Realistic 72 Hour Emergency Bug Out Bag

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hey everybody coming at you live or I feel like I'm half alive that's from my gear room those are my long those are my long-term subscribers and friends will know that I have been working a annual shutdown and I'll explain what that is for people that don't know what it is is whenever you have a mill or factory and you have a shutdown once a year and it's where you shut everything down you tear everything apart and you repair modify upgrade and there's a lot of hours I'm a machinist and a welder and a fabricator most of the time I'm a machinist but I've been working seven days a week straight 12 hours a day for close to three weeks and as of the filming of this it's like 8:30 at night and I'm very tired and I only got three days left I'll get to go back to hate hours and then I'll have next weekend off but I have to have something to upload for a Friday now enough of that I've been thinking about I thought to myself gee I'm I haven't planned a video what so what could I do what could I say what could I show so I guess thinking about comment that's been on my mind and a friend of mine made a few weeks ago and I'm not going to say that the comment was I'm scared of setting up a 72 airbag or I fear it's more like there but they that they were stressing out over it because they were worried about you know what am I gonna put into it you know and you just freaked out you're like ooh 72 hours of three days away from home and it's not that big of a deal and I'm going to show you this really not that big of a deal at all now there's a dude on YouTube some of you probably know him his name's Chris Tanner he did a video a couple of years back I don't remember the name of it but basically he said something that rings true all bags are different all kits are different nobody's bag is the same because people are different you're different your medical needs are different the area you're in is different some urban some wilderness some Arctic some desert some woods so no bag is the same but the basic idea of the needs and the comforts can be addressed and the thing about a 72-hour if you want to call it 72-hour bug out bag or save me to our emergency bag whatever you want to call it you know it's not this crazy it doesn't necessarily have to be this crazy end-of-the-world thing with the zombie apocalypse and everybody you know taken over and stuff but I mean it can be as simple as some of the things that's happened around here lately tornadoes floods anything any reason that you need to be to get away from your house and stay gone or any reason that you have to stay gone or any reason that you can't get home that's what these bags are for okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna start with what I consider to be the bare minimum all right something that this is just a bare minimum and then I'm gonna go over there that other table and show you something that gives you a little bit more comfort but you know basically it's nothing too frayed over you're not gonna die I'm gonna lift the camera up a little bit and then we'll get into this in my mind is the absolute basic kit okay now if you have if you have not everybody has really good survival skills but if you do have survival skills honestly you could get by with a 2-quart contain a 2 quart campaign and some sort of water purifying drops or water purifying tablets but that is for completely advanced people I honestly believe you could last three days with just a can take you would be very extremely miserable and you would lose white but you would make it now for your average person it's not gonna be like you're staying at the hut of the Holiday Inn or anything but this basic kit right here what this is this is a woodland camo but pack attached to the GI pistol oil something you grabbed real quick and you put around you and you're good to go okay now you're not going to be living in the lap of luxury but when you have something like this you compare this up with life grab you a gore-tex jacket of some kind some kind of a some kind of a waterproof type jacket which would be great to grab with that but not necessarily because what you can do is down here under the bottom under these straps is carry a poncho because a poncho is everything a poncho protects you from the rain you can wrap it around you and turn it into sleeping bag you can make a tarp out of it and of course you can wear it in a running the poncho is distance it's so useful anything you can do okay that's an essential part of a minimalist kit now let's open this up look in here for a minute you know this is just absolute minimus minimal kit one of those little bitty tack baby sump you can crawl into to keep yourself a little on that and this is pretty much all you need least in my area because it doesn't get extremely cold if it does get very extremely cold you'll need a little more okay multi-tool alright that's all you need is a knife and a few other little odds and ends in there okay multi tools nice you need a water filter because hydration is very very very very important okay you need a carrier of some kind for your