RECORD BREAKING ROYALS | Oldest monarch ever | Youngest monarch ever | Royal history documentary

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who was the youngest Monarch ever and who was the oldest which Kings had the shortest reins in history and who had the longest who was the tallest king and the shortest Queen these are just some of the questions this Royal history documentary from history calling will answer as we look at record-breaking Royals these are the kings queens princes princesses and others from around the world who have made it into the history books because deliberately or not they did something extraord ordinary something that no other Royal has managed some of these records are tragic the most Royals killed in a revolution for instance others are amusing including which princess has the most hit records and many of the subjects of today's video are Guinness world record holders so sit back and relax as you hear about Royals from as far a field as ancient Egypt and the modern United Kingdom who have beaten all the other Royals in one way or another [Music] [Music] a little disclaimer before we jump in I've used Guinness World Records website to check some of these records and in other cases I've had to do my own research given that there have been royal families of some type almost everywhere in the world at some point in history there's always the chance that some of these records are not correct we can't know the heights of every Royal for instance so I have to work with the information which is available to me this video is just intended as a bit of fun if you manag to discover that some other Royal should be holding one of the records I've listed please feel free to let me know in the comments but don't be a jerk about it as my American friends would say there are also some cases where we aren't sure who should hold certain records and I'll explain the reasons for this as we go and even offer some alternate record holders in those instances finally I've done my best with the pronunciation of names and places which are foreign to me but again don't be mean about it if I've got something wrong I'm having to look at many different languages and cultures for this video okay then let's get started record number one the longest reigning monarch this is one of the ones that there's been some dispute over the official answer is King Louis I 14th of France who became Monarch at the age of four and reigned for 72 years 110 days days between 1643 and 1715 for this accomplishment Guinness as I'm going to call it for short state that he enjoyed the quote longest uninterrupted Reign by a monarch of a sovereign state it's that phrase sovereign state which is important as well as the fact that Lou rean can be definitively deed there are other men who might hold the Crone for longest re please enjoy that little pun I just made but whose re lengths can't be properly verified if IED or who weren't ruling over sovereign states minty king of arakan which is now part of Myanmar supposedly reined for 95 years between 1279 and 1374 for instance while Guinness also says that the longest documented rein of any Monarch is that of fops II also known as Pepe II or nefar a sixth Dynasty pharaoh of ancient Egypt his Reign began in Circa 2281 BCE when he was 6 years of age and is believed to have lasted Circa 94 years end quote by the by this would also make him the longest rainning Pharaoh some egyptologists claim that the records which Accord this exceptionally long rean to him are not contemporary though and are therefore untrustworthy whatever the truth if this question comes up at a pub quiz I advise answering with Louis the 14th thankfully we can be more certain about record number two which is the longest reigning Queen regnant this Accolade goes to Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom who reigned for 70 years 214 days between 1952 and 2022 as Queens regnant are much more unusual than King's regnant there are far fewer people whose details needed to be checked for this one as a little bonus I can also tell you that Elizabeth holds the title for the longest reading Monarch of the UK or of England and Scotland if we look back to the time when they had separate monarchies for record three let's look at the opposite end of the spectrum at the shortest rein of any Monarch there were actually two men who hold this record but both are disputed these are Louis the 19th of France and Louis II of Portugal both of whom are said to have reined for 20 minutes as they also have the same name assuming we don't pronounce it as Lou and Louis I'm going to refer to them as the French Louie and the Portuguese Louie for clarity the French Louie supposedly became king in 1830 when his father Charles I 10th was forced to abdicate 20 minutes elapsed between Charles signing away his Regal rights and Louie doing the same and this is why he is held by some to have been King for that period of time he was never proclaimed Monarch or recognized as such though including within the abdication document and this is why there is such disagreement over whether he was a king the Portuguese Louie was the eldest son and air of King Carlos I born in 1887 on the first of February 1908 he and his father were both fatally shot by assassins in Lisbon but as Louie lived for 20 minutes longer the argument is that he was technically the king during that time the difficulty seems to to be that he wasn't declared King however I'm not aware that such a declaration was needed within the Portuguese monarchy so for my part I would be inclined to view the Portuguese Louis rean as valid while I would be a lot more on the fence about the French Louie because it's evident that he was never going to be accepted as king of France while the Portuguese Louie would have been recognized as king of Portugal if you've seen some of my other videos you'll know that I don't tend to view someone as the Monarch just because