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and our mothers were married like that and you were born from relations that they didn't plan is the boy that saw you and loved you didn't come and ask you can I I date you didn't come and and ask you can can we get engaged you know didn't come with a ring surprise ring Safari P will you marry me and it's all over Facebook you know that that was never there the waves are raging Rising high but I've learned to be at peace and I pray you find the same piece today it's tough you've considered a separation you're considering a divorce you're now considering even separating bedrooms some have already separated bedrooms one of you is sleeping with the children you confuse the children if it must get to a point you don't want to sleep with your spouse sleep in the kitchen not in the children's bedroom and wake up early enough before they wake up what do you even tell your children when they say [Music] Dy get the point take a step forward I have struggled to find a title for the sermon of today really struggled because I'm using one narrative reported differently by Matthew Mark and Joan and there are several lessons to learn and each lesson is a sumon on its own but I want to combine all of them in one sumon so the lesson you pick craft a title out of it and I pray that the Lord blesses us the story is of Peter every one of us when they start that story they say when Peter was sinking that is the story that I want to use Christ has just fed 5,000 men beside women and what children of course people have tried to preach on those statistics and they say women are normally many than men and you can't even count children where there's a father and a mother you can be sure there is double triple those two people so if we say there were 5,000 men people have always doubled the women and tripled or more than tripled the children so he didn't just feed 5,000 the Bible records the 5,000 were men besides women and children so I want to believe there were over 10,000 people that he fed over the years the number of men has been dwindling in the house of God over the years over the years the church is almost becoming women only and children and is a cause for alarm I was in this University they had a l Sabbath L Sabbath I don't know what that means leave those that are leaving he can student 23 23 unless engineering but3 24 almost exit Ambassador when he starts to speak with authority as the firster you love it and I called all of them I asked them what happens between now and the time you marry Because by the time you get married you're no longer in where in church you've left us your wives and your children I think I'll turn that into a subject in the afternoon we look at that why do we have few men in the house of God than the women why are we losing the priests of the home why that is not the message for today I was saying the miracle of that day was that only five loaves of bread was used and to what and to what yeah that is what I was waiting for and do what yeah I can he some people say fishes some people say fish it doesn't matter there were how many fish there were how many fishes and the loaves of bread were five how it multiplied we can never explain we can never describe and that is why it is called a miracle and it fed 5,000 men beside women and children that Miracle might not move you today but if you study Spirit of Prophecy the extent to which it moved the multitude they sat that day they did want to go home because they couldn't just believe some guy came here preached to us we were hungry there was no food we only got some Adventurer that had carried his lunch two fish five loaves of bread he picked them prayed multiplied collected left over how many baskets don't be tempted to think that the leftovers was what had been eaten and thrown down the leftover was like if you cook rice and you eat what remains that people didn't do what eat is what we call what and Mama white explains that the leftovers were carried by people into the villages and cities to go and share with those that dink 12 baskets before they left they refused to leave the scene they said the longer waited deliverer has done what SC and they began to whisper why don't we just get hold of this moment and crown him what Ellen White explains it nicely I love the way she puts it she says all day the conviction has strengthened that crowning Act of feeding the 5,000 is assurance that the longlook for deliverer is among them the hopes of the people rise higher and higher this is he who will make Judea an Earthly Paradise a land flowing with milk and honey he can satisfy every desire he can break the power of the hated Romans he can deliver Judah and Jerusalem he can heal the soldiers who are wounded in battle he can supply all armies with food yeah if if Christ was the president of Kenya we we didn't we didn't need to to have plans for agriculture no no no no no no no no no at there's no food in in the arried areas there's no food there at we come now appeal to Kenyans at one packet for those that are dying in marsabit no Christ just went there with with one chapati one like this one chapati and a bowel of beans and he will feed everybody for all the time he'll be there so they're looking at that kind of a king and they're saying our soldiers would go to battle and if anyone died in the battlefield they would be risen from where imagine imagine that kind of country that kind of a country he can conquer the Nations and give Israel the long sought Dominion so they begin to discuss and they have plans to crown him as king and the disciples get wind of it and remember many of the disciples were following him for a seat just in case they took over what power there's a mother to some two disciples that say please when you come into power on your right left side put my one M of my son on the right one put I think the disciples operated like the Adventist Church don't you think so yeah when you open a hospital please remember my son as the the cashier you know and the son has has not even started KC leave alone CPA has not even done KC so when you open that guest house please remember my daughter remember my daugh to be the manager of a guest house and she has studied education and competing with safari park there are someone who studied hospitality and our institutions have done suffered in the hands of many Physicians that have expertise so the disciples quickly rally around and they say ah these guys are thinking the way we are thinking let us join them and crown him asking Christ read their hearts and quickly knew if he does not dispers them there will soon be an Insurrection and if there's an Insurrection it it will hinder the work of the gospel and he has not begun his work so well so he first of all decides to push the disciples into the boat they didn't want to go so that he can come back and disperse the multitude no one wanted