Real time interview experience on software testing Video - 66||Technical Round

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thank you could you please uh introduce about yourself Nikita first of all and the key for software solutions for giving this opportunity to introduce me my name is Nikita speak now my name is Nikita I was born and brought up in Hyderabad coming to my education qualification and now I am pursuing bcom final year from Siddhartha degree College I have completed my intermediate from Sri Gayatri Junior College I have done my SSC from Murray Cross High School now coming to my family we are five members including me my father mother my elder brother me and my grandmother my goals is to my goal is to my goal is to get to get get a job in an I.T company and become self a financial independent what are your hobbies Hobbies my hobbies is to listening music Ian browsing internet that's it son okay good so what is your short-term goal that only son which one to get a job in it what is your long-term goal self-independent what is your weakness speak loud weakness father why your weakness is your father because he has health issues and if any problem came so he's only my weakness okay what is your strength my strength is my family and my friends your friends they always supports me who is your role model role model role model is known but a father actor which actor so what is the difference between hard work and smart work hard work and smart work hard work is only you will hard work smartphone you will think about in short cut way okay so my question is what you are gained from the it free Workshop before joining and after the joining before joining I don't know about anything about it basics of the IIT after coming here I I came to know about tech technical jobs non-technical jobs what are technical jobs and that's it okay within two years where you want to see your position I want to see a and I just want a job okay so uh what is the difference between that Standalone application and Windows application Standalone application is work without internet okay good another Windows application Windows application will be on desktop okay so what is the workflow of the waterfall model waterfall model initial analyzer designing development testing production maintenance what exactly happening in the testing and maintenance maintenance testing will be testers will test some all their testings like smoke testing functional testing non-functional testing in maintenance developer will be there and testing will be there okay like uh if you have the two opportunities like one is the server team second is the developer third one is the tester which is of your suitable tester while you are choosing the taster job because it is easy but I don't see Okay cool so for example uh you are joined in a one thing okay if you have one teammate from Company please assume okay your team member your team lead you're working under the team lead right your team lead is not accepting your work at the time how did you handle that situation sorry sir I will work on it I will soon yeah at the time also he's not accepting your answer and your work at the time what is your approach I will just work on it and I will make sure I I don't rule that mistake again okay again you are doing work you are doing good work in your side body is not accepting anything what is your action I will be patient and after the patient also is not accepted 100 you have a lot of patients but he's not accepting then what will be his next step sir that's why I'm asking which Step you are going to take I will just make sure that I won't do that mistake again and I will remain remake it so okay after they make it after the clarification also is not accepting so what is the workflow of the Azure model po sign in ready for refinement ready for development development in progress peer review ready for QA q a in progress pure sign off close what exactly happening in the peer review peer review review is given by full stack developer what is the difference between the pay testing and peer testing Fair testing pair testing means here two between two individuals will be testing will be done pay testing means on a team will be done what is the meaning of retesting retesting what is the meaning of retesting retesting read testing I don't know what is the meaning of smoke testing who will do the small testing test drive will do so when the tester will do QA in QA environment okay so what how many types of informants do we have five types of environments what are that local environment day environment QV environment stage environment production what exactly happening in each and every environment could you please explain about that in local environment developer will write code and unit testing will be done or without UI environment developer will do unit testing on UI next in QA uh tester will test different types of testings in next stage in staging or it is hot fix develop environment tester will test yourself okay how many types of domains do we have domain seven what are that banking domain e-commerce domain Healthcare domain traveling domain education domain educational domain Insurance domain trading domain okay what is the functionality of the traveling domain traveling domain traveling domain means going from one place to another with apps example rapido Red Bus Uber Ola that's it okay so if you want to do job in some application which application you are going to take application which domain you are going to take we have seven domains or something domains are there so you which which domain you are going to work you want to do work which domain you are interested in the e-commerce will be there related to business so you have some idea about so that's why it's using becomes right yes yes so what are the drawback of waterfall model uh water formula farmer in waterfall model we will do short term short-term projects which will be done in short period only single page designer will be there okay so what is the difference between the product owner productive backlogs print backlog product backlog spin to back like scrum meeting Sprint review Sprint release what exactly happening in this flow Sprint backlog means okay good in in two weeks of work working days will be 10 days where six days will be work work done by the developer and four days tester will work okay what is the meaning of epic epic larger requirements what is the difference between the answer team and offshore team on your team means it will be done in this place in India example and offshore treatments outside India foreign cool so what is the meaning of uh what is the abbreviation of the sdlc sdlc software development life cycle what is the difference between bugger and effect first defect is detected by the tester and then the tester will as then the defect is going to the developer okay and developer will open it verify and confirm when it is confirmed the bug will be arising okay good so what is your sweet memory in your life sweet memory in school days could you please tell me about one speed memory so what memory uh a whole day I spent I spend the whole day with friends okay that was your favorite day yes sir okay so for example if I give the one question to you we have dropped on drop down option you know about the problem do you know about that uh radio button yes how you are going to check the readable radio button we have to choose only one option sir if there are more than one one option then it will be an error how the submit button is working what is the validation for the submission when you are using submarine button after ah after some after filling all the required there then we will submit sir okay so what who will do the Euro testing unit testing developer okay Nikita thank you so much thank you we will get back to you soon thank you okay
Channel: Techqflow Software Solutions
Views: 1,687,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vkr2nSOpU9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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