Red Hot Chili Peppers - Rock N' Roll Hall Of Fame 2012 with Chris Rock Induction and Performance

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hello i'm chris rock and i am here to  induct the red hot chili peppers into the rock and roll hall of fame so i'm  presenting the red hot chili peppers why me   because ac green was busy i guess um they asked  me to do this and it's a it's a huge honor   let me tell you about the first time i saw  the red hot chili peppers now my friends and i   like drugs a lot growing up and so when  we went out we had to get to the party   really early because if we didn't go early we were  just going to spend our money getting hot so we   went to this party we thought we were going to go  see grand master flash in the village and we went   to see flash and we got there at eight o'clock and  we're like okay this is cool we didn't spend our   money getting high we want to see flat but we  went we [ __ ] up and flash was down the block   and we went and we went to this other  spot and we went to see the chili peppers   and we didn't know we were there to see the chili  peppers until later in the evening we started   seeing all these white people and we're like what  the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] there's a lot of white   people coming to see flash we never even heard  of chili peppers and they came out and they sang   some [ __ ] i couldn't understand a [ __ ] word  they said and then they had socks on their dicks and i'd never been to like a white show before so i  thought all white groups put socks on their dicks now it's years later and they are one  of the biggest groups in the world   we're at the rocco hall hall of fame now  they have black ties on their dicks tonight now tell you about the group flea and anthony  met in high school they met in high school or   as they like to call it really high school  um hey hey hey there are no monks in this   band there's no monks in this band okay and they  started creating songs at an early age man lots of   songs that never even came out before like jerking  off the fara faucet you know stuff like that but let me tell you about the chili peppers  okay if brian wilson if brian wilson and george   clinton had a kid he'd be as ugly as [ __ ] but he  would sound like the chili peppers he'd be funky okay the red hot chili peppers are  the quintessential california bear   their sound is authentic to california much like  the mamas and the papas uh jan and dean the beach   boys but also they mix it in with a little iced  tea a little king tea a little nwa you hear all   of those influences in the red hot chili peppers  okay the thing i love about the peppers is that   it's the music is so happy but at the same time  it's hardcore it's hard core happiness okay   cause you know they sing about a happy  that you had to be sad to get there okay   so when when anthony sings about you know  taking it on the other side you know that   [ __ ] was on the other side okay when they  sing scar tissue you know they got scars okay   okay they got scars they hey it's it's they're  like robert downey okay they did a lot of drugs   but then they did iron man and that shit's over nobody gives a [ __ ] about that [  __ ] okay okay now i'd like you know   list some of their accomplishments right now they  have i don't know eight grammys they they are the   baddest live band in the world they have over  85 million records so okay sold out stadiums   they have influenced countless bands all over the  world i want you to please welcome one of the best   rock groups one of the best rap groups  one of the best reggae groups one of the   best god groups one of the best poker  groups it is my pleasure to introduce   the inductor to the raptor roll hall of  fame anthony keanus michael flee chad smith   josh carley john buschon hello slovak jackass  and cliff martinez the red hot chili pepper it's been 26 years since i've played with this  band so tonight i'm thrilled and honored to be   standing here at the rock and roll hall  of fame with the red hot chili peppers a band is sometimes an explosive social  organism and this band is probably a little   more explosive than some they've had more of  their share more than their share of difficult   times and obstacles to overcome there was  the great on stage yogurt fight of 1983.   they've had to live with the curse  of the exploding mysterious e string   year in and year out and the fact that they  have consistently put out their unique and   distinctive brand of art that is loved by  both old and new generations of fans around   the world for nearly 30 years is a testament  to their dedication and unstoppable spirit   thank you guys for letting me join the party  and for giving the planet something good   to listen to may you continue to rock out  with your sock out for many years to come   wow being a drummer doesn't really prepare you  for this and uh we don't get the teleprompter   um i just want to thank my lovely wife  danae for all the years of support   my kids my folks for letting us all play  in our bedroom when we were about 13 and all the great musicians  i've had a chance to play with none more so than these guys for all the   years of perseverance hard work and  great music thanks for having me guys   god it's dark in here oh these are prescription  so don't worry i got some notes here   i'm accepting this award on  behalf of my brother halal slovak he will always be missed hello loved  his music family friends and his fans   he was much more than a musician he was also an  innovator far beyond his years today we celebrate   and honor his legacy and his  amazing accomplishments and his life thank you very much it's been a long night you guys  thanks for hanging in there long   night but you know this is it this is our shot ah i have to i have to thank um first of all i  have to thank my mother who's sitting over here i love you mom thanks for putting up with  all the drums in the basement all those years   uh my father as well he's not with us anymore  who's uh he was uh he got me these uh lincoln log   drumsticks and ice cream tubs out of the back  of baskin robbins and that was my first drum set   and my father was uh loved music and uh you  know i wouldn't be out here without him and   i love him very much and we all  miss him so my brother my sister my son cole's here he's seven years old just  turned seven i started playing at drums when   i was seven and i found my passion at an early age  and i can't think of of a greater thing to do with   your life than what