Recreating Pizza Hut Pan Pizza at Home Redux (is this the secret recipe?)

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okay so i want a pizza hut pizza but i don't want to order it i'm going to make it myself can be done right [Music] so one of my least favorite things i've ever made on this show is an attempt at recreating a pizza hut pan pizza i tried to make it myself and didn't turn out it didn't look like pizza hut it looked like a poorly made pizza at best of course this has to be one of my most viewed videos people watch it regularly they're commenting they're leaving their thoughts so i'm constantly reminded about this thing and it was a few years ago but i still think like what was i thinking and it's my own fault i made the video i released it i gave it a a click-baity title of recreating a pizza hut pan pizza at home i'm asking for it so yeah here are some of my favorite comments your pizza looks so bad really i am a pizza chef who works in a pizza restaurant and this is my opinion buddy so i watched the whole video to find out it's nothing like a pizza hut video thanks dude this isn't how the crust is no offense but this looks really bad you probably got fired from people looks nothing like pizza hut why take life in our own hands when we could let go of everything and trust god and lastly is by far the biggest sucker punch to the face lazy disrespectful and done you should put more effort into something else well i'm gonna put more effort into making a pizza hut pizza video i get it i know it sucks i know more than anyone i'm the one that ate it i would delete the damn video off the internet but that's not what this channel is about it's about the journey and if you even go back to my like earliest videos that i've made there's a pizza video there and look at that attempt so i mean if you're comparing the pizza hut video to that well yeah the pizza hut is still not great so i want to redo this thing very badly i've always wanted to so today is the day and there is some good that's come from this video of mine um some useful comments previous pizza hut employees who have made these pizzas first hand they know what's involved so they've shared tips and tricks and secrets of the trade so i'm going to take all that useful information and then i've also done some separate research into this with like copycat recipes and whatnot i'm going to merge that all together and hopefully there's some redemption in there for me so let's make this damn thing all right i'm going to start with making the pizza dough so i have my stand mixer and if you don't have a stand mixer don't worry about it you can use a hand mixer if you make dough with your hands you can do that just takes a little more work this makes things a lot more easier but if you don't have it you don't have it you can still make a great pizza without one of these things one and a half cups 354 milliliters of water packet of instant yeast which is roughly 7 grams 3 tablespoons 14 grams of milk powder whisk it until the yeast dissolves step aside for a second in a separate bowl i'm gonna add in four and a half cups 637 grams of bread flour one bowl into another bowl that doesn't make any sense one teaspoon of salt one tablespoon of sugar quick whisk come back over here add the dry ingredients on goes the dough hook so i'm going to mix this on low until it's combined so that's come together it looks a bit scrappy i'm gonna add in two tablespoons of vegetable oil like one at a time while this is running and it's going to keep this running for 10 minutes it's got to knead together it needs to knead [Music] ten minutes later thank you for your service it's the slipperiest oiliest dough i've ever seen just going to uh throw way too much flour onto the surface slop some of it up with the rolling pin and i'm going to roll this out to three quarters of an inch thickness 12 inches in diameter however they are accounting for a 14 inch pan and mine's gonna be eight for a ten inch pan just need to take half of this away eight inches in diameter three quarters of an inch thick bingo so i'm going to be using my cast iron skillet as my vessel for cooking my pizza today this isn't a crazy big skillet so this is more like a personal sized pizza which is cool because i want to eat it all and i don't want to share it the recipe says half a cup of vegetable oil in the pan however because my pan is four inches smaller than their pan how about like 1 8 cup 1 8 cup of oil plus some for good luck there should be a slight run of oil check and my dough disc goes in the dough isn't touching the sides there's a lot of oil still in there but it's not like submerged in the oil so i think that's good so i'm just gonna cover that with a kitchen towel and i'm gonna throw this into the fridge for a minimum of four hours up to an up to date 24 hours i'm opting for the four hours it's gonna double in size it's gonna look nice and uh puffy so that's gonna just hang out there so with the extra dough i formed it into a disk wrapped it up in plastic wrap and i'm going to freeze it just like what pizza hut does the dough discs come frozen at pizza hut and then next time i want