Real Time with Bill Maher: Overtime - Episode #298

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here's a peek at what guests had to say after the show all right we're back on the Internet's now michael moore how about making a documentary on how citizens united is legalized bribery how about it i lazy get working on that michael moore yeah I make documentaries about the things that we're not talking about right now and we should be talking about like what what are you working on well I'm working on a film that's going to Medina has the terrorist ideology of groups like al-qaeda becomes so mainstream that they no longer have to seek refuge in places like Afghanistan well I think so sadly what's happened since the death of bin Laden is I believe President Obama had his own mission accomplished moment when he declared effectively that al-qaeda had been defeated what in fact has happened right is that they've become stronger than they ever were under bin Laden whereas under bin Laden they were asylum seekers in Afghanistan what they are now is the ones giving others asylum in countries like Syria in the opposition that come to hijack that revolution they're controlling cities they had controlled an area larger than the size of France in Mali until the French expelled them it's an insurgency it's not just an organization and that the phrase I often hear that I despise this phrase al-qaeda inspired terrorism no no al-qaeda didn't inspire terrorism is the end product of decades of this ideology festering on the grassroots in the Middle East the end product is al-qaeda but terrorist organizations existed before al-qaeda we had Hezbollah we had Hamas in Pakistan there's many many organizations killing people on the streets including the Taliban and how much support do they get from local population they ask the similar sorts of questions that I heard you asking here on this panel they sit in in Iraq and they ask why did half a million children die before the Iraq war and when sector of State Madeleine Albright was asked by Leslie Stahl on 60 minutes she said you know is the price for American fallen fallen policy worth the death of half a million children and Albright said you know and I'm quoting her she said you know that's a tough question but I think the price is worth it and it's when they hear those sorts of responses yeah they ask the similar questions on the other side so there's there's an ignorance on both sides that needs to be addressed and part of my work is attempting to address that on both sides mm-hmm okay well Richard Dawkins will this country elected atheists as president in the next couple of decades I was kind of joking when I said that Obama was definitely an atheist and Kennedy was too I think they might be if you think about it five hundred and thirty four members of the US Congress cannot all be religious and that's a statistical nonsense many of them are quite well educated they fight and burn here on the panel never mind the last bit I mean it statistically it's an obvious nonsense that 535 534 members of Congress are all religious they've got to be lying and it said if they're lying but it may be quite a few presidential candidates in politics you have to you have to lie and half way I think this will happen in our lifetime really yes again because 16 year olds 20 year old 25 year olds they don't give a right about but I don't know about our lifetime unless we're gonna live very long because I mean look at pot we thought I remember when we were in college I'm talking about the 70s we thought you know what when we get to be the people who are running things will legalize pot well we've been running things for quite a while and it still isn't legal it's just now past the 50% mark in the polls how long is it going to be before the polls get translated into legislation I believe in this decade I think it's like really yeah I think it's going to move like a marriage equality where all of us and there is a movement behind and it goes so rapidly well we would have ever imagined growing up that you'd have a the most famous and prolific rapper would be white and the president will be black but get that what what is it yeah one rather depressing thing about youth in Britain polls show that a very high percentage of British Muslims think that the penalty for apostasy should be deaf it's a much higher percentage for young people than for old people older Muslims in Britain don't think that young team and that has very little to do with American foreign policy I've come to say of course that's what I'm saying so of course I'll be there no one's defending anything the American forum yeah I certainly well that's that's nice zatia and the ideology at railay but also in it does demonstrate the other thing that that older generation who don't subscribe to those values were also Muslims yes and they knew their religion as well yeah in fact when I joined these limits group that I joined my parents and still do remain opposed and in fact my mother slapped me around the face when I was 16 and said don't you dare go down that path which made me go down even more but you know the point is that they are still Muslims and my parents said to me that's not the Islam that we were raised on that we recognize what radicalization has certainly taken root with the second generation because