Rezept aus einem vergessenen Buch: Der magische Apfelkuchen

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700g apples (1.54 pounds or about 4 - 5 medium apples). Hello and welcome, sweet souls! Today we're treating ourselves to a cake that's as cozy as a warm, cozy home: our apple and walnut cake 😊. lemon juice. 50g butter (3.5 tablespoons). Baking pan diameter: 26 cm (10 inches). 70g sugar (1/3 cup). 100 g walnut kernels (1 cup chopped). 130g butter (1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon) + 130g powdered sugar (1 cup). 3 eggs. 180 g all-purpose flour (1 1/2 cups). 1 pinch of salt. 1 teaspoon Baking powder. Bake: 160°C (320°F) 30 minutes, fan oven. Let the cake cool down before carefully removing it from the tin.
Channel: Einfache Rezepte
Views: 428,979
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Einfache Rezepte, yt:cc=on, gesunde rezepte, Food Channels, Apfelkuchen, apfelkuchen rezept, einfacher apfelkuchen, apfelkuchenrezept, saftiger apfelkuchen, videorezept, historisches Rezept, Backen, Nostalgie, Omas Küche, traditionell, Mandeln, Zimt, Korinthen, Retro, Zeitreise, Dessert, Kuchengenuss, Altes Rezept, Backgeschichte, Familienrezept, Einfach Backen, Aromatisch, rezepte, rezept, backen, einfach backen, kochrezept, deutsche rezepte, kuchen, rezeptvideo, kuchenliebhaber, torte für golfer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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