water which is you know a campaign okay so you get your hydration mate needs met you have to stay hydrated you have to have water if you don't have water you'll die it's as simple as I it not trying to freak you out that's just part of the mental most kids okay little bitty tiny first-aid kit just a basic a little first-aid kit with some you know some aspirin some ibuprofen and some some imodium a stomach medicine diarrhea medicine antacid just the basic needs in here okay this is the rest of the kid there is nothing else in this bag this is absolute basic minimal minimalist kit okay now this something you got to understand something let me ease up here so I can face you for a minute you gotta understand something you're not Rambo okay and you're not Davy Crockett and you're not Daniel Boone and you're not Grizzly Adams okay so when you see these bags that contain all these traps and snares and all this kind of stuff you just don't you don't need that okay you're like this just remember what I say you're not Rambo okay you just want your basic needs fulfilled and this is the minimalist kids so what we're gonna do here is we're gonna look at this now all right here he is a little headlamp so you can see at night okay strap it to your head here is a little flashlight so that you can see out in front of you the path here is a little bit of toilet paper that you're going to need okay here's a do-rag you can either wrap it around your neck you can wrap it around your head or wrap it completely over your head to cover up if you have bugs mosquitoes things like that okay or you can take it and if you are if you don't have a water filter and you're you're they're prone to having to boil water than what you can do without is that you can strain you can you can filter not purify the filter into this cup and then start a fire and then purified by boiling remember there's a difference in purifying the ball okay so do rags multi-purpose also if you need to cover up a wound that the first-aid kit doesn't cover a ladder for starting fire but think about a lighters don't just throw a lighter into your pack and these are doing some sort of a container so that you don't hold this lever down all right this particular container you could hang it around your neck if you had to which is pretty handy now this is the realistic nuts and bolts of the key okay three great protein bars three Flint bars okay now let's talk about this for a minute as old Dave lost his mind no this is men less kid okay you're not going to die in three days okay you're not going to starve to death you it is not going to happen now you might be miserable and you might be lacking in in the energy but every morning we have a cliff bar and drink some water every evening have a protein bar or vice versa okay they're right there's day 1 day 2 day 3 if you're out there on three days you shouldn't have brought a kit like yes we're just talking about 72 hours of lace but honestly that is just that is the basic kit oh and the bow hair is for ball and larger amounts of water do you store water in here you boil water in hair all right now that's about as just as minimalist kit as can do all right so now let's move over to the more comfortable kid like I say this is the this is the you're not gonna die kit that kid over there is gonna be just so much more comfortable okay now I'm gonna talk about you can carry all this stuff with that and I probably carry a few of these things over to that table I think so let's move over there and talk about it all right moving along to the bigger kid okay let's talk about some of the things now I haven't got this stuff in this bag and I'm not gonna put it in this bag because it just takes too long to pack this like okay but now what you need is this is just just just a medium-sized Brooks I okay and what this is this is a forget the name of it I think it's up I think it's a alpha alpha cohhd cohhd cohhd alpha that's the name of okay and I don't use this much for hiking merfolk I don't use it for hiking at all I use Alice packs because this is you know the 72-hour bug out bag okay it's got Molly waving and it's got a compartment here with some dividers and things it's got another compartment here with mash bag and then it's got the main compartment and it's got some some little compartments right in here now the cool thing about this bag is and then of course it's got some places on the bottom for striping by the let me zip some of this stuff nice now the cool thing about this bag is it is expandable you don't necessarily have to have a big bag or a small bag okay Wow with this bag it has a zipper on the side see this zipper right here on the side this thing will expand from like four inches wide to about eight inches wide okay so depending on your kid now what I do that was old there was an old trick that people talked about about people bring their bags and they just crammed pack everything in them and there's no room in them well what happens if you're on the trail and you find things that you pick up one a carry with you okay getting an expandable pack like this or leave room in it that way you can pack everything in here and then when you have