Real Shaolin Disciple Reacts to BBC Shaolin Master Documentary

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what's up everybody this video has been popping up in my recommendations this BBC Shaolin monk documentary they're really a lot of documentaries on YouTube about Shaolin but this one stood out to me in particular because I immediately recognized his face so I thought you know what I got a lot of things to say about this one and several people have send it to me and asked for my opinion or my input on this if you guys are new here or you wondering why I feel like I can talk on this matter I spent three years at the Shaolin Temple training with the monks I put the link somewhere so I want to give you guys an inside scoop who are these people that you see in the video is this whole thing fake is it scripted if so to what extent I will link the original video down in the description box below please check it out because I will be interrupting it all the time probably every few seconds and I also won't really be showing you guys everything right okay I told you guys so the very first frame already is pretty awesome for me because that's him right there and let me move on kung fu' yeah and I also know his body they joined the Shaolin monks I think in my last half-year when I was training there they were both very cool kids they left guy his speciality was Tiger and the other guy was eagle and I can see they already got a lot better that's good kung fu kung fu' this whole scene is filmed in the pagoda forest which is about 200 meters outside of the temple the whole areas actually closed down so tourists can look at it from outside but no one can enter it even the monks don't go there but it's a pretty cool spot and camera teams love to film there but nobody ever actually trains in the pagoda forest yeah these partner exercises are really fun to do in to choreograph but unfortunately I never got to learn one the Shaolin Temple became world famous as the home of kung fu after being discovered by Hollywood 50 years ago discovered by Hollywood Hong Kong cinema made Shaolin big again not Hollywood a hundred of those yeah this is another one of those situations this is not a place where we would ever train in this is just for cameras this hall that you're seeing right now is at the very end of the temple and it's got dents on the floor of all the centuries of training but now it's just blocked off and tourists can take a look at it from the outside but we would not ever go there I've been in that Hall twice during my three years at Shaolin Temple and I was also just for a camera team this is a very interesting room with a lot of history so that's why camera teams love to use it understandably for these students thanks kungfu they're performing cheating chen right now which is one of the most popular fist forms and shaolin probably because it's short it's simple it looks cool kungfu is not just a martial art it's a spiritual practice it's a spiritual practice well that highly depends on the person practicing it I have met plenty of people at Shaolin who trained like crazy and actually separated from the spiritual aspects even monks one of my masters that I've had would never talk about anything spiritual he would always say Shaolin for him meant war that's kind of what I was talking about in my life a child in Temple video when I said that you can ask the same question to two masters and you'll get two completely different answers and that is really because Shaolin means so many different things to different people even to the monks themselves some UNG's really go heavy on that spirituality stuff and some are just like if you're not learning how to actually fight then you're not actually learning kung fu and the whole aspect of spirituality that happens right here you don't talk about it in two days she yeah he's on the thumbnail very very good guy and absolutely amazing at kung fu when I was at Shaolin he was already a master teaching a huge groups of people and his speciality was monkey steak and pouch and which is the leopard form I mean he's smiling here and he's a very nice guy but you should see him teach don't know what else I can say smiling going on during training in two days Shu young Dean will face a test to qualify as a full warrior monk I have seen several people have their skills tested while I was a child in but I was usually very unceremoniously come in from the outside like young students or teenagers they come into the training hall then one headmaster of the warrior monks comes outside with a t-shirt very casual clothing and then takes a look he's like show me this form then they perform it they do maybe something else and then yes or no one of the closest people that I've had at all in came to the Shaolin Temple when he was about 16 and he told me that when they turn 18 they can decide whether they want to become a full-on monk or a full-on Shaolin warrior monk but I've never heard of a test like this and also this guy has been a warrior monk for a long time already everybody knows how good he is in the temple everybody this might very well be a narrative just for the camera remove each other we should opinion trivia tell you pashya photo for your son did you see on the diva is the Shaolin Temple a sacred place and Buddhism absolutely yes it's the origin of Zen Buddhism and it does play a very key and important role in Buddhist culture all around the world but unfortunately the vast majority of warrior monks are not that well read or even interested in Buddhist scripture I fear I've said too much but mastering kung-fu to the level expected at the Shaolin Temple takes years of dedication true it's always funny to me when foreigners come to the temple they have trained for eighteen years and then they think they're on the same level as a monk who's trained for one year it's not even remotely the same thing if you go to a school three times a week for two hours or if you do that every day for seven hours also the methods are extremely different you know sometimes we've had people who come to the temple and say oh I want to learn this form this form this form this from this weapon this weapon this weapon and then we were always saying how about you just get the basics right you have to imagine traditionally one form is practiced for years and years do you know how boring that is that is true dedication one of my masters told me that don't be like a rabbit who keeps on finding carrots and then when he finds the next carrot he drops the carrot that he just found so he always just has one but he never gets to eat them because he keeps finding new ones and that's the same thing with the forms how about you just do one right instead of learning new ones and new ones and new ones and not doing any of them properly oh and by the way we would never train there this is in the middle of the temple this is part of the area that is sprawling with tourists