you love and be able to travel  and and make music with your brothers who you love   um it's uh you know i'm just really blessed  and grateful for that i have to we have to   say uh thanks to lindy goetz was our first  manager he couldn't make it but lindy   was he was instrumental with helping  the band out and also at the same time   around 1991 we went to warner brothers  records and mo austin who is a class   gentleman couldn't make it either an icon this  industry and also rick rubin at the same time i started working with rick  still to this day i love you you know of course all the former members that  are here tonight but as well that aren't here   guys like jack sherman guys like dave navarro  guys like enrique marshall h.r pulegro these   all these guys are all part of our journey and  it's really important that uh you know that   they'd be recognized and uh you know as you can  see it's like spinal tap in this band you know   except with guitar players and of course  q prime is our management we've been with   for i don't know how long now how long 12  years now they're here thank you guys our   career kind of took went off to another level  with you guys we really appreciate all your   help and all your love and support um you know  and and god just to our fans you know our fans they're they've been with us from the beginning to   to the middle to the where we are now and it's  it's odd because we're looking back at our career   tonight but but we're just getting started  you know we're just getting started you know   so um thanks again this is such an honor i'm  truly humbled and honored thank you very much thank you i would like to uh congratulate the other  inductees this evening um the beastie boys   we came up at the same time and it warms my heart  to uh to see them inducted i love them so much and   our guns and roses i used to play football in the  street with stephen adler and we were 13 years old   i grew up two blocks from slash we knew each other  and we were kids and um it's really beautiful to   uh you know just to see them inducted tonight  and congratulations to them as well as the other   inductees um i see george clinton there and i just  want to say george i love you man dr frankenstein   you get you've given me reason to live so many  times when life has been so hard i love you man um   i say um people often ask me how has our band  stayed together so long we've been around about   30 years and um you know there's a zillion reasons  i can't say you know ego and money aren't part of   it but much more than that i i love music so  much and all the great rockers that have come   before us it it means everything in the world to  me to honor that tradition um and every single day   every night before we go on stage i get on my [ __  ] knees and i pray to god and i pray to uplift the   people that have come to see us play and to love  them and to give us the best that i can to them that's my life's mission but mostly more than  anything the burning intense desire that is inside   of me to play music that has not diminished in the  slightest that has only deepened as time has gone   on is when we're hitting it when we are really  inside the groove when we're on i'm lost man and   in that moment in any any musician you know any  artist i guess anyone when they're doing what they   love but i'm speaking to musicians tonight you  know what i'm talking about when you're on the one   and you're lost when i'm lost like that i am  truly free of everything and i am truly one with   everything and that is the most free thing and in  that yearning for freedom is my life's mission um i uh i want to say mom i love  you mom thank you for coming yeah um and i just want to take a minute um for  halal slovak who was our dear dear friend   who i never would have started  playing bass unless he asked me to   i love you hello jamie thank you for coming and  um you know he he told me to start playing bass   jamming with him taught me how to play music  before that you know i wanted to be dizzy   gillespie when i was a kid i played trumpet i  actually played for stephen adler's grandmother um   when i was 13. but um i love you hello  you're always my brother thank you um i   just want to take a minute to honor  the great musician john crushante who was a huge part of our band he wrote so many so much great [ __ ] for  us he left us with so many amazing gifts   and the connection and the depth of our  bond musically changed my life forever and uh chad and anthony man i love you guys man every day i'm so lucky  to get to play with these guys and josh the   journey continues you're a [ __ ] amazing artist  thank you for being with us um it's real quick   i want to thank rick rubin rick you changed  my life for the better so much i love you um thank you for you know helping us get our [  __ ] together so many times we would never in   a million years be standing here without you and  thank you um i'd like to thank q prime peter and   cliff i love you guys thank you for taking  care of us i trust you to the end of days   you've been so good to us and you know thank  you thank you gail thank you eric greenspan   you worked for us in a free for free in the  beginning that's our lawyer eric he worked   for us for free because he believed in us and i  know him well he's my dear friend and i love him   and like to thank my stepfather walter urban who  turned me on to music um and you know i don't know   i'm forgetting a lot of [ __ ] but i you know it's  funny to do this because i feel like we're just   newborn we're just starting to figure out and  trying to get better and our best days are   ahead of us i love music i love to play it's  given me everything it's given me the reason   it's saved me a million times thank you so much  humbly for honoring us this evening thank you flea is an all-time rocker i just want you to know um i would also like to echo the sentiments of  congratulating all of the fellow inductees tonight   they were amazing and music  certainly makes this world go round   it's an honor to be on the same  stage with all of them tonight wow have you heard some speeches yet i'm just going to tell a couple of small little  tales little stories of growing up in the red hot   chili peppers these little ones little tiny ones  um and and thank goodness that rock and roll is   open to interpretation my god um i met flea when  i was 15 years old and i thought i knew something   but i didn't know that much and uh and  they talk about being in the right place   in the right time well i was in