room or when you find some things some more things then you'll unsafe it and expand it okay or in the summertime mine stays zipped up and wintertime I need extra insulation so I open it up okay I have more room but this is the same one now the belt for sit you can strap things to the shoulder straps which is cool strap pouches to them which is handy I lost the pouch on this side now the belt itself the kidney belt is handy because I'll show you it has pouches that you can zip up for things that you want to use like if you want to keep a notepad or a pen in here or something things that you need quick access to or your compass you know whatever so alright you'll make a little bit bigger bag a little bit more glance you'll definitely need a 2 quart campaign ok now in these 2 quart campaigns I usually keep a lighter right here in this little pouch either a lighter or water purification tablets alright so that's a all right now let's look at some of these other things here and talk about alright your bug out bag okay now I have water filters that I use in my other packs and they stay in my other packs because I use them all the time I use them at least once a week you know whatever and when they get used they're a-ok you don't want to put an old used water filter into your bug out bag because you won't be using it that often so go ahead and spring for a brand-spanking-new water filter don't open it okay and leave it in your bug out bag that way it's not gonna sit in there for six months and get a bunch of mold and bacteria growing in it okay makes sense just another tip from your old uncle daddy all right you need a comprehensive first aid kit now I'm working on developing a constant a first aid kit that you can open one hand something like this I don't like but this is just a basic kit that you have to unzip I'm gonna modify a bag and I haven't got around to it but you need a kit and you can get to quickly and preferably with Velcro velcro rip off the top or be able to velcro rip it open with one hand and dump the contents out on the ground okay first aid okay do not put medicine and hygiene in this kit because you don't want to take through a big that's the biggest mistake people make is they put like their their tummy pills and their shampoo and their lotions in here when you're cut when you're broken bleeding or bruised or just whatever you don't want to have to dig through a bunch of stuff you want your first aid okay in and put that on preferably either on the top of your pack or the outside of your pack all right now let's look at these other two pouches right here now because these are what's in here I'm not gonna open it yet okay now this okay this is the medicine and hygiene kit okay it's got like toothpaste toothpaste soap lotion toothbrush ibuprofen for your headaches imodium for your stomach you know maybe something for bug spray poison ivy this is separate hygiene and medical medicine okay medical and first study is two different things keep them separate okay that's more part of the comprehensive bag all right so now let's look in here let's see what's in here okay this other bag right here let's say you have a compass okay have a wind-up radio I wind up where the radio because of the simple fact that the reason that you may be bugging I oh it's a wind-up radio with a solar panel this is the Etan scorpion the reason that you would want some of this is because one of the reasons for your bugging out may possibly be a tornado or you know it's already flood in you're getting like six inches of rain in your house and everything is under water so carry my narrator of weather radio you need to be informed and in here I have okay now people that know me and I've seen my videos in the past they're gonna say something about this well whole days get something to say my long-term wilderness bug out bag I said no electronics no no no no because they don't last for a year or two but if you're gonna be gone for three days carry your cell phone and carry a spare battery okay currently you can charge with this is easy ACC it's a good one this is a good one and there's another one called jakhary Jack that's a good morning okay so you want to charge your stuff up so carry a battery and keep it charged okay you're gonna want tore up paper of course you're not an animal you're gonna want okay great today just like I said you're gonna carry your protein bars and Clif bars and three bags of trail mix okay that's gonna be just like extra snack and you're gonna want some MREs preferably MREs with dessert now these are the MREs to come with the haters so that you don't have to have a fire if you don't haters that hate the food up all my work and it deserves what this is all you know what this is penny pasta with spicy vegetable sausage and what is this this is I think this is a almond poppy seed can't pound cake that is so good all right throw in a couple of MREs you know those are good will give you a good meal you know it'll boost your spirits okay so we run through losing what else do we have here okay you want to bring a cup all right because you're not an animal just because you smell like a pig didn't mean you have to act like one all