Realtime Chat With Users & Rooms -, Node & Express

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[Music] what's going on guys in this video we're going to build a real-time chat application from scratch called chat chord and we're gonna be using nodejs Express and WebSockets using socket IO so I just want to give you a quick demo of the application before we start so we have this landing page or this joint page where we can enter a user name and we can choose a room to join so I have just programming languages but obviously you could use whatever you want you could also just have a blank text field and have the the user put the room name in but we'll go ahead and click join and now you can see we get the chat interface the room name which is JavaScript the users in the room which is just me at this point and we have the message area so I can send in a message here we'll just say hello and that will display here now I'm gonna just copy this localhost 3000 and go to a new tab and this is going to be looked at as a new connection or a new client so let's call this user John enjoying JavaScript and notice that Brad is already in the chat and if I go back to the tab the first tab you'll see we get this John has entered the chat so whenever a user enters or leaves will see that message here okay and if I send something like let's just say hello John and send and I go to John's tab we'll see that right away so WebSockets is a protocol that allows us to basically have bi-directional communication you can kind of think of it as an open door between your client and your what in your server so it's you know that we don't have to do refreshes or anything like that like traditional HTTP requests so it's really cool what else so if we leave the room here and go back to this tab you'll see John has left the chat and if I join a different room like let's say Python and they go ahead and type something in here that's not going to show up over here because this is the JavaScript room so this is the app that we'll be building and we have scroll functionality so if I you know put something else in here you'll see we have the scrollbar and it Auto Scrolls down so as soon as I type something and it brings me right down as well all right so that's what we'll be building now I have the HTML and CSS all done so if I go into vs code you'll see I have a folder called public that has two HTML files index.html which is the landing page or the the join page and chat HTML which is the chat interface and right now everything's hard-coded you can see I just have hard-coded users and hard coded messages but obviously we're going to use javascript to insert whatever we need to into the Dom and we're using vanilla JavaScript on the front and we're not using you know react or anything like that and then I just have my CSS file and a front-end main J's file that's completely empty now to get to the point that I'm at just create a folder called public and in the description you'll see a link to the github and there's a folder called HTML CSS which just has the basically the static template so you can go ahead and just copy this stuff and put it into a folder called public and then you should be ready to go okay so let's go ahead and get started now we want to of course open up a terminal and you need to have no js' installed because we're using node in Express and npm which is the node package manager and we're gonna go ahead and use NPM to initialize a package.json file by doing NPM in it and this of course is in the root not in the public directory so let's just go through this package name version description we'll say real time chat app with rooms and entry point I'm going to use server Jas and author of course you can use your own name and then license I'll do MIT so that creates a package jason which is just basically a manifest with some information any dependencies that we install and so so I'm gonna go ahead and install what we need for this project so NPM install Express which is our web framework we need socket IO which is a framework for dealing with web sockets and also moment which is moment J s and it's used to format dates and times so those are the only dependencies that we need in terms of regular dependencies I do want to install node Mon as a dev dependency so let's say npm install - upper case D for dev dependency and then node lon just so we don't have to keep Reese restarting the server every time we make a change it'll constantly watch it alright and then I just want to create a couple scripts so we don't need this test script so we'll create a start and all this is gonna do is call node and then the file name the main file which is server jsr just server and then we'll have a dev script that will call node lon and then the file name which is server alright so that's all we have to do in the package Jason so we can go ahead and close that up so let's create our server J s okay so this is basically this is our back-end this is the entry point to everything and we're gonna bring in Express basically I'm just going to create a very simple just regular Express server first and then we'll move on to implementing socket IO so let's bring in Express and let's initialize a variable called app and set that to Express and then on that app variable on this object we can call listen to run a server and this takes in a port number so let's create a variable called port and I'm gonna use 3000 but I'm gonna say also say or process dot e NV dot port so it's going to look to see if we have an environment variable named port and use that if not then use 3000 and we just plug that in here and then we can optionally have an arrow function and we'll just do a console log here backticks and say server running on port and then use our variable