Rebuilding the Tiny Velka 3 Gaming PC!
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Optimum Tech
Views: 254,814
Rating: 4.95925 out of 5
Keywords: velka 3, velkase, sff, gaming pc, itx, tiny gaming pc, hdplex, flex atx psu, fan swap, noise, thermals, review, build, guide, power supply, rtx 2070, undervolting, optimum tech
Id: -7x1LI5kOS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Would love for him to do a comparison between the hd-plex and the 7660b flex atx psu which apparently runs passive up to 300w, geek even sell it with a noctua fan mod so it would probably be pretty quiet
Very interesting. That's a lot of power in that small of a package and low noise.
Banana for scale, thanks.
What 2070 itx is he using? I clicked the link but it just takes me to a Amazon search
I thought there was a decently quiet option now, but donβt remember what it is.
Anyone familiar with the Velka cases know why they didn't try to fit one of the internal AC-DC HDPLEX units into the case with the DC-ATX unit? No chance of fitting internally at all? Seems like an HDPLEX 200W unit would make more sense in here. You could probably even power the 2070 with the right CPU and some undervolting.
If someone knows where to buy an RTX 2070 ITX in Europe, please let me know! They're out of stock everywhere, I wrote to MSI and Gigabyte but they're not very helpful about it.