Red Oak vs White Oak - Identify them easily - PLANE TALK - 13 March 2019

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welcome back to the workshop everybody so glad you could be with me here today all cleaned up no shavings on the bench so today's topic and I'm gonna try to be fast white oak versus red oak what is the difference why would you want one versus the other in brief it comes down to two things cost and machinability white oak costs more than red oak machinability you can machine more red oak for less cost then you can whiten it's harder it's more durable now if you have the grain match a project you use white oak why because you can stain white oak and it'll hold the stain better than red oak because red oak will bleed the red bleeds through over time now let's look at the two of these side-by-side so that you can see the grain pattern and the difference this is the white oak this is the red oak okay the white oak I try to keep it really tight here the white oak is has pure pores opens fewer open cells the red oak has a lot of open cells it's like a sponge or a bundle of straws you can blow air through the red oak the white oak you cannot alright the only way to really identify woods of any kind is through this cross section em grain because the face grain is always bare so another thing with red oak and some people know this and some people don't but we'll go over real quick is red oak white oak I mean is used for barrels whiskey water wine okay why is that well first off they will use quartered grain okay they're either quarter-sawn or in the old days they would split them number one they have the tighter grain to begin with but then there's the medullary raise the Rays that go from the inside of the tree to the out water does not penetrate through the Rays but the Rays or what gives us this beautiful ray Fleck okay that's what gives us the Ray flick the tiger stripe we say we get a good shot of that right there okay you see all the Rays so water can't penetrate through the Rays meaning it's a watertight barrel so that's really just about the long and short of it red oak is hard to match sometimes because you're trying to match boards from different trees and see that see the color difference they're both red oak and you can you can move them around you can try to get better better grain matches but that's why from my projects I like to keep boards from the same plank together as long as possible this way if I have to make a box or something with a lid and I want it all to match I know it all comes out of this so red oak here white oak here I hope this helps somebody because there's always a lot of confusion about Oaks now there's also English brown oak and there's other trees called Oaks which aren't really Oaks but you know let's not go crazy here the basic red oak versus white oak is what we're going after so I hope this helps somebody but I hope you found it useful helpful maybe entertaining if you did give it the old thumbs up and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't I really I really welcome you and it was great having you here today no savings on the bench but head out to your shop go make some shavings Walter out
Channel: Dusty Splinters
Views: 28,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Red Oak, White Oak, Oak, Sharpening, Razor Sharp, Hand Plane Challenge, Minimalist, Plane Talk, Golden Nugget, Scrub, smoothing, Jack, Fore, Jointer, moisture meter, Sharpen, Sharp, Hand Plane, Hand, Plane, Lie-Nielsen, Block Plane, Luban, WoodRiver, Veritas, Planing, Wood, Woodworking, Honing, Hone, When to sharpen, how to sharpen, Blade, Iron, Steel, Chip breaker, Breaker, Cap Iron, Bronze, Scrub Plane, How to Make a Wooden Hand Plane, Japanese Hand Plane, The Samurai Carpenter, Woodcraft, Rockler
Id: xnVi4fztRdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 40sec (280 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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