Recreating Bladerunner 2049 With Only 1 Light

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all right so for the past period of time I've experimented a lot with lighting I think lighting is one of the most important and overlooked and frankly quite exciting parts of film making and so for today I want to take a couple of scenes out of the great movie called Blade Runner 2049 the imagery the composition the lighting is just phenomenal and so therefore we're going to try to recreate that with minimal [Music] equipment all right so if we take a close look at this first scene we have a big window that's acting as a motivated light source this is what I'm primarily going to focus on especially because I don't have a window available so it's going to be a challenge to imitate that you can see that the image is embracing this high contrast on his face we're going to try to make a drop off put in a bed sheet to add negative fill and hopefully that'll add a bit of contrast and then we might also have to add a tube light with a warm color tone so that way we also get some light in front of his face and lastly I'm using the godo lx6s ls and lastly I'm using the godox sl60 wats my main light sour the light is not bolor which means that we have to tweak the white balance in order to get this warm Lo that they have in the movie all right so the blade run scene uses the window as a motivated light source so we're going to try to imitate that so I got this door frame here the problem is that it's not a proper window but I think I have a solution to kind of imitate that and get that Light Runner look all right so we're going to move the light outside here just going to imitate the sun this is our main light source all right so I've set up the main light with a soft box to get the maximum surface area that way it's going to better imitate the sun we're going to put on honeycomb grip that way it's going to direct the sunlight that way we're not going to get any unnecessary [Music] spell so now we set up the main light come I think it does a pretty good job right now we had to shut all the doors to eliminate light I had to put like this yoga mat in front of our window cuz we don't have a curtain um but you know if it works it works all right so now we're going to adjust the white balance so we get this orange kind of warm tone to the picture so let's switch to White bance real quick there you go so now as you can see tone is really warm if you look at this light almost looks like the Sun so now we're going to make some minor adjustments and see how it works so as you can see in the picture we have to get some reflecting light over here that means we have to change the angle of the key light it's a little bit more to this side like to the right side CU that way we get a reflection that bounces off and kind of exposes me of the light so the final setup I tried to make a negative fill uh this is a horrible attempt uh and I'm not sure really how much of an effect it going to have we're going to leave it here and hopefully we can add the contrast later in post at a gradient and hopefully that'll be good so let's get to the [Music] shot all right so for this next clip it takes place in like this big undergound ground headquarter the color is still very warm now we got this special patter that's like created by water that gives this Dynamic and warm look to it so we're going to try to imitate this by taking a tray of water and then having our light shine through that water and make Reflections up onto the wall and hopefully we'll be able to create something similar there are some difficulties because when you try to light your subject you don't want to wash out these patterns created by the water so the only light that's directed towards the subject is the light that's being shine through the water all right so it's fairly dark in my room right now I got the curtains all blacked out going to light real quick this is the final setup so I put on a reflector just to get the more directed once we store get these nice Reflections so I'm going to find something to elevate this just a bit more that way we can take the light down a bit and then shine it through the water surface so we're going to fill it up a bit more and then we're going to light it direct towards me as a subject all right so we're going to be substituting this setup with the ladder cuz I figured well it was better idea than using a chair and then two blocks to build it up all right already know we got to pour in a little bit of water just to fill it up bit more and now we're going to move the light and see how it [Music] looks and start it around and there we go all right so now we only actually need to set up the camera and see if there's anything missing in the lighting area can set up the composition and then see how it looks [Music] all right so now we've tried two different setups from this movie it has been extremely challenging especially because we' only had one big light to do this with but you know it's often these kind of challenges where you don't have all of the uh necessary equipment that you really have to push your imagination and get creative with your setup since this applied in the first scene where you couldn't get those blown highlights from the window therefore we had to do the framing different so we wouldn't get the light directly into the picture in the second setup we had to get really creative bring out the ladder and then get this tray of water and find the exact angle between the light and the water so that way the reflections would be the most prominent anyways that's a wrap for this video hope you guys took away at least something or enjoyed the concept there's anything you want to see in the future perhaps a movie that you want me to recreate some of the scenes of let me know and I'll try to make it happen see you guys
Channel: Marius Andersen
Views: 55
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ypRgqjOzQic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 30sec (330 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 17 2024
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