they or small number of people call them that still French L is listed by Guinness so let me know your thoughts on this in the comments below to me this is definitely one of those gray areas where I would say there is no right or wrong answer just different opinions before we move on if you're enjoying this content and would like to get more from history calling please remember to give this video a thumbs up to let YouTube know you approve and also subscribe to the Channel with the notification Bell switched on this is completely free and means that YouTube will let you know when I upload a video or post to my community tab you can also find me over on Instagram the link is below and on patreon where I provide bonus material including Early Access to adree videos and many podcasts again the link is in the description box thank you to everyone who already supports me on that platform as well as to those of you who make oneoff donations to the channel using the thanks button underneath videos and now back to our record breaking Royals record four the youngest ever Monarch again we have two people who tie for this title and both were born Kings John the of France was the postumus son of Louis I 10th and was born King on the 15th of November 1316 tragically though he lived for only 5 days then we have Alfonso the 13th of spian postumus son of Alfonso I 12th and born King on the 17th of May 1886 he reigned until he was deposed in 1931 but did not die until 1941 record five the oldest person to ascend the throne in this case everywhere I looked the record was given to King Charles III of the United Kingdom who was 73 years old when he became king in 2022 if you're aware of a less well-known Monarch or Emperor who you think can beat this though let know below record six the longest serving Aira parent as the oldest person to ascend to the throne it may not surprise you to hear that King Charles also holds the title for the longest serving Aira parent having held that position for the entirety of his mother's 70-year rean record seven the oldest person to become Queen consort given that her husband was the oldest person to become king it is likewise unsurprising that this record is held by Queen Camila of the United Kingdom who was born on the 17th of July 1947 and was thus 75 at the time her husband exceeded to the throne record eight the longest lived Royal in history you might think this record would go to someone like Queen Elizabeth the queen mother who made it to the grand old age of 101 before her death in 2002 but she's actually several years shy of some lesser known but longer lived Royals the person in the top spot here was Nana AIA kby Sira am Pam II Queen Mother of a santaman which is in modern day Ghana unfortunately I couldn't find a picture I could use of her but she was born in 1907 and died in 2016 making her a very tough to beat 109 years old at the time of her passing record nine the tallest monarch for this we have to travel back to the wars of the Roses in England and to King Edward IV Edward was born in 1442 died in 1483 and was buried in St George's Chapel at Windsor Castle his skeletal remains were examined in the late 18th century and showed that he would have stood at about 6' 4 in high this would be enough to make him a tall man even today but in the 15th century he must have absolutely towered over virtually everyone he met record 10 the shortest adult Monarch some of you might be able to guess who the shortest adult Monarch on record is as they are famous for their diminutive stature it is of course Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom who was born in 1819 and died in 1901 she reportedly stood at just 5T 1 and a/4 in though this measurement was made when she was a young young woman and other estimates say that she was as little as 4' 10 it's possible she lost a little bit of height as she aged as many people do and you can get an idea of high petite she was by looking at this dress she once owned which I saw on display in Hollywood Palace in Edinburgh record 11 the youngest queen or future Queen to give birth Elanor of Castile was most likely born in late 1240 or 1241 and was married to the Future Edward the of England in November 1254 in July 1255 she gave birth to a stillborn or short-lived daughter who must have arrived prematurely and when elanar was still only around 13 or 14 I couldn't find any Queen who gave birth at a younger age than this though elanar wasn't Queen yet when this event occurred however lady Margaret buer who gave birth to the Future Henry iith at the age of 13 might well have taken the record if only she'd been a queen too still despite the fact that I'm naming elanar here I think this is one of those records which might have been beaten at some point in history in a country where extremely young marriages were and are aled but we just don't have the necessary records to demonstrate it for Record 12 we have the most prolific monogamous Royal and it's the word monogamous here which is key this is the Royal with the most number of children by one partner so it does not include polygamous unions the holder of this title is Prince Hartman of Lenin who lived between 1612 and 1686 and who had 21 children by Countess Elizabeth susal R forite annoyingly Guinness doesn't provide more details nor was I able to find out much about this couple online so I can't tell you more about them or their offspring but I assume that Hardman and Elizabeth were married record 13 the longest serving consort of a British monarch I'm going to limit This Record to a consort of a British including English and Scottish Monarch to be on the CF side but actually I'm not aware of any consort in the world who has beaten it the holder is Prince Philip dukee of Edinburgh who was consort to Queen Elizabeth II from 1952 until his death in 2021 a whopping 69 years and 62 days and I'm just including the time that she was Queen here I'm not including their