to go he was a very humble man from outside you would judge him and think he has nothing to offer but when he spoke he spoke with such an authority that was irresistible when he said leave the urge to still stand was there but you just found yourself leaving and they left for his disciples the Bible says he made them get into the boat and that is why I want us to start the story Matthew I will do the story from all the three records until we finish Matthew Chapter 14 verse 22 the Bible says immediately Jesus made his disciples get into the boat and go before him to the other side while he sent the multitudes away and then 23 says and when he had sent the multitudes away he went up on the mountain by himself to do what to pray now when evening came he was alone there it means what time did you go to the mountain probably midday I don't know but before what evening and when he had sent the multitudes away he went up on the mountain by himself to pray now when evening came he was alone there but the boat was now in the mid middle of the sea tossed by the waves for the wind was contrary I want you to notice something today I'm preaching extemporaneously I don't have notes the danger in extemporaneous preaching is that you can go overboard even up to three is the danger so pray we don't go beyond not keep you within some boundaries and you want to finish and leave I want you to notice something Christ has a full knowledge of everything he could read the hearts of the multitude and the intention to Crown Him King so it was not impossible for him to know that there was going to be a tempest in the sea is it impossible he knew it he knew there was going to be a tempest in the sea when you study verse 22 verse 22 in the Greek bible the English Bible says it loely that he made them get into the boat so it's like he was pleading with them please go the word in Greek is not a plea but a command he compelled he forced them to go into the boat it was a command go and he knew that in the sea they were going to me a tempest Move With Me Slowly none of us both those who are married and those that are not married none of us expect a storm when we'll get into marriage we all went with good intentions none of us and what drove us there was love you found someone you could trust and you looked into his eyes you looked into her eyes and you felt we can do life together you never planned for any mishap in fact it's today you look back and say how come I didn't see this thing coming no one lives in expectation of mishaps in marriage and family but I want to let you know even though I have no idea the pain and hurt and misery you're going through even though I may not know Christ knew it long before you even say I do it's a surprise to you but it's not a surprise to him that which you're going through today he saw it long before it ever happened and I've always believed if he's able to see it long before then he has a solution in his what hands and at times you say if the lord loves us why does it permit permit us to to walk into such territory stories why can't he just tell us early this route you're taking is a dangerous one and we have blamed God for the tough situations we are going through if he knew why couldn't he let me know I can tell you that same Christ knew there was going to be a tempest and remember it's fishermen it's fishermen with expertise that have found themselves in a boat amidst a tempest and he forced them into the sea nothing takes God by surprise he knows it it's new to you it shocks you but he saw it and allowed it because he knows you can bear it he knows it is the Bible that says he only permits that which you're able to do what to Bear it doesn't allow anything beyond your power to handle so I want you to sit proper and know it is tough you have cried there is no hope you feeling pressed on every side but I want you to know that which you feel pressure for you able to handle praise the Lord you are able to handle don't be tempted to walk away and then the story has it that he leaves them to walk into a tempest as he goes to do what as he goes to do what to pray I love it as we walk into to a tempest our savior is praying for us when Ellen White describes his prayer he was praying for his disciples and the multitude to understand the nature of his ministry and his calling so he was praying for them as you walk into the Tempest the Lord is praying for what but the boat was now in the middle of the sea TOS by the waves for the wind was contrary that moment must come for each one of us when you find yourself in the middle of the sea and the waves arising the wind is blowing the storms are reaching that moment must always come and particularly for marriage and family it must come you like it or not as a matter of fact you vowed it you even vowed it let's leave alone those who married the other way I'm talking about those that had white white weddings you vow think [Music] sing you know it's it's pointless they are so built and they just carry you up like this the next thing you know you are in a what you are in a house or Sim and there's a guy waiting there and our mothers were married like that and you were born from relations that they didn't plan is the boy that saw you and loved you didn't come and ask you can I date you didn't come and and ask you can can we get engaged you know didn't come with a ring surprise ring Safar P will you marry me and it's all over Facebook you know that that was never there that was those ages today we have come with st efforts together MO a b come we stay a beach I still have it here someone sent it to me let me he's called d d is derogative when you want to address a woman you look for the most derogative word for a woman when you call someone and um for once I felt so we all got into marriage in different ways H in fact even some of our pastors and Elders it's just the other day you solemnized your marriages is it after 20 years 30 40ch years okay I love your they will they will sort me out for the whole week great SLE it's late just a few hours I'll drop you in the in the but I didn't car anything [Music] and then you be you be you get comfortable you get comfortable I need to be smart this time around I will be what smart exra by the way we don't need to worry I carried an extra no one expects what we see in marriages today but I'm repeating the Lord knew it the Lord saw it and he permitted it and now you found your boat in the middle of the sea it's being TOS here and there you look on the East the waves are rising and you're panicking it's capsizing the person who just fed you on the other side you wanted to Crown King he's not even with you he went up the what no you all alone in the middle of a storm TOS sea that moment must come here but we don't quit now in the Fourth Watch of the night Jesus went to them walking on the sea Fourth Watch the night was divided into four watches from six to 9:00 