Reality of Savarkar and Subash Chandra Bose | Partition 1947 | Dhruv Rathee

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Hello, friends! What was the exact reason behind India and Pakistan's partition? What was the reason that after the 1920s the divide between the Hindus and Muslims kept on increasing? What role did Savarkar, Jinnah, Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and Mahatma Gandhi had in it? Come, let's find out in today's video. "India was a newly created free nation. With the second-largest population in the world. A country, potentially capable of assuming leadership of the far east. Its independence from the British who ruled India for nearly 200 years, have been won only after a long and bitter struggle." "Britain's departure brought glee. Partition would bring horror." I told you the story from the 1800s to the 1920s in the last video on Partition. In this video, I will focus on the 1920s to 1947. In case you haven't watched the last video, the link will be in the description below. The conclusion of that was basically that by the 1920s, riots between the Hindus and Muslims had become commonplace. Before that, religious riots weren't common. And among some specific sections of Muslims, a feeling of Islamic nationalism was taking root. They felt endangered. And a similar feeling was sprouting among some specific Hindus. That the Hindus were in danger. Come, let's investigate this feeling of Hindu nationalism. Vinayak Damodar Savarkar. A major figure of Hindu nationalism. He had popularised the word 'Hindutva.' People have a very black-and-white opinion regarding Savarkar. People either like him a lot. Or they hate him fervently. But the reality depends on this, friends, Which phase of his life are you seeing? In the beginning, like Jinnah, Savarkar was also a patriot. With his brother Ganesh, he had founded the Abhinav Bharat Society. He had also written a book on the 1857 revolt. And had translated some of the works of the Italian revolutionary Mazzini. He had met with Russian revolutionary Lenin. And like Jinnah, he had protested the Morley-Minto reforms. Against giving separate communal electorates to Muslims. His protest was quite violent. He had provoked Madan Lal Dhingra into assassinating a British officer. And had supplied a pistol to Anant Laxman to assassinate the collector of Nasik. But he was caught. The British arrested him for violent crimes. And like the other revolutionaries of the time, he was also sentenced to Kaala Pani. He was given 2 life sentences as he had committed 2 crimes. Savarkar had spent only a few months in jail when his courage failed him. And he submitted his first mercy petition to the British. In the next 10 years, he had written 6 mercy petitions. His family had also submitted 2 mercy petitions. In his petition, he had written that he is the son of the British Government. And he promised that he would stop all his activities against the British. Because of these mercy petitions, Savarkar and his brother were released from Kaala Pani. And were put in the Ratnagiri jail in 1921. He remained there till 1924. After that, he was released from there as well. Some people believe that his mercy petitions were a technique to come out of the jail and continue his protest against the British. But in reality, he didn't do this. The promise he had made to the British of never protesting against the British, he had kept that promise. In 1923 he had written the book 'Essentials of Hindutva.' Savarkar was a self-declared atheist. For him, 'Hindutva' was a political ideology. Not religious. He was a fanboy of Hitler. Where Nazism talked about the pure Aryan-German blood, in Hindutva, Savarkar talked about pure Hindu blood. For him, in the definition of Hindus, Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists were all Hindus. While the Muslims and Christians were left out. In his opinion, what exactly was Hindutva? We'll talk about that in some other video. If I talk about it now, we'd get diverted from the original topic. Let's move on with today's topic. It is relevant in this video so that you can understand the difference among Hindu nationalism, Muslim nationalism, and Indian nationalism. On one hand, were the personalities like Savarkar, who believed in the Hindutva ideology. In its contrast, were people like Bal Gangadhar Tilak. Tilak was also a Hindu and a socially conservative man. For several matters, he was really conservative. Like, he opposed schools for girls. He also opposed increasing the marriage age of girls from 10 to 12. But despite being conservative, Tilak was among the people whose nationalist ideology believed in inclusiveness. He believed in bringing people together. Instead of dividing people in the name of religion. "Religion can be different. But a person doesn't become an outsider just because his religion is different. The King of Ahmednagar, came to this country and settled here. He wanted the local industries to grow. Being fair or dark is not an indicator either. Even if someone is a Muslim or is from England, if he works for the good of the people of this country, he is not an outsider. Perhaps, for his prayers he may not go to the same place I go to. Perhaps there is no inter-marriage or inter-dining between us. It is irrelevant. If he is standing up for India, he is not an outsider. Do you know who is an outsider? This government is the outsider." "This government is alien." One of the closest associates of Bal Gangadhar Tilak, was actually, Mohammad Ali Jinnah. He had helped Tilak to fight several cases of sedition. While the credit of the Indian Nationalist Movement