"Red on Roundball" with Red Auerbach

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Segments include:

Penetration dribbling w/ Tiny Archibald and George McGinnis

Passing w/ Pete Maravich

One on one guarding w/ George McGinnis

Two on one guarding w/ Bob Cousy

Forward skills w/ Elgin Baylor

Corner Pivoting w/ Elvin Hayes and Paul Silas

Quick forward skills w/ John Havlicek and Bob Love

Guard defense w/ Charlie Scott

Defense switching w/ Wes Unseld and Elvin Hayes

Pivoting w/ Dave Cowens

Hook shots w/ Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

Outlet pass w/ Wes Unseld and Elvin Hayes

Blocking shots w/ Bill Walton, Dave Cowens, Bill Russell, Bob McAdoo

Rebounding w/ Bill Russell and Bob McAdoo

Jump shots w/ David Thompson

Alley Oop w/ David Thompson, Pete Maravich and Bob Dandridge

Dunking w/ Julius Erving and Bob Dandridge

In bounds play w/ Elvin Hayes, Jo Jo White and Charlie Scott

Dexterity w/ Calvin Murphy

Say what you want about older players one thing they definitely had was solid fundamentals.

Edit: here's some extra segments that were missing from the video

Free throws w/ Rick Barry & Jamaal Wilkes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JxCepxsVH4w

Defensive rebounding w/ Hakeem Olajuwon, Kevin McHale, Robert Parish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px3M-m83egw

Offensive rebounding w/ Moses Malone, Julius Erving, Bobby Jones: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btm37b7tpAE

Shooting w/ Larry Bird, Dennis Johnson, Robert Parish & Ralph Sampson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztCI3CqHFN4

Fast Breaks w/ John Havlicek, Dave Cowens, Jo Jo White & Paul Silas: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vFf5O1sgJ8

Slam Dunk II w/ Julius Erving: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-RBSHiMuAo

Free Throws II w/ Larry Bird: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-RBSHiMuAo

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 52 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gofishus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I wish the NBA would do this now with current players. Maybe partner with Masterclass or something

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/AGreekLegend πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is incredibly entertaining. Basically all-stars doing awesome moves, and Red yelling, "Those of you watching, don't do that, you're gonna screw it up. Stick to fundamentals!"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rovingstorm πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

A western star turned baseball manager produced this kind of content using his son, it became popular with even the majors and people started doing these for other sports. That kid from the original films was Kurt Russell

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lightmonkey πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€œThis is how you dunk” oh ok

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dont_shoot_jr πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

anything pete does:

red: now DON’T Do ThAt!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DocYoshi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LawlersLawyer πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

