REAL MARINES infiltrate & KILL Terrorists in Tactical SWAT FPS READY OR NOT #readyornotgame

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yes guys cheated gaming this is your number one tactical gaming channel on youtube guys for vets bivets and anyone else interested in tactile gaming if you're civilian you think i'm not a vet i can't join you can we are happy to have you jt of vigilance recruiting jt of vigil is a multinational mercenary organization operating clandestine black ops on behalf of nato governments get involved join jt a vigil bison team bison team if you join you'll get all the training comms training and how to move and all the tactics and techniques that you'll need to operate with jilin and the gang guys so get yourself involved make yourself known we're happy to have you thank you for the super thanks guys thank you for the likes and thank you for all the eyes on we really really appreciate it let's build a community let's go absolutely massive thank you right guys if you like cool military clothing check out taranis tempest slow with smooth smooth is fast he's got really really cool gear guys um use the code glitter on check out guys for discount tyrannos tempus i'll drop the link in the description of this video check out his gear he's got really really good t-shirts guys who needs t-shirts um yeah i really love it got a lot of his t-shirts now it's really really cool support the guy his name's john he's third generation us marine guys so if you're fed drop him some love gillette at checkout for discount check it out before we go into the video one last message square your life away slow smooth sweep is fast check out manscape check out their website check out their products i use it it's fantastic products guys glen check out 20 off worldwide shipping check it out boys hope you enjoyed the video chill it out right boys and girls before we get into the op tonight get yourself on youtube click subscribe on flam danger's youtube channel if you like cinematics if you like action gameplay and if you want to see a different take on the stuff that i put out i like watching his videos it's really really good guys girls give flamdango a sub next up is this mad lad i met him on twitter he came to me through discord and we became good friends the guy's called matt he runs the death screens and dad bots tick tock akana these guys are quite big on tick tock they've got a hell of a lot of following and their content is sick go check them out if you're on tick tock check out death screens and dad pods and give him a follow yes guys okay last but not least air venom if you like your streaming if you're into twitch check out air venom stream guys he's on twitch he's got a bit of a following going on he's into his fps and tactical gameplay we became really really good friends with the content i put out he's in my discord i like the guy a lot and we would love to have more germans in the community i've got a lot of respect for germany for their military for the police everything german really so uh give air venom a follow on twitch guys [Music] four five four four five [Music] he's no longer with us first tonight yet another weekend of violence we consider this an act of terrorism absolutely we are investigating this from all parties they appear to be armed with an assault type rifle a hangar and some sort of police responded to the shooting inside a popular show we are investigating this from all parties perspective as an act of terrorism uh anytime that we have dozens of people running for their lives [Music] the attack the gunman is reported to have barricaded himself [Music] mmm [Music] [Music] [Music] hello gentlemen welcome good evening i'm sorry to call you guys in this late but we have a absolute absolute disaster on our hand tonight guys a u.s yemenis terrorist cell has hit a nightclub on u.s soil this is fallout from a recent u.s military strike in north yemen hitting a terrorist cell and we've been informed by intel there's collateral damage this collateral damage can obviously be assumed as the trigger for the hit on the club on u.s soil our job as always is to go in neutralize eliminate and put down the scum responsible for the mass shooting and killings within this nightclub i'm gonna ask you guys to put a motion to one side keep your military slash police hats on keep focused look at the man behind you look at the man in front of you and look at the man next to you keep it tight keep yourself together and let's get through this and let's get out of life do not want to lose a single man tonight dango is going to be lima 1. i say again dango is going to be lima 1 he's going to take the squad he's going to lead the squad gila's going to be lima 2 support dango and take over if we have any issues i got it so tactical breakdown enemies are an islamic radical group so we can expect use of civilian shields um maybe even explosives trappist civilians explosives on doors strip wires we're gonna have to watch for that as we move through the location itself we don't have the exact layout we do know that it's dense it's complex a lot of angles with two floors total we're gonna be making entry on the ground floor when we make entry we're going to sweep the perimeter and work our way center all the while we're going to be wedging doors with central access to the to the building to contain suspects and civilians any questions are there any special roe restrictions what's the roig negative mate no roe restrictions we're dealing with terrorists these guys are out for blood they are evil they want to hurt maim and kill if you see a weapon you put them