against the British often goes to Mahatma Gandhi, but in reality, Tilak had started the Indian Nationalist Movement before Gandhi. That's why he is also known as the Father of Indian Unrest. In 1905 he launched the Swadeshi movement, and took out processions opposing the partition of Bengal. After this, in 1915, Mahatma Gandhi returned to India when he joined the freedom struggle movement. By then, Tilak was almost 60 years old. So Gandhi became the new face of Indian Nationalism. Gandhi was later joined by Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Patel, Maulana Azad, Subhas Chandra Bose, C Rajagopalachari, Lal Bahadur Shastri, Jay Prakash Narayan and Bhagat Singh. These people believed in different ideologies in several regards. But one thing that was common in their ideologies was that they did not believe in dividing people in the name of religion. They believed in inclusiveness. When Subhash Chandra Bose became the President of the Congress, he imposed a condition on the membership of Congress. Any person who was a member of the Hindu Mahasabha, or the Muslim League, could not become a member of the Congress. Bhagat Singh, in the manifesto of Naujawan Bharat Sabha, had also imposed a similar condition That any person affiliated with any communal organization, could not take the membership of his association. Like Bhagat Singh, Ramprasad Bismil, Ashfaqullah Khan, Chandra Shekhar Azad were all Indian nationalists. Not Hindu nationalists or Muslim nationalists. Here, you might be wondering something. It's known that Bhagat Singh was an Atheist, but what about Tilak, Gandhi and Subhash Chandra Bose? They considered themselves to be Hindus. And were Indian nationalists as well. Were they not Hindu nationalists? For this reason, friends, it is imperative to create a differentiation here. Between Hindu Nationalist and Nationalist Hindu. Hindu nationalists were people like Savarkar who believed the Hindu nation to be their priority. And excluded other religions. On the other hand, were people like Tilak, Gandhi and Bose who were nationalist Hindus. Hindus that believed in nationalism but didn't believe other religions to be inferior. Didn't create divisions between the religions. For these nationalist Hindus, Hinduism meant tolerance, unity and brotherhood. You might think this is a weird definition. But I'm not making this up. This terminology is used in several places across the world. Whenever you see the news reports about Jewish Nationalists. It often addresses those people that consider their religion to be more important than their country. Who believe that their country should be identified by religion. It is the same thing with the Muslim nationalists. Before independence, several members of the Muslim League were Muslim nationalists. Like Rahmat Ali in the 1930s. Suhrawardy. And after the 1930s, Jinnah had also become a Muslim nationalist. On the other hand, there were nationalist Muslims as well. Like Maulana Azad and Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan. Who believed that the country comes before religion. And that there was no need to create a separate country for their religion. All Indian Azad Muslim Conference. This was an organization under which several nationalist Muslim parties had come together. Their slogans were They did not want to create an exclusive country for their religion. It was a huge contrast to the organisations like the Muslim League. One thing would be quite clear to you friends, till the 1930s, three distinct streams of ideologies existed in India. Hindu nationalism, Muslim nationalism and Indian nationalism. The partition of the country later was basically the story of the struggle among these three ideologies. In January 1933, Rahmat Ali demanded a country "Pakistan". He published a pamphlet titled 'Now or Never.' 'Are we to live or perish forever?' Implying that the Muslims were in danger. Would they survive? That they need to create a separate country. He said that 5 northern units of India, Should be made into a Muslim state. That would be independent of the Indian Federation. On the other hand, in 1937's Ahmedabad session of the Hindu Mahasabha, Two-Nation Resolution was adopted. This wasn't new at the time. Because in 1923, Savarkar had written in the Essentials of Hindutva, that there are actually "two antagonistic nations in India. That are living side by side. Several politicians suppose that India is a harmonious nation One Nation." "But within India, there were two distinct nations. Hindus and Muslims." People supporting Savarkar say that Savarkar was not demanding two separate nations in his book. So the question is, what is he speaking of when he talks about two nations? Did he want to see a country where Muslims lived as second class citizens? With limited rights. Or did he want to see a country that has two states with separate rules and administrations? Many Hindu nationalist organizations still do not have an answer to this question. To better understand the ideologies of Mahatma Gandhi, I'd definitely recommend that you listen to his audiobook on KUKU FM. “The Story of My Experiments with Truth” that is his autobiography as well. If you don't know KUKU FM, it is a brilliant platform for audio learning. Where you can listen to book summaries and biographies. Generally, you get a 20% discount if you use my coupon code DHRUV20, But now a special sale is underway till the 5th of September, wherein you'd get a 50% discount if you use the coupon code LEARN50. It means that the annual cost for KUKU FM would only be ₹199 for you. Do check it out. The link will be in the description below. In 