Redback Spider Vs Giant Hairy Scary Orb Spider Amazing Sucking Fluids Spider Feeding

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what the dangers are my goodness mates a danger so she's right into the danger zone I haven't even got a chance to get lid back on it's happening already the read-back is what already happening besides coming out warning this video contains graphic images of deadly spiders doing very deadly things if you suffer arachnophobia or are triggered by seeing hairy scary spiders this video is not for you well I there there is my wonderful red back spider who has beaten the praying mantis and also beaten a very bitey bitey thing there's also laid an egg sack and it looks like it is also about to lay another exact considering how fat she's become down above the tank there you can see some poop by mrs. red back that's the white spot sighs she never touched the praying mantis which is quite amazing a three day battle but she never fed from up a boy oh boy did she free from mrs. body mouths down there that was like a four day feast for her so mother red back obviously she's pregnant she'd be very protective of my patching out because she's got an egg sack and what I'm going to do in this video is get straight into it the meat of the sandwich I'm going to introduce a one-on-one battle with mrs. red vac and the beautiful orb weaving spider whose tucked in down there quite a few people have said the spider there has got a great chance of taking out a red back one on one they have a fantastic web ability and I've shown that in videos of these spiders as they catch their things that they like to lead amazing web action from those spiders there so let me carefully get the spider in here into the spider tank here with red vodka we'll see what happens Oh okay I've got her in there and it's gonna be quite curious to see what she does man she is a stunner isn't she she's big and all the dangers are my goodness mates of dangers oh she's right into the danger zone I've even got a chance to get lid back on its happening already the red back is white already I haven't even sides coming out it's trying to get out us back down oh my goodness me I am freaking it I haven't even got the lid on this container yet and that orb spider has gross really said I'm here I'm here I'm here so mrs. read-back will be preparing her web with very sticky stuff because she feels someone's in a zone yup wave is just doing circuits in their game past dead things that might be thinking wow what goes on in here there's been so much death I wonder what's caused all the death in here well it's the danger zone again I can't believe she's coming up at me she's coming up at me now she's down in that corner there that's not a very good zone to be because it's right in the red Beck's territory very hard to keep focused on this because that is actually a fast moving spider I sort of can and can't climb the glass if that makes any sense of oh she's very fast moving this she's actually laying out some whip behind she's probably very scared being in there because she may know that she's up against someone who's quite quite evil oh no I wouldn't be there oh just went straight through that web the area can't believe that I've got no sneaky suspicion she might actually have a chance at taking that message read back oh she can climb up she's actually up on the top there now yeah but she's well she's a bit heavy she does get at the top but she quickly falls down yeah like that in fact look how much of the sticky web misses read Becca's got set up there yeah she's quite clever than seen he's having another attempt to climb the glass there there's sort of spiders that make giant webs in the late summer in Australia and you'll walk through garden you get one of those guys in your face and you wake up really fast there's a nice close-up off a really beautiful spiders and I often change their colours to hide in the environment where they're living day time in their hidey holes you basically can't find them she's back over there on the missus red backs corner dangerous place to be in this tank I can tell you there's another close-up of underneath isn't she a stunner hey it should also be a wonderful meal for mrs. red back if it turns out that way I must say and what I'm seeing is a bit of mutual respect I've seen that a couple of times when it's red back versus something else a lot of people have said to me that if the spider is bigger than the red back the other spider has a much better chance than the old wave of them is actually certainly much much bigger then mrs. red back I can guarantee you that as a big one mrs. Redback spider she's very passionate isn't she she knows when to strike and she knows there's some feed that could be a little bit tricky to catch now my thoughts on this is mrs. read-back will want to fight this out in her patch and she certainly got her patched it up the old Weaver is just doing circuits of the tank and just finding its ground in there but I think that's thing on a stick there but mrs. Witt Becker's built-up is gonna be the death of zone your beavers still don't sting in a tank sort of game maniac its trailing web at its back there it's trying to find out what's a good spot the bad spot I remember with the prime madness that was really more to do with strategy a little bit of luck than really anything else wonderful play out the same I'll tell you what if I was in there and I saw those dead critters on the ground there I would be freaking out big time your beaver is on