Rebuilding a Engcon Tiltrotator to get correct coupling

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So the problem I'm having with the new excavator I bought is the quick coupler is Danish standard some kind of hydrema I think they call it hydrema s45 just like the Swedish standard which is just s45 the difference between them is yeah well let me show you so this is the Swedish s45 standard and as you can see it's just too short so basically what I need to do is I need to change this quick coupler and then need to weld this wider and I need to change that the thing you could do is you could basically cut this up and just make it wider that is probably the cheapest alternative the cost for this one is 2 200 Euros without tax I would say this one is around 2 000 Euros so what I'm going to do now is go and check with my old machine if the quick coupler from that fits this hopefully it's the same diameter for the axles which is 50 on this 50 millimeter so that's the cheapest alternative right now to steal it from the old excavator yeah the measurement is the same this is my old yeah same brand as the other one the function for this quick coupler is actually quite easy I mean it's just a cylinder pushing a wedge you put pressure here the wedge gooes in you put pressure there the wedge goes out and the springs is just there for security to keep the wedge out even if you're losing hydraulic pressure it will keep the wedge out so here we can see the difference between hydrema s45 and the Swedish s45 it's the same width it's just that this is longer 38,5cm and there 28.5cm [Music] foreign so this is working next step is to make it connect here So the plan now is to resemble everything here in order to to get this quick connection off I need to I'm not really sure what I need to assemble but I guess I need to disassemble everything to get to the screws inside here so I might as well just take everything apart it's a good way to check for damage at the same time for cracks in the housing and so on and this is going to get re-welded I'm thinking about moving that this part further back foreign foreign so this is supposed to be loose now I guess I guess it sees here if I've removed that houses from the cylinders the only problem with this is remembering where all the hoses is supposed to go later on I guess I could mark it up foreign stripes I don't really have colored no but I'm going to use just one on this side so I know that the one without this here and the one with is here it's a plan foreign host that goes from here to the motor I need to take that off too foreign [Applause] like that [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] hahaha foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so the only thing stuck here is the swivel part and that isn't that supposed to be stuck to the quick connective I don't know I want to get this there we go foreign foreign so it took some time getting this off [Music] the same length nah not really the same length so the shorter one is going there how do I remember that so note to self on camera the shorter one is only there [Music] so seems like this cylinder just was threaded in I used a lot of thinking powers to try to figure out how to get this out just a normal thread so now to the tricky part the tricky part is how do I do this so what I'm thinking is cut it here and just pushing this 10 centimeters forward since the swivel pack is coming here I can't really well anything about here our first thing about moving this forward so so I don't modify the cylinder but that's going to mess with the swivel [Music] [Music] so the cutting is done I got it kind of right it's going to be something like this [Music] to well it back on but let's let's try [Applause] so let's just go online [Applause] so something like this [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Music] so this hole right here it's for auxiliary hydraulic if you want to take out hydraulic from the swivel to to a grapple for example this is the way to take it out so I might as well centimeter more here foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Applause] grinder to clean it up a little bit like this side I tried some here here all right write it down it doesn't really matter so next step now is to start modifying so need to make some seating for the spring around here so this other one grifting the bucket when it comes out and then the spring goes like so if you lose hydrolic pressure so the back of them come loose [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign use a longer knot and the screw to reach [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] okay [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign plate cut it here I guess and lengthen the missing piece [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] foreign foreign foreign foreign [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] so this is how it's how it looks after using it barely nothing left I mean a blaster cabinet would be nice for a project like this most of the steel wires when using something like this is stuck in the clothes and it's it's like small arrows that penetrate you instead of painting painting I was should paint yellow again but I don't know I got this taikuchi red so I might as well paint it red I mean red is nice foreign this part is going to get black there that's where I'm masking them foreign because I need to play two two times yeah well so this sucks this paint was not intended to be painted by a brush I guess hmm not sure what to do guess I'm going to try to let it dry and just try to paint it again so it's the same thing I'm gonna make it 10 centimeters longer I'm just gonna make this back part lengthen some somewhere around here [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign not the prettiest but this will it will definitely work foreign on the inside and the outside I'm pretty certain this will hold up just fine so it's time for painting the rest of the parts and reassemble it foreign it's still not really good so I really regret using this kind of color it was way too thin all the grease points in place one there one there one there and we got one on that side foreign foreign to reassure that the torque settings I found was was correct and at the same time I asked him about the shims and you're not supposed to put shims on this side only on this side that's supposed to be able to move free this is the only side you need to shim it's supposed to be that way to release stress can I ask how much Kim is supposed to push in here so he is said as much as you can foreign outside oh there goes the power and there comes the Power even Mozart gets happy the power is back I just spent all this time putting this on the wrong way so the cylinder I was supposed to come here I suppose faster than there too so it's one one crooked cylinder now it feels more correct I'm just going to paint these last parts and then it's pretty much ready foreign [Music] [Applause] some stickers that about I think it's like three years ago so I don't know how the how the glue is in this but it will be nice maybe putting something like so no it's not letting go I think this is really yeah that's correct what if I what if you use water will that work so this is all soaked in water now oh foreign would have looked nice well so this is all um don't want to comprend them yeah it's really stuck to this okay well that's that so I might as well just throw away all this old decals no good but I have two that's actually new that I got to this machine they're just a little bit smaller nah nah let's put it on this so let's try this newer see if that works well it's coming foreign really excited about this it's taken so long to fix this so yeah foreign [Music] everything seems to work except the Locking cylinder I need to switch the the hoses on this I don't know where it's if that's the hose leaking or something else I need to check that out I just gotta switch the houses down that's going to work just this time [Applause] let's try it again [Applause] so another problem seems to be that this one there [Applause] let's get us through me crazy so I have my mosquito magnet hiding here so I've been leaving it on for two days now and it's starting to get full again foreign it's usually not this much you can see on my leg s true [Applause] [Music] so that's the only to get used to the controls so here is that spinning of the bucket and on this side where we got the tail so oh there we go here we can see another project it's going to be done someday concrete mixer so the season is coming to an end I just want me to make an End report oh it's held up so there's no cracks in the welds everything has worked perfectly some things I done is I changed the hoses on the on the outside instead and the coupling the couplings are new I have a leak in the in the host for the Locking cylinder and so I I replace the seal there I changed these houses on the outside otherwise I haven't done so much maybe I'll use this for around 50 hours something like that usually when digging I take this off it's only for groundworks I I won't use the road around when you need to maybe dig a ditch or something like that just for wigging I will I will take it off I see no need to I don't know so it's now minus 17 degrees it's a lot colder than it was for for a few seconds ago the positive thing is there's no mosquitoes here anymore
Channel: M. Bjoernstroem
Views: 112,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ec15, ec10, engcon, rototilt, takeuchi
Id: s-aIAr9ANwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 32sec (3752 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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