Rebuilding the exterior stone arches, COMPLETED.

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[Music] a lot in it good luck so it's almost kind of like take two on putting these Stones back up because they've all moved and we've reset them they're all slightly different level so I've just pled off the very top of all the lentils and hopefully they should sit nice and level and flat now now we Less in [Music] theory go a bit more to you Dad this a bit more this way to get this back end [Music] first up a b up B up up all right hang on move it to the edge of the p and then can always line up the [Music] back all right this corner mine mine bit more bit more bit more whoa open the claw h on you can hold it there out out SC say that to all the boys I was about to say it make sure there big rock where your feet are there [Music] can you go that way a bit this way sorry this way yeah more more more more that's definitely going to need hammering in both ways don't forget we got a secondary level when we when we M the top that equal it's going to be I think that's that's [Music] good [Music] [Applause] [Music] good [Music] woohoo [Music] [Music] oh [Music] that's nasty is it bad just got a bit of colding [Music] wood [Music] he mushrooms gr the inside and everything God that goes up so far doesn't it I don't think we're going get much usable Timber out this wow [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm not carrying the bath water as well ready Dad don't you do anything without me filming you oh that smells lovely Father and Son hard at work with their green beards so with all the stones resetting going really well on the other side we're going to put this other arch in so you might remember that we put this side in quite a while ago and these are all stones that we got back to the Chateau that were reclaimed so well we just got to cut a bit of a tree out of [Music] [Music] [Music] course use the other end you got more leverage come up couple of blocks it's out that's what was growing through the stone work looks like uh you look like Gandalf and his wand with that see my [Music] you [Music] [Music] this is Ted this in open the [Music] grab [Music] yeah get that could be the similar situation to over there yeah needs to go back for sure yeah Bottom's got to go in yeah you're all right there y contact [Music] well this is all back to well I would say how it was but it's actually miles better than how it was because there's not a massive tree growing out there super satisfying to have all that that together and it was not easy as you know with anything take it apart and it never goes back together quite the same way and this Arch over here back in as well we just got to Jiggle It about a tiny tiny bit and more it in but yeah pieces is coming back together I just love this bit it's just the most satisfying bit to just see it back to how it was stable better than how it was so satisfying anyway big thank you to everyone that's donating for movember we're number one in the leaderboard for individual fun raises which is a massive achievement we very nearly smashed the target of 20,000 but please if you haven't if you've been thinking about being like giv a bit please do it don't stop at the Target let's get as much as possible and let's get you know let's show everyone that you know OT can wear the best we can raise the most anyway I will see you tomorrow
Channel: Escape to rural France
Views: 357,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KiscsOrd7L0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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