p.m. 900 p.m. to midnight Midnight 3:00 a.m. 3:00 a.m. 6:00 a.m. so they were in the fourth watch I want you to understand something they were moving towards capern now and it was by a short distance by C from beta to the point where they expect to meet Jesus and in an ordinary weather the journey required a few hours but now they had driven farther and farther from the point they should they were seeking it was a journey on an ordinary weather you only needed a few hours these guys I want to believe they began in the first watch because other writers say when they saw night was falling they got into the boat they were still standing they didn't want to leave because they were asking themselves we have lost an opportunity to Crown this guy we should just have continued to plead with him he would have accepted and then finally they jumped into the boat so I believe it was in the first watch that they got into the boat second watch on a journey so short ought to have taken a few hours was they kept moving farther and further from the point that they were seeking and it's now the Fourth Watch they have not docked on the other side friends there are times you thought this which you're going through will only take a shorter time but as time goes by the situation grows from bad to worse it's taking longer than you expected and you hope to do there but the storms keep pushing you the opposite direction w and you keep praying and everyting announce today was a fasting Sabbath you didn't know I fasted I have prayed I've gone for cash it's taking longer than you thought because you knew when we pray to Christ he shows up instantly that is the notion most of us have when we talk to Christ he comes immediately did you know that his friend Lazarus died I like how a friend of mine was putting it in some devotion we were having he was saying when the sisters came to him they didn't say Lazarus is sick they told him Lazarus you are friend just to remind him if he forgot that because the the home of Lazarus and his sisters is where Christ spent that is where he bed that is where he was cooked for that is where he showered that is where his clothes were washed Lazarus seeus and he delayed until his friend where he's given food every day d there are times Christ delays because when he comes at the moment no one will notice his glory no one will notice his strength no one will notice his power everyone will think after all it was an easy thing and at times it delays it rots goes down the drain so that by the time he comes into the picture you will not confuse that power for the power of man it is definitely the power of who God his glory is magnified when the situation wasen when white discusses the story of Peter the same same Peter we about to discuss in prison she says that uh there are situations the Lord allows to deteriorate so that when he interposes his intervention is more marked and complete you might not understand more marked mean everyone will do what see it they took long in the SE unnecessarily longer I know you thought it was a two months Journey looking back is now 14 years for you you can't see the beauty and joy of marriage is headed to 20 years it's getting worse 25 let me remind you the Lord does not stereotype his wife workings in our lives if he shows up for Elizabeth after 17 years it's not necessarily true he will show up for you after 17 years yours might be 2 years yours might be five yours might it might even be 50 years later the beauty of it is this when you see he has visited Elizabeth don't cry and say Lord why is it I pray for people and and they give testimonies of what you have answered and I have prayed for them and mine is taking too long why is it you visited so and so and you've not visited me and at times some jealousy creeps into you when your friend is celebrating and you're not celebrating when the Lord visits you not you when the Lord visits your neighbor you don't need to be jealous just understand he is in your neighborhood are we together understand he's still within your what your neighborhood the next door he is knocking might be what your door he's still in your neighborhood you don't tell him how long it takes I pray we learn to rejoice in our struggles because ultimately he must visit he must and then the Bible says according to Mark let me jump to Mark Matthew has not recorded that bit but Mark records it Mark 6 Mark chapter 6 verse 48 47 says now when evening came the boat was in the middle of the sea and he was alone on the land then he saw them straining at rowing for the wind was against them let me repeat it then he saw them straining he is on the land there in the middle of the sea he saw them trining at rowing for the wind was against them you are at Sea Christ is at land I can assure you his eyes are seeing you right from where he is right from where he is he can see how you're straining at throwing your boat from where he is there are people that have quit Christianity because of hard times and they have concluded God does not exist and they have jumped into atheism they have not jumped into atheism because they believe that God does not exist they have jumped into atheism because in their worst of moments God didn't show up at the time they expected him I can assure you the Lord's eyes are watching you as you strain are throwing your body what he's seeing you for the eyes of the Lord land run to and what and fr they can see where each of his children are located never be tempted to doubt his presence never be tempted to even doubt whether he's heard your prayer he told Moses I have seen I know I have heard I have now come to deliver the Lord is seeing you at your struggle you're not alone he works like an ego when when an eagle is teaching the baby eagles to fly from The Nest up there they don't even know how to fly he's teaching them to fly he shakes the n so that they can fall and as they learn to fly when it sees one that is coming down almost touching the ground cannot unable to it goes and goes beneath beneath that chinc carries it takes it back to the nest coming down it must come down and he's watching as it comes down and he realizes okay that one has not now to fly that that one is that one is still okay then he notice there's one almost touching the ground just screaming making a lot of [Music] noise with all this noise you're making I can assure you the Lord sees you you will never touch the ground never says when you walk in the rivers and the waters it will not overflow you Waters will rise slowly get to your knees to your thighs to your belly to your chest to your neck it will never get to your head it can come only up to here but never get up to here cuz he said it will never overflow you it can't so make all the noise you can it's normal to shout and I know the noise will end when you realize the water can't go past you your chin you will stop making noise say by the way I pray we