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[If you make a purchase on the link below the video you'll be contributing to the operation of this channel through commission] [A review for the whole colors of the series] [A new design] Doesn't it look gold? Which is Galaxy? The core of the S24 series [On-device AI function] How can AI fill this It's creating a new background. What is this? There is a new OOO that wasn't here before. If you endure and listen you'll get an enlarged tech knowledge. Okay Hello guys it's Zuyoni. I'm at a site where the new s24 series are being disclosed. You guys have been waiting a lot. The new series of galaxy s. [(Peak)] I looked at them just now. My first impression is this time the material on the outside and the colors [Very sophisticated] are very fancy. Among all the new galaxy s series a lot of you are curious about AI. There are lots of functions that have become convenient thanks to AI. After I took a look around [A lot of daily life functions] I think we can make use of them a lot in our daily lives. So I want to give you quick tour. Let's go take a look, let's go. Let's have a look at the appearance. As the previous galaxy s24 series the new series came in basic, plus, ultra models. As you can see here there are four colors. The basic and plus are the same colors. Ultra has different colors. [4 colors for Basic/Plus, 4 colors for Ultra] 4 and 4 8 in total. I'll show you the colors on the front. There's a reason I'm showing you this first. The new series has titanium. In the last iPhone 15 series they had titanium. So my best color was natural titanium. The reason was because it showed the titanium material the most. So I picked that. This time they also have titanium grey. The grey color is the most iconic color that expresses titanium. So I'm showing you this first. Basic and Plus have [Basic / Plus model has [marble grey] the marble grey color, it's a little different. If you directly compare them Marble grey of plus and basic models are close to white or silver. The color is lighter. But titanium grey color has more of a yellow tone and expresses the texture of mineral. So it's calmer and more sophisticated. A sense of heaviness is there. And the marble grey is a bit more cheerful and bright. I wanted to compare the colors with the previous season. So I brought s23 Ultra. [s24 ultra titanium grey / s23 Ultra cream] This is the previous model, s23 ultra cream color. The vertical length got a little bit shorter. So if you look on the top, the new model is smaller. And if you look at the bottom [s24 ultra titanium grey / s23 ultra cream] It got a little bit thinner as well. There are such differences. When I looked at this. I found this hole and asked myself what is this? Is this an SD card slot? But it's just a speaker. So there used to be small holes like these. [This time the design is cleaner] This time there's just one. Previously there used to be this round edge display. Until now they've been reducing the curve so this part was becoming flattened. s24 has completely flat edges. If you look sideways, you see the difference more clearly. [s23 ultra] Before the edge display was tangible. [s24 ultra] Now the display isn't. You can only touch it from sideways so for me this is more convenient. [s23 ultra cream / s24 ultra titanium grey] If you prefer flat displays, you can get them as ultra models [Flattened ultra] so you may be welcoming this change. If you look at the bezel In the previous series the thickness of the upper and lower bezels were different. The lower bezel was thicker. [In galaxy s23 the bezel thickness are the same] But this time the bezel thickness are balanced. The overall bezel thickness has become thinner so you can have a view at a larger screen. So the overall design is very neat. [s23 ultra / s24 ultra] If you look at the sides the ring thickness [s24 / the thickness of the camera ring has gotten bigger] has gotten a bit thicker. The camera has gotten thicker. The buttons aren't that different. I also have a basic model. [s24 basic marble grey / s23 basic lavender] I brought in a pink color. The basic model, if you look at the sides you can see a big difference in the design. The previous model looked round and circular. This time, it got sharper. It's completely flat. So when the design was leaked out I wondered how it would look as a completely flat design. In person, it looks more sophisticated. Personally I like the design of the s24 series better. [s23 basic / s24 basic] And in general I was shocked that the overall bezel thickness was reduced. So the upper and lower, and the sides are much widened. More sophisticated and neat. [The overall thickness are similar] The camera thickness and other parts are similar. Speaker design, it also got neater. Honestly this color was interesting to me. Look at this. This is titanium violet. Last time, s21? [Thanos color] People called that the Thanos color. [Thanos purple was most popular] I also bought that color back then. Purple color with gold in it. This time the sides are grey [Grey + dark purple combination] The read part is dark [If you click the link below to make a purchase, you'll be helping operating this channel through commission] purple. So the two colors are making such an odd but attractive combination. [People who like odd colors might like this] So if you like unique colors, this is for you. You can see a unique color. For the s pen it's the same color as titanium grey. A grey color. The basic and