« If you want to rest, you can go to the benchΒ Β» πŸ’€

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/salutcemoi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I had this on VHS as a kid and must have watched it thirty times. The Calvin Murphy/Pistol parts blew my mind.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/short_story_long_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 07 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
there's where it all began the peach basket here at Springfield Massachusetts and we are at the Hall of Fame surrounded by memorabilia of many many great players throughout the years the only thing that's changed in basketball are the players the people that bigger faster stronger smarter better reactors but one thing does not change is the fundamentals for example if you're a player in high school you're about 64 65 you may jump Center when you go to college what happens you now a forward if you're good enough and become a professional you're now a god therefore when you're young we're in the basic fundamentals of all the positions that's very very important many years ago you had a Dutch tenet from the original Celtics or a George Mikan from DePaul University also a great professional they were specialist they stand under the basket they get in the pivot and they'd have that hook shock down pat today you can't do that you see the Jabbar's and people like that taking set shots drive to the hoop so you must learn all the fundamentals now what you're about to see it's some of the great players of our time demonstrating these things so you better learn them [Music] everybody likes to dribble the ball this Jojo white showing how it should be done we on the ball on defense what's JoJo's head up all the time he knows the florist move the ball is round he doesn't have to watch the ball what about that Joe how are you watching him well red what I'm trying to do is attack the foot that's up the front foot is up I want to attack that foot I'm also looking with my head up and seeing if somebody breaks over I can pass the basketball his hands are down I don't want to make sure that I don't cross over in from and he can steal the basketball yeah what about you we are now you're playing defense on a dribbler who's coming at you and attacking you what are you actually trying to do well mainly I'm trying to turn him in one direction and beat him over to that area and perhaps anticipate a steal all right now what would happen here's a good example suppose you read a little bit too far we're trying to steal that ball watch what Jojo will do and go right by them they'll go right by him because Jojo knows he's off balance really by the fact that JoJo's head is up watching this man Jojo could see if a man is free under the basket cutting because he knows by this touch dribble and his head being up he controls that ball he controls it to the point where he does not have to watch it at all all right here's a pound ripple a hard strong gibble it's very difficult to keep your finger control that ball now that a few plays see Jojo mr. ball because it's hard to keep your head up and be a pound dribbler a lot of players do that because they don't have that fingertip control I do not recommend this it's too high it's too fast too many things could happen now another kind of dribble is the behind the back dribble the behind the back dribble is usually and most times a showboat move a guy wants to show he has some dexterity and he dribbles behind the back with no real reason however the behind the back dribble can be used effectively for example here's how if we are Benbow is over playing Jojo to the right as he's coming in he'll go behind the back and get by him now watch this think now the reason Jojo went behind his back is because if he crossed over he might steal that ball therefore when he sees this hand in and weening it'll go behind his back now that's behind the back dribble can be effective at that point well remember most of the time it's a showboat move don't do it unless you're really adept at it work on it if it has a value use it otherwise forget it now I'm going to show you a little bit dexterity dribble now we've talked about the fingertip control the flexing of the wrist the head up the knees bent have you got a ball at home you know the floor smooth why don't you practice it a little bit now watch some of the things Jojo practices just to get the feel of the ball he don't even have to watch the ball he'll watch me I'm Bembo it will keep his head up nice cool things like that it might go between his legs just it just to get that complete feel of the ball but watch this fingers this thing is is knees everything plays an important part at dribbling the ball see that this little fingertip control so at home when you're practicing this thing at your young players please don't watch the ball watch the cloth watch the main watch everything but the ball the penetrating dribbler to be the guy in the NBA who could do this better than anybody else tiny Archibald of the Kansas City Kings guarded by Doug Collins of the 76ers Rudy Tomjanovich were used to rockets he'll be on the same side with tiny as you seen a minute and Jorge McGinnis a great 76 now we start off with a simple move of a penetrating move go ahead tiny all right now that's the play that we want the penetrating dribbler I'll tell you when you coming down at a man what do you do I try to really not bounce the ball but really get the ball in my fingertips and bend my legs and try to get really well that's what we talked about in dribbling about the pound dribbler or the touch dribble you're a touch drivel I try to touch the ball get my body now do you watch his feet at all I try to watch his feet and try to make the defensive man try to commit it so either to be in one way or another or try to make make my move with my hate on my body to try to so that's the answer there that's very very important see a lot of people think that when you take on a dribble you go like this you move your ball you do different things but what he does is very very well does he face you with his body as he's coming at you now do this one more time and give him a good fake with your body go ahead watch his body pink give him that cake nice bull ride tiny as he said a moment ago his head is up he sees the court he knows what's going on he doesn't want an offensive foul but he knows he can't keep doing this all the time the defense is gonna switch they're gonna knock that ball right down at him so he's got to keep them here's the way he keeps him on it okay watch this very closely there's the bounce pass after penetration you know is how the bounce pass came up high that's not easy for a little guy he knew he was gonna throw it to a corner man he didn't throw it at his knees he got that ball up there that's a good tough vest got great hands all right now the pants in the air nice good primer pass wife to his teammate only a great player should do that that is tough it's not the best that they'll pick up on you more than anything else well most of the time they're ready for the aerial pass the defensive man when he commits himself he should have his hands China he the vodka shot or intimidate you've got or try to steal the ball right now watch the behind the back pass and I want you to jump in here with them too just to demonstrate now I don't approve of behind the back passes of fancy stuff I make this little results okay how you're thrown as long as they catch it but this is the one time if you ever go throw it behind your back this is the time you should do it all right go ahead well that was even tougher he did that around his neck I give up on that one we'll show you that way but forget it do it behind your back I don't know I remember the old days when a guy did that everybody in a place whoa today it's accepted if the ball is caught so you fans out there don't get tricky I don't think it's so smart find your dribbling don't get too tricky behind it back passing forget it learn to game fundamentally oh it right there before we tell you why these thumbs are down and hands are extended this is Pete Maravich the greatest playmaker and passer in the game today passing to Henry Bibby also playing with the New Orleans Jazz notice the fingers notice the wrist notice the hand it's firm fingers spread follow-through just on a simple chest pass now Pete and throwing that pass do you really think about that when you do it or does it become automatic well actually becomes automatic but three basic ingredients in throwing any type of passes fingertip control backspin and follow-through all right now demonstrate the other few fundamental passes all right the four basic or the chest pass and the chest bounce back well you can throw it two ways either backspin what is your major purpose when you throw that bounce pass isn't it to get it right here try to get it right to the man's waist where you can handle it quite easily that's the key too many people throw bounce passes and throw that ball away okay the other two other two basically the overhead pass like I like to think the greatest overhead pass from the game today is Wes console and he uses this mainly for outlet passes and then your last one is the baseball pass which is throwing I like to throw it right from the back of the air instead of winding up with it because then you might have a nice control all right so I keep it here and I keep my left arm out for protection so that if I can bring it back and I throw it straight out we're gonna show you some of these passes and some extra passes Wow these men are in motion now Pete show up some of those okay basically going down on a break situation I'll show the first ones between the legs pass which I like to call deceptive passing instead of always telegraphing your passes if you're staying right there on a two-on-one situation I'm coming down I'll try to throw just nature throw my hand out extend it like this which I know you do not like you know why I don't like it because too many people do it and don't do it successfully Pete let me see another one well I'd like to call this what I call my wrist pass and this is a very this one I saw there well you won't believe it watch this very deceptive pass usually on a three-on-one situation you start out throwing the ball in this direction like you're gonna throw it out to this man coming in and actually what happens is it goes the other way so it's a very good deceptive pen don't try it don't try it it's very tough on your elbows ridiculous digging he could do it and the play is playing with them better know that it's common because I always felt this what good is a great pass no matter how good it looks if his own teammates don't know it's coming now Pete what about passing from the move you know on the dribble all right passing on the move again you guys basically different type passes you got your basic bounce pass coming in like this in this situation or you might want to come down and throw behind a back bounce pass change direction all right now passing the air passing air is if you mentioned coach is very dangerous because a lot of times guys commit themselves most of the times I like to do is coming off pic situation where our Center rolls or coming down on a break where you can go up for a shower yes to a guy if he comes out remember the way the rules of basketball are once he is in the air he only could do two things pass or shoot he cannot come down so he knows darn well that once he leaves his feet he'd better hang up there a long time if that guy is going to switch and pick off that pass so he better be sure of what you're doing am i right correct too many people especially on a high school level they like to jump in the air all the time and they don't become concerned when people intercept their passes now I'm going to close this thing with one reminder I've always had a philosophy on passing the