down you do not hesitate if you spawn a civilian make sure they are packing they are not hiding they are not a terrorist undercover these guys will use civilians as human shields there will be bomb vests warn the service tell them to stay put when you can see both hands and you see a bomb this you tell them to stay where they are if they run towards you do not hesitate you tap them two in the chest one in the head you put them down and you make sure it's permanent remember your training remember who you are remember what you were part of yeah jt of vigil look after each other medico good to see you in the team good recovery from the last hop dango bring the boys back squat yours mate roger that [Music] [Applause] so make sure you're safe real real transit's here let's go let's go let's go time to rain the pain lads let's get this done right now it's dismount get information don't go squatch yours mate good luck get us home boy man when you're ready ready why been moving last man move we got dead civilians everywhere in here that's the [ __ ] show lots look at this yeah even the ambulance is empty man all right double stack moving up got cell phone ring and people are trying to call their loved ones like yeah explosive breach move up okay roger i'm up i'm up flick around three two one execute let's go guys move venom what are you saying medical venom jet is gold middle stay online boys stay online more down civvies here make sure we check them as we flow by open window left open window left top stairs closed door left close double door right right medico push right venom left jetted metal you're doing good [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] it leave it one leave my two message hey roger that way one uh wedge man up on those double doors yeah that's my basic mate we're pushing perimeter right that's the that's the route so yeah no worries wedging i got voices on the other side of this door so we need to move quickly door wedge collapsing medical's last man he's set ready to move all right pick it for me grunt dude no traps oh no traps audible audible other side i got i got visual on the other side looks unarmed hit it go open it get down he's compliant you're the best secondary secondary you've got to muzzle up don't go push right it's going to heavy do not move breezy stay still we're insecure insecurity just ow pulling back hey get them out of here notifying trailers point last man roger that so this next wait wait for the attack all right the move here yeah the stack peak and flash i got flash waiting for last man last one set roger no trap no trap no trap swinging three two one close front near open left open right a closed door hallway to the right i'm holding on pass me watch left watch right last night get in grunt check for life in the rear mate yeah i'll confirm stack of dead seven right on you death all right it's clear we got a double door one side open right on here i'm right on your left i'm gonna close it roger that those are they're all dead man run copy last thank you all right wedges wedges set collapsing there you go uh grunt your last man all right boys regroup the stack watch level one point man second man's in venom point i was locked i'll pick few let me pick venom and leave there's audible too stack hold steps behind the door close close close battering ram flash you can try explosive you try explosive i'm thinking rammed and flesh roger flash ready i guess ram who's ram who's right the ram i got the ram i got the ram get the flash ready before you vote for your bank there there's explosive breach on the door there is an explosive breach on the door you put it on negative good to go okay all right give me a countdown i'll ram it who's flash who's flash man flash up it's me my boys get ready three two one ex let's go send it leave my one that's in [Music] watch front who's on my right who's on my right watch front swinging left swing left yeah got it i got front cover left side of that wall is clear we got double doors ahead closed good job right check the check open doors rear doors right left [Music] tango down i'm pulling back pulling back there's another contact in there we're with gillette thank you mike thank you bye venom oh [ __ ] all right i'm flowing within him there was a threat left here venom venom we may want to collapse to the rest of the guys here yeah peel off the pillow shut yep roger closing right right stack real scary legend okay you got it covered i need a double stack on me the last one are they both wedged venom oh far right i project that death gillette i've got a limited field of view mate you're last man she's down good work last [Music] i got your rear falling back falling back how hold here are you guys getting in the next room and coming on the other side of the story front yeah she's going on pull back to the screen i'm reloading [Music] don't go i'll tell you what the stack's in i'll hand back come on death is in who's last man [Music] that's medico [Music] there you go close in mate we're not leaving you there warm up warm up you're gonna hold message yes squad's yours brother let's go all right open both on three two one i think there's movement on the right roger it's open door on the right i hear audible hey weapon what flow in flow in flow we need to get a flash in there yeah i've got a flashlight i've got a flash up here i can't no angle no angle that's all right i'm gonna give you that angle i'm gonna open this door then you flash hold on i'm on grunt swing swing lower yourself left side yeah i need a reload need to reload posing this goddamn this guy suicide vest like this all