1939, England declares war against Germany. And World War II begins. "The fateful hour of 11 has struck. And Britain's final warning to Hitler having been ignored, a state of war once more exists between Great Britain and Germany." India's Viceroy Linlithgow announced that India will also fight against Germany. But Congress objects to it. Congress lays down conditions for the British. If the Central Government is formed for India, and the British allow the formation of a Constituent Assembly, only then India will cooperate with the British. But Linlithgow rejects this demand. And here comes a twist in our story. Linlithgow is promised help by Savarkar. Savarkar meets Linlithgow and reportedly says, He also said that India does not need complete independence. Hindu Mahasabha says that India should simply be granted a Dominion Status after the end of the war. In the nation-wide elections in 1937, Congress wins the majority seats. But friends, can you believe that our Muslim nationalist Jinnah, and Hindu nationalist Savarkar, form several coalition governments together. In Sindh, Bengal and NWFP. Shockingly, Muslim Nationalist Jinnah also goes to meet Linlithgow. And promises him that the Muslim League will also support him. He conveys that the Muslim League wants a partition of the country instead of making it a Federation. In the 1940 Lahore session of the Muslim League, this wish of forming Pakistan, is adopted as a resolution. "The Lahore session passed a resolution. demanding that areas in the North-East and the North-West of India where the Muslims are a majority, should become independent states." All India Azad Muslim Conference protests against this. And slogans of 'Pakistan Murdabad' are raised. But the Muslim League celebrates this day as Pakistan Day. In 1940, Subhash Chandra Bose meets Savarkar and Jinnah. Hoping that perhaps he may convince them for all party unity. To maintain unity between both religions. But both of them deny any co-operation. "The leaders, assembled in Bombay. On the eve of the All-India Congress Committee meeting. Which had been summoned to endorse the 'Quit India' resolution. It was a spontaneous mass upheaval. The temper of the people rose and so did the temper of the alien government." In August 1942, Mahatma Gandhi launches the Quit India Movement. But Savarkar and Jinnah were still against it. Both of them demand to boycott this Movement. Not only this, they offer the British their full cooperation. They start a mass recruitment drive for soldiers for the British Army. On top of it, Shyama Prasad Mukherjee, writes a letter to the British offering to crush the Quit India Movement. In contrast to Savarkar was a brave man named Batukeshwar Dutt. He was a comrade of Bhagat Singh. The person that had flung the bomb at the Assembly. He spends 13 years imprisoned in Kaala Pani. And after the 13 years, when he was released, he actually goes and joins the Quit India Movement. In fact, he was in a very poor health despite that, he joins the Movement. He is a very important example. Because he does not write any mercy petitions like Savarkar. Instead, he spends 13 years in Kaala Pani as his sentence. For the next few years, Netaji cooperates with Japan. And the Azad Hind Fauj is formed. "On the 5th of July 1943, Subhash Chandra Bose took over as the supreme commander of the INA. And in a historic call, he told his supporters 'Give me your blood, And I will give you freedom.'" He decides to attack the British from the side of North-East India. With his army. Savarkar says that Japan's entry into this war had exposed us directly. And that we should immediately attack the enemies of the British. He provokes the members of the Hindu Mahasabha for the Hindus to join military forces with the British. Especially in the North-East region. In the area where Subhash Chandra Bose was attacking the British with his army. He says that he would not be bothered even if the united front against the British Imperialism breaks up. Savarkar literally incites the Hindus to go join the British Army and Airforce quickly and in large numbers. While giving a radio speech in 1942, Subhash Chandra Bose, speaks out against Savarkar and Jinnah because of this reason. Coming back to the topic of partition, by 15th August 1943, Savarkar starts endorsing the demands of Jinnah. In a statement, he says On the other hand, between 1940 and 1945, Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister of the UK. His hatred for Indians is quite well known. You'd already know about it. Jinnah was constantly in talks with Churchill. This correspondence between Jinnah and Churchill, is known as the Jinnah-Churchill Letters. Churchill supports Jinnah and believes that Pakistan will prove to be a faithful friend to the West. He thinks about it from the geopolitical aspects about how between the Soviet Union and Socialist India, Pakistan will stand like a wall. An ally of the UK. Viceroy Linlithgow also openly has discussions with Jinnah. And surprisingly, friends, Jinnah is seen as a leader of the Muslims. But in reality, in the 1937 elections, the Muslim Leagues could win only 106 seats. This was despite the fact that the Muslims had separate electorates. Whereas the Unionist Party of Sikandar Hayat Khan, And Deen Bandhu Chhotu Ram, had won 101 seats. Apart from these, there was the congress that had several Muslim leaders like Maulana Azad. Despite all these, why is Jinnah and the Muslim League accepted as the voice of Muslims? The simple reason behind it is that at the time, the British also believed in the policy of Divide and Rule. Both Savarkar and Jinnah fit perfectly in