, pvz, pvz2, pvz2 china, pvz2c, redesigning my least favorite pvz2 plants, worst pvz2 plants, bad plants pvz, worst pvz plants, redesigning pvz plants
Id: TTe4hNi54Ew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 28sec (1468 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2024
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