syntax to put in that port number so just this excuse me just this should actually run by doing npm run dev because we created that dev script and we get server running on 3000 now I want to have this public folder set as our static folder so that we can access these HTML files and access our front-end so the way that we're going to do that is by setting here let's say set static folder and with Express we just do app dot use Express static and then the name of the folder that we want and I'm just going to use the help of the path module which is a node.js core module so I'm going to bring that in so we're going to require path and then inside here we can simply say path dot join and we want to join the current directory so during the underscore or double underscore dur name and then the public folder and that sets it as our static folder so now if we go to a browser and we open up HTTP localhost 3000 we should see the index.html page and if we put in a user name here and join it'll just bring us right to chat HTML because that's being used as an action so in our index you can see the form here has an action of chat HTML so it directly submits to it there's no front-end JavaScript or anything it just submits and since we have you know an input here and to select that's going to automatically get put up here in the query string and we're gonna grab on to these later on and implement them into our application ok so right now we just have a bunch of static stuff here these are all just hard-coded with HTML so the next thing I want to do is set up our server to handle socket dot IO so we're gonna go up here and first of all bring in the HTTP module or package or whatever you want to call it and this actually is used by express under the hood so there's a method called create server that express actually uses but we want to access it directly because we need to in order to use socket IO so what we'll do is create a server variable and set this to HTTP and then we want the create server method and we can actually pass in our Express app and then instead of doing app dot down here app dot listen we're gonna do server dot listen and it should still work we'll just stop the server with control C and run it again and you can see it still runs alright now to use socket dot IO we have to first bring it in so we're gonna call this socket IO set this to require socket dot IO and we want to initialize a variable called IO and set that to socket IO and then just just simply pass in our server ok and that way we can now let's see let's actually go under this and now we can say run when a client connects so we can take that IO variable or IO object and say dot on which is gonna listen for some kind of event and we're gonna listen for our connection and then this will take in an arrow function with socket as parameter ok and I'm just gonna for now just say console.log and let's say new WebSockets connection so we'll save that now whenever a client connects it should go ahead and console.log this so we don't have anything set up on our front end to be able to do that so let's jump into chat HTML and now that we have socket IO set up on our server we can use the front end library year so in our chat HTML we're gonna add another script tag with a source and we should be able to access slash socket dot io / socket dot IO dot Jas okay so that'll that'll give us access to the front-end library and in this main j/s we can access the i/o method and everything we need to okay so we'll go ahead and just close that up for now and let's go into our front-end JavaScript which is public J s main J s now in here I'm gonna create a variable called socket and just set that to IO which we have access to because of that script tag we just added now just having this if I go back to our front-end here and I reload the chat HTML where you loaded a couple times down here in the server console you'll see this new wshh connection and that's because of this right here it's actually connecting and we're just logging now this doesn't do us much good what we want to do is send or emit messages or I should say events back and forth that's really how this works it's a it's an open bi-directional communication think of it as an open door between the client and the server and we just can it we can emit events back and forth so I want to be able to emit a message to our client from our server so in our server Jas and make sure we're in the connection here we're going to emit so socket dot he met and we'll call this message you could call it can emit whatever you want call it whatever you want and then also send whatever data you want in this case I'm just gonna send a string that says welcome to chat chord okay now I'm gonna save this and the way that we basically catch this on the client side is in our main J s we can now take that socket variable and say socket dot on just like we did on the server and say on message so whenever we get this message event and we get a message we get a function here with a message parameter because on our server side we sent this right here which is going to be this message in fact I'll console.log this message and if I save that and we go back and then I open up my client side console and reload we get welcome to chat cord okay because that fires off right away as soon as we're connected it logs here on the server and then it emits the message which we then catch here and then log now we're going to be sending a lot of different types of messages we have our welcome so we emitted this welcome message we're going to send of course when we type in a message also when someone connects and disconnects I want to have a message so I'm gonna go right here and let's say broadcasts when a user connects so for this we're actually going to do