will find peace in our situations knowing the master is watching you can never never drown never songwriter and I think we sing that song understand it we just sing because the chister say was sing when peace like a river attendeth my what my soul when Sor like sea belows roll whatever my Lord thou Hast taught me to say It Is Well with My Soul whatever it is that comes the SE toy I don't care what comes all I know my God has taught me to say it is well with what I want to take a short break we are just halfway the seron just a short break we pray together I want us to sing this song prayerfully let me have let me have Dorene and uh and this gu and uh let me have these three leaders prayerfully in that song As We rise when peace like a rer at five 30 SDA him attendeth my the puts it [Music] nicely As we sing that song prayerfully and when we are done with that song I will request uh brother Gordon to take us through a prayer session we are at Sea I don't know how yours is mine is Tommy but I've learned to smile the waves are raging Rising high but I've learned to be at peace and I pray you find the same peace today it's tough you've considered a separation you're considering a divorce you're now considering even separating bedrooms some have already separated bedrooms one of you is sleeping with the children you confuse the children if it must get to a point you don't want to sleep with your spouse sleep in the kitchen not in the children's bedroom and wake up early enough before they wake [Music] up what do you even tell your children they say [Music] Daddy I pray when it gets to that point when it gets to that point you will find peace in your heart you will say it is well with my word because the savior is watching let us sing that song Let Us [Music] rise when like [Music] a attend my way when Sorrows like s be us wor my Lord thou to sing it [Music] is is with My Soul [Applause] [Music] his with my soul my soul it is well [Applause] his my [Music] soul my SS all the joy of this Glory has my S not part but the is to the cross and I no praise the Lord praise the Lord my soul my soul my soul it is it [Music] is with my soul and the day when my shall be the CL be all and the TR shall re and the Lord [Applause] shall is my [Applause] soul with my with my soul [Applause] is my soul [Music] [Music] my only one good [Music] hallelujah amen thank you Pastor for the message when you sing that song I find myself reflected in that song in Stan one when peace like a river attended my way when sorrow like see Bow's role whatever my Lord thou has taught me to say it Is Well with My Soul may I learn to say it Is Well with My Lord in the storm stanza 2 says that my sin all the joy of the Glorious thought my sin not in part but the whole but the whole is nailed on the cross all the waves all the Tempest raging against us they had be nailed on the cross with the Savior Jesus Christ and The Last Sunset says that and Lord Hast the day when my faith shall be sight the Cloud be rolled back as a scroll Jehovah Jesus Christ has the power to roll back the scroll that has been in your life roll back the scroll that the devil has written in your life in Jesus name may I find a child of God seeking the face of Christ that Christ you want come down come down today roll back the this craw roll back this craw amen because my heart is in you and my faith is in you that you nailed everything on the cross may God be with you says take time to talk to our Heavenly Father King of Kings Jehovah Lord you are a powerful God surely you are Our Redeemer you you are a miracle worker you are a God Like No Other King of Kings there is power in your name and surely you are a true God you have the power to come right in the middle of the storm to give us hope that my son my daughter I am here have come to visit you youve paid a visit in our lives Jehovah and your presence makes things to roll back the scroll is being rolled back in the name of Jesus Christ there's a woman a lady in this congregation crying Jehovah but thank you for the message that it Is Well with My Soul when I have the scroll rolled back by the mighty Jesus Christ yov may you speak to that lady may you speak to that woman in a special way that Jehovah however much the storm is reaching there is hope in the sun of God Jesus Christ that was nailed on the cross and the storms can seize and sees instantly in the name of Jesus Christ there's a man in this house there is a man in this place Jehovah crying hopelessly so desperate but today Jehovah It Is Well with soul with My Soul It Is Well with his soul thank you for the timely message Jehovah may it find root in ourself so that we can magnify your name and exalt your name forever and forever may you roll back all the storms that has been raging in the lives of your Saints in the mighty name of Jesus Christ there are people who have been fighting so many things can be a storm of sickness can be a storm of desperation can be a storm Jehovah of stubborn children in the name of Jesus Christ son of of Nazareth we call upon your presence in these families we call upon your visit pay visit in these children Jehovah we are sure of your Victory you have told us when your encourage us when war broke in heaven Revelation 127 Michael on the right hand with his angels the dragon on the left side with also his angels when war broke up they were not able to Prevail against the lamp of God and they were defeated in the name of Jesus Christ there were no space for the enemy to occupy in heaven Jehovah he was cast down he was cast down Theiss of Brethren was cast down in the name of Jesus Christ today we are casting you down in our families today we are casting you down in our husbands today we are casting you down in our lives today we are casting you down away from our families and our wives in the name of Jesus Christ son of Nazareth Jehovah cast the enemy Down Let Your Children leave this place so encouraged that it is well with their soul because the savior is on the crown Jehovah may your will be done speak to us more as we continue let your power and your Holy Spirit continue descending in this place in the name of Jesus Christ that the enemy will not find any space to stand let him be cast down forever and ever may you give us the Everlasting victory in the name of Jesus Christ we are convinced you are VCT Victory is sure it doesn't matter how long it has taken Christ you are right in the place with us let you roll back the scraw in the lives of your children when they come out of this place they say surely Jehovah you have spoken remember Pastor Elizabeth M for the wonderful and the powerful message Jehovah that surely there is hope in Christ Jesus however much the storm is Raging however much the wind is blowing however much how montane they can be however deep they might look king of King you can fill them up and they become plain all the mountains can be brought down and