during the day so you can't really walk around there this was locked down for the camera team we trained in the training halls which are outside of the tourist areas but I mean it looks cool rural tell me pongo pattern fits again sure the monks do have a lot of media experience camera teams are there at least every month I'm not saying they told him word for word what to say but if you speak Chinese you can clearly see he's saying what he's supposed to be saying everybody who's involved with the temple to a deeper degree knows what words to say to the cameras in order to sell it they're great people again nobody talks like that yond Ian will have to prove himself before a panel of senior monks in both kung fu and Buddhist teachings huh cool this is form is called the Chang women it is one of their favorite forms to perform also next to extinction it is actually a really long form but they usually cut it up in half just to make it more snappy if he fails his test it'll be three years before he can try again three years before he can try again press X to doubt Shaolin and China is all about Quan Chi who knows who that guy doesn't have for to wait for anything by the way this little area that they filmed this in is one of my favorite places in the Shaolin Temple because even though it is accessible for tourists in order to get to it you have to walk through this little hidden door and most people don't know about it it's a very open space I love to train there and it's very quiet oh my god he is amazing I had the opportunity to be part of his training group a couple of times and he is so amazing he's such a cool guy and so hardcore when it comes to kung fu training them I have so much respect for him he's really epic one of the best masters at Shaolin City among young said agent Ian's mentor mentor okay so obviously in the Shaolin Temple and in China in general age is very important so senior people tell you what to do and how to behave so in that regard he does have to listen to him but he's not his personal mentor there's no such things he's just a senior monk but they're both already masters they're brothers essentially they're warrior monk brothers that's all it's thought kung fu was developed by the early Chinese monks as a way to stay for it enough for hours of seated meditation yeah that is correct all dole will talk again most warrior monks rarely ever meditate in the past Shaolin warrior monks beautiful forms to protect their monasteries and villages protect monastery in villages now that is correct although not the whole truth because the Shaolin Temple was involved in much more than that they were actively engaged in war several times the way they market themselves right now is all about all shaolin kung fu is about peace and health that's part of the truth but that's not the whole thing southern culture is very complicated and political but it's very difficult to market complex ideas so they always water down to that pea and love and meditation and spirituality when in fact that's not even true and they know it right so for example some of the fist forms that they have in Shaolin actually can be dated back to certain time periods for example there are forms that are very aggressive and pragmatic and these forms date back to when they were engaged in war and then there are forms that are very slow all about the breathing exercises very internal and these date back to more peaceful times each monk chooses a specialism yeah my specialism was the whip and the sword yep Dada Jehovah like God he's a megatons whoa ah then teach it to fit on the cornichons show ya the monkey stick is one of the most if not the most advanced weapon in Shaolin you generally get to know to overhaul to another year she even you're bashing Chiana I love this this is not how kung fu is ever taught when the cameras are off there's only beatings and Yelling's this sort of talking about what's in your heart and what's in your mind you might have that after the training when you sit down with your master and drink some tea then they tell you this but during training you will need to perform this routine perfectly but in my three years I have never ever seen anybody go up these towers because their entrances are in the tourist areas and so they're locked down so nobody can get in it's great for filming though I mean looks fantastic the abbot who's head of the temple will be judging him along with three senior monks young-sam can only watch from the sidelines what okay this doesn't make any sense Jensen is just like the other two guys they are like the senior warrior monks so I don't know why they say he had only he has to watch from the sidelines that doesn't make sense one of them was my master for about three months four months eleven years of grueling training have come to this moment this is a very cool scene again but I've never heard or seen anything this forum will take place like why would they test his skill when everybody knows him and why is the abbot there he has plenty of other things to do if somebody from outside wants to join the warrior monks there's one senior monk who comes and checks it out in the training hall no need for all these formalities I had to perform in this hall to once I think for the German ambassador from Beijing oh my god yeah so this statue right here is completely new they built this two and a half years ago when I was there the statue didn't exist and when I visited the Shaolin Temple again 2017 or something I did a video about that then suddenly I saw the statue they built this right next to the temple on a training ground that was on a hill and now it's just become another tourist spot if he now fails the scripture test oh my oh my does anyone recognize this guy right there I just posted a picture on Instagram of me and him two weeks ago he was one of my closest friends I had a cholan and he's one of the coolest nicest smartest strongest most amazing people I've ever met in China a period now fails the scripture test although it does look slightly confused as to what's going on there can you tell you now sure yeah very beautiful cathartic scene here at the end but no one sits in this hall no one shields their business of course for the camera I hope you guys enjoyed this little video I would say overall that this video is actually one of the best that I've seen even though it's scripted it is kind of authentic and I don't really mind them making up these little stories for the camera I mean it works most people don't know it's okay I think maybe follow me on Instagram and Twitter and to all my other fans reviews coming soon chill [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Ranton
Views: 7,766,504
Rating: 4.9161997 out of 5
Keywords: Ranton, Comedy, Shaolin, BBC, Shaolin Reaction, Shaolin Monks, Shaolin Temple, Shaolin Master, Shaolin Documentary
Id: jHUewEWi9SE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
Reddit Comments