a stick what has surprised me is she hasn't gone into total defensive mode where they ball up and try and hide she's actually been quite proactive in here and she's headed back to the glass and mrs. red bag just waits and waits and waits whoa oh my goodness the Olbers come in there quite a divisive strike right over the red back oh it's fallen back down all this could be nasty now mrs. red back is there wow I can't believe the speed the old wave ugh why not that stick there [Music] [Applause] [Music] bumbled the red back and the red back is down there probably preparing itself for a fight of us life who's coming up it's coming up all know and the old Weaver's there though whoa okay this is a quite an even fight I think orb-weaver is standing its ground there and the red back has dotted right over the other side of the tank not sure the old brave is doing there for its feet red back as well just write out the other side now over the other corner but do that you might be able to see it right up it's like corner vs. corner what is it with spiders always doing freaky stuff aren't they often putting things in their mouths wonder what it all means this is red Beck is working away back he's actually got quite a network of web in there it's very hard to see cause it's a very fine web their shares of a sticky stuff hey yeah she knows the stuff that one she knows her stuff well there's a standoff at the moment she'd be getting vibrations of the old Weaver and a whip for sure and she'd be really bad tensing herself up for doing a web thing which we haven't seen yet but I'm sure she's got a battle plan very well organized Oh your Bluebird has just come over here to mrs. red Baxter mine I'd say it's actually the dominant spider for what I'm saying going on here and it's starting to try and climb the glass again it's actually acting quite agitated now all over the back there over the back there oh now the confrontation effect is chasing the red back spider the drape backs part is being chased they bore the old Weaver Oh mrs. red bag mrs. red bag here on the back foot at the moment Oh another convert is oh he won't come out of mrs. right back there but the old Weaver has taken off these are classic fighter spiders [Laughter] [Music] now mrs. Rebecca's down on the glass I really think she's out of what is her comfort zone the old Weaver is just there and having a bit of a break but I'm thinking if there's going to be a fight that glass I think it's gonna fool the orb-weavers way I'll tell you what this fight is actually moving very fast that's a very fast moving spire the old wave and I'm Bob ubers coming through all but just doubled back then and maybe we've seen a bit of respect going on back she got the fright of a life or so did I [Music] I wonder if being heavily pregnant there is gonna hamper her chances of fighting I haven't seen a doer went from a back of a back legs and she's actually just crawling over to where the old Weaver is it has been very exciting video in these two and the orb weaver is just above her will start the creep in the frame we'll see what happens here she's got a feeling little legs out there she's thinking uh-oh I don't think this is really a smart move but I'm here anyway oh she just touched the back of the orb weaver and she's standing at ground yeah I think both parties he got a lot of respect for you oh I know that was a follower attack but it scared the hell out of me and the orb weaver is climbing again is climbing climbing but its own weight drags it down every time and often after a climate sort of lays on his back like that if its legs splayed up and there'd be a fairly good top I would have thought the pants on it because you might get up bite into a leg if you're fast just zoomed up the stick there that's a speech he moves out very fast moving spider oh she's going to the top again mrs. orb weaver is up on mrs. read-back stick really in the red Baxter main and she doesn't seem to be skidding stuck in that very sticky web which is a little bit curious to me and she keeps licking her fingers like she's been to KFC you know finger looking good or finger licking famous yes I wonder what's going on there and c-spot is doing that sort of stuff now the good news is mrs. read-back has found a stick again down by the dead prime addis but the bad news is great big hairy eight-legged thing has taken over our home and mrs. rip back is carefully walking towards the old Weaver and she's always laying at that sticky web mind you that might be totally useless from what I've seen and how the Weaver can just walk straight over it they all believers still tasting or licking or doing something suss there she's not doing much at all she's just hanging out and mrs. read-back is well it's sort of chilling out in the same fashion and the old wave has just moved up a spot there's right near her exact you'd think mrs. red-black is not gonna want to see that at all I'll just carefully turn a tank here and get a slightly different perspective on this which is hard to do sometimes but if I was mrs. Witt Burke I'd be mighty upset right now to get a nice close-up of that or the fangs and the spider legs oh this is terrible looking isn't it imagine getting caught up in that legend being sucked to death by a spider and the peculiar standoff is continuing on and it's been for quite a few minutes now mrs. read-back is edging a little bit closer today called weaving spider Oh mrs. read-back has just come up and done a touch they're not sure if I've got on camera but she's extremely