they become flat in the name of Jesus Christ that's the message you gave Isaiah 40:4 and 5 now Jehovah Lord may your Holy Spirit continue walking with us taking us through showing us the way with a lot of Faith with a lot of Victory from Victory to Victory from righteousness to righteousness in the mighty name of Jesus Christ son of Nazareth we pray and believe amen it is let us it It Is Well with My Soul with my soul is it is with My Soul [Music] [Music] my amen thank you we we will call you for one more song when we are done we are halfway there someon um verse 26 and when the disciples saw him walking on the sea they were troubled saying it is a ghost and they cried out for fear but immediately Jesus spoke to them saying be of good cheer it is I do not be afraid and Peter answered him and said Lord if it is you command me to come to you on the word I want to speak to those that are not married on the possibility of being PR presumptuous with God Ellen White divides sin into three categories there's the scene of the appetite there's the scene of presumption and there's the scene of compromise of course the the sin of appetite has got to do with our inability to be temperate about things it could be food it could be whatever being presumptuous with with God is when you get into trouble for imagining that is what God wanted you to do but that is not what he wanted you to do you imagine the failure to seek the will of God and do it so you imagine this is what the Lord wants you become presumptuous with God the sin of compromise is knowing this is wrong but you still go ahead and do it so Peter is saying I'm not going to walk on water if it is you I will come at your door command command me to come and many times I've seen people walk into marriages with partners that are perfect mismatch men and women that were never meant for you many marriages today are not working because what you have is a m much is someone you chose for yourself God didn't choose for you the Bible says a good wife comes from where comes from the Lord and all of you must find it in your hearts to give God an opportunity to choose for you a spouse and never never be presumptuous with that choice with God many have walked into marriages and they're saying even oah married a harot the Lord permitted him what you're not understanding is that the Lord permitted it he did it because the Lord said it so you who's walking out of the church has the Lord said you go out I'm not saying we cannot marry out of the church is a great possibility you can marry out of the church but is that what God is saying to you or you're being presumptuous with God and today you convinced them and you wedded them in this church they are no longer here see say pastor but we agreed he was even baptized she was even baptized but now she no longer comes to church you are pres with God so Peter says I know I can walk if it is you command me to come if you command me I will come so he said come and when Peter had come down out of the boat he walked on the water to go to Jesus the character of Peter is an interesting one many people say is what in English what is in English of course you're not coming from Uganda you know Swahili Peter was in the boat with the disciples Christ is on the water with his I think I admire him because he he realizes it is safer in the storm with Christ than in the boat without Christ it is safer to be in the storm with Christ than in the boat without Christ and when he saw that the wind was boisterous he was afraid and beginning to sink he cried out saying Lord Save Me Mama white says as in selfs satisfaction he looked back to see his fellow disciples just to check just to check I don't know whether that was that was being um what is kiburi uh that was Pride I'm not so sure but but white doesn't say Pride white said as in self satisfaction you know you can't just believe you're you're doing what even even you today you can to just try even in a basin you will not so when when when you can put your your feet in in in the water like this and you realize you actually you're actually walking I mean there are people you I want to believe he was looking just to tell them and then white says he lost view of Christ and the waves came between him and Christ and he could not see it and when he lost view of Christ he became afraid why because he also knew it was only possible to walk on the water when Your Eyes Are Fixed On Christ and when he lost that Focus the Bible says something interesting that I want me to I want to preach right now he says this that where are we but when he saw that the wind was boisterous he was afraid and begin to do what Peter didn't sink he began to sink and many a times in life you need an experience in Sinking to appreciate the power of God did you get what I said he lost sight of Christ and beginning to sink and then he quickly remembered that my problem is not the waves the problem lies in my focus on who Christ and quickly changed his Focus to Christ and cried out Lord save me you will never testify of God as a Healer until you test disase never is Theory had knowledge Jehovah you've never been sick you you only had him as Jehovah RAF you don't know him as Jehovah RAF it's until you begin to lack you will never testify of him as the provider never theory is until we lose our loved ones into the hands of the devil you will never understand the Lord as the deliver never and so all of us require a sinking experience not for the experience to destroy us but to let us encounter God face to face you need it you need it you need that experience I know you're sinking but you will not I'm pleading with you shift your focus from the winds and the waves and the storm refocus on Christ Jesus praise the Lord it only requires you to shift your focus quickly from the storm look into the eyes of Christ fix your eyes on Christ the author and finisher of our what of our faith someone has sung a song says this how does that song Go Jesus look full in his wonderful face and the S of us will grow strange leading in the light of his glory and put your finger on that song it will be the song we will use as we finish Your Eyes Upon Jesus look full in his wonderful face and the things of Earth will grow strangely what deep these are the men on women that go through a storm and they can still smile they go through a storm and their face is still oily it glows they go through a storm and they still look neat anoint yourself with what oil the whole world doesn't need to know that you're in a stor no eat well dress well sleep well and why are you sleeping well not because you're forcing yourself to sleep it's because the master of the storm is right beside you the boat will never cup size never it's right beside so when we preach like this you don't imagine us we don't have we have the biggest of problems than you but at times we listen to you and we say but we still leave and move