a personal sized pan pizza i have my pizza hut dough ready to go so the dough is doing its thing in the fridge that means i need to make some tomato sauce while i wait around i have a can eight ounce can of tomatoes these are whole peeled tomatoes now the recipe i'm following says a can of tomato paste like a big can of tomato paste like this um i don't have it which is fine it's totally cool blend up the tomatoes saucepan add the tomatoes there'll be some seeds in my sauce but i'm not too worried about it if you don't want seeds then you can strain it medium-high heat half a cup 150 grams of tomato paste throw that in there half a teaspoon of garlic powder half a teaspoon of oregano half a teaspoon of dried basil half a teaspoon of marjoram however you say that marjoram marmar marmar geram half a teaspoon of salt a scant 1 8 teaspoon of msg or accent mix it all in there put a lid on that turn the heat down and cook that for like 45 minutes hello four hours later this has doubled in size as proofed it has done exactly what it's supposed to do so i should mention this before you add the sauce i just added the sauce but i should mention that i'm not supposed to like punch down the dough resist the urge unless you have huge air pockets so i don't so i have no urge pizza sauce on top and that is a great looking pizza sauce i'm just kind of going with like that much this is pre-shredded low moisture mozzarella cheese when topping the pizza bring the toppings as close to the edge as possible the cheese oil and grease all help form these crispy edges you're looking for okay that's really good to know with pepperoni i know that they kind of shrink up a bit when they're cooking them so more is more in this case so the pizza hut pans are thinner so that they don't take as long to heat up when they're in the oven but a cast iron is much thicker and because of that i would recommend you cooking this on the stove top of it before finishing it in the oven it's on medium heat heat it up maybe like five minutes there and then i'll okay there's a seasoning that i have to prepare for when the pizza is out of the oven but i figure i just do it right now four parts parmesan cheese one part garlic powder one part oregano one part basil where'd that msg go jesus just a little bit msg and mix that all together i cover the crust with this after it's been baked so have that ready once that's heated up into a super hot oven a scorching 500 degree fahrenheit oven i'm going to bake that for it says 14 minutes but i'm gonna eyeball it between 10 and 14 in between jeez jeez it's so loud outside there's what the is going on [Music] [Applause] looks thick while the pizza's hot i'm gonna add the seasoning to the crust parmesan is gonna melt on top i hope [Music] wow that is a mammoth [Music] [Applause] look how high the crust rose oh my god tell me that doesn't taste like pizza hut yeah it does it tastes really good does it taste like pizza hut though you actually think so i actually what this reminds me of is uh going to the pizza hut restaurant in like the 90s or like 20 years ago you'd get like you get personal pan pizza i feel like if i had just punched the dough down it would have been much thinner but hindsight is of course since i had the extra dough lying around i figured i'd give this the good old-fashioned college try take two so i took the frozen dough disc out of the freezer last night and i added it to my baking dish which had the oil in it i had that in the fridge and once it thawed out and started to rise i just kind of gently pressed down on it just very gently to fit the bottom part of this baking dish and now kind of looks like a frisbee and it didn't really rise up too much so i'm kind of happy with where it's at now because i'm trying to avoid the very thick crust [Music] i'm going to add the seasoning now rather than after the bake because i really want the parmesan to stick onto the crust let's see what happens the way the oil cooked up the bottom of this pizza is just [Applause] is much thinner than the pizza from a few days ago but i feel like if once i take the dough out of the fridge and then i give it like a even firmer punch down really get it thin before i add it into the oven that might solve my problem all the thoughts on the pizza today are shared with my thoughts from pizza from a few days ago so let's just go back to the past to close this one out for the pizza hut fans do you think i succeeded do you think it needs work do you think i'm lazy disrespectful and dumb please let me know subscribe like and comment if you think i'm dumb that's all i have today thanks for watching i'll see you next time peace [Music]
Channel: ANTI-CHEF
Views: 250,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: recreating pizza hut pan pizza, pizza hut pan pizza, pizza hut, pizza, pizza hut pizza, how to make pizza hut pizza, copycat pizza hut pizza, pizza hut pan pizza recipe, pan pizza, making pizza hut pizza at home, how to make, pizza recipe, pan pizza recipe, anti-chef, antichef, how to make pizza hut
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 17 2021
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