Realistic Human Presentation with AI - Pipio AI Review

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hey how's it going I'm Alex from ideas spot today we will make a video using AI you can make a video like this in just a few clicks so if all this sounds interesting then keep watching okay guys now I'm back with my real voice so this is a really fun little way of creating video I'm going to show you exactly how I did this and now I'm back for real my face and voice for those of you new to the channel I am Alex from idea spot and the tool I was using today pipio p. a is an AI Avatar generator so this actress Avery that was the one you saw during the intro and they do have a really great lifetime deal I'll put the link in the description if you want to check out the deal on pipio at the moment they also have a onee free trial if you just want to try it out but this is what it looks like in the dashboard this is really easy to get started I'll uh create a project and show you what I mean so to start with we choose an actor now we can scroll through there's lots of different actors and actresses to choose from male female lots of different ethnicities as well so you can find something really specific to the genre of video that you're wanting to create I quite liked Avery so that's what I went with to start with and for the background you can find those under elements they have photo backgrounds and video backgrounds as well so I quite like this one of the uh office background there that was pretty cool so I selected that one and right click there you can set that as a background and rather than having Avery right in the middle there I just uh move it across a little bit I think that looks a little bit more natural uh for my sort of video and then it was just a case of putting in a script here and you can actually preview hear what it sounds like hey how's it going I'm Alex from idea spot so that was Alana B's voice I thought that voice didn't sound too natural so there's actually quite a lot of voices to choose from um and we can filter these there's a filter here so we can choose the language uh we can choose choose the gender I want female here and you can choose the Style narrational Style conversational Promotional and character I thought the promotional one sounded a little bit nicer um from what I was testing in terms of how well it reads this script and I like this one from AA M so changing it to AA M I thought the result is a lot better so let's preview that one hey how's it going I'm Alex from idea spot yeah I quite uh like that one I thought that voice kind of matches what she looks like as well so anyway to me it does um but you can actually scroll through and preview some other ones so like um Paula was pretty nice as well this is a preview of what your actor's voice will sound like yeah so you can you can run through this there's there's quite a few um even in this specific English promotional genre there's different um accents and uh different things to choose from so I'm going to go with AA anyway and that is all there is to it you've basically got your actor you got your voice you got your script and you're good to go then you go ahead um you can preview it um you can generate the preview here and just see what it looks like as a rough draft it doesn't render it in full uh quality I'll show you what I mean it'll prepare one and it does take a second for this to actually work it's just meant to give you a rough idea of what it's going to be like when you render it for real all right so our preview is ready it's got this little overlay on it so you can't actually uh download a copy of it and it is low rares as well so I'm Alex from idea spot today you get an IDE of what the overall effect is going to be like with the actor and voice combined and what if you're happy with it what you can do is just exit from there and Export the full quality version of it um it'll go ahead and give you the choice of exporting there so um that's basically all there is to it it's quite an easy way of generating a video using an actor and a um synthesized AI voice so really good if you don't have access to a proper actor or uh you need to present in a language that's not your native language this is a good way of getting that done the other nice option they have as well besides having a um voice generated by AI you can have a real voice like I did at the start of the video so you can choose an audio script and you can just drop a wave file that you create yourself on your own microphone like I did upload it and um create the video like that too I'll just take the one I did for my example here this was a wave I made by myself using this mic so I've uploaded that one you can play it okay guys now I'm back with my real voice so this could be interesting I haven't actually tried using my voice with um Avery as the actress that could be kind of interesting here we go this is going to be fun okay guys now I'm back with my real voice so this is a really fun little way of creating video I'm going to show you exactly how I did this okay that was kind of weird but you get the idea a lot of things are possible using AI using your own voices using actors um anyway you get the idea now personally from trying some of these out in the past I do think uh the actual animation the smoothness has improved quite a bit I thought some of these voices were pretty good like this one Ava I thought she was pretty good some of the others ones were a little bit unnatural but there were enough good ones in here to make it worthwhile and being able to actually upload your own waves basically means you could use any uh voice synthesizer program you wanted to and upload it um I know there some really high-end voice creation software at the moment as well so um you can really mix and match in terms of uh how you create these voices and the thing I liked about pipio at the moment in that link in the description you can get lifetime deal so normally with these things uh they're usually subscription based models where you have to pay every month so I think getting a lifetime deal on something like this can be quite good value if you see yourself using this regularly um but um anyway thanks for watching this one I had a lot of fun and thanks for poo for letting me try this out but uh again let me know if there's any other of these kinds of tools you'd like me to try on the channel cuz I had quite a lot of fun with this one but again thanks for watching I'll see you next time
Channel: IdeaSpot
Views: 3,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: v7I73AIs9P8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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