we eat well we dress well we shower every day please don't smell don't don't don't skip a day because for now CH come spray yourself go to work and the Devils at you times you do these things to confuse the devil look good look nice talk t because Christ is right beside you and immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him and say to you all you of little faith why did you doubt and then when they got into the boat the wind did what CED I want to tell you something Mark 6:51 when he's winding up that story in Mark 651 Mark says this then he went up into the boat and the wind ceased and they were greatly amazed in themselves beyond measure and Marvel let me tell you something your situation could be taking too long the Lord is not controlled by time and space he exists outside of time and space but you can be so sure that when he comes into your boat immediately the wind will do what cease immediately normally we think when it takes too long there is a struggle between God and Satan God is never in a competition with the devil there's no way that the devil can compete with God that when God pushes this button the devil pushes this button when God pushes this button the devil pushes this button they're now competing to see who will win Victory is forever with the Lord what the Lord does is allow the devil to exhaust his strategies his WS exhaust every weapon he has he doesn't need two years to show up in your situation the long time your problem mistaking the devil is still exhausting his weapons don't confuse it that God is taking too long God has permitted him to exhaust his weapons on you and when he's done with everything all he needs is to step into your boat and the wind does what sees it's not like he's fixing a car trying to find out where there's a problem so it's taking too long to diagnose and know where could be the problem no no no no he only needs to show up and things change but when John finishes it and that's why how I want us to finish when John finishes the story he finishes it on a higher note than all the other writers John chapter 6 finishes it on a higher note verse 21 listen to how John ends it 621 it says then they willingly received him into the boat willingly by the way no one forces you to receive Christ into your situation this is another son of mine he's single just just not that so so when you keep saying all of you we are still forcing his brother to marry so Christ will never impose yourself himself in your situation are you getting me he will never impose himself in your situation but he will come if you willingly receive him what happened then they willingly received him into the M listen and immediately listen John does not talk about the wind season no they were in the middle of the sea and when Christ came John says when they willingly received him into the boat and immediate immediately the boat what was at the land where they were going they were where in the middle of the sea that is where Christ found them John doesn't talk about the experience with Peter but let's assume the experience with Peter was there so it is Christ and Peter they still in the middle of the sea John says when they willingly received Christ into the boat I to him and they found themselves on the land you have not understood what I'm saying they didn't need to travel a distance to the land they didn't need to roll the boat to the land they just accepted him and the boat found itself on the it was like magic twinkle of an eye we shall be changed when Christ comes I cannot explain it that's why I said Christ does not need a millisecond to work on your issues the minute will show up your boat will be at land it will be at land and that is the miracle with that story so let it take all the years it can take I can assure you he's seeing you and when he will come you will be at the land without you having to explain how you got to the land because even me right now I can't explain you will not be able to explain how you got to the land because it is a miracle just like you can't explain how two fish and Five Loaves fed over 5,000 people you will not be able to explain how you all of a sudden moved from the middle of the sea when he just stepped inside the boat was at the land that's why we call him a miracle work he still works those Miracles and we never understand how he does them never never permit him work a miracle in your life allow him into your boat some of us have dragged the name of Christ in the mud people have refused to believe him because God was using us as an experiment for the world to know that we serve a living God he only needed to use you to dramatize life but you failed him he wanted the world to see that we can go through a storm but we can find our ways out of the stor we failed to prove to the world that he is leaving there was some time when I was going through my own issues of life and the sister-in-law asked me Pastor where do you get the strength to still remain in marriage like this all these things you're going through you're still holding on to my brother how do you even manage life and I told her the day the day you here on citizen NTV KBC K24 Nation the day you hear breaking news the god of the universe is dead ask me question ask me that question the day you hear the god of the universe breaking news all over the world the god the universe has died ask me how I survive for as long he still Seated on the throne I don't survive I leave I'm job says for I know my redeemer it's my prayer you will accept that which you're going through with joy and and permit God and no opportunity to work a miracle in your life the truth is you will just begin to sing but you will never seek keep your eyes focused on Christ the storms are raging the winds are blowing the waves are rising do not be tempted to concentrate on all that is happening Focus fix your eyes on Christ you will walk on the Storm when he gets into your boat you shall be at Sea may the Lord Jesus bless us in his mighty name what was that song is it in the Hypno yes I am asking that we come and and sing there was another singer she was called asking that we sing that song 290 and then when we are done with that song we want to offer special prayer we want to offer special prayer and the song will sing after this song A Sweet Hour of Prayer 290 is the song Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus when we are done with that song we do which is that other one 478 so let us all rise we are singing two songs after we are done with the first song you have 3 minutes to speak to the master of the storm about your case 3 minutes and when we are done we will sing Sweet Hour of Prayer and I will ask Molly to finalize it with prayer 29 290 [Music] Soul are you we and TR no light in the darkness you see there's night for [Music] theor life more abund and Free Turn Your Eyes Upon [Music] [Applause] Jes and the things of Earth will grow Str