right medical covering me i'm pushing right now right man all right no front element we're pushing we're pushing stacks here run run i got i got it i got it i got it reload medical they're pushing left when you come in i'm in grunt just step forward taking the dead tango hold it hold it boy it's my life flash before my eyes [ __ ] suicide vest horrendous yeah all right good shooting uh we left we left a set of double doors on secure back there we're going to bypass for now flip flop flash on this right side roger gillet flash up it said difficult man it's it's open kind of open so grant can you push to your right just for sex so i can get angle and then push straight back as i fall past you negative push right yeah push right push right three two one i can't make i can't flash i don't have angle it's gonna bounce back you need to fall back grunt and push right behind anger that's what if you've already pulled the pin you gotta get rid of it yes i mean grunt fall back push behind dango give me that space where you are right flush up move it three two one flush flush flush go go go go go in front do it with you [Music] flip right venom move movement thank god message i've got stairs leading up i'm holding rear not pushing i'll do that one on me moving up here we got another arm civilian at the uh take left-hand stairs you got a problem yeah you're left with you on this left-hand side you want to flash or you want to take it thank you america flash it open roger i'll plug left you guys push front take it expect killed hey screens you got that flash yeah you want a left keep moving [Music] rear elements three elements pulled off point man tell ray when you're moving we're moving we're moving hey she's in between us venom holding on the bathrooms i'm with you tango possible threats great work advice threat front is interior to the building we want to make sure we stay uh around the perimeter so let's uh hold that and move and of course everybody regroup on me gee there was a uh dead suspect did anyone checked him so we have the explosive vest he was tagged and then we have another tango he was bagged and tagged weapon picked up as well to the right last one set reloading last minute [Music] continue to push got closed door on my right side slow down it's clear on left she got this right side now hold on stack on this door [Music] taking myself off point all right boys this is a peak in flash roger ready ready peeking traps i got i got flash [Music] no traps let's do this oh trap swing opening flashing shield i got open door on the right side goes to the other bathroom through that room we were just in area right side gentlemen message is this the uh same room we just cleared the big room yeah hey all right boys are pussing we're pushing in through straight through that door through to the next restroom someone plug right okay death you're plugging right you're plugging cubicles left open door right guys all right uh looks like open left and possibly open right if i swing around to get eyes on watch out gee i'm on it roger that night whoever's behind me flashing right we move on bank roger flash man wake up hey medical you're behind grunt grunt oh okay that's grunt sorry my bad you're ready flashing right out oh bouncing it went left oh good gotcha [Music] [Music] advice i had eyes on the tango then i'm gonna step over the civvi take silly going low [Music] 320 40 mike flash deep in there are you already pull that pin hey firmly all right send it send it flash out let's hey check windows left side last minute [Music] watch tango watch contact watch contact left side atrium main dance floor put a wedgie store behind him hold hold that hold muzzle left [Music] [Music] all right medical those doors reach her up battering ram crash that [ __ ] down we're going through there give me a countdown get it when ready we got to get out of here [Music] here on the left start with the left roger need to uh i'll break right you break the left venom moving in three two one moving clear right venom do this on you push right i'll sit left wingman muzzle up watch medical peel off breaking corner open [Music] right venom flash right flash right dude it's gonna flash once dango's in [Music] roger last man that's man left side is dead end that's clear right stack be advised we're gonna flow right thread to the right sending them the good news three two one flush here close double door always nice and clean stay online online [Music] double door dango white flash man that's one set all right all the both steps behind the door all right roger that already fight flight battery ram flash left shoulder pull back shield right side [Music] uh 10 meters i'm pushing past three two one all right balcony's clear we're good element once you wrap that up we're pulling right rock's getting nice and tango possibly still alive let's not go too far let's just sleep multiple down falling back [Music] pushing right lane hold right lane hold right lane venom hold hold it there's all right all right last man pillow off we're moving suspect come over your left lever one stack is ready waiting for last man you need to float outside perimeter last minute set yeah yeah i'm set earlier all right move i've got the dead space to the left [Music] the squad needs to know which way we're going i'm thinking outside perimeter as you breathe right so that's door to the right door to the right yeah we're in that security office [Music] medic are you doing the right thing right side element we're gonna flow into that security office let's go no traps swinging door three [Music] we're in good afternoon clear clear everybody