socket and instead of just dot emit we're gonna say broadcast e dot e met now the difference between socket dot e MIT and broadcasting MIT this will actually emit to everybody except the user that's connecting we don't need to notify the user that's connecting that they're connecting this will emit to just the single user or a single client that's connecting and then if you want to broadcast to everybody like you would when we send a message you would do IO dot emit ok so there's basically three ways to do it this is to the the client the single client this is to all of the clients except the client that's connecting this is to all the clients in general alright so we want a broadcast when a user connects so this is going to be message and the message is going to be a user has joined the chat and later on we'll have actual user names now at the same time when there's a can act so down here let's say this runs when client disconnects and then we just want to say socket dot on disconnect I know it's a little weird that like this is inside of the connection but it has to be you don't want to have this outside of it so on disconnect then we're gonna have a function I'm just going to use an arrow function and I want to then emit to everyone that the user has left the chat so we're gonna do io dot emit meaning let everyone know and we want to emit message and we'll say a user has left the chat all right so this here let's just say welcome current user and we don't actually need this console.log anymore okay so with all of these we're emitting message which we're catching here so it should log all this stuff so I'm gonna go ahead and reload here and I'm gonna take localhost 3000 and go to a new tab and this really doesn't matter this is just gonna bring us to chat HTML so we'll go ahead and join and then over here in the console you'll see a user has joined the chat if I either leave room which will just bring me back to the form you know the join or close the tab you'll see now a user has left the chat so those broadcasts are working correctly now the next thing I want to do is implement this messaging so if we type something in here and send we want to we want to then emit that to the server and then have it sent back so we can put it into the Dom so let's go to our main j/s and we need to somehow access that form so let's create a variable called chat form and bring in that Dom element so document dot get element by ID and that form has an ID of chat form so if we look at chat HTML where is it right here form ID chat form so we want to basically create an event listener for the submission of that form so we'll say message submit and we'll take chat form and add an event listener we want to listen for a submit and then that's going to take in and function I'm going to use an arrow function and we want to pass in the event parameter here because when you submit a form it automatically just submits to a file and we don't we want to stop that from happening so we can use a dot prevent default which will prevent the default behavior and then we need to get the text input and we could do that a few ways we could grab it from the Dom but I think a neater way to do it is to let's just call this message we can take a dot target okay so that will give us the current element and we have access to elements and then we want msg so basically we're getting it by its ID which if we look at chat HTML has this idea of msg so we're getting that but we do want the value so we have to do dot value and then what we'll do is console log msg so now when we submit the form it should get the message from the text input and then just log it on the client side we're not yet dealing with you know submitting it to the server or anything but let's just try that out so reload type something in send and it logs now instead of console logging we don't want to do that we want to sock it dot emit okay so we're gonna emit and we're gonna give this a name of chat message and we're gonna send that message as the payload okay so I'll put a comment here so we're emit emitting a message to the server see here we'll just say get message text all right so now on the server side let's go to the server j s and we emitted chat message so now we basically have to catch that so within this connection here let's say listen for chat message and the way we do that is with socket dot on so on chat message then we're going to have a function an arrow function with message as parameter that we can have access to and I'll console.log that on the server side so now when I send a message it should log down here on the server right so let's reload this and just type something in and send and if we look down in vs code and the terminal it's logging on the server now what we want to do is is emit this back to the client right so we want it to admit to everybody so we use IO dot emit and we want to emit as message just like everything else that we've done and send the message so now it should log it should call this because it's on message it'll get it as the as the argument and then we're console logging it all right so let's reload type something in send and it logs here now obviously we don't want to just log this I mean that's stupid we want to output it here right so we're gonna have to do a little bit of Dom manipulation now you could use some kind of template engine like handlebars or mustache you could also use a front-end framework like react or something but we're doing this all vanilla JavaScript what we'll do is we'll have a function called output message and we'll pass in the message so obviously we have to let's put a comment here so this is message server and then down here let's create let's say output message to Dom so function output message which takes in a