Recover ultra fine gold using an old secret!!!

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[Music] hey guys what's up my name is matt and on today's video i have some concentrates that have been screened down to -70 and i can't get gold out it doesn't want to separate from black sand and i read about an old trick so we're gonna try that out today see if it works see if it don't but if you guys have any ideas for concentrate that's difficult to pan let me know down in the comments if you don't mind sharing your tips or secrets you guys know um so hit that like button and that subscribe button and let's get started now before we get started on showing you guys the secret that i heard about seeing it actually works i'm going to show you what this looks like normally and so you can see what i'm dealing with now everything above 70 mesh i was able to pan out pretty easy got some decent gold out of it this smaller stuff is what i'm fighting and i don't like it because there's a lot of gold in there now for those of you who may not know what it means when i say i ran it through a 70 mesh screen it just means you have like a screen that has 70 holes per inch and so we ran this material through that but to put that in a little bit of perspective according to professor google 70 mesh screen is approximately eight one thousandth of an inch so everything that i'm panning right now is smaller than an eight one thousandth of an inch again that's just according to professor google i don't know how accurate that is now let's see if that will show up on camera you have gold all over through there it just does not stay at top of the pan um like it typically does try and tap it up to the top and it some of it does you can actually see a handful of pieces right there at the top of the pan that are kind of staying there um but a lot of it doesn't and it makes it very difficult to pan so you have a piece here here here a whole bunch of little ones there but down here where all your majority of black sand is has all been filled with gold uh it's hard to see so i don't know if it'll show up on camera but i'll take a picture so you guys can see all right guys now that you saw kind of what i'm dealing with how the gold doesn't want to play along let's get into the secret i read about now this is from an old mining magazine like 70s maybe 80s but someone in that uh magazine in that article said they took a little pan put your gold your concentrates in there and then you take some of this just salt you mix it in some water in there and heat it up i i don't know why right i'm not a chemist i don't understand this crap i barely understand rocks enough to find gold it seems like uh half the time but we'll see if it works all right we just put the pan on the stove and starting to heat it up so we're gonna get some salt put in there and some water mix it all up and see what happens now i have no idea how much you're supposed to add but we'll try that for now now when you're doing stuff like this you probably don't want to ride the kitchen and take all the nice stuff and if you like sleeping in the doghouse because you might not be able to reuse it [Music] see if we trap the heat in get a little hotter a little quicker so just started boiling so i'm going to take a little sample and pan it while the rest of that keeps cooking sorry about the steam guys it's pretty cold out here there's actually a lot of snow on the ground and you have all this hot water and it makes it a lot of steam to deal with now there's some blonde sand brown sand stuff on top but not a ton another first gold here somewhere right there right there a whole bunch up there so i don't know if you guys can see that a dozen pieces or so right there but it doesn't want to stay at the top it's actually acting a little better a lot better than it was so we'll add some more salt and let it cook a little longer so this is the second test or second little batch of dirt that had even more salt been cooking quite a bit longer so we'll see how it does now i didn't think of it till after i'd started doing this little experiment but i should have went and got a little thermometer done things to see how hot this is getting while i'm panning it um another thought i had is maybe you guys can help me out what are the chances that they're sulfides in there and that's what's making this difficult to pan but everything above 70 mesh was easy to pan i didn't hide it at all um and i even got a few nice pickers wouldn't go through an eighth inch screen so i don't know why it's just the smaller stuff you guys got any ideas let me know and if you have other ideas for different videos you'd like to see or things you'd like to learn about let me know as well because chances are i can you know learn from it as well okay gold all over through here wide over there a couple nicer pieces there yeah i know it's all tiny but bigger than the rest that's not working there's tons right down here south some up top all lower through there it just gets buried in black sand doesn't matter what i try a little frustrating all right guys this is third test um i added quite a bit more salt this time and let it cook for a lot longer it was boiling for a while so we'll see what happens this time hopefully it's better um i feel like test results have already been a little better than it was before we added salt and cooked it it's just not drastic improvement like i was hoping for this time all the brown and blond sands on top don't want to come off as easy i don't know if that's because i'm getting impatient and i just want to see gold or is that some kind of chemical reaction that happened me now are you seeing gold on top all over through there it's not a good sign and even when you tap it which typically helps move the top it's not really doing a whole lot which is annoying handful of pieces all along here and it does not want to stay at the top seems to be that the more salt i added the worse it got having a little bit seemed to work better this time with a lot didn't do so good so that's kind of a bummer about play around with a little more when it's not freezing cold outside um it's just hard to do this experiment in the summer when i can get out there and find more gold but we'll have to figure something out all right guys so you can see from those three tests we did it didn't work out quite as good as i wanted but as i was kind of cleaning up doing other other stuff the last little bit of material i had sat around got cold because it's freezing out here so i decided to pan it and once it had cooled down it worked really really really good unfortunately i wasn't thinking of it because i just messed around so it's not on video i did get some great pictures that i'll show you oh so this experiment did work but let the material cool down before you pan it out no idea why that makes a difference if you know and you don't mind sharing please share it with us so we can all learn from this [Music] but i do think today was a pretty decent success so until next time keep safe keep it real keep it in gold you
Channel: Matt the Miner
Views: 17,617
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fine gold, Fine gold panning, Fine gold recovery, Fine gold recovery equipment, Fine gold recovery methods, Fine gold recovery system, Flour gold, Flour gold recovery, How to recover fine gold, Micro fine gold, Micro fine gold recovery, Micro fine gold recovery method, Micro fine gold recovery system, Micro gold panning, Micro gold recovery, Micro gold recovery methods, Micro gold recovery system, fine gold recovery, panning micro fine gold, placer gold
Id: QyC9-ieU6rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 31 2021
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