in the light of his glory and prise through death life stand we fall all more than con we are Your Eyes Upon [Music] Jesus his wonderful and all God will grow strange in the light of his glory and gra is what shall not fa you and all will be then go to our is his perfect Sal [Music] [Applause] [Music] to Your Eyes Upon [Music] Jesus his wonderful and the God will grow strange de in the light of his glory and his word shall not fail you he promised it leave him and all will be well you have 3 minutes to tell Jesus the storm you're in believe it believe him and you will not fail you have time when you're done with the prayer 3 minutes find some space when you're done with your personal prayer standing find some space to kneel when you're done with yours standing you will find some space to kneel no when you're done with you are standing we will sing Sweet Hour of Prayer and then we will nail for final prayer okay yeah see and everlasting God Amen king of kings and Lord of lords amen the Creator who was never created the mighty one of Jacob the Holy One of Israel The Sovereign of the Seas that no wave can surpass your voice father we come before thy throne of grace this sabbath day with Thanksgiving in our hearts that this far you have been ezar thank you for the gift of life thank you for the gift of Salvation thank you Jehovah for the gift of this sabbath day thank you for the power of your word my father that you have spoken that though the waves May roll though the Tempest May rage though the sea the storms may be tossed but at the end of the day we have on our side The Sovereign of the Seas amen that no wave my father no wave can surpass your voice be it waves of diseases be it waves of Affliction be it waves of joblessness be it waves of barrenness be it waves of wayward children be it waves of rebellious children be it waves of adultery in marriages be it waves of demonic possession and oppression father no wave can surpass you your voice amen therefore Lord we come before the throne of grace this afternoon that we may plead for Mercy for each and every personing need amen father we are sinners not even worthy to stand before your present we have sinned in our words we have sinned in our thoughts and we have sinned in our actions and many times when we try to do good it is sin that we encounter father we come clinging to the old ragged cross this afternoon that Lord have mercy according to your steadfast love forgive us our transgressions my father blot out our iniquities oh Lord cleanse us wash Us by the blood of Jesus cleanse us from all man of sin cleanse us from all forms of unrighteousness cleanse us from all forms of ungodliness Father sanctify us once more my father that when we bring our petitions before you may we come holy may we come pure may we come clean and acceptable that our petitions may come before you as sweet Aroma in the name of Jesus Christ amen father thank you for this family week of prayer that you have used your manservant pastor Elizabeth to minister unto your children father it has been a word in season for our families thank you for the word that you have put in her that Lord at such a time we need families that can stand to be counted amen we need families that can bear the burden of the Cross and infirmity of others that the church May stand amen father the family is the first church the family is a sanctuary that is why the devil is not giving peace to families Jehovah are families that are the brink of breaking there are families Jehovah that are trusting in you for the fruits of the womb there are families that are threatened by sexual immorality there are families that are threatened by poverty and joblessness there are families that are threatened by rebellious children there are families that have children struggling with demonic possession yet they still don't know about it father it is a sad situation but I thank you Lord that when we look at the cross we live amen that there is power when we look at the cross amen that is why Lord the song writer says we should turn Our Eyes Upon Jesus because just like Peter when we lose Focus On Christ we begin to sink amen and I thank you Lord that sometimes you allow us to go through situations that we may be reminded that it is not by our it is not by our might that we are alive today but it is Christ who lives in Us by faith amen therefore Lord this afternoon we plead with you my father forgive us for all the times we have doubted Your Love forgive us for all the times we have doubted your power forgive us for all the times we have doubted your ability to save forgive us for all the times the material things of this world that you have given us have made us to forget to f focus on you the provider the Healer The Giver forgive us Lord and help us strengthen us once more give us the power to pray that we may focus on the cross once again amen father this afternoon I want to thank you for the testimony of our sister yesterday that Lord once more you proved that you are a God who answers prayers amen and I know even today there's someone in this congregation who is bearing a burden that maybe they know or they don't even know about it may be a sister somewhere it may be a family somewhere my father trusting you for the fruit of the womb yes it may be someone somewhere who is even D he the real priest of his family because of joblessness and he cannot provide for his wife and children there is a family somewhere my father that love has left that oh and all they know is nagging and misunderstanding and constant chaos father there's a family somewhere this day that is experiencing hopelessness because of frustrations and deceptions of the devil that has put in their family today Lord we lift these Souls unto you there's also a young man somewhere Jehovah who is trusting in you for a marriage partner there's a girl who's been in this church who is even wondering Lord if you even know her but Lord I want to encourage her today that she is inscribed in the palm of your hand that Lord you may you may seem to TI but your time is always the best and everything every plan for us is for our welfare and our future and not for Destruction father visit each and every hous old this afternoon in Jesus name each and every head represented here father meet each and every person at their point of need in Jesus mighty name father you are The Giver of children you say children are a Heritage you say children are a blessing father those families with rebellious children intervene in their situations come the storm in those families my father speak peace be still into the lives of those children that their parents may experience the blessing of having children in the name of Jesus Jesus father those trusting in you who are jobless my father father how can they return tithes and offerings when they have nothing in their pockets and in their bags Lord come down restore their financial