plus models [[Basic/Plus model: cobalt violet]] are in violet. If you compare them next to each other cobalt violet has more blue in it and titanium violet is very dark like black. The cameras in basic and plus models [Camera ring colors are similar to those of the device] they have almost identical violet color. And titanium violet has a grey color. [Basic/Plus difference] There's a difference. So the vibes are different. In my opinion the violet color is very much beautiful. So if you like purple this is a viable option. And then there's the yellow color. You have to take a close look. Basic plus model is a bit creamy but it's got a hint of yellow in it. But titanium yellow is really [Gold yellow] yellow. And maybe because of the sides but when there's light shining on it [Golden] It looks gold even. Which is galaxy? How does it contain an s pen? There's a grey color s pen. This amber yellow color is [cream / amber yellow] compared to the creamy yellow of the previous model it looks more yellow. So it's different from the bright cream yellow of the last model. [cream / titanium yellow] And compared to the last creamy yellow this is also very different. Titanium yellow is highly saturated. I think this would have been better if it had more gold to it. Personally I think this color has unclear identity. And black is the color that a lot of people might like. It's also different depending on the models. If you compare the models like this basic and plus are lighter and brighter. Titanium black is darker. So it's the same black I don't know if my camera is capturing the differences but in person, you'll know the differences. And the sides feel different. [s24 ultra titanium black / s24 basic black] Clearly titanium black has more pearls in it and looks fancier. My PD likes black the most. Why do you like this? ['Space grey' mania] This attract 'space grey' fans. If you're one [Similar to 'space grey'] you'll like this. But it's closer to black than space grey. So if you like a color that's a bit darker than space grey because that looks chic [This color might be popular] you'll like this color. I showed you both titanium grey and titanium black. [This series' big match] I'm in between the two colors. Because the grey color may look a little weak. So you might just go with the chic black. I always choose my one-pick after showing you the colors. But I can't make the decision right now. I'll pull a poll in the channel community. If you vote I'll try to purchase according to your votes and do another review. [Display] And for the new galaxy s24 ultra's appearance, you can't skip the display. The display's maximum brightness has also become much brighter. [S24 Ultra 2600 nit / S23 Ultra 1750 nit] The previous one had maximum brightness of 1750 nit. S24 Ultra is 2600 nit. So there is significant difference in brightness. But this is a maximum brightness. Just in a normal circumstance it's difficult to see the different with the naked eye. If you are under a strong sunlight and using the screen it reaches the maximum brightness and it shows improved visibility. So, if I get to purchase this later I will try using it at a really bright location and let you know. And it's not just the brightness but also the front glass includes Corning Gorilla Armor. A new material is used. [Left is S23 Ultra] This is the S23 Ultra. [Right is S24 Ultra] This is the S24 Ultra. The light reflection is different. The Corning Gorilla Armor significantly reduces the light reflection. I can see the decrease of light reflection with the naked eye. When I look at it with the screen on there is a significant difference. When you use the screen somewhere with bright light you can use it more conveniently. The series this time doesn't seem to have changed that much appearance-wise but the details shows a nice difference. But this Corning Gorilla Armor is only applied to the Ultra model. The general and plus models do not include this. Up until now, I have preferred a light and small model. I have purchased a general model the most. [This time Ultra catches my eyes] I think I'll be buying Ultra this time. [Real-time interpretation] Let's first look at the most viral real-time interpretation function. It was easier to use than I thought. If you drag the Galaxy panel at the top there is a button called interpretation. If you press this interpretation button it can immediately interpret 13 languages. The languages are known to be added more in the future. The important thing is all these functions are on-device AI function. When you travel abroad you can use it without roaming. Then, should we watch the call demonstration? [[Real demonstration]] I'll press this and the interpretation. It supports 13 languages as usual. My friend Jessica is French, so I'll be proceeding with French. [If you purchase it through the Coupang link in the section below, it helps run the channel with the commission] Hi Jessica, are we still good to meet in Seoul? Of course, I hope to see you soon. As you can see, whatever language the other person speaks it gets interpreted into each language and you can see the result as a text and a voice. Using the call in another language also allowed immediate communication. Now you really do not have to learn foreign language and can communicate with a foreigner. But after the person speaks AI needs to interpret it and spell it out before you can answer so it does take longer than a normal call. But check this call scene one more time. [[Real demonstration]] Of