British policy. In the 1946 elections, the legitimacy of Jinnah increases further. "He was now called 'Qaid-i-Azam.' The Great Leader. By employing the imagery and symbolism of Islam, he found he could fire the Muslim masses. His rallying call became 'Islam in danger.' He advocated the two-nation theory. And turned to exactly the kind of religious, populous politics which had once caused him to fall out with Gandhi." Although the seats of the Hindu Mahasabha falls from 12 to 0. And Shyama Prasad Mukherjee wins a lonesome independent seat. The seats of the Muslim League increase from 106 to 425. Out of 11 provinces, they form their ministries in 2. In Bengal and Sindh. This was another reason why Jinnah was seen as the representative of the Muslims. Although we shouldn't forget these elections had limited franchises based on money and property. Only 14% of adult Muslims could vote in these elections. 86% could not vote. In the 1945 elections in the UK, Churchill gets replaced by the left-wing Labour Party politician Clement Attlee. He is the Prime Minister of the UK that was against the partition. He tried to avoid the partition. In 1946, he sends his Cabinet Mission. In 1943, Linlithgow is also replaced. By Wavell, who becomes the next Viceroy of India. And as I said in the last video, he was also against the partition. But the problem was that the plan of the Cabinet Mission was quite stupid. They propose to divide India into Groups A, B, C and the Princely States. According to this plan, the Central Government of India will have control over Defence, Foreign Affairs and Communications only. Foreign trade, Currency, Credit, Taxation, will not be under its control. Jawaharlal Nehru questions the ability of the Central Government that cannot eradicate poverty, neither can it bring industrialization to the country. He questioned how the country could move forward if that plan were to be adopted. Jinnah actually supports this plan. Jinnah thought that Group A and Group B will be under the control of Pakistan. This is exactly the thing friends, about which I talked in the last video. When Sardar Patel said, that we had to choose one division or several divisions. The Cabinet Mission was talking about many divisions. According to Sardar Patel, one division was preferable in comparison to it. This was the last desperate attempt to avoid the partition. You know the rest of the story. Because of the 2 extremist sides, people were provoked into rioting. On 15th August 1946, Jinnah announced Direct Action Day. That is basically seen as a call for riots. "To keep the dream of Pakistan alive, we have to sacrifice even more." Riots take place in Calcutta where many Hindus are killed. Gandhi risks his life and goes there to save the Hindus. Where on one hand, the new Prime Minister of the UK and the new Viceroy of India don't want to allow the partition, on the other hand, they want to wrap up this India-Pakistan situation as quickly as they can. Time was running out. No consensus could be reached on the Cabinet Mission plan, that's why the Mountbatten plan was accepted on 3rd June 1947. Even though Mountbatten had time until June 1948. But because of some reasons, he rushed it. The British troops weren't prepared for it either. The months right before the independence, what happened then? I've talked about it in my Spotify podcast. I'll link to the episode in the description below. We can talk about it in detail too. I've done exactly that in this episode. You can go listen to it if you want to know about it in detail. But overall, as we all know, all a lot of tensions formed. Riots and bloodshed took place. And on 14th August, Pakistan was formed, a state for the Muslims. And on the other hand, India remained a secular country. "On August 15th, 1947, the great symbol of the British Empire came down for the last time. To be replaced by the banner of the new Indian government. To secure independence, the Hindus had, with great reluctance, accepted partition. Pakistan was established for the Muslims." What do you think was the message of this video? What were the lessons? Comment below. In my opinion, one thing is very clearly visible that extremists on either side need the extremists on the other side. If the 'Hindus are in danger' narrative has to be run, then the examples of extremist Muslims on the other side need to be shown. And the same with the Muslims. When the 'Muslims are in danger' narrative is run, then the extremist Hindus are taken as an example for why they need to feel in danger. For why they should become extremists. This was the story from the 1920s to the 1940s. The leaders provoked each other. Provoked the people. It was done to such an extent at the time of independence that people were told to fight for their religions instead of fighting for their country. This was the story of India and Pakistan's partition, friends. Thank you very much.
Channel: Dhruv Rathee
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Keywords: Dhruv Rathee, Dhruv, Rathee, Dhruv Rathee latest video, indian youtuber, khan sir, khan sir patna, Partition, partition plan, partition of india, partition 1947, Who caused partition, Causes of partition of india, independence day, jinnah movie, india, Pakistan, india Pakistan partition, why did partition happen, gandhi, Jinnah, Nehru, Mountbatten, savarkar, Subash chandra bose, who was savarkar, Reality of savarkar, bose, film on bose
Id: ryBA3kVJdx8
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Length: 24min 23sec (1463 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 01 2021
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