message now we have to do a little bit of Dom manipulation here so I'm going to create a div and we'll set this to document dot create element which does just that we're going to create a div we want to add a class to it because if we look at the format of the messages so we have a wrapper or is it of chat messages and then each message has a div with the class of message and then inside that we have two paragraphs for the meta and the text so we want to add this message class so let's do that let's take the div and say class list which will give us all the classes but we want to add on to that the class of message and then we want to take that div and we want to set the inner HTML equal to some backticks and if we look in the HTML again the two paragraphs we can just copy this paste that in there now we don't have access to a name or time or anything but remember we do have the message so we can replace that with message and then the last thing we need to do since we already have everything created is put it into the Dom so we'll say document dot get element by D and let's grab the or actually we don't have an ID do we we want basically we want to take this chap messages right here which is a class so let's actually use query selector and we want to select the class of chat messages which is the container and then we want to append child and append the div okay so whenever we create a message it should add a new div to this chat messages so let's try this out it should work so I'll reload and we automatically we get welcome to chat chord because that's sent from the server right away when we join right so up here we catch it we're logging it and then we're setting it to this output message which then puts it into the Dom now at the same time when a user joins or leaves or we send a message it all gets emitted as message so all of these are getting caught right here right and it's gonna hopefully it's gonna run this so if I put something in here like hello and send there we go now it's always gonna say Brad this and the time this is hard-coded right now but we're gonna fix that in a little bit if I open up a new tab and join we should see a user joined okay so if I go over here we see a user has joined the chat if I leave a user has left now at the moment it doesn't matter which room I join even if I join PHP it's still gonna say you know a user has joined but we'll fix that in a little bit now one thing I want to do are a couple small things I want to do is when we add a message see how it does get added but it doesn't automatically bring us down so we can see it I want to add that which is simple just one line of code I also want to clear this and focus on to it after submission so that's really easy we're just going to go to our front-end JavaScript our main j/s and let's see whatever we want to do this for the scroll let's go right into it every time we get a message we want to scroll down so I'm gonna actually going to bring in from the dom the chat messages div so that's a document dot and what is it a class yeah so we'll do query selector class chat messages and then down here to do this we can simply take the chat messages and set the scroll top property to whatever the chat message is scroll height is and that should automatically do that scroll thing so let's check it out so if I reload and send so now you can see I'm always at the bottom even if I go up here if I send it brings me right down to the bottom now another thing I want to do like I said I want to clear out the input so after we eat chat message to the server let's go ahead and clear in our input so we'll take a dot target dot elements dot message and set the value to nothing and then we'll also just focus on it by calling the focus method so now if I reload here and I say hello and I send it goes away and it focuses on the empty input which is what I want all right so all that's working great so now let's move on to let's see what do we want to move on to I think we're ready to start doing like users and in rooms because right now we have the just the message stuff shut setup actually you know what let's format the message cuz right now it's just a string it's always just a single string I want it to be an object with a time ultimately we want the user and stuff like that so let's go to server J s and everywhere where we send a string here I want to wrap it in a format message function so I'm going to create in the root here a folder called utils and in utils we're gonna create let's call this message or messages j s and in this messages dot J ass I'm just going to create a function called format message oops format message as a function and it's going to take in two things a username and the text message and from that we want to return an object with the username so that's just like doing this with es6 we can just put in just the username tax same thing and then I also want to add the time which I'm gonna get from that moment J s library that we installed so let's say Const moment equals require moment and this is really easy to work with if we want today's or right now like this date and time right now we can just use moment dot format although that's not going to look too good so we can actually put some stuff in here all I want is the time so our : minutes and then a.m. or p.m. and that's it we just need to export this so module dot exports equals format message and then we can bring that into our server J ass and use it so up here it's a Const format message equals require we want to go to utils slash messages now everywhere that we sent that we send a message we actually want to instead of just sending a string we want to send format message with a username now this stuff here like the welcome let's just make sure we add our ending