right lantern lantern is a good thing you want a lanterns that you can see with extra batteries carry extra batteries okay far as tools go let's see what's this I think a little bit of cordage whatever amount you you don't have to carry a Meany rope like this but I like rope I'm gonna carry rope and then some paracord which is good though that in there your shelter needs let's see for shelter needs now if you live in the desert and there's no trees this won't work okay but for old Dave this works this is tailored for me all right when it starts getting warm ain't laying on the ground right there's a possibility now for my bug-out bags whether it's winter or summer I try to carry a hammock now for the winter time I carry regular hammock with the under quilt and over quilt and the quilt sir attached to the bottom of my pack I switch over in the summertime to a regular hammock with bug net now this is a hammock with a bug net with the suspension all-in-one this is a it's a cheap hammocks made by Yukon Outfitters I got it off Amazon okay it's a good hammock for you know with a bug net then I have a 10 by 10 tarp why I've got such a big tarp because I can I don't know this is a I think this is a snug pack all weather shelter and I just don't want to stamp on top because you may be in heavy ride don't want to skip I also have a silk bag liner it's like I don't know it's like a extra layer of protection and it don't weigh much you know sometimes I carry that not always sometimes I do now let's look in here actually let me move the camera over just a little bit for you let's talk about a little bit more stuff I'm kind of going I'm this is not real organized I'm kind of going out of sync on this with you know you should be like old tools clothing shelter I'm just kind of jumping around because all the stuff is thrown out on the table before I went to work okay little baggie with super glue tape and safety pins all right safety pins are great safety pins are good when you carry your compass be sure and carry your compass has got a mirror for in case you got to dig something out of your eye or for if you have to see your face or see your eye or something safety pins are good for digging splinters out of your hands and dimes and super glue and the tape is good a lot of people carry duct tape I don't I carry electrical tape it seems to be a little bit more handy you know no big deal carry duct tape if you want to right now some people would carry an axe I wouldn't I carry a machete with a knife with a Ferro rod all right now I have my lighter and this one I'm going to use but the Ferro rod is good backup all right the machete possible shelter building possible firewood you know it's a lot safer than the axe you got to be highly skilled with an axe before you carry one and are willing to use one in a drastic situation if you carry a machete it's pretty hard to get hurt you know with a machete a knife it's always handy to have one of them that's a good thing you have one of the safest tools that you can carry is a saw you need a folding saw this is a little bitty one this is a a silky pocket boy excellent solid good for firewood good for shelter building it's a very safe tool very safe if you hurt if you injure one arm you can use that no problem one arm carry you some safety glasses you don't want to get any thorns poking in your eyes that would be horrible or if you're chopping wood you know with machete you don't want to get anything in your let's say this survival Tube tenant whose survival that's something handy because you never you never can tell when that's gonna come in handy and he's cheap and it doesn't weigh nothing and you know I'm always buying these things and stuffing them in packs everywhere because they do come in handy so throw that in let's see okay now I have a bag right here okay put your stuff in bags because once you get your destination you can fill this with regular clothes and use it as a pillow okay now let's look and see what's in Dave's bag all right we have a full rain suit pants and shirt okay if you were one of these ponchos okay these ponchos are good because it's a it's rain protection and it's a shelter and it's like a bed roller but the thing is your legs can get wet if you're in a really tarantula Ryan just great get you a rain suit and throw it in there that way you'll be covered head-to-toe also if you're a minimalist and you're gonna use this for your shelter you may need to wear this so a full rain suit is good a lot of people don't carry them now what are we having here okay we have a fleece hat place cap keep your head warm all right that's a must pair gloves gloves are always handy all right and we're having here a hat okay this is a neat little fold up hat now the idea behind a hat like this this is a hat with a built-in bug net if you can't find a hat like this with a built-in bug net then find you a bug net any hat okay now the good thing about this is is in the summer time you can wear this okay and it keeps the Sun off of you that's a plus you don't want to get burned okay the other thing is that you can take the bug net and pull the bug net down and put both keep the bugs away from you