close now she could be coming in for a strike I'm sort of wondering whether anything on the orb-weaver is stuck in the Redbacks web but I don't think so I think it's legs are all independent and free mmm mmm it's very very curious fight this one well mrs. read-back is moving right up right up close now to the old Weaver in a funny way she's almost like she's there protecting her egg sac and then whenever there's movement there is tension there is tension oh the right back is doing its things of its front legs your beavers the manic nurse that I've had before has gone it seems to have taken its you know thinking well I'm gonna live here now I don't care about you mrs. read-back I found a comfy spot in this tank and I don't think mrs. Redbacks ever gonna let that to happen oh there's been big jump of movement then the old Weaver freaked out it took off to the roof and it's come back down so it's certainly it's certainly saying I'm here and I'm not moving there's a nice shot of the back of the very hairy old weaver spider they are beautiful spiders when you take a good close look at them very very beautiful to look at now I'm just saying your Weaver deciding well you know I'm comfortable here and I'm staying here Oh mrs. Rick back's gonna have to get this hobo out of a zone and again they are very close to each other mrs. Rebekah's slightly in the background just pull focus to her and the beautiful very scary orb-weavers up the front here who knows it might be a marriage made in spider hell imagine if those two bred together you'd have a giant spider that would take over the world mind you I think we're looking at two girls here so that's probably never gonna happen well the orb weaver is actually going around and making its web everywhere it's feeling very comfortable in there that is if we can sort of not keep falling down like it sort of does all the time but it's certainly getting a very good web Network going in that tank in fact it's feeling so much at home it's put the web up under the stick there mm-hmm very strange oh okay well there you go they walk all over each other again but who's really in command there I'm not seeing the read-back do its classic red Becky things at all oh no the old boy who has just done his classic full back into the danger zone but really it's not the danger zone for it one of those things you just don't know what's gonna happen next and when things happen they happen really fast mrs. rip Beck has taken a bit of a lower zone there and your weaver spider walked up near the egg sac it's sort of become the surrogate mother the orb weaver is there I've just flipped around the other side and just below now misters red blue explored and the old Weaver is just going for a bit of a write down a stick there wonder what she's gonna do apart from try and climb and fall down and she's actually just the saw she's coming over she's taking the spot again well mrs. red bag doesn't like it did I see some web action though I think mrs. red Beck is in that position to do web I think she's had enough of this all thinking its mother and it's gonna take care of it very soon by the look of mrs. red back she's looking very ready to pounce Oh No she's just being bashed down to the lower level again and the old Weaver is very commanding in the fact that it likes a spot where the read-back lives in this tank mrs. red Beck has come up and she's actually quite close she's just below I think she needs to be above I think her best thing is to try and be above the old Weaver and get those back legs and spin out somewhere mind you haven't seen your wave of doing any attacking web at all it's always scary when the spiders run the move and bitching around and finding the ground now they are very close to each other there mrs. right back is just there almost side by side it's quite bizarre to see in fact they're so close they are almost touching each other and this is like one of those standoffs that can go on for a long period of time I've seen that often when I've had spider versus whatever as times and they just take a lot of time you don't know who's gonna make the fatal move it's often that's the critter that makes the mistake will end up losing that battle they'll bleep the did Palfrey it wasn't a bit of trouble there and mrs. red back is actually headed over to that zone there she is there and yes it could be quite interesting because I know the orb-weavers gone now the Rebecca started that way let me just get over that zone over there they're sort of chasing each other around the tank and the old way them directly fast in fact I very fast when they make their webs a very very high speed spider the read-back has just shuffled forward there yeah that's a curious one to watch this one very very evenly matched I feel it often see the old Weaver just sort of go up knee misses read back and just goes by her and she's come back to mrs. read backs little Twiggy area under the egg sack mrs. read back has moved just below there I think in that zone there if I was in the web there mrs. read back sloth but I think I'd be in danger that's my gut feeling mrs. read back has moved a little bit closer a little bit closer I still think she needs to be above the orb-weaver to have dominance over over that's my gut feeling mrs. read back is coming up for the touch ease again hmm there might be another great standoff here when they do this you wouldn't want to be anywhere between those two spiders imagine what they're both thinking probably got a very strong survival strategy