guide plate for me and like I told you many times I don't care how you throw it over your head between your legs behind your back any way at all as long as the guy catches it no pass is a good one unless you catch it there comes a time in every ball game when you go to a one-on-one situation but to be really good on a one-on-one situation you got to fool them you got to fake them you got to do other things all right now this has a ball a second now we have Doug Collins here on the out fence for the great one-on-one players in the NBA from the Philadelphia 76ers then we have guarding him Randy Smith the Buffalo Braves also a great one-on-one play up what we're using in my defense today also helping out duck College is the great judge McGinnis for the Philadelphia 76ers and guarding him one of the truly great Rudy Tomjanovich from the Houston Rockets now doc when you come to a ball game the game is close or even early in the game are you figured you got a guy may not be a good defensive ballplayer and you decide to go one-on-one no what do you do well first of all I think it's important when I get the ball I try not to put the ball on the floor I try to catch the ball and take a look at the man defensively and try to find his weak side that is what so many of you fans always do every time you catch the ball you drop it you lose you dribble now he said he looks at the difference of their landing over here he said he holds his dribble that makes Randy Smith think a little bit right right he can't get too close now it gets too far away you're gonna shoot it but what else goes through your mind well I look to see which foot he has forward and I try to attack that foot so if I can get him to rock this way and come across and make him drop that foot then I feel like I can get inside him the most important thing of what he's trying to bring across is don't watch the ball in your head look up watch this all right quick Lou that's just a matter of a one-on-one quickness just the quickness all right this time take him to take you such a very fine oh he's a couple little place that a good guide with the help of a good forward can use watch it that's what we call a simple handle like a football handoff the guy just gave it a burst of speed and the only way not doing the same thing on the outside anything on the outside all right now it's done do the same thing over the outside and stop free shot now Randy Smith he's worried about what he's going through watch this Doug College uses his particular skill he has what we call a very quick release similar to a great shortstop with the quick hand all right now use your pick come down lose you dribble this time change our boys you dribble work him down on the picks go ahead watch this right through it see what Randy Smith went through that pick up college didn't get excited he didn't lose his poise he didn't throw that ball out he knew he had George McGinnis who is going to give another pick guys like George McGinnis know Jonathan Ladysmith they get a great thrill out of making that play they love to make that play the reason I tell you this so you fans out there you want to be a good guide and you want to go one-on-one practice work hard pay the price and study your defensive man then we have the behind the back pass fancy don't use it but there is a time that you can use it and it should be a part of your overall passing ability to demonstrate that we used in my opinion the greatest passer that ever played the game played his whole career with the Boston Celtics the one and only Bob Cousy guarding him from the New Orleans Jazz Henry Bibby playing on the same side of Koos Nate Williams also of the New Orleans Jazz now Bob when you make that pass what determines the fact that you're going to throw behind your back or no other way how do you decide that well I think the point to remember here in any fast-breaking situation is not the predetermined if you're the middleman or in this case on a two-on-one what passed you'd like to use but allow the defense to make up your mind for you that time when we got close to the hoop and we committed himself and came over and blocked my outside passing lane so the only practical way for me to get the ball to Nate was to use her behind the back maneuver in other words his head has to be up he's got to watch the defense he can't watch the ball while he's dribbling he's got to see as much of the court as he can therefore when Bob comes down he waits for Henry Bibby to make his move and then that determines Bob Fugees move and we're going to show you right now three other situations that would happen on a two-on-one fast break alright now let's do the others now you see Emily Bibby did not commit himself to that outside the Bob Cousy through the bounce pass the bounce pass in my opinion there's a toughest pass in basketball why because you've got to realize that when you throw the bounce pass it's got to come up around the hips and very often when a guy is 610 and you throw that bounce pass you throw it at his knees when the throw was small you bounce it it might come too high and he has trouble so you notice the way that pass could I do the next one watch the defense Bob Cousy jumped in the air now once you jump in the air remember you are committed so you got to be darn sure that when you leave your feet that you're gonna make a good pass he saw him he Vivi's hands up rather than force the ball through his hands he stopped in midair and just handed a right off to very simple shovel pass all right dude another one watch this closely ah he faked it and went in for the shot the best pass very often is no pass because you've got to remember no pass is a good pass unless somebody catches it when you're that close to the basket and you can fake a pass any kind of pass and then go up for the shot you're better off because while you're passing in such close proximity anything could happen it could be too hard go off a guy's hand the defense could deflect it anything could happen out there so once you could fake him and you see daylight you must take the shot now that is what can happen on a two-on-one situation I leave you with this simple reminder no pass is a good pass unless somebody catches it beautiful play that situation usually occurs at the end of a fast break or in any normal three-on-two situations that is what you're trying to get a simple pass from the middle to the side a nice bounce pass well you can use the behind the back of your so desire as well as it's right up here now demonstrating this thing we have Bob Cousy the great great passer from the Boston Celtics making that fine pass for the corner Elgin Baylor probably the greatest for that ever played the game formerly of the Los Angeles Lakers now on the coaching staff of the New Orleans Jazz aside from him Rhonda Hagan the great young forward of the New Orleans Jazz Henry Bibby the guard from the New Orleans Jazz and the other offensive man Nate Williams now the guy who determines the whole end of this fast-break should be the guy in the middle now Bob what makes you make the decision who to throw to and what do you decide to do well as you mentioned a moment ago on all the defense dictates what you're going to do in this case you've got an over balance situation three offensive men against two defensive man you want to keep it as spread out as possible and establish your triangle what you want to do is least amount of passing as possible I know they cut down your margin about sure because the defense is Osprey Valley go to look for the layers now they're going to demonstrate the same situation again now watch what happens if Elgin Baylor is not careful oh there it is see that is not an automatic play that is not an automatic place people think that when you have a three-on-two and have that triangle that when you slow to one side automatically the other guy should be free now let's come down we'll go into the three on two again watch what happens now why there you go beautiful play what an Elgin Baylor do he faked the pass the neighbor Williams threw it back to Bob Cousy at the point of the triangle that's what you're trying to do what's wrong with a foul shot it's a 60 70 percent shot settle for this or I do it again now watch this situation hey yeah the best play of all fake your pass fake your past going strong actually you've got two good options when you get the blow on the side take that shot strong if you don't have it and this goes to Elgin Baylor is mine he's in trouble he knows that Bob Cousy will be here so therefore remember on a 302 coming down the defense is on its way down you've got to execute quickly you've got to take advantage of the fact that you have one additional offensive player so make the play quickly see what's in front of you and make up your mind that you're going to score five defense of God there we have lucious now under the Los Angeles Lakers lucious you're the defense of God you're guarding a guy like Charlie Scott what goes through your mind basically defensive balance forced me before I want him to go and concentration all right Charlie you're on the offense you know a guy like lucious Allen is trying to do a job on you what do you think about basically I'm trying to take whatever he gives me if he gives me the baseline I'll go baseline well I'll try to use the pick-and-roll and get into the middle of the court all right I could take it from that Charlie go ahead right there there we have the John Barrymore's of basketball the latest thing that's happened in the past couple of years let's take another look now watch Lucius Allen who anticipates Charli Scott's boo that's what he does you'll find more guys falling on the floor yelling backing up all like they're killed why it has now become a part of the defensive man especially in the guard position everybody feels sorry for the little guys playing God so soon as they yell o or fall down this attracts attention and the referee blows the whistle do I advocate it I hate it but if it's a part of the strategy of the game we've got to use it it's got to be done all right let's go right into the jump ball now watch Charlie Scott take the jump watch Lucius Allen trying to block the shot or make him take a bad shot go ahead the chances of blocking a shot a very nil all you could do is have the guy take an off-balance shot or a shot from a bad position this time I want you to watch Lucius Allen's arms he will not jump if his hand is up here you can't jump that way he will wait until Charlie Scott John then he will jump that's the best he can do if he makes the shot he's make the shot lucious Allen who was not stopping if his hand is up he can't jump nearly as high anyway because he's got to bring it down first but here's what often happens Charlie give him a pump fake on this thing see now he gets a three-point play why because he jumped too soon and as a result he fouled him and it was a three-point play do that one more time all right now for you young fellows out there we have certain drills we can't teach intensity we can't teach concentration but we can't teach other parts of good defense now once lucious Allen watch his balance his knees are bent his head is off his hands are on the side now watch it this way this way back forward now you notice his feet never cross this way oh okay hold up now you see that kind of a drill will straighten your arms work on your legs it will also help your concentration well it will come to pass that you'll play defense for the entire game not just a little bit at a time through Mike watch the defense Mike look at the position look at the position of these guys what's a little talk I hold it up a second that's beautiful we're gonna talk about manaman defense but also switching defense you notice our defense you got Mike written the Washington Bullets Elvin Hayes of the Washington Bullets that Clem Haskins on offense they're all from the Washington Bullets and Wes Unseld on the