Damn, this was actually really interesting. Was expecting some lame "debunking" standard youtube BS but it's awesome that the core of the documentary is legit.

Favourite part by far is @ 5:29 with the Rabbit & Carrots analogy.

👍︎︎ 120 👤︎︎ u/Corndawgz 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

Loved this video. Always good to get an idea of what's going on behind the scripted stuff. Fascinating how conscious the Shaolin are about how they market themselves.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Blooblewoo 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

This dood here is Ranton and he trained 3 years in the shaolin temple with the very same people that are in the documentary.

Even though he now focuses more on gaming related content, he has made very good videos before about his time and experience about shaolin.

Here are a few:

"My life at shaolin":

"Shaolin disciple reacts to For honor marching fire expansion":

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/Robin_vuorinen 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2019 🗫︎ replies

I was shocked to hear him say One of his masters Definitions of Shaolin of "WAR"

Thats certainly the opposite of what i was expecting...

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/kas-loc 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

Correct me if I'm wrong but I didn't see him address the entire concept of the video which is the testing. From what I understand master typically just means something like teacher, but the monk was going through the testing for something and it is never addressed what it was for in this response (or if it was just entirely staged).

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Sevalius0 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

OK YouTube, I'm ready for you to remove the original Shaolin video and replace it with this response video. Please feature this new video about 2 weeks even though I have already watched it.

While there, please remove Joe Rogan and Jimmy Fallon/Kimmel from my feed and replace with some non-corporate media. I genuinely want some diversity.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/Maphover 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

This is great content. Keep it Up bby :D

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Wolf_of_Stark 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

How effective really is that monkey stick style?

Especially when he's using it to as a prop to kick off?

Any actual footage of a real fight with such a technique?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/throwd444444 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2019 🗫︎ replies

'documentaries' have all become like this.

Whatever happened to just documenting? Whatever happened to the genuine experts talking about complicated stuff and sometimes awkward little moments in documentaries where it was obvious someone wasn't camera trained...

I get that it's a ratings war and everything needs this human interest touch now apparently but it's annoying as fuck if you begin to notice it everywhere.

It's really stark on the BBC, if you watch documentaries by them from the 90s even they're just totally different.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/pickled-egg 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2019 🗫︎ replies
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