Really Expensive VS Dirt Cheap Disc Golf Bag Challenge!

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what is good foundation nation and welcome to the bougie vers broke disc golf [Music] challenge how this is going to work is one bag um how do we decide who had what bag I just wanted to use the PO one Trevor wanted the cheap bag so Trevor has The Cheat bag made up basically exclusively of DX it is all DX there might be a couple like dline but so basically just a bunch of discs you can get for like n bucks or if you got them in the Ed section or five for like yeah really cheap versus the cheapest disc in my bag is probably like this crat would be 20 so yeah probably that might be the cheapest this $20 is probably the minimum price mine's all premium all expensive all custom stamp stuff T Series matter I'm going to beat you money money money you're spending on your Frisbee frisbee frisbee making your game go better better better call it heads me yeah I'm going to go with my pd2 I'm actually putting this disc in my bag this basket keeps getting shorter I think it's sinking oh it definitely is oh my gosh yeah it is sinking well also there's weeds around it that kind grow up all right pd2 reinvented reinvent your game they did short way short a little short Trevor short not way short so it's my DX shark every every disc I've got it was a little short it wasn't way short this one looks like it got bit by a dark uh it feels light I think it's going to flip real nice it did flip yeah it's a beautiful flight look at that also kind of short but not bad not bad all right my putter of choice today is going to be the Kratos oh I missed the left all right money can't buy you Strokes unfortunately money can't buy you Strokes we'll see about that bet you don't know nothing about the D ringer oh come on actually I do know about it it's a freaking good disc a just couldn't ring it up that's you you like that proud of that yep hole two 229 ft par three going with my bang Zone here short I think it was a pretty good shot what do you know about my DX Gator not anything yet you haven't thrown it yeah come on I'm nervous it's not going to be stable but it should I will be go so straight yeah I've got I got three different Gators in my bag all different stages of wear any we making this yeah really thank you for your boot of confidence dude you see if you didn't hit that limb that's what it was going good yeah yeah was probably hey it's those expensive discs yeah they just find the basket they do it's not fair all right we got 250t par three here I'm going go with my halo star Thunderbird all right not great what do you mean Trevor what do you mean what would be great in your eyes just check out this dxt bird 3 real quick that's so good oh my gosh that's great that's great hey go dang it dude just got a spin putt Trev get on the spin putt train okay I'm going to be a spin putter you that a contract no come on it was just a bit I'm not going to I'm not signing any of your little contracts all right hole four par three 354 ft I'm going to try out the new page Pierce Drive haven't had a chance to throw this yet but it feels like it be right up my alley yeah wow that's great you're wasting all your golf right now that thing needs to go in my bag that disc is sick holy cow what do you have how about a DX Katana oh oh no that's all I can afford are you poor shaming me no I would never I didn't think so maybe you need to trade some of those DX discs in for like one premum trade like your whole bag no that's all I could afford that's all I could afford you have like 30 of them in there it's all I could afford I mean 30 this does equal quite a few premium if you think about it that's all I could afford it's all they actually sell in my area oh oh not from here little headwind no problem for the DX kadana oh my God yeah yeah oh that's OB unfortunately oh it is OB and Beyond here I think I'm going to go to my DX Dart here try to get up and down that's a really good Dr I crush it think you crushed it H that basket I think it happened to be on this hole but that basket looked way further away than it is we're going to AVR switching Putters ni up oh dude Hunter's so good right now with the putts I don't know when you're going to get on the spin putting train Hunter I'd like to remind you that recently I did a live stream where I spin putt for 9 hours straight 9 hours what that's what got me here that and what did I learn during that stream I'm not good at that 2000 puts yeah out of 10,000 we got another Power three here pretty long uh just chilling out there on the edge of OB it's been a while since I said just chilling out there felt right yeah I'm going to go with the sky Stone pd2 a little more Dy I'm going to try to crank it out there flat and let it do the work and by that I mean I'm probably just going to throw a spike Heiser he I trusted it I'm proud of myself there it's really short but I I trusted a disc you see what the this I can't afford the faster speed disc the best I can do is this eight didn't you just throw a katana huh it's like a 13 I don't remember what you're talking about great shot though that's kind of pretty of course bloop blop by the tree bloop blop DX Dart new putter oh oh feels good to like actually hear the basket after throwing a put it's usually not what I get congratulations thank you wow he's got a spin putt tra 268 ft par three throwing the uh Eagle Envy as of the filming of this he tees off at Champions Cup in like 3 hours score prediction Tri they're going to already know what eagle shot today they're going to know what eagle shot for the whole tournament uh right what this come out next week two two you think two under for the tournament or today today so what do you think for the tournament Eagle man finish the tournament at 13 under 13 under you know what I think Eagle I think Eagle could