offense Elvin Hayes is the back man he's going to do the initial talking as to when they're gonna switch now let's go through this again a little slower this time just to demonstrate the point listen to Elvin Hayes a minute now you see what he did he made the decision being the back man now Alvin how do you determine when to call switch when not to switch I'm watching both offensive players and also I'm watching my defensive man Mike and if I feel that Mike can get through the play then I'll say get through it I'll take a step back to let Mike come through it but if I feel that we have to switch to play I want us to come as close together as possible the hole up my man to stop it from rolling to the hoop giving Mike a chance and didn't call in the switch Mike how about you do you really listen to him in a ballgame and pay attention to what he says or do you act by instinct I expect my teammates to talk to me because when you're playing out front like that yet you don't have the opportunity to look behind so your teammates have to let you know where the screens are and exactly what to do otherwise if we're not communicating on the floor it's gonna be a case of two of us winding up on one well that's a good answer now what they're gonna do now is not a man-to-man switching situation but they're going to show you what happens when Alvin decides to trap if he's not listening they would never do that so they're going to deviate from the switch and the man a man and go into a trap now go ahead try that watch Elvin Hayes make up his mind when to trap okay Elvin made the decision the back man made that decision see a lot of coaches teach defense but the main thing in defense is the concentration the determination I've got you you're not going to score I need help and I'm going to get help if we play as a team now we've had man-to-man we've had switching we've had the trap now I want you to watch what's Unseld putting a pic on mic ready and listen to Elvin give him the ball left Mike over the top all right come on back keep going keep going Mike that's the whole key Alvin made the decision it's up that elephant to watch him to see if he gets through if he gets through he's going to go otherwise go switch I don't care where you're playing whether it's a junior high school high school playground club or NBA you have got to talk to each other that's not childish that's the game this is a team game now let's play a like a team game oh here we are Elgin Baylor are the great forwards to ever play the game to play forward you've got to be a very versatile you've got to know how to play God they've gotten how to play Center you may be called to bring the ball now you may be called on going to the pivot today they've made it a little more special they have what we call quick forwards or powerful powerful is usually the x-centers that take up a lot of room and do a lot of blocking and rebounding and so forth so on so to play the forward position fundamentally you've got to know that God position you've got to know the center position as well as your own position so it's a hard job be ready for it poet that's Elgin Baylor with the ball probably the greatest forward to ever play the game he used to play with the Los Angeles Lakers now on the coaching staff of the New Orleans Jazz guarding him is Rhonda Hagan the supreme forward of the New Orleans Jazz now Elgin you got that ball just way you want it right on the court how did you do that already you know I try to fake as though I'm just going across the top and told use my body to make a little contact start one way and then spring back the opposite way well actually you went into him rather than trying to elude or evade him you went into him a bounce back right right I just try to use my body and not use my arm or hand to push him away so I wouldn't get an offensive foul you know today a lot of players do that but they get caught at it because they use their hand they get carried away and they'll go into a player and push him and pop back he should do it and I believe he was the first one to do it just to walk over to the man as part of his moving and the men would be so surprised who's guarding him here he's trying to play him coach and the guy gets closer but then he pops out now here's where he wants the ball not commit Ryan you got him and you got the ball there now what do you do well then I've you know try to make my move reg you know I thought it'd work in this way that way this way that then for the baseline you see he found out and he knows from this position as a forward he can go any way he wants now he went baseline that time go the other way and show the move you'd make the star try to get a missed way first and then star this way then goes to my left alright now this time I want you to watch this if you stay with him Ryan I want you to stop and take a jump shot I want you to jump have you missed a shot you know what to do was it there it is holy you see what he did that was a perfect demonstration of the greatness of Elgin Baylor I don't care how good the man guarding him to jump he was so quick on his release and had such a reaction that before run be Hagen could come down Elgin was past him even though he went for the shot and followed through he was past him now Elgin take him in the pivot assuming that he's a smaller guy here's a guy like Elgin watch him work from the pivot think he played him out o it if a guy's guarding him who's his size what does he do he turns around and dance I'm glad make your move now he's fine see that's the whole thing now when you are quick as a cat and weigh 230 some odd pounds and you've got great body control you're gonna get an awful lot of second efforts I remember we used to got him we used to say you're not going to stop Elgin but by golly see they doesn't get that second shot there's an amazing thing about this man as a forward in the NBA we knew although he'll deny it he never could shoot that well with his left hand but he didn't have to because he was so great and get the shot any time any way he wanted on the right side and used his whole left area for faking and fainting so I just want to pay tribute or my opinion the greatest forward that played the game all right here we have Elvin Hayes on the offense of the Washington Bullets you got Paul Silas on the defense of the Boston Celtics they're very few big men that had the versatility to play the corner position and all his faces at the same time if they're guarded by a smaller man go right in and become the pivot man Elvin Hayes is one of those unique players for example watch this move watch him drive to the hoop from the corner position see there very few men his size that has such great shooters that could fake that shot and still go for that hoop now in order to stop him from making moves like that you put a smaller man on him as soon as he sees that he becomes a pivot man now he's a corner man facing the basket they he'll come around and post it up by posting we mean he's going into a pivot position with his back to the basket and making his moves from there go ahead and he'll either take a fadeaway jump or this kind of take a bounce and take a look Elvin start out facing the basket cut him deep cut in deep now there he is now when do you decide Elvin what you're gonna do out there whether you're going to become a corner man in the face or development well if you have a guy maybe 16 on you it's pretty tough trying to I'll jump in consistently inside so you want to take him outside and if I feel like I have a guy six five or six six then you want to take him inside because I feel that then I have the advantage I want to try to get the ball as low as possible get position and go straight up footed shot you see what he does he uses his height he uses his strength but above all he uses his head now well you got a guy like Elvin there not many players that could do the things he does outside inside now what goes through your mind when you guarding him well specifically I don't want Elvan to post me up low because I know that I can't bother his shot if he jumps over me so I'd rather take my chances with him shooting from the outside I feel that I'm quick enough to stop that drive to the hoop so I don't want him to post me up other players I would rather didn't post me up because I thought I cannot muscle then see what he's bringing out there is simply this you study your opponent you know what he can do he knows how far he could shoot with accuracy he knows that he could take him inside and that goes through his mind before the game starts you got to watch out for these guys that could play both positions if you're an Elvin Hayes the first thing he does is check the guy that's got him he's got to decide whether the poster guy take him outside use a fadeaway jump use a regular jump go into the pivot take the hooks and still help out rebounding so remember out there think it's a thinking game scout make decisions and remember what you see do you hear the expression power forward quick forward well Bob love is a combination of ball once John Havlicek playing him not trying to let him get the ball now he wants to get the ball right there oh baby now this position there this 3/4 of the way from the out of bounds line at the end of the court and about 4 feet from the sideline this position is the most devastating position for a corner man on the floor right here he could do many many things watch this move you come back and get the ball right to low one box in for the layup alright now let's come back again and do this on the same move going the other way what's the move all right now he went right he went left now watch him maneuver have a check now in the pivot little peg little hook he used this only or primarily when he feels he can overpower the man guarding him who might be smaller it might be not as aggressive the many many reasons why he might take him in the pivot but must always remember that this is the position that he could do so many things from now John knows he's been scoring from that position therefore he's going to over plant then come out and he'll back dog that is what we call a back door they could call it back door they could call it pulling the string anything they want there it is very very simple maneuver all good corner men that moved without the ball use this all the time now after this John is now completely worried so I would check playing the deep let's go play down now he's going to take a shot like this just stand there and shoot that ball very simple now he's done it all as far as that corner position is concerned he's going left he's going right he's played the pivot he's pulled the string or backdoored the man now he's taking a shot what else is there for a quick corner man to do or a power forward to do rebound so what happens if I come down here and I fake him I can't get that ball to him out of power for I'll take a shot and he's got the position for the rebound so even if you do not get the ball or in better position for a rebound because the guy can't box you out because you now have the inside position the most important man in building a ballclub is the center you've got to have the big guy he's closest to the basket he's in a good position to score points but most important he can get the rebound because in the defensive position and once he gets the rebound he's got to get the ball out that's also very important without the big guy you can't have the ball without the ball you can't score if you can't score you can't win and that's it well we're gonna talk about today is the pivot place position in the pivot where he wants the ball how he's going to get it what he does without shooting the ball we know that most people think about pivot play as a big guy go on as deep as he can turning around and hooking the ball there's a lot more to it than that here's what I want you to watch as a start when Dave Cowens is playing the pivot he wants to get this