building up inside them mrs. read-back is really really close so literally engaging their legs their little Weaver made some moves in the Redback spider took off to do some web maintenance yeah mrs. Rebecca is there whenever there's a bit of a I would say dangerous time for her she tends to be very cautious again she's over my back sort of her in her zone your Weaver's down there having a bit of a taste of something that was sucked to nothing by mrs. red back now to me that's a dominant position for mrs. red back because she's in the higher level there she could come down and try and entrap are the legs of the old wave he's probably thinking that or maybe listening to very carefully what I'm saying there well mrs. Webb I didn't have the domination for too long because the orb-weaver has moved up and she's come up here and a bit of red back for right in fact I think the old wave has got one of it back leg stuck there the one over the twig there it hasn't moved from that spot for a while on the Redback spider has any notion of that it's gonna be good night old Weaver no I just had its leg stuck and it just pulled free weird to watch it does get stuck in the web but it has a lot of strength itself the pull itself free and it's just gonna probably get to plunk any moment as it climbs here this is read back is coming back to claim a spot there the orb-weavers leg is as far as I know stuck on that Twiggy part there now if mrs. red Beck works that out there's got to be a whole bunch of trouble very very soon I'm pretty sure she's stuck and no bread back spiders just right for the perfect moment to come in and finish it off and we've got another spider face off or leg off here it could be frozen in time again and again I'm thinking it's mrs. red backs advantage I'll be quite honest here mrs. red back spider is actually very clever she'll wait a time and when she thinks she can get a bite into a leg she will do so and then it's all over Red Rover and they'll be moving like that I'm sure the other spiders getting in trouble in that web in fact I'm certain of it hmm and the red backs backs off for a bit yeah she's moving over to the area where the old spider is and going check it up over some old Neil says she heard during the week yummy hey even the chicken leg in that one and she's moved over to take a careful look at mrs. old spider again it's almost like two best buddy spiders hanging out together but I'm sure deep down it's not like that at all mrs. read-back has just moved into what I think is a very good position if she's gonna do anything nasty when I see that I definitely think mrs. Redbacks got a huge advantage at the moment your Weaver has just moved mrs. roat back has actually moved up to an egg sac area there it gets very close and then they just fall apart again and again I see the position where mrs. red back I think has advantages above the old Weaver she can trap a leg and get a bite in that could be the game changer so yes seniors go on over and over I think I remember the praying manner so it was the case of lost opportunity you only get a number of chances really and if you've let them go well you're not gonna win and again mrs. read-back has an opportunity to get a bite into a lake she's very close to a leg and all of a sudden it has flipped around the orb-weaver has the advantage sure mrs. read-back is down on the ground they're doing some really strange stuff don't ever discount mrs. Redback spider I'm sure she's got a grand plan to get this orb-weaver it's not biting stuff it's one of those standoffs again that can go on for very long time now mrs. read-back is smart she could get some web onto those legs there and try and attach it to the ground or something but if she goes wrong she's got the jaws of death that riding just above her you know to me it looks like she's actually cornered herself in there I think she needs to be above the orb-weaver to have any sort of advantage my giving one thing she is within striking distance of the old Weaver legs there if she gets a body to those that could be the big game-changer she needs at the moment the Redback spider has actually got hold of the old Weaver's leg down in on like ultra slow motion slowly dragging that cross into the area where she can get a bite in it is done very very slowly she does have a plan and she's working at it at the moment it's really spooky to watch it's one of these surfers and moment times but in a funny way it's actually not frozen she's she's got that leg it's getting closer and closer to the Redbacks mouth it has given me mega mega goosebumps and again I think the old beaver is sort of semi stuck there I don't know sometimes it plays that is if it's stuck and then it just does the bolt now again on the glass another one of these frozen moments with both spiders aren't doing that much but in a strange way the read-back might have the advantage here and again I think your weave is stuck on a bit of web on the glass there it has these moments of getting stuck in the Redbacks web or the this sort of stuff that spots down but it goes in like a frozen trance every time it's that leg dead right the middle of screen that is stuck on the glass there and down the bottom there who is mrs. menacing red back spider yeah see the leg there stuck I'm not lost it's just broken free again I can't believe it and the breather is frozen and fried it might be stuck on somewhere I saw mrs. Redbacks go spin off some it might be stuck again oh it's just broken friggin see getting stock of break free it's