RECAP: How did The Dali Ship crash into Francis Scott Key Bridge?

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new questions are unfolding for investigators now getting their first look inside the crippled MV Dolly cargo ship the latest goal is piecing together the final frantic moments on board the ship as it careened helplessly out of control and into Baltimore's Key Bridge causing it to collapse six contractors doing pothole repair are now presumed dead our thoughts and prayers are with their loved ones whose lives are never going to be the same the latest Discovery the Do's Black Box known as a voyage data recorder the dollies has been recovered and is being analyzed by the national Transportation safety board we've sent that back to our lab to evaluate and begin to develop a timeline of events that led up to the strike on the bridge uh and we hope to have that information to share with the public later today the recorder captures data like heading speed and water depth as well as the condition of the engines thrusters and Rudder but also audio on the ship's bridge where the crew called for dropping anchor in a last ditch emergency maneuver the pilot made all of the right calls in a timely manner but the uh the voice recorder will confirm that and I think this investigation uh all of the pieces are in place uh to have a successful uh you know conclusion the the real challenge will be how do you prevent this from happening again the search for the missing Wednesday h hamstrung by poor weather and heavy rain deemed too dangerous to continue among the jagged pieces of the bridge in the mury pamsco river you could have 20 parts that are suddenly going to change position diver could be dead in a matter of seconds and he wouldn't even know it so we are on a cargo ship about the same size as the dolly but we are navigating San Francisco Harbor in this case uh this is all a simulation but we have a real captain captain organ mcmanis who is going to walk us through possibly what could have happened in a total blackout situation as you call it aboard the dolly yes so we have the uh the a Cadet simulating the ma on watch we have another Cadet on the helm uh go left 15 please and and the dolly would have lost both propulsion and steering at a full blackout they would have lost everything full blackout you call it right so we could run the blackout right now from the control room so there we go alarms will start going off on The Bridge start getting alarms the ma on watch is going to try to figure out what the alarm is the engine room is now calling to tell us what's going on bridge made on Watch and in this situation where you can see the pylon coming and you know it is disaster can you can you drop the anchor what are what are the you guys train for these scenarios we're going to you're going to try to do everything you can to stop from hitting it whether it's running the engine full of stern to take the speed off we've already come down to almost stopped in the water now um and then we'd be letting the anchors out if we couldn't get the speed off the vessel you can lower both anchors down and have them drag or catch along the bottom to create resistance to slow the ship down but for that to work you need time and you need distance the captain's going to be dealing with the engine room and getting on the phone and figuring out what's going on so they would be going over grab room right would be the I I think it that's where the real chaos that's where the real chaos is so now if they call back and say we power the first thing we're going to do is then go emergency full of stern to try to stop it looks like they do establish power just before they hit the Pilon they hit the bridge Billow of smoke comes out they start trying to go a Stern get the speed off this must have been high anxiety at this point on the bridge trying to deal with this oh and Incredibly stressful watching that first video clip when I saw the total power go out on the ship I knew there was a major problem going on so one other thing we wanted to show you was what it would look like at night we shot the simulation during the day so we could see everything but this is much more what it would have looked like for the dolly in Baltimore haror it complicates things at night I take it it does you have um you need the bridge dark so you could see the lights outside but you also have ambient light from the skyline or The Terminal coming in it also uh in darkness you lose some depth perception which makes it a little challenging to actually judge your distances as well so it and it complicates moving around the bridge at night and this is you teach at State University New York Maritime College I take it what happened in Baltimore Harbor will be studied for decades it will it'll become one of those tragic accidents that we take lessons learned from and then we apply them to what we're teaching the students of what to do in an emergency on the bridge of a ship behemoths of the sea International Trade depends on Mammoth vessels like this container ships the kind that brought down Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge in an instant up close you realize just how huge these ships really are this container ship here it's a bit larger than the dolly that is the Singaporean owned container ship that brought down the bridge in Baltimore this week the dolly was built in 2015 and is 300 M or 984 ft long capable of carrying up to 10,000 20t shipping container ERS for a dizzying variety of commercial interests when you look at international shipping this is this is kind of the typical case here's a Singapore flag vessel with a Singapore company uh leasing The Vessel to a Danish company the insurance for the cargo is British the classification society that observes The Vessel as Japanese there have been three deadly incidents recorded aboard ships managed by the do's operator Synergy Maritime in the last 6 years an accident with a ship elevator killed a crew member in Australia in 2018 in 2019 an officer went missing after having likely Fallen overboard in Singapore and last year a collision between a Synergy Maritime tanker and a dredging ship killed at least one sailor meanwhile in June of 2023 Chilean authorities briefly held the dolly reporting a deficiency for unreadable pressure gauges related to propulsion and auxiliary Machinery this is what you want you want you know inspectors to go on board and find issues and are they corrected now the bigger issue here is going to be did this ship have certain violations that were causing it to you know indicate a uh kind of a habitual problem Synergy says it's cooperating with us investigators and a spokesman tells CNN it would be inappropriate to discuss any previous incidents at this time Singaporean transport officials say the doll's crew reported a momentary loss of propulsion shortly before it slammed into the bridge in Baltimore look at the size of this container ship next to Hong Kong's stone cutter bridge at the time the Francis Scott Key bridge was constructed in the late' 70s container ships like this simply didn't exist they were not being built at that size and scale in those days just last month China witnessed a deadly cargo ship Collision iion with a bridge on the Pearl River in the city of Guang Joo at least five people died as Vehicles plunged off the stretch of collapsed Bridge authorities initially blamed the crew for the accident Global Supply chains rely on these enormous ships to move Goods around the world the Baltimore bridge disaster May Force some to reconsider the size of these ships and the potential damage they can do when things go wrong Ivan Watson CNN in the Port of Hong Kong the Port of Baltimore is one of the biggest economic engines for the state it it the impact alone is $191 million a day when that shipping channel is closed 15,000 jobs depend directly on the Port of Baltimore with more than 100,000 other jobs linked to it Scott Cowan represents a couple thousand of those workers so this being blocked is would you say it's a worst case scenario oh it's catastrophic for us the port handles B millions of dollars worth of foreign cargo each year that includes more cars and trucks than any other Us Port it also manages heavy farm machinery imported sugar and coal exports the extent of the impact hinges on how long the channel is closed there is a quite a few ships that are stuck in the harbor there's a bunch of them down at the Anchorage and some ships have been diverted to other ports meantime several cruise lines have to reroute operations out of Baltimore it was so surreal and you know I watched in horror like I'm sure everyone else did the Carnival Legend left on Sunday set to return in one week Carnival now temporarily moving operations to Norfolk AAA manager and former police officer Regina Ali is on board we know that uh the cruising industry will be impacted out of Baltimore it's significant if the channel isn't cleared by the end of next week Cowan says things could take a turn for the worse we lost lives and that's what matters more than anybody's paycheck but again the Maryland the whole State of Maryland's economy is hinged on the Port of Baltimore
Channel: WRAL
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Keywords: wral, wral tv, francis scott key bridge, bridge collapse, francis scott key bridge collapse
Id: Cji10d3YPss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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