get in this thing I'm going to say he gets to 18 under Eagle McMahon 18 under for the tournament you know you already know if we were close or not number two in the world right right yeah currently I think hasn't played in like 6 months I'm going to do a can open right into that Lagoon it looks nice doesn't it yeah break my back I mean this this just this this little cutout right here wasn't there like 6 months ago like this course is gone in just a little bit you really want some entertainment go back to an old video of ours here and watch that thing progressively tree at one point was just on grass really yeah wow like it wasn't all the way down in there little bit I should have reached for pro Banger GT putter you should be throwing your high with your Gator I do that disc I'm trying to trying to taste a little bit of everything diversify that makes sense this would be fun beautiful so short so short I tried so hard to throw it good syus but in the end it doesn't even matter oh no Brody what' he do all right Hunter just Hunter keeps begging me so I'm going to spin putt let's go TR let's go take a chain and just spin it through it that is what 90% of my spin putts will do I will yank them even more than I do normally I really wanted that to go in cuz we could have been the spin putt Bros o I can't like I will my Miss is already right I'll do it way more if I spin the disc oh no dang it I can't even I can't even just miss and kick straight down to the ground it's got to do that boo hoooo gosh make this butt trying my best there there it is that was nice was that a spin oh 3 6ot par three here I'm going to try the grace out I'm trying to throw most discs in my bag so the grace hasn't been thrown yet throw higher flip see how much it flips SLI a little bit flip more all right it's my chance I'm have to be like a 45 footer I think I stepped off the tead I don't really know what I just did think this DX box is beat in and it weighs about 120 g but it should be overstable because the flight numbers right that was actually so good wow that was sick God that was a cool that was sick I pulled it right hold dang here's my [Music] chance that was my opportunity what I think I like the most about my spin putt what do you like is I feel like within like this range here where we like I used to this was very nervy range for me when I was like doing my whole routine but like if I just pull it to my chest and just spin it like it's going in like it just get there yeah I can't relate sorry I cannot relate to that all right both at threes there 270t par three here downhill tricky go back to my Envy that's fine what I know on this hole that should be good yeah cuz every time I think I'm deep it's great and every time I think I'm short it's good and I felt deep got to go to Old Reliable here the X Stratus a real throwback probably my most premium disc cuz it's X plastic wow she's gorgeous hey what a throw dude am I just a flippy guy you're a flippy guy H thank you sir I'm getting back in I'm getting back in oh that was spin I would call it and my putts back on too oh my gosh oh my I don't understand how I was just 20 ft short I felt like I threw it deep in the basket and I thought Trevor threw it really deep in the basket that hole needs to be like this is like the longest 270 in the world here's what we need to do though is like when we play that hole we just need to like well whenever we're using our own bags we need to stick to the same exact shot and try to like be like okay I know it's a 30° heer at 85% I'm going to start on the te trying to get to the portapotty and just see what where I end up you're probably going to get to the porta potty you think yeah I like DX Valk here on the Hiser flip oo you are a Hiser flip kind of guy right that's kind of why yeah I think low effort Hiser flip disc hopefully it flips oh it's not F enough stable good oh good kick not I had a feeling that one didn't feel beat in enough and I was right there I'm going to go with my cward Allen Tour series pipeline here little forehand Ser T that's oh oh wow I to hit that tree and get through the probably the extra money you paid on the disc that makes sense oh almost I'm getting a little dangerous right now starting to feel a little dangerous oh no falling apart everything's falling apart I'm just more frustrated cuz I felt like I I'm starting to can jam a little from like 10 ft in I'm starting to can jam right now like I had a chance to go with a really good Round Here we don't do that around here buddy no I'm just I'm cooling off I'm cooling off we do not do that around here all right 15 dog leg right got to go with my overstable just the most overstable I could get my hands on T three might be moreable no this this thing isn't flipped over I didn't throw it hard enough okay just get no go down there oh it is rolling down oh nice okay and it's slid okay as long as you get to the bottom of the hill it's a par you just can't stay on the side of Hill go with my moondust usdgc Toro you also fluff call us the fluff Brothers got to the bottom of the hill really short though oh that was great thank no stop doing that to him oh it was it's parked no oh not [Laughter] good you got this one oh thanks you're welcome yep whole 16 har3 231 ft going with my glory here glorious see no you for never mind would you dang dude he just I didn't mean it like that man you like to bring up old times huh I thought you I old memories here you go here's Glory how did I get wow it skip it skipped heck of far good or bad towards the basket but I think it's I think it's just right I think this is a really good hole for the katana actually I was going to throw it about 22% so if you so just say you throw this good you putting that in your bag right if I birdie yeah yeah okay dang mess that up purposely nope don't have to oh let's see I haven't pulled this one