Reclassify & Convert Raster to Shapefile ( Polygon) & Calculate Area Using ArcGIS

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Hello Hi everyone, today i am going to show you how to convert Raster layer to Vector layer using ArcGIS. So first of all this is Landuse / Landcover map of different landuse category Forest, Waterbodies and etc. So, Now i am going to convert into Vector layer that is Shapefile. For that go to the option ArcToolBox from there select Spatial Analysis Tool select Reclass and select reclassify. So First of all, I am going to specify my output file Name. I am going to just name it as reclass and just save it. After that just Input the file format that is Landuse / Landcover map which is been displayed here. So this we can see around five values and many ranges are available and i am going to classify into six class Because I am having Six different groups so iam going classify into six different groups. Select the option--> Ok. So has you can see here the reclassify is successfully done just close it and go to the option Table of Content option you can see that there are six groups and as well as you can see here there are around eight groups are available and for my conveniences I have opt six groups. If you need all this groups specify it as eight groups so that you can give or select the ranges it can be easily created into an Vector Layer Now I am going open the attribute table and will show you how You can see here value one which is been zero to one (example) which been classified into one group like that there are around six values with this we are going to classify it into a vector layer. Now I am changing the color Go to the properties and just going to select all this till here barren land same color Blue color Sorry green color red color dark green and water bodies Barren Lands Fallow Lands Different color (pink) and apply it See the difference dragging it here you visualize the difference almost everything is same but the thing is that i have classified it into six groups and reduced into six groups based on values If i have to classify into eight class all this can be obtained easily.
Channel: Terra Spatial
Views: 76,812
Rating: 4.8482757 out of 5
Keywords: Convert, Raster to Shapefile, Image to Shapefile, Area Calculation, ArcGIS, Raster, Shapefile, Image, Area, Calculation, Raster to Polygon, Raster to vector, convert GeoTIFF, Esri Shapefile, Extract Raster Values to Shapefile, Reclassify
Id: weGDAJVP5ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2018
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