Recycling Glass To Sand! Glass Crushing & Recycling Line

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hey guys my name is Jason with Mount Baker mining metals and on this video we're gonna be crushing some recycled glass through our glass crushing wine behind this and it starts here with our feeder hopper so the bottles and the crushed glass and going here there's a feeder that feeds the glass onto this conveyor belt behind me the conveyor belt takes the material up into a hammer mill this hammer mill currently has a half inch screen in it so the ghazal be crushed to 1/2 inch - it falls down to the hammer mill onto this conveyor belt and the material comes under magnetic cross belt here that will pull out any steel or lids or bottle caps into this green bin and then the crushed glass will come up this conveyor and into the blue bin as a finished product but first because I have a 16 by 24 jaw crusher module will crush all the glass bottles through that first and then we'll put them in our feeder for final crushing and the goal here is to reduce the volume and also to crush them up and try and liberate the aluminum and the steel pieces and the plastic caps from the bottles that they can then further be processed down the line once they're separated from the glass so I'll run it through our machine and we'll show you what happens so here's the results from our glass bottles through the jaw crusher and you can see we took two totes and combined them down into one so we got about 50% or maybe a little bit more volume reduction and I wanted to show you guys up close the results here you can see the glass crush down really nice but also any plastic or aluminum goes right through the jaw crusher so this can be screened out or eddy-current it out and we also get all the steel lids free from any glass so it's going to be brought out with a magnet [Music] [Music] okay here's the glass after it's been crushed through that half inch screen and you can see it actually makes quite a few finds so you get a whole range of sizes here this is probably in the neighborhood of six or eight mesh and smaller kind of that quarter inch and smaller and then there's also some some larger pieces and so depending on the application you can either screen this for different fractions or you can use it just like this but now let's go take a look at the metal bin and and then we'll change the screen to a smaller of 0.8 millimeter screen and we'll crush the glass to a real fine powder all right here's the metal fraction that got pulled off by the magnet and there wasn't a lot of steel in there but it definitely you know pulled out some some steel and so you just don't want that in your glasses or contaminant here's the inside of the hammer mill we've taken the lid off and we're about to change the screen but I wanted to show you some of the hammers here they've got a hammer up there we go this is actually set up for scrap metal and so these are a manganese hammers if we were running glass we'd set it up with our high chrome iron hammer for better abrasion resistance but these are the hammers they swing on a pin and you can see down here here's the screen these are half-inch slots by about four inches wide and so as that rotor spins around those hammers swing out and crush anything that goes inside the housing and once it's crushed small enough to go through the slots it falls down onto the conveyor and it gets carried up under the mag belt and out into that blue bin and here's the screen we're going to be putting in this is a zero point eight millimeter slotted screen so we're gonna crush the glass quite a bit finer but that screen takes up 180 degrees along the bottom of the hammer mill so you have a lot of screen surface so we'll get this installed and we'll crush some more glass and get it finer and there's the results of our glass crushing video and a couple of things I wanted to mention the half inch screen you can do a whole lot more throughput but it doesn't crush this fine for the finer screens it's going to reduce your throughput and it also needs to be really really dry because if there's moisture in it it'll it'll clamp up and kind of clump together and stuff so if you're gonna really find crush glass or any material it needs to be really really dry so it can fall through that screen and not get kind of clogged up in there I'm really interested to hear from you guys in the glass recycling industry what are you looking for let me know tons per hour throughput crush size just let me know kind of what your general operation looks like and what kind of equipment you need and we can really design or build anything you need but I need to understand more about the industry from you guys so if you can email us or give us a call with some more information on what you're looking for that'd be awesome so I hope you guys enjoyed the video if you have any questions or comments you can find our contact information in the description below so thanks for watching and we'll see on the next video you
Channel: mbmmllc
Views: 1,307,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mbmm, mbmmllc, glass recycling, glass bottle crusher, glass bottle recycling machine, hammer crusher, glass crusher, glass crusher machine, recycling glass, bottle crusher machine, glass recycling process, glass recycling machine, glass recycling business, glass recycling plant, glass recycling machine sand, making sand, beer bottle crusher, bottle crusher, bottle recycling, glass to sand, how to recycle glass, recycle glass, recycle glass bottles, making glass from sand
Id: bbHz57uRuZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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