position right here as close as he can on this side of the basket the guy guarding him knows this he wants to stop him from getting this position now Dave will feel him if he over plays him here watch his arm up there if I'm out here with the ball he's got him and he signals me where he wants to pass that's the whole key to a good pivot man he knows where the defensive man is he signals where he wants the ball now most guards who were five six five eight six foot six - they always have a tendency to do this bounce the ball once they bounce the ball to the pivot man they make him the size that they are and that's wrong Dave now you're gonna play the pivot as Dave Cowens of the Boston Celtics you all recognize him Dave what do you think about when you're gonna play the pivot position well everybody has their special spot and mine is down here on the right hand side of the floor coming down and I want to get as low as possible because this is where I have most chance of scoring I'm left-handed I can throw the ball into the middle you know I can come a quick baseline move it just depends on how Jim is as to what I do all right now that's Jim hard the backup son of the day with a boss of sellers Jim what do you think about when you're in a ball game playing anybody as a defensive center well first of all I try to realize the positions that most centers want the ball and most of the center's like the ball as low as possible so I'll fight day for the spot that he likes best mostly on that side right you could see the ball to his left hands it's late nowadays got a lot of moves off of that way he could shoot from that position he's close enough he could turn around and take a jump shot he could do many many things his purpose is to get the ball strong where he wants it well here we are a continuation to show what a good pivot man or sentiment could do other than just shoot like this play there's a pass off from Dave Cowens to Charlie Scott on a simple given goal the pivot man or Santa man is a focal point and great many of your plays and wheeling dealing now the center man in this case it caused Dave Cowens playing the offense so it's all he's got on the offense Glenn McDonald and Jim on those two playing the defense now this time we're gonna run the same play but watch Dave Cowens he faked it too charlie come around and take his hook he felt the defense he saw the defense of man's switch therefore he knows that the next time he gets that ball all he has to is fake the Charlie Scott and keep it himself now remember the center guy adjust his game as part of a team to what the defense does now watch Dave Cowens on this play right he's got the inside on a rebound in the event that Charlie Scot missed that shot do that again real quick take the shot all right now watch day of college on this plate what's your mana question fooled everybody everybody for Charlie Scott was coming around and using that screen from Dave Cowens but that's where the big man is so great he never gives away what's gonna happen everybody out there thought that Charlie Scott was going to use Dave Cowens and take that shot when all he did was fake him when right directly to the hope that's some of the actions of a center he's got to be in the rebounding position he's got to get the ball he's got to protect the ball he can't lose it he can't bring it down where the little guys go back here give him that ball Charlie got it bring the ball down watch McDonald take that blow away from watch Dave now see if he does say that he's in trouble now do it again hold the ball up see that ball is up and his elbows he's kind of protected that's the key to this game you can't lose that ball no way when you got that ball it's very very important that you get a shot if you make it that's another story now we're going to show you some more of the versatility of a great Center presumably Dave Thomas just got a rebound the other end he transfers from the defense for the offense and here's what happens come on there's a break yes Dave Cowens the trailer Dave went from the defensive rebounder all the way down to make the basket well you young players out there remember one thing you've got to learn that there are two sides of this game offense defense if you're on the defense and you get the ball you are now part of the offense that is not the time to rest if you want to rest get on a bench Kareem abdul-jabbar and my opinion the greatest offensive scoring Swift in the history of basketball he took that skyhook as commonly called why the simple reason he uses his height to good advantage much of uses - he could do so many things and so well now what can get position for the ball with a man trying to front them he gets the ball now Kareem what were you trying to do with Alvan Adams guarding you from Phoenix is this the position you like right here key right here in this position he knows so many different things that he can do when you play a guy Kareem do you watch him the whole gun with you touch him or what's your move his skyhook been one of the most effective offensive weapons in the NBA we just can't give him that shot so during the course the game I try to front him and eventually if they swing the ball or eventually if I get tired I'll end up behind them and once I do if there's a skyhook don't you play hard yeah I'll pull you the ball you'll get the ball there now just watch some of these moves I'll do that again you know we don't like a missing Karim you feel him don't you you know what well Jackie where is he not only feels it when he passes that ball what he looks with this peripheral vision out there it was my right all right let's do it one time we'll just demonstrate that thing all right he's caught them the whole time he's felt in the whole time while playing the other side play the other side right thing watch the ball get it move that quickness that agility that's what counts I pick him up and drive around push him out he push him out a little bit he couldn't get the ball where he want now watch sometimes he bounces sometimes you don't all right they come that time and go around this way will you watch this move how about that now when you were waiting a game and I will be back in high school when you came in our dressing room and so forth did you spend much time on developing your shooting you touch I've been playing ball since I was seven or eight years old after a while you instinctively learn my big problem with agility and stamina a lot of people think that just because he happens to be tall he didn't spend all this time working I know he did because I followed his career for many years Kareem abdul-jabbar got all the moves he worked hours and hours of shooting and developed a touch but most important as I said he's the greatest offensive threat I talked to his coach talked to his players he's unselfish all he wants to do is win he'll pass that ball if he feels anybody has got a better shot I want to congratulate you on a a great job that you do out there playing the pill it just wonderful I appreciate it thank you there we go now what good is possession of the ball what good is great defense if you got a big man that may throw the ball away now we have Wes Unseld in my opinion the best passing big man in the game today guarding Elvin Hayes also from the Washington Bullets Clem Haskins on the defense from the bullets and my grid also from the bullets now what we're trying to do is a show that even though you're a good rebounder and get the ball it's too easy to throw away now we just demonstrated Wes Unseld throwing the ball on a two-handed outlet pass now Wes how do you feel about that how do you prefer to throw it alright I think I would rather come down onto the floor get my position and then make the pass well that's an interesting point because a lot of kids that throw it in the air they throw it as they get the ball and they don't look and they throw it away so your most important point is to lift your head up first see what you're gonna do and then make the throw right all right now Mike take the shot again you got him Clem let's do it this time with the one hand all right just a little sidebar here now you notice that Clem Haskins who was guarding Mike Reardon on the play as soon as that shot went up and he saw that Wes was going to get the rebound he immediately went from the defense to the offense on the side knowing that Wes Unseld will get him the ball all right now let's go into a pivot you're the pivot West you got the offense Mike you're on a defense now watch how a big man operates from the pivot five man that's a little shovel pass now you notice when West threw that pass he didn't hit him with the ball what you notice how he just gave it a little shovel pass very simple what's your objective when you make it a little simple play like that well to give the man a good pass exactly thing is to hide that ball don't let this man behind me see what I'm gonna do with it that's right know as you're protecting you with your elbows and your body you're hiding the ball now that's a good point okay cut by him again now watch this pass hi there's a little hook that beautiful play a simple over the head pass what is the objective of all passing somebody's got to catch it you don't want to see how strong you are how tough you are how hard you can throw the ball you want him to catch it that's the purpose of you fans out there remember one thing possession of this ball is the all-important thing don't try to show off and make those crazy passes or when you get a rebound go like this and grin so somebody will take your picture meanwhile you hold up the whole ballgame get that ball out of there but make sure one of your men catch it [Music] all right hold it up a shot though you saw it taking those hook shots Dave Cowens the previous Center of the Boston Celtics Godding him the ACE center of the Portland Trailblazers Bill Walton doing the feeding John Havlicek captain of the Boston Celtics we're going to talk about and demonstrate offensive moves off the pivot we know how to get the ball we've showed you how to get the ball into the pivot now Dave when you're playing the pivot you've got a guy like Bill Walton guiding you and the ball comes into you what goes through your mind well hopefully when I receive the ball I can have not establish the pivot foot chip I can go either way I can pivot on either one I want to be on balanced now usually after playing a number of games you you know by looking at the floor where you are in relation to the basket but I like to look at the basket because you know before you shoot you have to look at it that way you can see that God where the guy is it's guarding you if he's not touching you if he's touching you then you know how sometimes you just make an instinctive move and just wheel on to God you know where he is when you you get the ball you he's over playing you on one side or the other you get it in your turn and you trap him with your leg before we do that you've made a very interesting point that I believed in and still believed is that you play a lot of basketball by knowing where you are without looking at the basket all you do is look at the lines on the floor and they know exactly where they are now we're going to demonstrate some of these shots now bill you got Dave he's going to go through the motions with Dave as if he was guarding him in a game but we're gonna have Dave go through many offensive moves one right after another so watch it turn them out face the best okay I now do the pump same thing with the puppet found out where he was and he made that bull this time take a jump shot alright this time turn around face the basket for the shot fake the shot and go now the center becomes a forward the good Santa must have all of those moves oh and that take him and use his feet watch this on a wheeling around play him tough flame close watch the feet see what they did he took this about foot because he felt Bill