parenthesis everything that is like a welcome or user join the chat that's going to be from the chat cord bot or whatever you want to call it you could call it admin or whatever and since I'm going to use this in so many places I'm going to actually create a variable called bot name and we'll put that right up here Const bot name equals Jack cord bot so we're passing in the user name in the message again we're calling this function username and mold I should say text the whole thing is the message that's just the text okay so hopefully that makes sense now I'm going to just copy this and we want to do the same thing here so let's see bot name and then add the closing parenthesis and then we don't want to let's see let's do this disconnect okay so bought name close that and then this here where we're actually taking the message from a user we're not going to be using bought name so what I'll do is for now let's wrap that for now let's just say user that's going to be replaced later on so if we save this let's go back and reload now notice what we're getting back from the server now an object with username which is Jack korte bought in this case text and time okay now in here we're now seeing just an object because it's this is no longer just a string it's an object so these two we can ignore in fact we can get rid of those if we go to our template right here just get rid of these two hard coded messages so that it's just an empty div an empty chat messages div that way we don't have to deal with those two phony messages so in order for this to show the text we need to go to our main J s and go down to the output message and this is now an object right it's no longer a string so we want the text property from that also we can get the time now so we can set this to message dot time okay the user actually you know we have the user that's right so we'll set this to message dot user is it username let's see yeah username all right so let's save that and go back and reload and there we go so chat cord bought 333 p.m. which is the correct time and the message text and if I say hello of course right now it just says user because we don't have that functionality yet but if I go to you know different here room doesn't matter yet but if I go back over we'll see from the chat cord bought a user has joined the chat alright awesome so now we want to start to implement users and rooms so the way that this is going to work if I leave the room and I type in something here and join notice that we have the username up we have some query strings with the username and the room so that's ultimately where this is coming from and we want to grab these somehow now there's a library called Q s or query string that we can use to grab these values so let's close that up and let's search for Q s CDN so this link right here I'm gonna grab the minified version so just copy script tag and we want to put that in our chat HTML right above our socket IO library script so now we have access to this query string library and the way that we can get those values is is actually pretty easy so up here at the top let's go right here let's say get username and rum from URL so we'll say Const and we can use destructuring to get the username and the room and we can get that from the cue s library from a method called parse and we want to we can get the the URL with location dot search window dot location dot search and we just want to add in an option here because we don't want to get the symbols or that I should say the the characters like the ampersand and the question mark so there's an option that we can use here called ignore query prefix and we want to set that to true we want to ignore that now just to show you that we can get these let's just log both of those and now if I go back and enter the chat you'll see it's logging Brad and JavaScript so now we have access to these so now let's emit an event to the server with these two things in it so instead of console logging here actually let's just get rid of that we want to go under the socket and let's say join chatroom so go ahead and Annie MIT an event called join room and we'll go ahead and send an object with the username and the room now we can catch this on the server side so let's go to to our server j/s and we'll just do just go right to the top of that where this connection is let's see yeah so basically we have to go right here and say socket dot on join room let's see join room and then that takes in an object with username and ROM and this is going to be an arrow function now since we're using rooms from this point on this welcome and stuff like that the welcome in this broadcast is actually going to go inside the join room so we're gonna go ahead and just cut that yeah cut that and paste that in here I actually want the disconnect at the end so I'm gonna put that under this chat message okay now so we're welcoming the user to the room we need to join the room because right now we haven't done that yet we're just responding to this event so we need to actually create a user so what we'll do here is actually before we do anything let's create a new file in utils called users dot J s and anything to do with users will go in here so join when they leave if we want to get all the users in a room stuff like that so we'll have our state which will just be an array and obviously you could connect up a database if you wanted to but we're just keep basically keeping everything in memory so join user to chat so let's say function user join which is basically just going to add a user to the array and return it so in here it's going to have an ID every user needs an unique ID a username and a room so we want to create user from the stuff that's passed in so an object of ID username and room and then we want