important to see your Weaver is back in that zone that the red back basically lives and look who's coming up to say hello there won't be a very nice hello I dare say it's going to be a get out of my home I'm just keeping the camera rolling here cuz this looks like the red backs advantage if you ask me I've been noticing the orb-weaver getting stuck a lot in the spider's web now think it might be semi stuck there again if it is it's a very troublesome place to be stuck oh it is just broken free there but it keeps getting caught up in web oh I'm starting to think the red backs web is gonna be something that is gonna make this or break this here's it's difficult for you to see but there's a lot of red back web strangled through there and I think the old Weaver's having a bit of trouble in it and again the old Weaver has gone to one of those frozen moments and just behind look who's there and again it's advantage red back spider and spotters on the other side of the twig they're working its way towards your Weaver the red back is there stung mooching yeah seeing what's there it could be coming for a strike it's always laying down a spotty web oh and the Old Believers off again red back is reclaiming the zone there and just above in what is the favorite zone of really bad spiders is the orb weaver yeah back to was zone and a situation I've seen over and over another very tense standoff again sort of advantage red back spider and the orb weaver is in there triangle where mrs. read-back likes to live if mrs. read back and work out a way of getting out fangs into a leg that's what she's got to do but there's battle is constantly moving from the stick to the ground very evenly matched spite as I feel that has been going on for quite some time as well and again the orb-weaver is semi stuck in the red backs web its advantage red back spider I'm start losing count of the times that little scenario has been happening and the red back has a very clear opportunity to take a back leg there yeah the way it gets dark and it just pulls it so free just quite amazing to see it both oh it's sort of semi stuck again red back is up to its old tricks again there is the leg of the orb-weaver and i think what it does it gets closer and closer for a bite what I notice is the orb spider will wake up to this and will just quickly just camper way more and you I think it is again put some sticky web that there is like the handshake of death it has just pulled free but it's sort of still stuck on the web mind you it doesn't last very long stitch struggling they're very powerful spider but it keeps getting caught up like that I think that's going to beat still eyes and the red backers snuggled right underneath the orb there who was actually trapped that leg that's going down on screen there is caught and read back web and that could be at the funny moment of this spider battle I noticed whenever the old Weaver gets dark it goes into this strange spider trance it's in one at the moment where it sort of it's playing out is dead but it's not balling up like I've sent into outside at the moment it's red back advantage and what's happening now is the orb weavers trying to pull away but that back leg is definitely stuck okay so all that red back needs to do is apply some more web get a bite in and then just wait for the other despite of the dye it's been a spider battle like watching two fantastic well matched sportsman I tell you just watching for the final like hopefully the play out it's taken about an hour half in real time to get to this point although you won't notice that by watching this video the red back spider is just waiting for the perfect moment to strike but must know it's in trouble because the red back spider is going to bite any moment mind you that could take 1520 half an hour an hour who knows and one thing I've learnt looking at bugs and critters is and then take any cues like this and action and bite they just ignore you they just do their own thing all the orb Reaver is just pulling away now trying to pull away there is a leg stuck there the action has just kicked in after a great big standoff of doing nothing and the Redback spider really has the advantage there well mind you is you won't believe the totally free again I sort of can't believe it that's freed itself I don't know how and the red backs going away and disgust mine dude has just doubled back and gone straight back to go home but there's looking very threatening there from moments till spotting web everywhere is that what we burst up cause what is exactly going on there it doesn't seem to be oh no it's moving freely freakish spider just gets dark and then freeze itself and just like history constantly repeating itself the orb weaver goes back to that favorite spot I think it is stuck again and the Redback spider is just there and again it is advantage fed back spider but I've seen the old Weaver break out of this a number of times now it's yet another one of those standoffs that can go on for all sorts of different periods of time not much happens i'll hopefully i'll capture the action he is a creature designed with perfect timing that's one thing i've noticed the batter this is killing me watching this she is so close to taking a bite on a leg there and she's moved in so slowly it's despicable to watch occasionally the old weaver will do some leg movement but it's playing dead and that red back spider is so so close well I think that's the bite that was the bite I got on camera I'm think that's it I pretty sure she got a