now I've actually had to sleep like this before all right the other good thing about this which maybe you won't need since you get safety glasses is if you're going through thick brush you can lean your head down and just go through and it'll the broom will push the Burford okay so that's pretty cool all right I have a head in there with a bug net or with a bug net built-in okay all right that's so handy bugs are bugs or terrible bugs bugs will make you miserable all right let's see what sets to miss bag something else people don't talk about is your feet you should talk about we should talk about your feet because a lot of people I'm like okay two pairs of socks all right why all right if you're like me and you wear boots okay let's say you're wearing boots all right let's say you want to go all Bear Grylls Discovery Channel I'm gonna cross this forever what's gonna happen if your boots get wet all right you're gonna be in a world of hurt your boots are wet your socks are wet it's not good okay if you're gonna cross the river carry sandals or Crocs even carry something take your boots off strap them to your pack and cross the river with these these okay now the other thing about these is you're gonna be wearing these stinking sweaty boots all day with your socks well when you get to camp you can't wear these constantly because you're failed just your feet will be a miserable shape so when you get to camp take these off and put on some sandals and walk around camp with sandals you'll be so much more comfortable and carry extra socks for in case for in case in case you get wet and and rotate the socks too if you have to every couple of days I mean it's it's a comfort idol and make sure that one of the payers is an extra-long pair all right that way if you have to you can put them on your arms and use them for some sort of arm protection like like I don't know a warm you may want to keep your arms warm you can have that two pairs of socks on your feet and a pair on here right just I don't know one pair up needs to be long or if you have to you know put them on and pull them all the way up above your name all right do that now the other thing too extra pair of socks the other thing carry some sort of a thermal underwear of some kind okay polyester you know nylon whatever if you want to the old-fashioned cotton cotton here's the thing your body constantly sweats constantly condensates and as it's doing it your clothes are getting them all waste okay if you get into a sleeping bag and you're wearing your clothes and you're wearing your jacket or or hammock and you're wearing them you're gonna freeze believe it or not and you must listen to this if you take off your clothes and your jacket and you put on these that have not been worn all day simple thermal underwear you will be warmer just wearing this then if you wore the other stuff because this does dry okay and you can take the other stuff you had stuffing in the bag if you don't tell use it in the pillow or preferably you're gonna hang it up somewhere take some of this cordage and hang your clothing up let it dry okay now one last thing that I'm going to talk about that is directed towards a bug-out bag okay I don't have to move over on fun well yeah I have to change camera angle you're leaving a reasonably cold or cool climate or should I say wherever you are it gets cold at night something that warrants a huge benefit for a bug-out bag is things that don't take up a lot of room and things that are effective that don't take a lot of room is down okay goose down feather down okay keeps you warm and it just like this this is a Down Vest to me there's three stages of down to panel where you live and that is there's a vest and then there's the jacket then there is the hooded jacket okay there's three stages of down okay now these things the reason that I like them so much is because they they literally they compress down the neck okay I mean they literally this thing it compresses down to nothing this can be compressed down into like a baseball-sized if I had to if I worked hard enough I'm I could shove it in his cup all right I mean they they weren't so much use there they're wonderful some people call them puffy jackets now a good thing to buy this there are several brands that they come with a they come with a bag that you can in the pocket that you can you can cram a stuff into this is an L LL Bean jacket so what does it say on the tag here okay the shell is 100% nylon and the insulation is goose down 100% goose down okay that's some good stuff now one of the good things about this that I like my fax called down take down take water repellent down all right one of the good things here is it's got a little zipper that says stowaway there's a pocket on the inside okay so let's just and zip tie yes and what does it do this comes off just like oh yeah all right so what you can do with that is I believe boy that works let's see no I'll put it back in I pulled it out just to show it to you what you can do I'm gonna look like an idiot now Lenny Harris one man how's this work yeah okay you hold this up and it's hard to get started because I haven't done it a long time but what you do