to add to the array so we'll take the users array and push onto it that user okay and then ultimately return that user now at the same time I'm going to create another function to get the current user so let's create a function called get current user and get the user by its ID and we're just returning the array and we'll use the find method which is a high order array method takes in a narrow function so for each user we're going to pick out the user where the ID is equal to the ID that's passed in here now we need to just export these so module dot exports user join and also get current user so now we can bring this into our server j/s so bring in from utils users and bringing in a few things so we need curly braces we want user join and also get current user now back down here or we have this this join rum say yeah Cho join room so we need to actually join so we have this room functionality with socket dot i/o so we can do that with socket join now I could join I could hard code like JavaScript or something but we want whatever room that the user joins which ultimately comes from the URL so let's set a variable of user here to user join okay so this user join takes in an ID a username and a room now we already have the username in the room coming from here so paste that in the ID however I'm gonna use the idea of the socket so socket dot ID okay so that comes from here that's gonna be the user's ID and then we want to join the user dot room okay hopefully that makes sense now this is fine the welcome message however when we broadcast it's going to be to the room so we actually need to do broadcast dot two like this dot e met and then put in the user dot room so this is how you can omit to a specific room so let's save that and let's see I guess we could try this out well one thing we could do here is instead of a user has joined a chat we now have access to the user username so we can replace let's replace this these with backticks and let's say user dot username has joined the chat alright so let's try that out I'm gonna go back here and say Brad join JavaScript okay if I say hello so this still says user but we'll fix that but what I do want to try is opening another tab and making sure that we have room functionality as far as like telling us they join the chat so if I do Kevin into JavaScript we get Kevin has joined the chat if Kevin leaves keV we still have a user has will fix that but might what I really want to test is if Kevin goes into PHP to make sure that it doesn't say anything over here which it doesn't so that's good all right so now let's what do we want to do next let's deal with the messaging because right now like I just showed you it just says user so back here let's go down to where we're doing this listen for a chat message and remember we have that get current user method we created we're going to use that here so we're gonna set the user to get current user and pass in the socket ID to get that user now just like we did above we want to do I Oh dot and then to and then the room dot emits so it'll be user dot room or else we'll just omit to every room and now we can replace this with user dot username in the message so now if we go back and reload and I try to send a message here now it gives me my name right here alright so messages are nicely formatted with the name the time and next and it's only being sent to this room alright now we want to do the same with like when the user leaves the chat because right now it's just gonna say a user has left the chat I don't know why I keep clicking over there so in our users j/s we're gonna have a couple more a couple more functions so let's do user leaves chat so function function user leave we need the ID of the user and basically we need to remove the user from the array so I'm gonna just there's a lot of ways you could do this but we're gonna set an index and use users which is the array dot find index and we want to say for each user we want to find where the user dot ID is equal to the ID that's passed in that'll give us the index then we want to check to see if the index is not equal to negative one because the way this works is if it finds it it returns it if not it returns a negative one so if not index then we want to return the users array without that user and we can do that by using splice so we're gonna splice it out by the index and we're splicing one we're taking out one and returning it okay so that's user leave and then the last function is going to be to get rum users so let's say function get from users and obviously we need the room and we can this is pretty simple we can just use filter so we can say for the users array we want to filter through and we want to say for each user we want to return only if the user rum is equal to the room that's passed in all right and then we just need to export those so user leave user leave and get rum users and then bring those into server J ass up here alright cool so let's see in the disconnect right here so when we disconnect we want to run that users leave right so let's set and we need to know which users are left so let's set user to user leave and pass in the socket ID to get that user and then check for the user and if that user exists then we want to do this so we can actually just move this up into here except we want to do I Oh dot to the user dot room and we want to omit and then we want to say the users actual name here so let's turn these into backticks and let's say use our dot username has left the chat all right now that should work I mean we can test that out real quick so if I open up another tab okay join so we should see over here John is join the chat and if I leave oops that didn't work leave okay so it's not doing left the chat so I must have messed something up here