entire marriage which lasted even longer he displaced Queen Charlotte wife of George III but she still holds record 14 on our list which is that of longest serving Queen consort in British history having been Queen for 57 years and 70 days in between her marriage on the 8th of September 1761 and her death on the 17th of November 1818 again I'm not aware of any Queen consort for any country who has beaten this but just in case I'm limiting this title to Queen of one of the countries in the British Isles I also have a video All About Charlotte's life which I'll leave linked on screen and below for you record 15 the most Royals killed in a revolution this is one of the most depressing records on the list and is held by the ranov family of Russia who lost 15 members to the Russian Revolution in 1918 and 1919 the most famous are of course the former Zar Nicholas II and his wife and their children whose fate I have a video about already but many other members of their immediate family were slaughtered too and in circumstances which were just as horrific this really was one of the darkest chapters in that country's history let's go to something a lot lighter for record 16 the Royal with the most number of hit records this title is held by her Serene highness Princess Stephanie of Monaco daughter of Prince rier the third and Princess Grace Kelly and the sister of the current Prince Albert according to Guinness quote her album Rond Vu under the record label success made it into the German top 10 and the Dutch top 40 as well as placing high on the Italian and French charts well done Princess Stephanie record 17 the largest royal family this record goes to the royal family of Saudi Arabia which Guinness States had over 4,000 Royal princes and 30,000 Royal relatives in 2002 while the Guardian newspaper listed it as having over 15,000 members in 2012 whatever the true number the family dwarfs all others the Saudi culture allows for polygamy which is why this royal family has been able to swell to such large numbers record 18 the Royal with the most names This Record is held by Don Alfonso de bban iurban who was born in 1866 and died in 1934 this Spanish Royal had 88 names and please note this is names not titles which is so many that I'm actually not going to read them all out here as it would take too long I'll put them on screen for you though the Guinness website explains that this surfit of names was largely due to the desire it by this point in history for Spanish Royal children to have as many names of saints as possible record 19 the most married Queen back to chter England for this one as far as I'm aware the most married Queen in history is Katherine Parr who had four husbands the first was Sir Edward burough to whom she was married between 1529 and 1533 the second was John Neville third Baron ladimer who she met married in 1534 and remained with until his death in 1543 a few months later she married Henry VI e becoming his final Queen then after his death in January 1547 she once again had only a short break between husbands before wedding Thomas Seymour in around April or May she died in September 1548 from childbirth complications at the age of 36 I have plenty of videos on Catherine including one on her early life which looks at her first two often overlooked marriages so I'll leave those linked below for you record 20 the most married King for this we have to go biblical and so we'll need to take the numbers with a pinch of salt as we obviously don't have marriage records to back this up King Solomon is reputed to have had over 700 wives and I haven't come across any record that can break that if we weren't going to include him though I think the holder would be another polygamous King from history for instance I came across an article from CNN written in 2016 which discussed abomi II the 11th Fawn or king of bafut which is a and Cameroon who at that point had close to 100 wives I know Henry VI e is one of the most famous many married Kings and he arguably engaged in polygamy too see my video on whether he was really married to an blin for more on that but no matter which way you cut it he was an amateur compared to others record 21 the first Royal to be photographed the earliest photo I could find of any Royal was one of Prince Albert consort of Queen Victoria which was taken in 1842 it is a dear type which was one of the earliest types of photograph invented and is now greatly faded with age the fact that it exists at all is remarkable though for 1842 is incredibly early in the history of photography the the older surviving picture we still have only dates to 1826 or 1827 and the first image of a human being from 1838 just four years before this shot of Albert the technology really was Cutting Edge at the time and his interest in it as secured Albert a record so those are some of History's record setting Royals but of course records are made to be broken and some of these will no doubt fall in the coming years decades and centuries remember to let me know in the comments if you think the two 20-minute Kings were actually monarchs and for more on Royal history try one of these options next whatever you select please enjoy and until next time keep learning
Channel: History Calling
Views: 152,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: youngest monarch ever, oldest monarch ever, tallest monarch, shortest monarch, shortest reign, longest reign, biggest royal family, History Calling, Record breaking royals, Guinness world record holders, first photo of a royal, longest serving consort, Royal history documentary, longest reigning Queen, longest reigning monarch, oldest queen consort, most married King, most married Queen, which king had the most wives, 20 minute King, King for 20 minutes
Id: 11zL0eECeGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 45sec (1185 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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