walking back here he faked here used his foot and came back this way to get a good spin let's do that one again watch this closer alright there's a message for you reading all these moves so the pivot takes a lot of work you've got to do it with both hands both sides you got to fake left go right fake right go left turn around face the basket all those moves now the other side some of these moves before you get the ball none usually no there's a good point he decides his move after he gets the ball then he sees what's going to happen work on at it become a good offensive player because you're close to the basket you're not going to get any closer well let's work at it we have bill blood from the Portland Trailblazers blocking that chat driving for the basket early defrag Oreo the Buffalo Braves and playing the offensive pivot Dave Cowens of the Boston Celtics you see is what he does as good as anybody in the game of basketball today and my opinion the only guy that I ever saw do it better was the great Bill Russell now let's try that again that will explain it come on all right he not only blocked the shot but he wanted a block it and still be in position where he or one of his teammates can get the ball you see a lot of shot blockers all they do is just slap the ball and SWAT it do that one time drive in I just swept the ball out of bounds [Music] the other team still has the ball he is game very intent on the trick is not only to intimidate block the shot but also if possible to get the ball now Ernie DiGregorio being a smart ball player he knows bill Wallace hanging around in there guarding Dave Cowens now let's see what goes through his mind knowing that he might leave Dave and blocked the shot watch this closer okay Ernie deeds is not trying to make that basket he knew that Bill Walton was going to jump and try to block that shot so he just threw it off the backboard for Dave now let's get to the basics of this thing bill as I said you're the previous shot blocker in the NBA I think it's a great skill I think it's a nod now what a guy is driving for the basket what goes through your mind well there's two things that happen yeah that I think about when I'm trying to block a shot one is very patience I always try to wait and wait and wait like flick down a smaller man like Ernie now it's a different situation and say a big man is driving because you got to rely more on luck and timing and yeah I got on patience besides patience you get that you know try to cut down the options of the offensive man what a man's coming down the lane trying to make him lay up for it you know short shot and I go for the block I try to make him shoot the shot that I wanted to shoot like in a case like that if you got him day let's show one thing take the ball back again Ernie big believe you're going to block ready shot and stay with Dave now watch this [Music] alright now he intimidated I need equatorial he made him change his move he made him hesitate a lot of young players out there goes through their mind to become shot blockers because it looks so good beautiful every time a guy blocks a shot it's a great thing but oftentimes they sacrifice good sound basic defense by continually putting themselves in the air I mean many times the guy could go up in the air with you and handoff to the other Center do that are any of the pocket on underneath Marv very simple move therefore a great shot blocker there's a guy as Bill Walton has just said it's a guy who picks his spots he does not make a career out of blocking shots but uses it as a very potent defensive weapon you've just seen some of the skills of the great sinners in basketball but there it is number six the great Bill Russell in my opinion not only the greatest Center who ever lived but the greatest basketball player who ever lived why he had this the hot he had this the smarts he had reaction he had anticipation for example when he blocked shots he didn't just slap it away he revolutionized it he popped it so he'd come down with the ball but his greatest skill his most important value was to the team he had the soil tea to the team the team came first with Bill Russell and that was his greatness did you see that rebound that rebound was made by Bill Russell my opinion the greatest basketball player that ever played the game was you're playing Bob McAdoo who's facing the basket he's a quick Center good offensive rebounder he's gonna be facing the basket how would you play him now first of all I want to make sure that they know they can't when he's going that he can't pass it to him so I'm glad I kept it off now if we get into here I'll take a block and our position now do the blocking our position that's in here I'm down low i watching up working out position though he is watch his hand he's got this man right here now I'm not I don't have it out here I got it right here whoa I'm with the natural position okay I'm down low now but so that he can't push me he goes oh this way I can also go back with him see if he goes the other way same thing I mean see that balance you see the knees bent if it needs a been on us good balance gives me quickness and strength because he can't push me other way and the other thing is I want to have is that the ball comes off that I can reach into here and get it or when I jump so that when I jump I'm not we're not both in here going after ball and I have this distance so as you have the extension right forward rather than high that's why I wouldn't push it with my shoulders so you see a lot of guys the whole position like this so when we jump we're bulked up in here whereas if that whole position in here when we jump I'm in here and he can't he can't get sure without flour yet right all right now you explain something to me a while ago about the position of your hands in this position okay why are your hands in this position but I suppose we're here and I'm holding that position like this and Bob makes a quick move and steps right across here to go the fight for position now which is a good move if I got my hand here this as far as he's going see that see this here here now he's got him right in there so important I didn't move their hand that's right now what about your other hand okay I've stopped him now my move isn't here again now if I'm holding them here for example now we here and the ball bounces I can appreciate it with this one I came in here the point I'm making is this position that's right now here is the greatest rebounder that ever played the game and you notice the science that we've discussed relative to his boxing out first and then covering all the territory I'm gonna throw the ball up a couple of times you go for the ball once you get the rebound he won't hurt you all right now okay there you go Bill Russell has bob mackadoo completely under control let's do it again all right this time playing a pivot put you back to him all right now it's swinging on Wow now when he gets that ball you notice how he protected it his elbows will be a complete protection of that law he hasn't completely under control but the main thing is what we discussed about rebounding you can't win without the ball the single most important thing is get the ball every time they take a shot you say to yourself they'll get one shot we'll get the ball the block shot is it look is it good timing is it anticipation Bill Russell the man who not only popularized it but had it down to an exact science Bill Russell no Boston Celtics now the coach the Seattle SuperSonics what is a shot block what is a block shot that's an action because it's not a reaction you can't when you blockage at a reaction then you're lucky in other words just jumping ability it's more than that now to explain about a minute ago probably not to do the Buffalo Braves trying to chew everybody knows it the romaine is manna for God example a guy like him I just play him straight away there's no way ever stopping ok so now going to is right it's two or three points every time it's a don't shot a layup or two free throws so what I would try to do with dying breath I know he's got the ball right let me play him here so now what I've done that take it away him going to the right and I'm close enough so he puts on the floor I cannot get loose so make him do with his left hand so that's the reason I'm so close to them here is to make him fold his left hand dribbling so that's threw him down a little bit now if I let him go away to hook a gun to go there means I got to stay ahead of him and the idea is to slide here it's not here and wait now but what I did without eliminating to have those options by taking away he's right now the idea is when I'd love to blunder chanimal try to sweep it that way really no slapping no no now see that if I sweep it there now I got anything to go after another was very Lester was trying to say that when he plays one man laying the man and wants to shut him off and block his shot he studies that man it's not a matter of letting the man make his move and then blocking the shot actually you're blocking his shot before he starts his play now when he goes to the left though there's you had him and he came up for the shot as soon as his feet left the ground Bill Russell knows he's committed when you yourself can leave you see I do the right courses Center I take a jump shot Russ is going to play you let's see how he plays you relative to Brock in the shot I tried to play basketball have that character right in front of you with those for example when you give me a free to give me a fake I put my hands up now leave them up but you still got your knees a little red right now say give me a fake I keep my hands up tissue the lame-o in other words what the Western was trying to say is when his hands are up and he jumps he does not bring his hands down to jump up a little higher what he has to do is intimidate Bill Russell the greatest of them all he dominated NBA centers for 13 years not only that intimidated the entire offensive flow of the game tiny Archibald a great player of these Kansas City Kings tiny takeaway up never played against Bill Russell safe so we just want to give you an idea just take away up he's guarding the man watch what he does now where I got a do down it's coming here now is what is called intimidation now I got try to make him think I'm gonna jump and intimidation I'm ready to play this guy and ready to take his shot and tracks to the face you see there's more to blocking the shot then blocking the shot a lot of the Russell's great effectiveness was because people were so scared that he was going to block their shot and they would look bad that they would miss the shot anyway you becoming a little over that way then oh yeah see what I want to do is this is that what makes him really tough tiny comes in he comes in here and you go here and he dishes off all right then what are you gonna do first thing I put his hand out try to okay you know jump like this and put this hand out to try to see if we're getting it done but what I want to do is here is what he comes in I will eliminate the guys they stop - then what are you gonna do then you got it first thing I put his hand out now I'm ready to block a shot right now I'm ready come on who's going to shoot no matter who takes right now I'm ready for within what area anyway in here I believe what a limited pants here so what I'm going to do is get an angle and whites here it's very good now you see what happens here Bill Russell knows and not only is he a great scarf has great quickness I could go into the layup but he could fake the layup and pass off to bill Russell's man so as he said he had this in help to eliminate that and still you notice how nice and soft he blocks the shot I want to do this again bad do it fast 90 okay oh did you see that you see Russell block that shot and come down with it remember the secret of blocking a shot just to get possession of the ball Bill Russell always realized when he was blocking