Realistic SNIPER Combat in the Clone Wars | Squad Galactic Contention Star Wars Mod

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tro ground a oh they're Landing to our someone un load boom hit a full L of clones with this hat the other lat's 030 flying low there's another one North cool Bean oh that guy just jumped out that one is all you they might be hot dropping to our Northwest guys build those HS please get the HS up oh my God I'm such a bad sniper I blame my programming guys build the H what are we doing oh the Commandos have so much health build the [ __ ] decomission you for parts please do you don't get decommissioned you're the medic where they at you don't get op I think they're all dead they all dead I think so oh my God what did I just spawn into I think you're dead hey close right [Music] here get the medic up here they're upstairs I don't know you draw those crap Droids that was a friendly oh oh my God [Music] she hey whoever's on a again look to your north east east there's two lats flying high there he is cool as soon as this goes through we're going to walk up scared just as soon as goes through we're walking up I hear something something out to the we got clones close Charlie Mark they got the radio I didn't that L is uh like more % accurate radio man maybe one of those shots will actually yeah wow I suck so many bodies getting us another A6 on the uh East Side hearing a l to the Northeast heading right for Point doors are closed probably full yeah I think so troops made it to ground Northeast we have dist they didn't get anything down maybe a rally I'll go check they must be out of ticket I see a coming from the east from the East yep from the point someone Mark the base Far West that's [Music] black all right they're dead dead Rockets down he's taging the Commando it's a smooth game Full House sniper life going I'm very not good at it but it's fun same here you use the bod yes bipod like the only way to do it though yeah I mean droids it's kind of bearable to do standing clones I Clon you just cannot do sniping as a clone is miserable because your Stand Bar gets drained half the time and [ __ ] makes deploying bipod and everything else impossible to do yeah and like just being a Droid sniper the fact that I can deploy my bipod and like half a second is insane compared to clone sniper sitting there and slowly deploying each leg of the bipod so it definitely wasn't that i' got a feeling there's going to be one more quick Hot Drop attempt and that's probably going to be it there's currently an air going on if you guys want to watch what the [ __ ] there's two arcs oh they're [ __ ] them up they're hot dropping hot dropping hot dropping west side west side they're hot dropping West they justo into the gra what the [Laughter] [ __ ] they're all dead one coming in oh my God hit that tank that TX to the north with the hat kit oh [ __ ] we lost aank the TXS have an advantage here they don't their lasers don't really drop off the only thing I can do to them is if it somebody gets in the Top Gun I can shoot them out of it crew member oh the [ __ ] oh my God every single air Vic is going after that guy now he's getting hit by all our air asss yeah they are they are [ __ ] him up right now oh my God GG it was a close one was godamn Jesus look at all the Clones inside the shield all right go and drop the gear oh my God that was set up to be such a terrible shot and he stood back up into it that was perfect God the breathing is so annoying all right they're making a pretty good push that ab6 is looking right at they got the Gunner nice oh my God this is madness I kind of want to push in and help but to be honest with you it's going to be over pretty quick it looks like halfway out of the shield just to be an [ __ ] yeah they're already in the inner Shield where the hab is and the two hmps are circling the radio the droids just kind of steam rolled right on in driver seat back oh my [ __ ] here I got you hold on don't [Music] F we desperately need these supplies you supp F we need supp I need it I need [Music] stoping I need it what fing yeah squad for is Squad force from the psych ward I'm not going to lie ow my body I need that yeah kill his B2 not my body oh my body [Music] mag is he actually going to oh oh my God got kick for excessive K let's go let's go I saw oh I around Jesus I'm so bad with the sniper rifle it's actually insane how bad I am with this thing which is why we're playing it today so I can get better at it but oh my God R up I just want you guys that you need ammo [Music] can radio down just hide dig the radio down [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's not the best he was just about to shoot me too that's crazy timing I should [Music] move oh that's one of those oh [ __ ] yo thank you but also ow what's up I can't hear you there was a yeah I know I know I saw it thank you no more B2 behinds no more B2 behinds hang on boys I got you is that sat still alive oh my God magna's dead to use dude I'm better at HIIT firing the pistol than I am at just shooting the sniper rifle regularly hey uh Tito and Oli I have no idea if I just killed that2 or not oh I did he's dead sick oh there's a second one that's okay that was a crazy spawn just their [ __ ] super Commander right in front of me I they were coming from the East could have a have or a rally up there yeah they'll be back 100% yep B2 coming down got a couple v1s too hey hey hey B1 left side close hey my guys are on the log's close LOD close there's something that [ __ ] main Bridge here they have a TX to the left t oh bottom middle bottom middle bottom midd bottom calm down there buddy jeez let everyone else figure out what they want [Applause] side yeah so that you can r a real real Commando yeah now I'm feeling it [ __ ] the B2 left [ __ ] it I'll use on that guy I get the H up on the that was close buddy I should really reposition I'm too lazy though you want me to oh why did I un bipod I'll worry about that in a moment wor about enough when you guys are done go and help the homie G is up on the Northern entrance tunnel get the mag mag that's justest apparently there's an enemy aat in there if anyone can switch rocket kit that probably his legs went up in the air and everything that was so funny oh I missed good shot that's what I get for not repositioning this whole time definitely another aat I definitely thought that [ __ ] saw me I could have just finished healing so he had no idea it was there got him [ __ ] side too man [ __ ] they're running over from where we are if you guys can locate their H I can just bomb the [ __ ] out of them that's a FL every sniper start drifting I pay for this ride you know Jesus Christ [ __ ] see organic the [ __ ] was that oh [ __ ] okay that doesn't mean shoot keep going get somewhere south of us that's nice by D5 radio it's [ __ ] crazy the let's go thank you go go go go go oh it's just a P2 got a behind you good luck [ __ ] oh look at him [ __ ] go that's a good idea I'm going to do that too especially with these crabs holy [ __ ] I did not know you can climb these plants like this holy [ __ ] Dr Supply in a moment oh my God 2 me or 2b1 oh my God they're running right by me I don't have a grenade they oh they're all over the place I was going to stand on it like that [ __ ] one all no can you pass oh gotta oh hello Droid sniper I got goodbye Droid sniper close to the yeah I'm very confused why they a push very Target probably know you're the one leading this [Music] they tried to kill oh [Music] friendly oh head shot [Music] dude did he die or prone he died sick a fight at least last that's an a oh there goes our at the only fight lay down right here take a little bit of back there goes thei oh and he just oh commando's okay I'm sure he's fine I'm going to go this way oh [ __ ] I got a Rally Point closer a a is looking right at us he didn't listen he didn't listen this looks like a good spot to climb crab just got dropped again really funny things happen one of all the way just on the east side the southeast side of swamp I'm just going to bomb them real quick once I respawn hey bull one and ow you're right under my venor strike by the way you might want to check uh check go it was it was I think I'll be okay I think I'm just out of it we'll see though who I hope that goes over me oh no oh I'm okay plant's protecting me yeah I'm good all right let's push forward guys this will be easy W up absolute Carnage on the other side there Droid oh [ __ ] switch to this he's dead all right oh save me damn it I have faced four magn guards in the last two minutes
Channel: Bullwon
Views: 17,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VotFH9olx1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 15sec (1515 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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