Realistic Materials with Multi Sub MapĀ | V-Ray Visualization Tutorial

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hi guys today I will show you how to create various and multiple types using multi-submap this is free lesson from my full and the newest v-ray for SketchUp Advanced visualization course to get very realistic effect I usually model the tiles or panels it's very easy I click on the rectangle tool and model the first style and type dimensions 119.8 and the second dimension is 59.8 and press enter Now using push-pull tool I will add the thickness to this tile the thickness is one centimeter I click three times right click and make group now I'll place the style in the corner I will hide the layer that's why I will expand tags and hide baseboards layer and now I can easily place it in the corner I will copy the Styles that's why I select the tile move to the right side press left Ctrl and type 120 and do this again and again let's say that we need to scale the style that's why I click on it choose scale tool and I scale it to the wall and it looks fine now I can copy the Styles press left Ctrl and move it by 60 centimeters and let's do this multiple times okay I think it's enough let's take a look at the scene one it looks fine let's select all the tires together I press left Ctrl and then I right click and choose make group let's create the material I go to the asset editor go to the materials tab click on create assets materials generic I will rename it to v-ray tiles to create the style I will use multisap option let's take a look I click on the diffuse Tab and then choose multi-sub thanks to this I can create multiple textures it helps me to create non-repetitive pattern each pattern on the tires will be different thanks to this will get very realistic effect I click on add texture and let's add five different textures now let's move on to the folder with maps and here I have tiles diffuse map I will use it that's why I got the textures click on the texture slot here next to zero and upload a bitmap I choose the bitmap and open then I go to the previous asset in the first texture I will copy the texture right click copy and paste it to the next texture but I don't want to have two the same textures I want the second texture to look different that's why I click on the texture slot go to the texture placement and I can rotate the texture or repeat UV it means that I can scale this texture let's take a look I type 1.2 and 1.2 and let's see that the texture is smaller it's more repetitive now I will choose 0.9 and 0.9 and it's much larger I will leave it as it is remember that you can always rotate the texture for example by 90 degrees and the texture is different I go to the previous asset now I copy the texture right click copy and paste it to the fur texture and paste this copy and again go to the texture placement and you can rotate it again by 90 degrees so it's 180 change the repeat UV you can also change offset UV thanks to this we will move the style to the right side or to the left side let's take a look I type 0.05 and let's say that looks different maybe I will leave zero because I don't want to have this line over here so I will leave zero and let's move on to the next tile again I copy this style paste this copy I go to the texture placement this time I will set one and one and rotate by 270. okay and again I copy the texture maybe from texture zero this time I will copy the texture from zero position and paste this copy and again I can scale it and it's done okay I have five different texture now let's apply this material to the tiles I expand the materials Tab and apply it to the tiles let's see that in the preview there is a checker not the bitmap let's change it to change the previewing SketchUp I need to go to The Binding tab let's expand this and change the texture mode to custom mode then I switch back to diffuse tab right click copy and paste this texture to The Binding tab here in the texture position right click paste as copy and the preview has changed let's change the dimension I change it to 254 and it looks different let's say that in SketchUp it's very repetitive but you will see that on the render these tires will be different let's go to the asset editor and uncheck can be overridden option let's render The View let's see that the pattern is repetitive we can fix it just go to the v-ray tires properties again click on texture slot in the diffuse tab and let's see that here we can change get ID from I change it from use object ID to random by node handle okay to see the effect I will uncheck texture slot thanks to it instead of the texture we will get the colors and the multi-sub texture will be more visible for this I will use interactive rendering that's why I turn this option and let's render interactively let's render the region only that's why I click on the region render and select which area I would like to render interactively and let's go to the asset editor let's remember that I change get ID from to random by node handle if I change it again to use object ID again everything will be the same so remember to change this option then remember that if you want to change the randomization of the tiles you need to change the seed value I change it to 1 and we have different order I change it to 2 and again it looks different you can also change the gamma variation if I set it to 1 let's see that some colors are a little bit lighter some of them are darker I will choose the higher value and let's see that we have light green color and dark green color so these styles are different okay now I check all the textures and let's see that now we have tiles and they are not the same the pattern of each tile is different if I change gamma variation to the high value for example to one maybe it's too high to 0.3 we have dark and bright tiles I think that this value is too high that's why I will choose 0.02 and let's see that the color of the ties looks different again I will choose 0.01 and let's see that it looks much more realistic some of them are brighter some of them are darker I will change the value again to 0.03 and let's say that the difference is not very visible if I set it to 0.02 it looks very realistic I will set it to 0.001 so the difference in brightness will be very small okay it's fine now I can add Reflections to do this I go to the asset editor go to the previous assets go to the reflection Tab and firstly let's set reflection color here I will set quite large value solving around 215 let's say that the reflection are very visible and in the reflection glossiness I will upload the texture again I will use multi-sub map to make it easier I will copy the map from the diffuse tab right click copy and paste it to reflection glossiness paste as copy let's say that on the sample reflection has disappeared this is because the reflection glossiness maps are too dark we need to change it I go to the texture slot and I change the textures I click on the first texture and change the space to linear thanks to this we have lighter texture I will do this with every texture I change the color space to linear I go to the previous asset and let's see that the reflection has appeared but I would like to get even more sharp Reflections I think that they are too blurry we can brighten these textures very simply and very fast just right click on the texture slot Robin anxious color correction here you can again change the brightness of each map I will change the lightness mode to gain gamma lift and increase the gain and Gamma value to 1.2 I go to the previous asset and the reflection is more visible let's render the scene I go to the settings turn off interactive rendering mode turn on Progressive one and let's render the render is created and let's take a look we can notice Reflections they are visible over here and also in this place if you want to increase the visibility of reflection just go to the materials and increase reflection glossiness and let's render again let's see the reflections are more visible I can compare this to visualizations and let's see that on the right side these Reflections are slightly more visible I think that looks very interesting I'm sure you will find this multi-submap very useful for the full course visit my website the link is below the video and also at the top right corner see you soon bye
Channel: Educk
Views: 4,763
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: v-ray, tutorial, modelling, visualisation, material, lighting
Id: XuM0kxSpaZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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