prosperity in Jesus name every good gift come from you my father bestow upon them the blessing of finances that they may return their tithes that they may give offerings that they may also contribute to the advancement of the Gospel Ministry in Jesus mighty name father we come as a Congregation of donam SDA church this afternoon that Lord have mercy on us once more according to your steadfast love amen father how can we experience City Jehovah let us not be in church but we experiencing inadequacy and scarcity in our lives and even our families father in The Book of Psalms 34 you said that the Young Lion may suffer hunger the Young Lion may experience lack but those who fear the lord we lack no good thing therefore my father what is lack doing in our families what is anger doing in our families what is divorce and separation what is frustrations anguish Agony sorrow pain and struggle doing in our families father if it is for the glory of your name then give us peace PE that we may wait upon you so that we may experience your glory in Jesus name and if it is the work of the devil the devil has no power the devil has no authority over us because he who is in US is greater than he who is in the world Amen therefore Lord we rebuke every evil altar that may be speaking against families this afternoon in Jesus name amen every evil Parts in families that in families girls cannot get married in families boys cannot marry in families people cannot have children every evil pattern and plan of the enemy father we plead for the power of the blood of Jesus that let the blood of Jesus erase those patterns in Jesus mighty day every ancestral Cur every generational curse that is speaking against your children this afternoon Lord we ple that just the same way you called Abraham out call our families out from every generational and ancestral cast in Jesus name let the blood of Jesus delink let the blood of Jesus disconnect that the blood of Jesus may be the only altar planted and speaking for our families in the name of Jesus father patterns are frustrating if you're in a family Jehovah all girls are unmarried time you find in families Jehovah all girls have children in their father's houses everyone in a family is experiencing joblessness alcoholism in families Jehovah Insanity at mental illness father we know those are narratives of the devil to frustrate your children and we come against them in Jesus mighty name generational curses of drug abuse Jehovah we refuse we reject them in the name of Jesus that our children will live to testify of the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living in Jesus mighty name Spirit of alcoholism we reject them we denounce them we cast them out on authority of your word in the name of Jesus that father you gave us power to trample over serpents and scorpions this afternoon Jehovah every wave of evil that is frustrating and suppressing our families we trample upon them in the name of Jesus and we LIF the reason savior up that Christ you are the master of the stone amen speak peace into our sisters speak peace into our siblings speak peace into our children speak peace into our homes that every storm every CH let there be peace be still in Jesus mighty name amen of the tri of Judah Arise My Father arise take up your shield and backler and fight for every family in this congregation today in Jesus mighty name that Lord let us experience your power let us experience your grace let us experience your might that when we go to heaven when you come to take us home May our children not be left behind in Jesus name when you come to take us home May our spouses not be left behind in Jesus name when you come to take us home May our siblings be amongst the food soldiers when you lead us captain of the mighty Throne may we be among the army of the Lord who will say truly this is our Lord whom we have been waiting for amen Lord we bless your name we thank you we lift your name on high that Lord you give peace that this world cannot understand and I thank you Lord that even in our situations my father you have never ashamed us you have always given us peace that's why we glow we glow because we know we serve a lord who is captain of the mighty Throne The Sovereign of the Seas that when he leads no matter how the storms are raging all is well and it is well with our souls therefore Lord this afternoon I bring every family into captivity to your obedience that Lord intervene in our situations in Jesus name amen our children some are at home right now because of school fees father provide school fees in Jesus mighty name father some don't even know where the next meal is going to come from father open doors of abundance open doors of Heaven Jehovah pour your abundance upon our families in Jesus name amen some of us are struggling with secret sins some of us are struggling with diseases my father we are just walking out here but we always claim that this is our sickness it is not our sickness in Jesus name amen no disease belong to anyone father your intention is that we may we may experience prosperity of Health therefore Lord every disease let them go back to where they originate from in Jesus name that everyone who comes to the pool of Bethesda which is Don home SDA church this afternoon may they experience a miraculous healing of their physical ailments in Jesus mighty name father we thank you we lift your name on high for you are a mighty Redeemer and those who wait upon you are never disappointed you renew their strength like that of an eagle those who put their trust in you my father you never let them die down therefore Lord our hope is in you you are our strength you are our provider you are our keeper you are our sustainer thank you for the leadership of this church thank you that they allowed this week of prayer to be here it is not in vain my father I know a family somewhere a soul somewhere has been touched through the ministry of Pastor Elizabeth this week and Lord it is that your name may be glorified it is not Pastor Elizabeth it is not the the the Family Life leaders it is not even the pastor of this church it is the exalted risen Christ therefore Christ ex manifest your power manifest your power let the Holy Spirit move in a mighty way in this congregation this afternoon in Jesus mighty name amen we thank you we honor you may all glory be unto you this My Prayer by faith in Jesus mighty name amen get the point take a step forward
Channel: Get The Point
Views: 180,813
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Keywords: sermons, daily inspiration, adventist songs, adventist sermon, get the point, getthepoint, get the point media, gtp media, gtp, daily verse, kisii trending, kisii, kisii sermons, kisii gospel
Id: 6Dzqf89ypaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 54sec (6954 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2023
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