course, I hope to see you soon. The fact that interpretation can happen this fast would be very convenient. Above all, an environment without the internet that you can use it without roaming is the biggest advantage. [Circle to search] Also, there is a new search function using AI. This is really amazing everyone, let me show you. The phone we used to use has a home button at the bottom. If you press and hold Google search will appear. And what you can do here is [Circle] use gestures to choose to search a part of an image and the image will be searched immediately. It shows search results of cars that include this image. Even when you are watching a video, if you want to stop and search what this is then you can press and hold. Even if it is not a pen, you can use your hand to draw a circle and it searches the image at that location and show you the result. You can search for the same image. You can also search who the person or the character is by using the search function. But I was curious just now there are people who use this button to be always visible. Often there are those who uses this with a swipe gesture. So, I was curious 'How will the search work in this case?'. Simply press and hold the central button below and you can use the same search function. So if you search like this you can see the results appearing right away. If you have an image you want to know about you can screenshot or save the image go to Google image search and upload the image file to search for it. But now we don't have to do that. Just use the screen you were watching simply press the button and draw a circle then the search is done. [AI assist] And there is a function that translate, summarize, and organize writings with an AI. For instance, if you are reading this you select the writing in the foreign language and bring this long paragraph into the Samsung note. Now in this state If you look way below the note there is an icon with three stars. Now this is a new button Samsung added to use an AI function. It is three stars so the icon probably means Samsung. It shows how important they believe this is. If you selects the three-star icon you can use the AI function. I'll select the entire thing and press the three-star to try translating. It translates from English to Korean [Overwrite / copy / add the three translation option appears] and you can overwrite, copy, or add. I will try to overwrite. Then the original English text is translated into Korea. So, now when you check the translation it is very natural. 'Samsung electronic has been recognized today by the global consulting firm, Interbrand'. Long sentences could be translated a little unnatural but the translation is still quite natural. And now after you select the entire thing [It is possible to use another function at the same time] there is summary and spelling correction function. You can correct your spelling errors or summarize your writings. Let's try summarizing. It says it is summarizing and although it is quite long it summarizes in a few seconds. So how Samsung came to be what it achieved and what increased [It automatically summarizes to fit the context] are summarized into these four sentences. If you add the current page to the front [It adds the summarized content in front of previous writing] the previous writings are there below. And it adds to the front. So you can check like this. Now when you auto-format the four summarized sentences you can see the title, header signs, and meeting notes. When you choose one and press confirm it creates a new format like this. So it adds a title and creates a format. It can create a format you want and recommend various formats. So you can check out various formats like this. Choose the one you like and add in front of the current page. You can see the summarized content by making it into a clear format. You can increase efficiency like this by using a note assist. You could use this by looking through the internet. Now as you can see in the Samsung web browser screen [Samsung web browser also has AI icon] it has a three-star icon. Select this and you can choose to summarize or translate. Let's first try summarizing. If you translate, it will immediately in two seconds [If you purchase it through the Coupang link in the see-more section, it helps run the channel with the commission] the whole passage gets translated. And now when you select summarize It summarizes a long passage in five to six seconds. If you want a shorter summary than this then you can press this three-lined icon at the top and change it to standard to ask for another summary which gives a shorter summary. In contrary, if you want to see a longer summary you can choose to look in detail to get a longer version. You could copy this and paste it in Samsung notes and just like before, select the entire text and this can be changed into a format you prefer. Same for the browser you can use the summary and translation functions fast. [Text Transition Assist] Another function that we use often is especially for the college students who record the lectures to transit it into a text to use it or for my case an important work call a work call on contracts. I record the call and organize it to suggest something later and the text transition function I've been using different program. But now, I can use the feature in the Galaxy phone itself. You don't need to upload the phone call recordings to the cloud or to certain program. You can just use it from here. For example, I'll open the Samsung voice recording app. 