so disconnect con Ceaser user leave IO dot to the user room were emitting a message formatting it so this didn't even let's see I mess something up here user leave user leave ID users find index the user ID is equal to ID the index if it's not equal to negative one then we're gonna owe so instead of returning the entire array we just want to return the user so we need to just put in the zero index all right so let's actually try that again so you know what's a second John has joined the chat let's leave John has left the jack alright so cool so now we want to work on this stuff over here the sidebar we need this this info right so in server j/s we have our connection we have our join rum let's go to the bottom after the broadcasts where someone has joined the chat let's send users and rum info so by to do this we'll do I owe dot to the user dot rum dot amit and we're gonna emit will call this room users okay and then what we want to send is an object with the rum so you use our dot room and we also want to send all the users in the room so remember that get user what does it get rum users and then just pass in user dot room so that will send it all we also want to send it when they disconnect because there's going to be a list of users in the sidebar and if someone disconnects then we want to automatically take that user away so down in disconnect in this if statement right here right after the left the chat we want to do the same thing okay so we'll save that and now let's go to our front-end JavaScript's we want to go to main je s and we have a few things to do here so let's say get rum and users so socket dot on and we call that rum users and we're gonna have a function with whatever with the data we pass which was room and users so we have a narrow function now we need to output this stuff so we're going to have a couple more Dom related functions one will be output rum name where we pass in rum and then we'll have users so outputs users like that okay now we need to create these two functions so let's go down here add rum name to Dom function output rum name so this is uh this is gonna be pretty easy if we look in chat HTML where we have the room name right now it's hard-coded right here we can actually get rid of that JavaScript so it has an idea of room name and then the UL has an idea of users we can get rid of these hard-coded users so those are the two elements that we want to bring in and then add the data to or output the data to so before we continue here let's just bring those two in so we'll say Const room name equals document ODS I think it's an ID of room name in the same thing for our users which is a ul so this I'm gonna call user list all right and then down here the room name is pretty simple it's just an h2 so we can take room name which we just brought in and just set the inner text set that equal to whoops we just want to set it equal to the wrong all right and then let's create let's say add users to Dom function output users takes in the users now before we do the users let's just check the room name so we have JavaScript T I'm just gonna leave the room and join a different one Python and now it says Python now for the users it's a little more difficult because it's an array and there's a lot of different ways we could do this we could you know set an output variable do a for each and all that but an easy way to do this is to take the user list which is the UL that we brought in set the inner HTML equal to some backticks and inside here we can take since this is a template string we're going to need to use this syntax say users dot map okay so we're mapping through the array and say for each user we want to output a string with Li and then in here we want the user dot username now in order for this to work we actually have to tack on the join method because it's an array and save and that should actually do it so if I reload there we go we have Brad so let's just try this Sajak join JavaScript and wait a minute you know what let me just leave let's start over here so just double check this user list Oh so for the join we need to put in just double quotes here so join we're just turning in array into a string and outputting it yeah so let's try this again so Brad joins JavaScript is put over here and then jack joins javascript and Brad's already in here good over here we get Jack has joined the chat and he gets put here cool so if I put something in here hello Jack should see it over here good so if I leave the room and let's say Jack joins Python our PHP now Brad isn't in here anymore because we're not in the same room and that doesn't show up over here perfect so this is working really good so I think that that should do it now of course you could add on to this in fact I would encourage that if you want to integrate MongoDB or some kind of you know SQL database or whatever and store the users and basically have them log in to join the chat you could do that I might actually do something with this at a database maybe integrate electron and make it into a desktop app so yeah so expect to see something added on to this application but that's it guys thank you so much for watching and I hope everybody is is keeping safe and not going nuts I know this is a crazy time I just wanted to create some kind of project to at least take your mind off things for a little while and you know just focus on something else but that's it thank you for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Traversy Media
Views: 489,601
Rating: 4.9710894 out of 5
Keywords: websockets,, node, nodejs, express, javascript, chat app
Id: jD7FnbI76Hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 45sec (3525 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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