Recycle Dirty IPA Easily - Save Money - How To Clean Isopropyl Alcohol

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High greedy 3D is now this stuff IPA does not grow on trees and neither does your money so I'm going to show you a really simple and easy way to recycle dirty IPA today that will allow you to use it again and again and again but more importantly it will save you money [Music] now everyone has their own way of cleaning dirty resin I use a two clean system I'll have some dirty horrible filthy IPA and I'll have some clean IPA and some people just use one method but I like to use two but either way this will work so here you can see me cleaning my model in my dirty IPA and I've moved across now to my wash and go my Mercury X station where I've got my clean IPA in if the item is too big for me to run the thing that's okay I'll just give it a scrub with a toothbrush but some people just have one system so this is my dirty horrible nasty IPA and as you can see it's like milk it's awful now what I'm going to do is I've let it settle for an hour or two and I'm going to take my syringe that I've named Cyril and I'm going to take Cyril here and I'm going to take the top layer of that IPA off and I'm going to use the syringe to filter out all the wonderful dirty IPA that's in there and I'm going to put it into one of the bottles that the IPA came now I do this because it's easy to do it the bottles are handy don't throw them away when you put your new stuff in there so you can reuse them time and time again so pop all that dirty horrible IPA in and you can pour it in if you want to but I prefer a syringe because it doesn't agitate the the messy horrible bits at the bottom and you can see there are some messy old rivets at the bottom and I've just tilted it up a little bit to get the last few drags out now that's what's left it is horrible it is not still it's manky and depends on how often you do this will depend on how often you print but that for me is probably a week or two's worth of messy resin so I'm going to use my scraper next and I'm just going to sort of move all that nasty horribleness and scrape it off the bottom it hasn't had a chance to settle too much so it's not like I'm removing welding resin on there and uh doing it more often means you do it um easier but you know every couple of weeks should be just enough for you and once you've got all that out I'm going to take a tissue and I'm going to clean it all out and I'm going to get all that horrible nastiness out all the resin until I'm just left with a little bit of that milky IPA in the bottom and I'm not going to waste that IPA I'm going to pour that into the bottle let's get as much of this back as we can the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to leave it outside in the sun now put it in a safe place if you've got kids or pets just be aware where you're putting it these tops on these bottles are the safety top so you can't just unscrew them easily and I'm going to leave them out there in a safe place for at least 24 hours in the sunshine if I can now while that's sunbathing what I'm going to do is I'm going to change over my clean wash and make it my dirty wash so I'm just using a syringe here just to take the top layers of the IPA from my clean wash off exactly the same as I did before and I'm going to put it across into the dirty wash so clean becomes dirty and there you can see oh it's not filthy it's not completely manky but I like to make sure that when I do my models and I clean them that the clean wash is as clean as I could get it to be so I'm going to recycle pretty much all of that and when I've got the majority of it I'll give it a wipe out and then I'll get some clean IPA and I'll put two bottles of clean IPA back into my Mercury Plus station now this is my clean wash this is my second wash and obviously you can imagine by the time it gets into here it's going to be spotlessly clean when it comes out and there we go that is what's left now in the dirty and I've brought in from the sunshine the two bottles and I've cut the top off the top one so I can show you what's happened inside and as you can see what's happened is in the sunshine there are dirty horrible nasty resin has cured partly and has become a little bit heavier and has fallen to the bottom this then allows the IPA that's now free on the whole of resin to float to the top and as you can see it's not spotless this will not give you 100 clean IPA but it will certainly give you IPA that is perfectly reasonable and perfectly usable for your first dirty wash now you probably can get away with just washing out completely in this but as I've said time and time again I do have a two wash system now I think you'll agree that's not looking too grubby for used IP and what I'm going to do then I'm just going to squirt it into my dirty wash and I've got some relatively clean IPA now in there to clean my models with and I've saved that IPA from the resin that it was mixed in with just by simply leaving it in the sun and as you can see I get quite a bit from there I can reclaim quite a lot of my IPA this way now cutting the top offers really just to show you what happens inside but what I do is I don't bother cutting the top off at all I just carefully take the bottle and pour it in simple as that no messing no Agro no knocking about you just literally take the lid off and pour it in and you can recoup an off now I believe that this IPA would be clean enough to clean your prints just on its own without using a clean wash after it looks perfectly adequate to do a good clean you might just need to do it a little bit more often and the only reason I use a clean wash is just for completeness and when you think it's run out put the lid back on give it a really really good shake and then pop it outside in the sun for another sunbathe come back a few hours later and pour the rest of it in simple as that easy simple efficient fantastic and you can definitely see there that the IPA that's gone back in is perfectly clean enough to clean your Princeton I would say this is probably 85 to 90 percent clean and there's a few little bits of residue in the bottom but on the whole it's clean and that's how you save money you can recycle this IPA again and again and again and again as often as you like the more you use it the more you need to do it but it would work time and time again and I'm just going to show you the last couple of drags that I've got out of that bottle there you go just for completeness again of course and don't forget if you really want to you can run this through one of your resin filters to get out any little strip bits okay well there you go that was a quick easy simple way of reclaiming your IPA and hopefully saving you a few quid now there are other methods of doing it out there very similar to what I've just done with a few of the bells and whistles maybe but I just like to keep it quick simple and easy those are my three favorite sayings and um that to me is is a quick easy simple way of doing it and it will save you some money now if you like what you've seen today subscribe to the channel really would be appreciated we do have a patreon and if you want to subscribe to that that would be really really really appreciated and I'd like to welcome Chris Wilco to our patreon welcome aboard Chris hope you have a wonderful time here with greedy 3D so um hope you've learned something hope I've gonna save you a few quid at least some comments tell me what you think I should do differently what do you do is there anything good anything bad what do you think of the whole process I'd be really really interested to hear what you think are think of it all and I'll see you next time on greedy3d thank you foreign
Channel: Greedy 3D
Views: 4,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: U9cS8Hi0FSI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2023
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