Recording Movement Looks as Positions MA2 TUTORIAL

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today I'm in San Francisco at the Warfield we're about ready to put on a show for zombie boy it's part of the shows on the rotten roll tour this summer I've been having a blast and I wanted to make a quick video to show you how to create position presets like this using nothing more than running effects stored to a preset it's gonna speed up your programming an immense amount I think you'll really find this interesting we have to make sure we start with a really clean and tidy and precise position that we're building our effects off of otherwise the resulting positions aren't going to be clean and tidy either so you can see I have a really really generic straight out like 25 degree tilt up position and we have here and we're going to apply the effect on top of that first so I'll go over to my plate and choose circle change my winks to the number of four and my groups to two we'll try to for now now I'm gonna do is run the effect with just a little bit of speed not a whole lot like 45 bpm so we have the effect of running here and what I'm going to do is I'm just going to stop it when I find a position that I like so I'm just thinking right there so all I did is I just slid the movement speed fader down to zero and now we have this position which I didn't spend any time really doing and that's pretty much pre-made and I would like to store that as a preset so what I'm gonna do I'm going to go to my layout view select all of my fixtures these are Rovi pointees in this case go over to my positions tab hold down store to bring up our store options menu I guess or screen and we're going to change our data source from programmer to output so a programmer means anything we've entered into the programmer either by calling presets or manually entering data output is taking whatever the DMX output is currently regardless of its source so we're going to change the output and then we're going to change use selection to the option all for selected and now we're just going to simply tap on a tile and that position preset is stored I can prove that by exiting out of everything clearing no longer running in effect and if I call that position all of our lights go to our effect position that we made using no encoders no align align align no fan no offset anything just using the built-in effect generator so let's do it again with a slightly different method so we're gonna go back to our straight out position I'm going to change my circle to a different circle I've programmed my wings to for my groups to four and now let's see I'll bring the speed up a little bit and then we will see what kind of things we can find in here it's important to do the wings of two when you're doing these positions because that provides the symmetry so I don't see too much I like with this so far so I'm gonna switch back to my original circle and then we'll maybe do groups of four and it might be interesting let me try something new here groups of three with a phase of like 90 so I think if I go up this would be kind of a cool little cross n type deal so let's see here there now that is really cool so I'm gonna go ahead and again go back to my layout view select my fixtures positions hold down store bring up our store options change our output our data source to output all four selected tap a tile and a position that would have taken you know probably five minutes to actually make I made it in like 30 seconds so we'll clear out and I will show you that that is actually a position that's stored and we can go back to that other one we just made easy-peasy let's do one more just for the fun of it I'll do cross two cool there we go another position you can also alternate adjust type the group number of your fixtures go to your positions preset page hold down store output all four selected boom-boom-boom-boom now we have these three positions that were generated solely from the effects engine playing back live so this is a really good technique if you're in a crunch for time and you just want to build something quick and dirty this is something you can knock out like 10 positions in five minutes using your effects generator that you built because you watched my other video right about how to build you know custom modifiable effects anyways there's a video on that you can click on the card in the upper right-hand part of the screen to check that video out as well if you found this video useful I would really appreciate if you hit that red subscribe button down below check out all the other videos on my channel maybe leave a comment or two it's all good whatever you feel like doing but thank you so much for watching and hopefully I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Christian Jackson
Views: 106,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian Jackson, Pioneer, DJ, MA, Lighting, MA2, Event Production, Lighting Design
Id: mBlyK-JbLQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2017
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