Real Time Compositing in Unreal Engine 5 with Camlink 4K

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[Music] hey I just wanted to show you the setup real quick here so I got a gh5 and it's pointing at a green screen and I'm just doing this like on the spread of the moment so I don't have this set up uh professionally I just I'm just showing you real quick and dirty so gh5 running through an HDMI cable into the computer through the camlink 4K and then I got a green screen that's my basic setup hey how's it going so I just wanted to walk you through a real quick on real-time compositing in Unreal Engine just because there are a couple steps so I did a couple videos already but I just wanted to give you kind of a quick this is just a real quick and dirty walkthrough I've already done some other videos but I just wanted to walk through the basic process really really quick so I'm just going into a blank game project and this is a blueprint no starter content no Ray tracing and I'm just going to call this RTC for real time compositing and we're just gonna go create and let it do its thing we're gonna have to restart Unreal Engine real quick one time real fast and then I'll leave a link in the description to other videos the other two videos that you can watch it doesn't work for you from watching this so anyway like I said I'm just gonna go kind of quick on this because I've already done a video but I just wanted to do a quick walk through so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to go into edit and we're going to go into project settings and we're going to go down here to platform windows and we're going to set the render Hardware interface to default and then we're going to search for Alpha and we're going to set this to linear color space only and then we're done with that we're going to close that and then what we're going to do is we're going to jump into the plugins and we've got to enable our composure setting and just go click on that and that's all we have to do and then we're just going to re restart now and like I said this is just real quick and dirty it's a little bit different so here we are in our project I hit play and you can see our scene is working just fine I'll hit escape to get out of that and what I'm going to do is there's a composure it should be enabled already if it's not just come up to window go to Virtual production and it'll be there so what we're going to do is we're going to go into our content browser and see that our camera is working so the camera's working right now I just turned and looked at it so what I'm going to do is I'm going to right click go to Media media player I'm going to click this box here and go ok then what I'm going to do is I'm going to double click this box and all I have to do cam link setup and hooked up and that's a very straightforward process go to video there's cam link I click on it and there's my green screen I have a green screen now it's not well lit I'm just going to show you real quick and dirty how this works we're good to go on this I don't need to make any other adjustments here I don't need to Loop it or anything so I'll just close that so that's good we're on our way so then what we do is we're just going to come over to the composure Tab and I'm going to right click and I'm going to create a new comp and this is going to be an empty comp and this is just a container holding everything and then once that's created I'm going to right click and I'm going to add a layer and I'm going to click here on the media plate and this is basically our camera footage coming out of the gh5 I'm using the gh5 and then it closes back up and I click there and what I do here is where it says input I kick that Arrow I click that triangle I click this triangle and it wants the media source so I'm going to come over to the content browser and I'm going to drag this into there it'll a blue screen will light up so that's input media source and then media source and you just drag it in like that and that's all you have to do okay and then go back to the composure tab so we've got our media plate which is our footage and we can see it's streaming in what we do now is I'll right click I'll click on comp I'll go to add a new layer and now we're going to add our virtual camera to film our CGI background so we go to CG layer and click that and now we just need to add a camera because it says it's missing the camera so come up here you could have added the camera already you just go to cinematics cine camera and then you'll see our camera is filming our background and of course we can move this around and adjust that in any way we want believe it or not we're on the home stretch all we've got to do now is create our material quote unquote material that will actually do the compositing for us we're gonna so we come into the content browser we're going to right click here and go to create material we're going to double click on this and then we're down here where it says material domain we're going to go to post process then we're going to right click on the graph here we're going to type in 2D we're going to go to texture sample 2D and we can make another copy of that so we can just hit Ctrl C click over here away from that and Ctrl V and we just have to make name these the same as what is in our composure tab so if I click on composure we have to name one media underscore plate one and then one CGI element one so what I'll do is I'll click over here on the this will be our top layer and I just need to name it media underscore plate one and then I click on this one and this will be our background layer and this is going to be called CG underscore element one okay and then all I have to do is right click and search for over and there that is and then I just drag rgba into here and RGB I have to move this a little bit rgba and T into B and then I just drag this into emissive color and then I just go apply and save this is basically our compositing function essentially even though they call it a material so now all I got to do is while I'm clicked on the comp I gotta come over here to transform and hit this I've got to hit this little arrow this little plus sign to make a pass and add an array element and I click one more I come over here and click on the content browser and I just have to drag this material in here it'll light up blue and then we have that and then all I have to do as soon as I drag that on it's going to create these inputs so I have the plate one and they're there so if I go here back to the composure Tab and I click on here the only question is why isn't my footage showing here so let me come back here click on here and for some reason it looks like I lost my feed and you know what happened oh my gosh is my battery died so hold on just one minute [Music] okay sorry about that my it's been a long it's been a long day actually nothing was wrong with Unreal Engine my the battery on my camera just died so I had to swap it out so I can come back in here and if I click on the composure and I click here this is basically our composite and I'm going to show you something this is kind of weird you can see my hand go in front of the camera right there right let's see is it out of focus so there's my hand okay so there's my hand so what we're going to do is we're just going to go ahead and we click on our media plate and I come down here and this is our chroma key function all I have to do is key this out key the gray screen out so we'll click here there's our green screen and of course this is a terrible key this is just for illustration only I just want to show you that this works if I click on the comp this is interesting right I have to clean that part of the Kia but I just want to show you this works it's keying in through our background now so if I click on the key well I click on the camera here but there's our comp so if I if I come in now and put my hand through there's my hand I noticed there's a little bit of uh latency there on the streaming end so but that's basically our comp right there so anyway I just wanted to show you that it works and you can get this up and running and then watch the other tutorials and it goes into more depth and of course there's a whole bunch of stuff about how to line a green screen how to get a better key we could de-spill it and clean this up but I just wanted to show you that it works okay take care have a great day and I'll talk to you next time
Channel: hawaiifilmschool
Views: 5,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real time compositing in unreal engine, camlink 4K, real time compositing with a dslr, virtual production unreal engine 5, unreal engine tutorial, hawaii
Id: ZdfocevW5H4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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