the right  place in the right time when i met flea   he would change my life forever and for the better  and we're still together that was 35 years ago Fairfax High School Los Angeles, California the  next guy i met that would change my life was   Hillel Slovak when i was 16. and uh and these  guys knew about music they practiced hard um   Jack and Hillel went to music school  on the same day for the first time   and and i didn't know anything about practicing  music or playing but i love these guys and they   invited me into their musical circle and by the  time we were 20 um a chap by the name of gary   allen suggested you know why don't you give that  guy anthony a crack on the mic and they're like   what anthony mike that makes no sense and gary's  like just give him a shot and uh we wrote a song   and we performed that song and for the first time  in my life i knew what my purpose was going to be   so Jack and Flea i have to thank  you for giving me purpose to my life we had some some great highs and some great  lows and uh and i think we still will um   but early on uh in the history of the Red Hot  Chili Peppers i was struggling with some demons   and some some drug addiction and my my band were  being very uh compassionate and patient with with   my issues and one day i stayed up a little too  late and i was hung over and passed out and i   think i think Flea had kind of come to the end of  his rope and he came and he found me in my little   one room apartment above a pizza parlor  and he said "Anthony,'re just   you're [ __ ] up I don't know that I can  I don't know that i can do this anymore"   and i and i came out of my stupor and  I kind of cleared my eyes and i said   "..but Flea, I was going to be  the James Brown of the 80s!"   and the look on his face was like [ __ ] you  you were weren't you okay let's let's keep going   and he and he forgave me it's like one more time  you know my friends had love and forgiveness and   and that was just the you know the beginning  of many times that i would require a little   love and forgiveness from the guys that  would end up becoming my family um you know   and and nothing could ever compare to the  the low of losing Hillel Slovak in his prime   you know we were young men and  we were living hard and and very   unschooled in the ways of life and uh and we lost  you know the heart and soul and the architect of   the red hot chili peppers at a very young point  in time when he was just getting ready to uh   you know keep changing the world with his music  and um yeah hello slovak was a funny beautiful   stylish wizard of a friend and guitar player  and uh and he left us with something which was a band and a love and a desire to to carry on in  everything we do he will always be with us forever   he's with us right now and and like so many  things when disasters happen beautiful things   are born from them and the next thing that was  born was the the entrance of John Frusciante who was a mind-blowing young man very much a  student of the school of Hillel Slovak among   many other art forms and musicians and and his  creative spirit drove us to new heights um he   was on fire and he's just one of you know the most  amazing artists on earth and we're lucky to have   him in this band twice and write music with them  we're forever grateful to you John Frusciante! um now we are with Josh Klinghoffer who is going  to give his acceptance speech by way of guitar   playing later in the evening he is a beautiful and  lovely man and i could not be any happier to be in   a band with him he is the greatest in fact Chad  Josh and Flea are my favorite musicians on earth   i had a a very wild father and a very mild mother  and and they both made me who i am and i want to   thank my father for introducing me to the arts  for inspiring me to be a free thinker and go out   and find out for myself he's a big part of who  i am today and although my mother was much more   sort of mild and laid back about the whole  thing i realized years later that i watched her   suit up and show up for about 40 years going to  work and she taught me the lesson of what it is   to suit up and show up and put your pants  on and go to work every day and the in the   gratification that comes from doing that  so thank you mom and dad i love you both we've been luckier than most we've been able to  work with some of the coolest most amazing minds   in music including the man i'm looking  at right now Rick Rubin i love you rick   sitting right next to George Clinton who i love so  much both both guys are a dream come true for us   we were kids and uh and they said if you could  have anybody in the world produce you who would   it be we said George Clinton they said "done!"  we're like "what?!?" the next thing you know   we're in Detroit, Michigan tracking with George  and that's how we got started thank you george   you are the man forever and um and yeah now it's  time to play some music so thanks for hanging in   hello julie hello jenny thanks for  your patience lots of love everybody this is by by the way wow yes by the way i'll tried to  say i'd be there waiting for   Dani the girl is singing a  song to me beneath the marquee waiting oh by the way is by the way i waiting wow oh is she knows how to advances delicious   she told me it is is tell me what to do   you've got the wrong   i'm good me thank you is give it away give it away look at me swimming in my body give it away goodbye give it away just give it away   give it away me all right now who's ever playing  with us make yourself known   be a guitar player drummer fiddler  tin whistle specialist come on up all right things are getting interesting hello kenny hi thank you for joining us okay oh okay i keep on preaching today lovers sleeping oh yes oh first yes go jennifer oh chris hello thank you very much
Channel: Mellowship
Views: 5,642,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anthony Kiedis, Chad Smith, Flea, Chris Rock, John Frusciante, New Song, New Tour, Rick Rubin, Jack Irons, Hillel Slovak, Dave Navarro, DH Peligro, George Clinton, Josh Klinghoffer, Award, Speech, Rare, Blood Sugar Sex Magik, Californication, Stadium Arcadium, By The Way, One Hot Minute, Mother's Milk, Green Day, Rolling Stones, Guns N Roses, Slash, Ronnie Wood, Billie Joe Armstrong, Tre Cool, Michael Hampton, Kenney Jones, Hollywood, Walk Of Fame, Unlimited Love
Id: y1m9Ic_XjLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 43sec (2863 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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