the ideology is new that's the difference this ideology that I refer to as Islamism has has stranglehold in these youth and it's not just about foreign policy it's a factor but of course there's the ideological narrative which is also another factor I see a question I don't know the answer that said one of this since 9/11 I've wondered this the week before the hijackers committed this atrocity they were going to the strip club yes so and and I'm thinking well how geez they were like didn't that didn't they that's an excellent question because is that these guys no single terrorist organization has at its head anyone that studied the religion none of them are theologians as we were saying earlier they're doctors engineers whether it's bin Laden whether it's the the guy that recruited me to my grew these a doctor if you look at all of them they have a preponderance of doctors a net nothing against doctors and engineers and scientists but they have a preponderance 90 hydrous of among extremists 19 hijackers were mostly college-educated right well see it's again as I said not religious nothing good science it's about watching religion is how you explain no allow me to answer it's the black and white in the Heritage not it's the it's the empirical points imply they're highly educated if you've got this religion it's the poison yeah religion is right walls are all part of everybody I mean here's the question I've been asking for thirty years the question I asked for in religious religious it said I didn't ask the Queen oh how could I be spiritual I asked the question how could otherwise intelligent people wall off a part of their mind and believe in a talking snake that's what I wanted to leave their religion what I want to know religion and Dogma generally presents a level of challenges it presents certain issues but what I'm talking about terrorism is essentially a modern phenomenon the idea the phenomenon of suicide bombings and launching oneself into crowded places to kill everyone within Muslim majority countries has emerged in relatively modern times right so something extra had to have happened to this fourteen hundred year old religion - and that's what I call the ideological narrative where did that narrative come from well it was actually what happened is it was used as a form of resistance in the colonial times because these are in the Arab world they adopted post-world War One European fascism ideas of a super state a super people they adopted these ideas they first became Arab socialism known as Barth ISM which led to the Saddam Hussein's and the Gaddafi's and then on top of that they built it onto the religion it became Islamism and so it's this peculiar combination of modern fascism superimposed onto religious doctrines which is different to the Islam of my parents and my grandparents about the strip clubs this our natives the kids who did the thing in the Boston bombing yeah nobody saw that coming if you had a relationship with those two could you have seen it coming because Westerners couldn't yeah we do this is the work we do so when I was in prison in Egypt as a political prisoner there in the infant interesting in the same prison that eventually held Hosmer barrack it's called Muslim Tora prison one of the things I did is have a conversation with a convicted professional bomb maker and he was he came to Egypt to Train Egyptians to cross the border into the Gaza Strip to Train Palestinians to kill Israelis I said to him the following I said look the majority of these people protested first of all the largest protest against the Iraq war wasn't in Pakistan it wasn't in Saudi Arabia it wasn't in Turkey it was in Britain this country you want to blow up second fact most of the protesters were non-muslims so what does that tell you about the people you define as your enemy in fact Turkey is a member of NATO that's part of this alliance so surely you should be trying to blow up Turkish more the Brits who were opposed to the Iraq war now first of all I kind of got a look from him that kind of Tommy you wanted to kill me that conversation lasted over a couple of weeks and one day I was in my cell and he came knocking on the door and he said Majid you know I've been thinking now this is a guy who knows how to make bombs and kill people he says you know I've been thinking these people aren't my enemy he said he was still a terrorist who's still an Islamist is still an extremist but he no longer believed in targeting Britain I mean it's a stepdad ish yes yes opposed oh yeah so you have why we we need about a thousand of you out there Real Time with Bill Maher Friday night at 10:00 ask Bill and his guests who are questions right after the show at
Channel: Real Time with Bill Maher
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Keywords: HBO, Real Time with Bill Maher, Real Time, Bill Maher, Bill Mahr, Bill Mar, Bill Mahar, Season, Episode, Quotes, Show, New Rules, Overtime, Realtime, Podcasts, Guests, Series, Comedy, Full Episodes, Watch, Online, Politics, Government, Roundtable, Politicians, Liberals, Conservatives, Republican, Democrat, President, Jokes, Laugh, Funny, Premiere, Preview, Clip, Trailer
Id: bQ9PgrkHlgM
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Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2013
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