shots that the defense relative to his man came first the black shot was second to send oil up for you friends don't overdo this shot-blocking don't be a swimmer a slasher and sacrifice all the other aspects of the defense just a proper shot they'll remember every time you do block a shot please try to get the ball look at those old balls through the years people don't realize that they too have changed here's a new ball not only is it round but it stays round it has the seams on it they're there for purpose they're there to make you shoot better take all the great shooters they used to put their fingertips right on the seam to get that friction to get that feel so they get that backward rotation and sometimes when it hits the rim it has a tendency to fall down in there so remember while practicing your shooting feel for the seams don't look at the ball and work hard at it and you'll become a darn good shooter well they went in that's David Thompson of the Denver Nuggets guarded by Brian winners of the Milwaukee Bucks David then taking that shot the man's hand was in your face that didn't bother you we're gonna show the fans out there how similar it is to a simple little game now I'm gonna drop this bill and I want you to catch it with your two fingers well he didn't catch it you know why he didn't catch it because actually it's impossible to catch it you might do it luckily you might guess just like Brian winners can guess and block a shot he knows this he knows that when he shoots that ball is going to go up there before Brian can react take another one put your hand down he'll watch him watch his shoulders in his hand all right now take the ball take a dribble Adam now lets him react alright now when you took that shot well you took that jump shot how do you take the jump shot well I made a move and a little body segment faked and he reacted to my move by stepping back and that left me open for the shot now when you take that shot you go straight up you don't worry about going into the guy or jumping backwards that he might block your shot you go straight up facing the basket because that's your most comfortable position is that right right exactly alright now if he does not react you might fake him and go straight through from a god position let's see that now watch this he's gonna fake the stop of the shot he's gonna go yeah now what does that do that keeps the guy honest right well he can't he can't react he doesn't know what you're gonna do alright this time take the dribble right at him fake the shot pump and then take the show as many times you want now a good offensive man reacts from the moves of the defensive man now this time I want you to take the ball go at him I want you to jump in the air to block the shut on the jump shot now make your move now watch what he does this time now what did you do just like he said a moment ago he waited for Brian Willis to react Dhoni air he wasn't no hurry hurry right while he's coming down then you go right I knew that he couldn't react to my jumping up before you know I had a chance to make a really good shot now for you young players out there one thing you've got to know don't be afraid for a guy to block your shot for everyone he blocks if you do what David Thompson said and what's the defensive man you scored 10 baskets so don't panic and don't be afraid of a guy blocks your shot keep your poise keep your fingers on that ball get that backspin and keep your body face in that basket and those shots will go in then we have Julius Erving dr. J the Philadelphia 76ers guarded by Bob Dandridge of the Milwaukee Bucks now you dump the ball you stole the ball you came down on a fast-break you dunked it why did you dunk it well to me I feel the dunk is a 100 percent shot and you know when a guy is in pursuit of me like that I want to take a chance of him knocking the ball away or catching me from behind and a guy can run a lot faster than I can dribble alright now we know you have extraordinary body control you have extraordinary leaping ability you have extraordinary quickness other people don't know that you also have big huge powerful hands of Willie si si he gets that ball he's got control I've seen a lot of guys dunk the ball and it slips and they miss it a good example was a friend of mine the greatest high jumper in the world John Thomas took him three years to learn how to dunk the ball because his hands were small every time he got up there it slipped out but Julius has the big hands has the big control now that's one way to dunk what other ways are there to dunk show me you gotta mow it you got him you gotta get a guy on a low post you know if you can fake one way and go to the other and it's coming and power the ball to the basket as I said he has this great body control he dunks it any way at all now when you get within a range you look at the floor don't you you know what do you know the floor yeah okay no the floor therefore when you are anywhere in this area with your leaping ability and your body control don't you try to dunk it 90% of the time well my legs feel strong in that particular night I do what part of the game it is and how tired you are because you still have to go up there but what I'm trying to get across a lot of people could dunk the ball they could do it in practice they could do it when nobody's guarding them but the secret of dunking the ball is to do it on the game conditions with guys right on you isn't that the point that's the toughest time to do it alright just show us a few a few different kind of dunks I watch it now go ahead they would they would they would notice how he raises that hand way up reach of Bob Dandridge stay with him Bob that's the okie stay with practice body control do it on the game conditions and you'll find that the dunk shot is more than just a fleshy good-looking type of move it really is a strong offensive play then we have a play with Pete Maravich of the New Orleans Jazz as the passer David Thompson getting the pass on an alley-oop which he made famous now that's a hard play to stop because David Thompson has now got the inside position but the most important thing on that simple looking play is the eye to eye contact or any kind of communication between Pete Maravich and David Thompson that's the key but with all that you've got to have a great passer to do it he's got to know exactly where to pass that ball where do you like to get that ball fair I like to get the ball above the rim about a foot away from the basket so I can be see the ball in my momentum going to hoop can't carry me in to make a stop number now it's got to be a perfect pass with you getting the inside of this man but the main thing is you've got to maneuver him around to get in that position I remember one thing don't try it unless you got real good jumping ability good timing good teammate a guy that's going to give up the ball but all we're trying to show you if you have a special skill take advantage of it if you've got this leaping ability take advantage of it don't just play somebody else's game whatever special skill you've got use it back moving back to one again hi-ho it now we're going to talk about Julius Erving of the Philadelphia 76ers known as dr. J guarded by Bob dangers of the Milwaukee Bucks Pete Maravich was going to do the passing of the New Orleans Jazz and Brian winners other Milwaukee Bucks playing the defense now I stopped you right there you're playing the corner position you're the ideal corner man quick shoe drive somewhat what goes through your mind relative to what you're gonna do you get the ball where you want it now what do you do usually what I get it I like to have three options so that I can even make a pass or you know take my shot at the defense's off of me or put the ball on the floor and if I have those three options and I think you know I have an advantage over the defensive player now dr. J when he's going to the hoop he's going strong all right let's start it up give him the ball move around playing tough all right watch glad we'll get you bold move into him go ahead drive drive on now alright now what did he do that he just maneuvered Bob Dandridge to where Bob did not know whether he's going to go right or left hey this time do the same thing and backdoor that's it on this play I want you to watch a simple pick and roll but what is it it's the corner man a guy that plays the corner now we've shown you when he has a shot he takes a shot you know he could drive one bounce this way one bounce this way but he's got to be a passer this is a two-way street for you to get the ball playing in the corner you've got to give it up to now watch what happens glad there's the past good play simple pick and roll on that plate because remember to get the ball in any ball game the gods would like to give it you but every once in a while they want it back and he knows that use your screens use your set shot but be active and he over plays him he's going to be in a position for an offensive rebound now watch this fake the pass backdoor him but you take the shot you get the rebound playing tough I see it's got the inside position for rebound merely by playing the corner position right I hold it up right there now we have a demonstration of getting the ball into a man even though he's double-teamed playing the defense you got Elvin Hayes to the Washington Bullets Phil shaniyah of the Washington Bullets on the offense Charlie Scott and Jojo white taking the ball in from the Boston Celtics now what we're trying to show you is that when you double-team a guy if he's got all the time to get loose he'll get the ball to him that's not the way to do it now we're going to show you at my opinion especially in the clutch parts of the game how to God a man and how to play the situation when the ball is out of bounds okay Joe you take it out I want Elvin Hayes the Washington Bullets to guide Joe Joe now Elvin it's a cost situation it's right in the last few seconds of the ball game your team's won ahead you got him Joe Joe White what do you what goes through your mind well the most important thing is not let him inbound the ball in scoring position I wanted him to force him to take the make him pass to inbound the past outlet that in case that he throw the ball in my teammate feels you might be able to steal the basketball or that I can try to harass him so that maybe we can get to pass try it let's go right to a player just as if it's a ball game a few seconds to go let's go come on all right there you go there's a smart move he called timeout Elvin Hayes did his job now luckily he knew that he had a timeout left otherwise they'd be in serious trouble now assuming there are no timeouts left five or ten seconds to go the bullets one point ahead they've got to stop them from scoring all right let's go come on they go he intercepted it you see Elvin Hayes forced Joe Joe to throw it this way so even if Charlie Scot caught the ball he's still quite a ways away from the basket he's right here at midcourt so his main idea going through his mind is make sure he can't throw it in there as he mentioned in scoring position he wants to force them out this way but if possible not let him get the ball in now you've noticed why would I have a big forward or center like Elvin Hayes guarding a god-like Jojo white well usually if a coach is smart he'll take his big man especially an active man guarding the guy who has the ball out of bounds regardless of a mismatch regardless of position Jojo doesn't have the time to give the ball to a guy take Elvin Hayes into the corner and make a play that way it just can't be done so what I'm trying to bring out is a very simple thing when you take the ball out make sure you can throw that ball in if possible if you're on the defense you've got to make sure that he's going to throw the ball mid court direction that's the place remember that very important drills practice techniques or whatever you call them