bite in there and I've got a feeling mrs. orb spider isn't all sorts of trouble that standoff to what I think is a bite that was about 20 minutes long in real time man that was a killer moment sorry for the pun there the orb spider has not moved since what looked like a bite if venom has gone in on that bite there it's just a matter of time before the venom starts taking effect and mrs. orb spider becomes mrs. Redbacks next meal mrs. Redback spider what a class act critter after critter we have seen her amazing skills since what looked like the bite the old spider has not moved but I haven't seen this sugaring dithering legs that I see on critters with they get a red back bite now I haven't seen no movement from the orb spider I've got a funny feeling it's cactus I'll have to peek in the lid here I'm actually very curious to see what has gone on in here well there's mrs. garden orb spider as beautiful as she is let me just see if she is kicking on whatever whoa she's moving but has she got a strength or is it venom taking effect normally I say like shivering during legs if there's been venom injected I can't see any sprite in us from her I can tell you she's not trying to jump up the glass or escape from the web she kept getting stuck on the web here I think she's been bitten I've got a bit closer now I can't see the strength that I saw from the spider before the leg that's got caught in the web is the one down there just a very very different spider battle I never thought it would play out like this and I'm pretty sure she's gone she's not putting up a fight I can tell you I can't see her trying to climb the glass now what will be curious with the orb spider is whether the Redback spider will see that as a meal or ignore it like I did with the prime maddis which is something that I just don't understand possibly the Redback spider myth blown out of the water a lot of people said to me the great big garden of spiders like we saw in his tank here as a one-on-one battle would easily take out a red back well maybe I've just showed you that sometimes what you read or watching my thing can actually play out a totally different way in that praying mantis down there there's another classic example of it let me put this little knife at this in time-lapse because I think we've got into things that happen in a very slow motion way when we get to this dance like this I think the Redback spider is just waiting for the venom to take full effect there and this can play out for a very very long period of time so I'll get a time-lapse camera and capture what I can capture well the time-lapse camera will reveal to us some fairly spider horrific stuff and awesome stuff as well and I think my son called this redback spider John Cena because had such a fantastic fighting ability there are people still arguing about the praying mantis kill for the fact they didn't see the bite clearly it was hidden behind a twig that's my belief and the Redback spider bite can be fairly subtle that's one thing that I've noticed in the spider tank study that I did I'll almost lay money on it that was a bite time because from that point on the old weaver spider had lost his zing it wasn't doing the stuff that it was doing before in fact from that point on it basically died the Redback spider in this video seemed to know was up against something large powerful and dangerous and it used a strategy which was similar to what it used against the praying mantis where would sneak up to a leg on the spider in a very slow motion fashion and I mean it happened so slowly you could barely see the spider getting closer the way the old weaver spider acted in the tank was a surprise to me for the fact it said well this is my home and it kept going up to little fork in the twig where the Redback spider had made its home I was quite curious to see maybe I set up the start of the video that this Redback spider was quite large and she could be pregnant well sure enough and it happened right up in the corner of frame always found this to be fairly elusive thing to capture on video although I did get it clearly once she starts to weave her eggs AG this process takes between 20 to 30 minutes it happens very and but then she lay like a ball of eggs a clump of eggs and she'll sort of manipulate those other legs and then she weaves more egg sac around the ball of eggs and it's an incredibly strong piece of web structure that protects the eggs as they grow in total spiderlings and that takes about four to six weeks it really depends on environmental factors it can be for weeks I think if it's good environmental factors that can blow out to about six weeks if it's a bit poor and this Redback spider had laid up the other wigs sack about a week ago so it starts to show you how fast these girls can breed up numbers and they really do put rabbits to shame the other peculiar part about Redback spiders is they don't need males to have fertilized eggs and it's best to read the wiki page about that because this is Kitty's youtube these days and I can't go into certain topics and talk about things that happen in real life so mrs. Johnson is feeling a lot better now she's flushed those eggs out of a system she's quite a happy man because she's now got two egg sacs and within another week she'll probably have three egg sacs and Rohde mines because when I find these spiders in the garden and we've crept into summer time a bit further you'll notice that where the spiders are they'll be a clumps of egg sacs they're caught off maybe four or five xx