is you you you turn the jacket inside out into the pocket that's how this all that reminds me one more thing I'm going to show you real quick it's very cold it could couldn't have a place in your bug out bag turn this inside out all right okay then once you've got that done you zip it up and there's your jacket now you can further compress this but for long-term storage you don't want to leave down compress for a very long time so this is pretty handy because it's really not that compressed but you can compress this down way further so because that's the beauty of down but you don't want to keep it compressed for a long time let's say yes one more thing I'm going to show you that I'm thinking about all right right here I thought about it at the last minute because not many people know this all right this is the I think it's called extreme no extended cold weather system and what this is this is the military gore-tex jacket okay now well this thing you got a pocket right here and you got pockets right here all right let's open up on the inside let's take a look right here it's got this thing just you can strap around you to keep the wind out this thing right here it's elastic and it keeps it out now this is the co part that I'm surprised and of course it's got a hood these things are great for keeping all your bug out bag well you can also keep a few survival items in this because see where the zipper is you're gonna love this these things have a hidden pro compartment inside them you can put all kinds of stuff inside there which i think is cool because if you had this it's it's there's not there's not much insulation in here at all so what you could do as to where this thing is you can call this afar and then you could cry them you could cram a vest in there so that you can have another lawyer ain't that cold and then there's another one on the other side of it you've got one of these gore-tex military jackets you can look at it you can keep all kinds of things inside there and they'll keep them good and dry Nicole let's see if you got this and it's writing in and you're like okay it's raining well then it starts snowing you're like ooh I'm getting cold well there you go pull the vest out you got the extra insulation that beauty of down that's about it I kind of rambled run through this thing oh let's see one more thing I'm gonna talk about over here before I let you go I want to give a big thank you to want some of my viewers I can't remember if it was one or two I can't remember but a couple of videos back when I was selling some stuff together and I took the fabric and I was typing it together cuz you know I was always under the oppression you either type it together or you pin it together well one person or two people they suggested they'd say why don't you order some sewing clubs and I'm like sewing clips I'm like what is that and I thought hmm someone clips they'd be pretty cold so I got on Amazon I got to looking and they had so eclipsed 100 sewing clips for $8.99 and so much less cheap you know I order them and I saw the picture of them and I thought I thought all these old junky looking plastic things that can't be good no Mike $8.99 I'll try them well guess what oh you need to order some of these and put them in your kid you know why because they are small and they're super super super strong all right what you can do with these things these little bitty clips these are unbelievable strong unbelievable and if you want to take like some grabber blankets or a tarp or whatever or a couple of ponchos you know you can take and combine your shelters okay if you wanted to do that yet these clips are so tiny that you could literally use them for clipping these things together and as a matter of fact if you had to you could even fold some things up and I think these would be strong enough to make water carriers but these are sewing clips and I got to say thank you so much for suggesting on of course I'm gonna use them for sewing but these I can't believe how strong these things are it's it's mind-boggling so anyway by the time this video is uploaded to YouTube hopefully I'll be back on eight hours a day and I got a lot of plans for one of weathers warming up hopefully I'll hopefully someday I'm gonna get out my kayak and my boat and do a little bit on there more shelters more cooking a lot more cooking once the rains gone lot more cooking so I hope you picked up a few little odds and ends here maybe I've got some stuff to offer that some of the other bug out videos didn't offer maybe I gave you some ideas like I say remember what I said about the down jacket setting that that warrants a lot of use in a bug-out bag so alright until the next one I shall see you then I meant that's not what I say oh I shall see you in the next one
Channel: Reallybigmonkey1
Views: 106,152
Rating: 4.8995204 out of 5
Keywords: bag, bug out, survival, prepared, preparedness, emergency, wilderness, backpack, camping gear, hiking, equipment, gear, first aid, outdoors
Id: _dNKajybVyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 5sec (2165 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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