out yet this is a Discraft X clone driver from the90s I had to have this one pass down to me that's why I got it I didn't buy this are you a driver from the 9s um yeah can't say I am that's kind of nice yeah oh I've went cold H you cooled off I went nice cold you changed dude I did this is a new Shadle what you think love it yep I like it like I'm M loving it b b b Bop it's spinner I don't like that e dude you're changing the sport I like it probably because the way it hurts more and I don't like the way it feels it I feel like it stops you pulling right though maybe I don't think you could pull right it's a brace yeah well maybe I could just put like that's the basket I'll just do this my arm can't go back that way hold on a second you're on to something I might be on to something all right 350t par 4 here Eagle B I'm going to go with the page Pierce Drive I think it's perfect for this hole throw it on some high and try to get it up there I like that wow looks phenomenal yeah I think that could be good whatever back to the boss just going to give it height and Heiser and get it there show him his boss I'm really going to try and get it there here this is going to be aggressive oh no goodness gracious come back oh it's com back came out of it sick MTA I actually went surprisingly far no not it might be the road I might I I agree with Hunter Hunter dude yeah I agree with how want you going to bet then I'm not betting BET right now I'm not BET right now sa BET right now nah I think pass there he is all the way out yonder oh no that's now it's in the rad big Trev oh he's hot he's hot hot he's hot I fluffed it again but it went in that time it went in that time hey it went in the basket all that matters in the basket minus [Applause] two good shot that's for a single bogey I don't know freaking out well Hunter did just take an eagle I'm just well I know something Hunter doesn't know I know a trick that he doesn't know what's that I don't so you would say that you just lied yeah the Ops coming through that yeah those are the Ops all 18 par three breaking out the Chris Dickerson zlex look at that thing D where where is even get Ace here my goal got stock options my goal is to throw a Heiser into the hill and try to get a flat skip up into the basket I didn't do it oh go got bodied I don't know what happened I don't went Pi Stratus i ace can I win sure if you win thank goodness man that was the trick I was telling you about the trick I had up my sleeve so you lied to me cuz I'm going to ace yeah I double crossed Triple Crossed a lot of Crossing going on crossovers nope not today big boy turn oh oh oh you almost AC that Creek didn't quite Treasure Island that's what they call it Trevor Island Trevor Island I hear by it declare this not Island Trevor Island Trevor Island from here then therefor forth no Hunters allowed on Trevor's island lands here 20 penalty strokes and he will be immediately evicted o to the tunnel oh not the tunnel yeah if you want to start claiming land now might be a good time cuz I got some pretty sick real estate with a pool e ring what where did my go oh it fell oh that's this what up there I got nothing over here got an nope not even one of them I got an Island by definition what I have here an island not really didn't make you with your precious [Music] oh man oh that just hurt my feelings this hurts a lot I wouldn't recommend it I feel like I could fall in either direction but it is my best putt one for one that's a stroke right how many strokes is that you can give me one no how many you hit me once by the rules I thinkk one if you intentionally getting away with my disc I think they're probably you intentionally threw it to me no I think you just I think you could see by the look on my face though that that was not intentional no your what do you mean your Li is right here you caught it there's your lie how do we ever know could have banked off that tree and in this guy's good he's good he's a good games Tripper all right ladies and gents so I think that proves the more expensive bag you can buy strokes but look look okay enough joking around this are getting kind of pricey in the general scheme of things which can make it scary to try out new discs right I got a full bag full of new plastic right in this video that's fun but what if they don't fly the way I want them to what if they're scar like what if that pd2 end up being flippy or this Eagle disc is nowhere near as over I poo exactly well I got good news for you if you live in the United States of America you can shop at foundation and any disc purchase you make is automatically included has Foundation care automatically included with it meaning you can try these discs out for 30 days use them abuse them do whatever you want with them and if it doesn't fly the way that you want it to you just go over to the site scroll to the bottom fill out a form we'll send you a shipping label you ship it back to us and we ship you one that you know you love so what if I don't have a computer use your phone real I mean actually you can come in our store at Lynchburg location there you go if you don't have a computer you probably live in Lynchburg and you come to our store that's right cuz we you know us around here stupid hate computers and we are dumb no we're smart we hate computers though yeah yeah Geniuses we would never build an online business yeah or create social content yeah ever we always use it do use our tagachi for that all right we'll see you next one [Music]
Channel: Foundation Disc Golf
Views: 81,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Disc Golf, Foundation Disc Golf, Foundation Discs, disc, sports, Paul McBeth, Brodie Smith, brodiesmith21, Darkhorse, McBeast, McBeth, Frisbee Golf, Frisbee
Id: LK0p5EDt4Is
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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