they're vital for example anything you're going to learn out there you've got to practice at it you've got to improve your techniques whether it's the dribble or the shoot or the method of doing it or whether it's ways to run now you've got to have these drills and you've got to have these good practice habits to get the job done which can make you a better player it doesn't come easy you've got to work at it I hold it up Pete Maravich flawless jazz my opinion one of the great great gods that ever played the game so many things he's done from the time he was a little bitty one to make basketball not only his life but a part of his hands now you see that little drill we did there that looks simple but it has meaning everything he does has meaning what about that drill Pete this right here is just for coordination standpoint of just you spread your legs out and the object is to throw the ball at a 45-degree angle catch it behind you and throw it back with your wrist and getting stronger wrists this just develops the coordination part of it and leads up to a more dramatic part of a drill which I call the bullet ricochet you don't want to benjamin because if you do you open up a pocket under there and you might end up where you don't want to end up all right let's see you do it okay this is coordination now watch it very closely he goes faster and faster now it develops into what I call the bullet ricochet where you just throw it and you continually increase your speed and continue increasing your hand quickness you realize the speed that that thing is gone holic Pete gets me nervous every time he does that it gets me nervous makes me nervous too let's see a couple others Pete this one is what I call the fat clap what you do is just stand throw the ball catch it and throw it back again utilizing all your wrists and this looks very simple but when you don't move your feet it's very difficult then you just keep throwing it back until you master this right here after mastering this and you go into what I call the thigh clapping what I'm gonna do here throw the ball about five or six feet in the air I'm gonna clap my thighs once catch it behind my back twice and so on up to ten go ahead I'm gonna try to get the ten last one two three for Alice how he watches the ball six seven eight nine ten like that you notice how he watched the ball on that all the time his wrist his coordination his ability to use his hands in any part of his body it's all important to the game itself let's see another one okay a third one that is very difficult but develops extremely quick hands and since you have to have quick hands and have knowledge of how to drill the ball is what I call the knee clap an object this is to put the ball behind your knees I'm gonna drop the ball to drop it clap my hands in front and try to catch the ball before it hits the ground you have to utilize a lot of quickness on this drill it's almost an emotion drill for me because I have to concentrate a great deal so I'll try to get this beautiful that's beautiful and all of these drills don't you feel had a strong part in you being what you are today well without a doubt they definitely established what I thought was a you know a large part of my game mainly because when I was a junior in high school I was 5 feet 10 inches and when I became a senior in high school I was 6 feet 4 inches so it was a dressing jump in height and a lot of kids they grow up that quickly really get clumsy and do not have the type of coordination they would like to have in my case I just blended in very smoothly because of all the drills I had done because of all the work that my dad had used with me and it turned out pretty good Pete Maravich my pigeon one of the great great guards and basketball did not get there by accident he worked he trained he developed and that's why he's Pete Maravich hey hey hey what's going on here hold it all this is Calvin Murphy the great gods of the Houston Rockets now it's a bit unusual to see this greatness transferred from basketball into something like baton twirling what are you trying to do to me it's the best of all show well twirling goes along with basketball for me as far as dexterity is concerned there's that right there's a work with your fingers yes has given me great singer control with the baton the long with controlling the basketball with my fingers now Calvin Murphy being one of the smallest if not the smallest guy ever to be so great in the NBA there are two sides to this we've discussed this many times the bigger guys get you they take you to pivot they try to muscle you you're strong you're quick they don't fool around but there's two sides to it you're little you're close to the ground they gotta get you and that's where that dexterity comes in no question but if you can hold us if we can just change for a second first of all because of my fingertip control I feel that the big I have the advantage only larger individual he has to come down to 5 9 size if he wants to better I have the advantage I know what I'm gonna do with the ball I can control it he's out of sync with his body he cannot move the way I can't because of my size that's right I'm too tall and I've got to bend down to your side right I'm already down here so I have the advantage you see what we're trying to say is all you people out there and you yo stirs 5 8 5 9 5 7 don't give excuses that you're too small if you can work at it pay the price and do the job always remember you're close to the ground the ball kept doing is on the floor here you could keep bouncing that ball he's got to come down to you so remember that all right Calvin rich let's see if you dexterity good ridiculous all right now how does every wait have you got a twirl a baton well I'm dribbling with my fingers here like this what's it he doesn't even have to watch anything he's looking to the camera is that beautiful look at that control this has played a part in that I remember Calvin Murphy well he's young and he always could work with at the time and work with that ball and you kept up both yes and one helped the other and I want to congratulate you because you've had and you're still having a great career and let this be a lesson don't use your size as an excuse pay the price work hard and if you've got it in you you could be a great athlete in a great place Thank You cat all right fellows machine gun drill let's go get him one stay low down stay low low stay low quick quick quick quick good job good job good very good well you have here Morgan Wootten the coach of the masa high school and high school Maryland now over the years you've been here for 21 years 21 red you've had some pretty good ballplayers pretty good pretty good teams now show me some more drills are you preparing your team for a season and even during this season these are practice drills show me a couple more all right fellows right foot forward now real good defensive stance come on up now get come on back up you got to be quick between between advanced advanced swing truly watch them as they please watch them advance then they watch Vance retreat disappear more backup I don't know if they say that but sounds good let me have those that other drill with them in the middle or something all right fellows have two guys one more ball right here good passer we got it you did it again okay you got it Joe all right you all set I work with your own hand your right hand good defense head up in your drilling don't work can't leave a circle now see place you think that's all your head is up there trying to get that ball this is a very very good drill because they are not watching the ball with a dribbler then what I used to always say that the floor was smooth the ball was round oh these kids practice it awfully look at it I like it that's good okay right guys now do you feel that these Joe's really helped you in the ball game no question right I think they build a mental and physical discipline that goes towards building a championship team I think it develops quickness of foot these drills that build hand-eye coordination confidence with the ball and set mental toughness I think you buy now we've seen a lot of dexterity with crazy jaws and people like that they're great you use it with your players some are good some are better let me have about five or six on Mario just to show what they could do all right get the balls out of us have the one and two men up here you're slowing big guards I fellas let's move right in here nice and close right in here all right let's pound netball pound it now like several antibody let's go circle it hand is part of your ball confidence with ball that emits sex a little bit that's it double legs circle now stay low head up head up if you can reverse it that's it right leg forward now right leg Circle it I reverse it left leg out that's it reverse it reverse it real good I hold it right there alright I see Mike you and Brian come on up fellows just step back for a minute all right fellas now for quickness of putting us through the figure eight running in place go to work I hole right there that's good now let's do the figure eight drop colors great and eye coordination drill and it's part of the ball confidence or this really wears them out really tears them out great conditioning to read great condition I don't know wait here fellows the butterfly now there you can see how that breathing these kids are in good shape I like this I wish I could do it very good hold it fellas down let's try this October that's terrific for quickness of hands hold that ball in your socks and wait for the call okay go clapping her hands in front go let's move it halfway down our socks go go top of the shoes go oh pretty easy but that's real tough the whole ballclub Morgan really does a good job in preparing for the actual ball game that's the name of the game now what I want those ball players out there and even some of the coaches to know that the prepare right is the answer it's not only going out and shooting but also these men could practice this at home and they seem to enjoy it you know they fool around too don't they pour out the dribble and you've got it organized it's not just a healthy skeleton is this that the important thing they're organized no question read we give each one of these young men what we call our daily workout sheet and they have an immigrant in their possession and they have an organized plan to develop their ball handling and their skills they have to buy their own ball to give them a ball they've been known to lend it on a case all right Morgan here at DeMatha got great tradition great ball clubs you got a guy with a great saying let's hear it says he come here let me hear this thing if you hoot with the owls at night you cannot so with the Eagles that don't remember that get your rest be ready although some things have said the funny vane there's a lot of truth to it to be serious now we've given you all the fundamentals of this game we've shown you the skills of the great players and how they do it I can't do any more now it's up to you how good do you want to be get out there work get out there and pay the price think a little bit and get the job done [Music]
Channel: 1avardac
Views: 97,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Red Auerbach, Pete Maravich, Jo Jo White, Doug Collins, Rudy Tomjanovich, Nate Archibald, George McGinnis, Henry Bibby, Bob Cousy, Nate Williams, Elgin Baylor, Ron Behagen, Lucius Allen, Charlie Scott, Elvin Hayes, Wes Unseld, Mike Riordan, Clem Haskins, Paul Silas, Bob Love, John Havlicek, Dave Cowens, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Alvan Adams, Bill Walton, Bill Russell, Bob McAdoo, David Thompson, Brian Winters, Julius Erving, Bob Dandridge, Phil Chenier, Calvin Murphy
Id: 30gcXUdScsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 28sec (6508 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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