we're flowing through dango uh i don't know what you want my explosive breach or batter that's better up he can flash it's probably a short room raj on point manager at this point venom peeking peeking uh close right close right small box room by the looks of it no idea screaming flash swing flash prep swing door in three two one flash out [ __ ] that caught me i'm flash push past push push and pass right and left side is clear the same deal peeking flash it looks like the ribs breaking left threats to the left all right g your flash a4 bang and move flush ready three two one execute push it open the area to the right open left clear no fret no fret flash right group on bang that's got it flash right push it left side is clear is clear bennett move on door stay closed behind the blind hands up keep going pushing fast i need a muzzle i've got i've got civi if you can push up just a little bit you lit watch brother yep it's going right in the [ __ ] threshold all right leave her on uh trailers will get her as we move through yeah leave it for now she's exposed look close wall left side up front i'm gonna swing door i'm gonna swing door we're gonna get ice down range three two one i need somebody in the rear of the stack get a 320 deep front dang goji led i've got eyes right side looks like a booth to the right possible breakthrough proof to the rest of the room right i've got 320 going deep flat out deep right flush out push out in three two one move move move then i'm [Music] here [Music] two dead security guards bar clear barclays uh fall online with me venom i'm on you i'm gonna open door right in the desk space straight ahead i'll take riding something along run brother julia's left side right we've reached the right side we've got our infill point to the second floor come over me while i secure this guy's weapon down right side hold it run i'm pushing up [Music] bag of nuts all right got him okay grunt uh you and i are gonna push up we're gonna clear the top side yeah three two one it's good what's real [Music] thank [Music] [Music] clear stop sign move it from me securing weapons going weapon on the deck watch friendly blue blue blue last mount in right another coast point man starting to move up we have open area to the left and uh open area straight ahead this is where we infilted the second floor someone covered that around the corner flash left around corner there's stairs clean all right taking stairs sounds good uh we've got looks like another set of restrooms right ahead and then on the right uh doorway to the dance floor maybe yeah it's a dance floor all right i'll pop that off you guys flow on by roger move move move move moving faster faster i have a uh compliant suspect straight in front of me all right now now we slow it back down to your left here venom roger left side clear about hold point hold grunt break off please uh we need great scary mate support us please brother hold five let's wait for that we're gonna hold what we got medic coach you wanna yeah we're not pushing it yet uh let's yes hold this for now let them clear that out and move in as a group this is a this is a bad area that go in with the people yeah we've got top side clear there [Music] rear stack is holding go ahead then go like your ground [ __ ] at six all right let's hit it we need a total of four guys over here so one more [Music] go ahead [Music] two on rear four on me medico i've broke it off i've peeled off falling back dango jill is on your six roger all right death on you hey we got a closed door right i'm swinging left alright t intersection here feel it on me on this door there's a there's this there's a civ left side all right hey let's let's flip in three two one all right three two one move no trap no track close all right i need one on me so that i can secure the civilian it flows right room flow's right then go okay three one that's green right that is clear i'm on you room clear room clear security [Music] dango did you catch that uh medical was sending cops send again uh i need some of the cover left and someone on my right to cover long i'll secure a suspect i come along right yeah okay i'll break i'll cover left i'll break left three two one let's go [Music] get on the ground [ __ ] it out last look at the dance move as well this is a massacre absolutely all right boys clear through clear through moving out units point genus boy behind you thank you mate roger closing this door [Music] right dango the door to my front now is wedged wedged roger boys all right that's the whole club clear all right checking these civvies [Music] checking yeah roger that looks objectives all all accomplished [Music] right let's hit it export export expo yep i'm seeing no uh no survivors here on the dance floor it's poor dead service man nuts nice and long r and after this boys get our heads cleared to get our heads cleared amen to their brother good job guys page up right let's get some intel out of this yemenis terrorist scumbag you'll come in with me well done voice hey that was a good run yeah agree grant good team good discipline lads well done roger boys that was great thank you for the evening thank you for the game it shows you what a bit of police and military experience and skills can do for gaming fantastic off last jtv just gonna be proud chill it out [Music] we hadn't made [Music] [Music] yes
Channel: GLID Gaming
Views: 456,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: nVWwhzTh3gE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 28sec (2308 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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