all from the same mum so the big query is does this redback spider feed from the garden or spider that she's killed and I think we're gonna see an answer to that but the big query is and it still hasn't really been resolved is why the praying mantis was never fed from has never really bound up properly and never fed from it I probably need to connect to a fairly high-end entomologist to try and understand what's going on there because it's not the sort of thing you do a google search and find out about there's nothing wrong with the audience having their say about what was going on but I think there were so many different theories about what happened you start to get lost in the fog look people couldn't even tell me the sexes clearly of that praying mantis so sort of that's the problem with the fog of comments that you get on YouTube in relation to what many people say about the length of these styles of videos and you said yourself well what I should have done was thrown me to spiders in a little tiny jar and one would have jumped on the other one I've been all over let's say four minutes and you call that a battle and what do you learn from that well I think you learn nothing I'm just hoping that what you see in the tank here was the great strategy between the two for the fact that the garden herbs spider went in there and thought oh I'm just going to take over it was quite a bullish move by it and the Redback spider was going to play a game of being persistent and going back to the same scenario over and over I think it was really important to see there are many of those repeated moments that I dumped out of this video he may have noticed it felt like it jumped a couple of times that's if you watched it but if I put them all in there let's say this would have blown out to over narrow long okay but I think it's really important to see the big picture here because I know there'll be some people who want to see this in a proper context okay sure some people just want to see two critters thrown into a jar and they die within a couple of minutes that's all they want to see other people want to see something where you start to see the interaction and gameplay I think I prefer to show the gameplay so yes maybe as you've already seen in the time-lapse footage the Redback spider is feeding from the garden orb spider and the inside of the spider has been turned to basically fluid although when you squash the spider all I see come out of them as fluid but there's something about the venom that breaks down the insides of the spider even further and every time I've watched this footage and I've captured this a couple of times on various critters I was just thinking what a horrible way to die bean yeah sucked down to nothing by a spider I can't think of anything worse what I've noticed when the Redback spider feeds from another spider it'll basically use the legs as straws to suck the fluid I might use a joint on the leg as well at the make up to a part of the body or a segment of the body and use that as an area to suck from but because this is shot in time-lapse footage the peculiar aspect is and you wouldn't notice this in real time is it's like a bellowing action you'll see almost a spider puff it up and then suck it it's like a puff and suck action going on all the time when I first saw this when I was doing the spider tank videos and I witnessed this via time-lapse it did catch me by surprise because I'm pretty sure I've never seen this on those fancy nature docos so this red back spider mrs. John Cena has certainly proved herself to me this is the last of the one-on-one battles that the spider does I think from here on she deserves to go somewhere really special somewhere really nice somewhere where she can continue on her spiderific life and this spider tank which was the one on one tank was the split away when we left the other spider tank at about week 13 we come back and we take a look at the spider tank when it gets to week 16 which is the final week of looking at spider tank 1.0 well I'm editing this video on the 12th of October 2017 it was shot like six or seven months ago oh it was like last summer and if I look at my backyard and it is now halfway through spring because we're the reverse to the rest of the world I can see the red back spider problem is as big if not worse than what I saw last year now why is this so because I killed so many Redback spiders and removed so many Redback spiders from my yard why have I got an infestation that's worse than the year before what I should do is turn my infestation into a farm and these spiders would make the perfect deadly pet they're really easy to keep you don't need to feed them too much they breed in great numbers the only problem and it's a big one you can't sit them on your lap and give them a pat the one really nice thing my spider study has exposed to me is just how awesome these spiders are every time I see Redback spider now I just don't say oh that's Redback spider you know what I say now that's a totally awesome Redback spider
Channel: leokimvideo
Views: 1,991,712
Rating: 4.5822611 out of 5
Keywords: spider, black widow, spider vs spider, redback spider, spider bite, spiders, spider war, bug battle, spider eggs, venom, spider sucking, bugs, critter, deadly, stealth, nature, scary, Arachnophobia, poisonous, spider battle
Id: sfpLe30W5bc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 41sec (2441 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2017
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