'What made the developers start the camera project?' It summarized the voice recording. You can see the contents with distinguished speakers. [Speakers are distinguished by their voice] First speaker, second speaker, and so on. The recordings are texturized and summarized. There's a feature called A-dot that iPhone users can use to do AI summary on the voice recordings. This is exactly like that. The difference is this is an on-device AI feature that is built in the Galaxy phone itself. So you don't need to send or upload it somewhere. This really prevents a lot of privacy issues. So I believe this on-device AI is better in terms of safety and privacy. Anyways, like this, you can texturize the recordings and utilize it to translate or summarize with this feature. Galaxy was already popular among the workaholics. I think it would gain even more popularity. Those businessmen or office workers who gets a lot of business calls could really use this summary feature. So now there really is no reason to not use Galaxy. [Camera & AI Editing] This Galaxy S24 Ultra phone [200MP (F1.7) wide / 12MP (F2.2) ultra-wide] has the 200MP wide camera [10MP telephoto (3x, F2.4) / 50MP telephoto (5x, F3.4)] 5x, 3x wide telephoto camera and 12MP ultra-wide camera. There are these four cameras. With the best camera specs and AI it could take high-quality night photos. The quality of photos are unbelievably clear when taken using the night mode. Also, the generative AI is adopted to the photo edit. Let's edit this photo with a boy playing basketball. Let me tap on this pencil-looking edit icon. Then there's the sky-blue icon on the left below corner. It's the Galaxy AI icon. Tap on it. I'll adjust the angle and then tap and hold on the basketball. Then it will automatically select the basketball. I'll move the basketball right above the hoop. Also, when I draw a line around the boy the boy will be selected. I'll move him next to the hoop, as well. Now, I'm done. It automatically fills up the empty background. Now you got a picture of a boy doing a dunk. With the generative AI you can edit photos fast and easy. The generative AI feature is also added to the videos. You are playing a video clip and you want to watch certain part in a slow-mo you can just tap and hold on the screen to start the slow-mo. It often makes the video choppy when you adjust slow-mo to an original video clip. But the Galaxy AI generates virtual frames between the frames from the original clip [Making smooth slow-mo] to make a smooth slow motion video. So, like on this video when you want to practice golf poses or learn dance moves you can use this slow-mo feature. I wanted to try this with my own photo so I took one. You see the big 'AI' on the background. I think it is a bit tilted. So let me adjust the angle with the edit feature. Here, when you tap on this 'adjust' icon you can see this AI icon, with three stars. I'll tap on it. Now I can adjust the angles as I want. So far, when I tried to adjust the angle [Because of the empty background created while adjusting the angle] the size got distorted. Now, I don't need to distort the photo and just adjust the angle. It will automatically generate and fill up the empty background. I wonder how the AI would fill the background. [Please click on the Coupang link on the below to support this channel!] Let's tap on it. Would it work? [Would it?] It says 'generating new background'. Whoa. See, it generated the background. But you know what. Look. Now there are shoes. It could have made my legs longer. [The original photo didn't have shoes] This is the original photo. With no background and no shoes. Now I have this background and shoes. I tried it with another photo again. Here, I am a bit tilted. So I tried to adjust the angle. It automatically added more background along with the ankle and the shadow. So, it is not just filling up the empty background but actively creating the realistic background [The amazing AI] to match the original photo. The photos made using the generative AI edit has a watermark on the left below corner. It shows that it used the generative AI. Honestly you might want to use clean image with no watermark. But, I heard there has to be the watermark. Since it has been generated by the AI it is not the real photo. To prevent abuses from happening the AI watermark needs to be there. Actually in Europe there is a regulation that mandates watermarks on AI generated images. There is an ongoing discussion in Korea as well on this matter. This kind of regulation is yet to be adopted. [Galaxy added the watermark] But Galaxy is contributing like this. Also, in the info section, you can see, it says 'Edited by generative AI'. Even if you crop the watermark and hide it the information will still show that photo has been edited with AI. Today, I reviewed the main point of the S24 series, the AI features and the device design. I will bring more detailed review after using them when it is released. Please do leave any question you may have on the comment. [Please click on the Coupang link to support this channel] See you on next video. Bye. Bye. [BGM: Zuyoni - Baby Blue / If you want to watch Zuyoni's vlog]
Channel: 주연 ZUYONI
Views: 628,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 주연, 아이폰, 갤럭시, 맥북, 스마트폰, 테크리뷰, 테크유튜버, IT리뷰, 전자기기, IT유튜버, 갤럭시S24, Galaxy S24, Galaxy S24 Ultra, Galaxy S24+
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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