Red Alert 3 - Soviet March - TRUE EPIC RUSSIAN COVER
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Channel: Alina Gingertail
Views: 8,710,243
Rating: 4.8941522 out of 5
Keywords: Command & Conquer, Command and Conquer, Red Alert, Cover, Russian, Vodka, Matryoshka, balalaika, Bayan, Accordion, domra, stereotypes, stereotypes about russia, Song, ost, soundtrack, videogame, steam, soviet march, алина рыжехвост, Леди Чугун, Клюква шоу, Alina Gingertail, Lady Chugun, кавер, музыка из игры, ред алерт, советский марш, баян, балалайка, матрешка, Россия, домра
Id: vuFFYObr8ZU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 56sec (176 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2016
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