Real Life Invisibility Cloak for Hyper Stealth Military Missions

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An enemy convoy rolls to a stop, the commander of  the lead vehicle popping open the hatch on his IFV   and scanning the desert with his binoculars-  the coast is clear, no sign of American forces   anywhere. Sliding back inside his vehicle he gives  the command for the convoy to begin rolling again. Suddenly there’s the roar of an M1 Abrams  firing its main gun, and the rearmost vehicle   goes up in flames. A second roar from a different  position, and the lead vehicle is destroyed. The   enemy convoy is in full panic now, but with  both the lead and rear vehicle destroyed,   the rest of the convoy is having a hard time  breaking from the tightly packed formation.   Enemy troops scan the desert all around them,  where in the world is the firing coming from?! Then they see it- an M1 Abrams  materializing out of thin air,   followed be a second, then a third and  a fourth. From an opposite direction,   Bradley infantry fighting vehicles seem to  shimmer into existence from empty desert.   The enemy is surrounded, but how in the world  did the American forces become invisible?! This scenario may seem like something out  of Star Trek or Harry Potter, but a Canadian   company called Hyperstealth Biotechnology Inc.  has made it a reality. The new technology is   called Quantum Stealth, and it can actually make  something as large as a tank completely invisible.   How you may ask? Well let’s find out.  Remember this is real technology that   could be used by the military in the next few  years, so forget about the fantasy and science   fiction worlds of television and movies, real  life is about to get a lot more interesting. The exact way the material that makes  Quantum Stealth and invisibility   possible is kept secret by the inventor  and CEO of Hyperstealth Biotechnology Inc,   Guy Cramer. The company is based  out of British Columbia, Canada,   and over 3000 military vehicles are currently  using camouflage designs created by this company. Quantum Stealth has been examined by two separate  command groups within the United States Military   and the Canadian Military. All personnel  who have seen the actual Quantum Stealth   material have verified that the  technology is real and works. But how does it work? That is the mystery.  We will break down the science and then   examine how the technology could be used  in different military scenarios. Again,   this is not science fiction. This is real  technology that makes things invisible using   real science. What a time to be alive! From the little we know about Quantum Stealth  one thing is clear, the way the material makes   things invisible is through the bending of light.  The material that is used is kept secret, but the   principle is actually all around us in nature.  The Quantum Stealth material refracts light   using a series of small lenses. Refracting is the  fancy scientific term for the bending of light.   The Quantum Stealth material surrounds whatever  object the military wants to make invisible,   then the material refracts light  around the object. But how does this   make the object invisible? First  we need to discuss light waves. The way you, and I, and every other human sees is  by gathering and focusing light using our eyes.   When light comes in contact with an object  it bounces off of it in all directions.   If you are in the reflected light’s path  some of that light enters your eyes,   your brain interprets the light waves, and that  is how you see everything around you. This is an   oversimplification, but is the quick version of  how we see objects. The key to Quantum Stealth   is that instead of allowing light to bounce off  an object, the Quantum Stealth material bends   light around the object. Therefore, if you have  a tank surrounded by the Quantum Stealth material   light is bent around the tank. If the light  never reaches the tank, there is no light   bouncing off of it to be sent to your eyes. The  tank is invisible to you, and everyone else. As we said earlier this is not some science  fiction concept. Refraction of light happens   all of the time. We can prove it. Take a glass  of water and stick a straw in it. Then look down   into the glass of water. You will see that the  straw above the water is in one spot and the   straw below the water has shifted to the side. Did  the actual straw bend? No. The light is being bent   as it passes through the medium of air to the  medium of water. The light your eyes capture   to see the straw has been bent as the light  moves from one medium to another. Cool right? Quantum Stealth works the same way. The  Quantum Stealth material is made up of   lenses to create a medium that does not  reflect light back or let light through.   Instead the material bends light around it, making  any object on the other side completely invisible. For those of you who are still with  us, and we hope that’s everyone,   things are about to get a little crazier. If the  refraction of light can make things invisible,   then why don’t you become invisible every  time you jump into a pool, or ocean,   or any other medium besides air? Clearly this  doesn’t happen, and if it does happen to you   send us an email so we can make a video about  how you have broken the laws of physics. Instead,   when you enter a new medium light is bent.  The light still reflects off of you, just at a   different angle. You are still visible, you just  look like you’re in a slightly different spot. The Quantum Stealth material is unique in the  way it bends light. It creates what is called   a “dead spot” behind it. This is how the  Quantum Stealth material causes objects to   become completely invisible. When light enters the  lenses it is refracted in two opposite directions.   This creates the “dead spot” in the middle of  where the light waves have separated. Therefore,   anything that is placed within the “dead spot”  is invisible since no light waves reach it. And   since radar, night vision, and thermal sensors  all use a form of light wave to detect objects,   Quantum Stealth also makes things it’s surrounding  invisible to those forms of detection as well. There is no power source, the Quantum  Stealth material is paper thin,   and Guy Cramer has reported it  is inexpensive. Quantum Stealth   will most likely be the military’s  choice of camouflage in the future.   But what would they use it for? It is a really  cool concept, but is it practical? Let’s see. Imagine a pilot flying over enemy territory. They  are taking reconnaissance pictures and gathering   intel. There is suddenly a malfunction in the jet.  Sparks start spraying out of the flight counsel.   The only way the pilot can keep from catching fire  in the cockpit is to eject. The pilot pulls the   handle on the side of their seat, the canopy  flies up, and they are ejected into the air. The enemy will see the plane  crash, but what about the pilot?   Large parachutes are easy to spot against a blue  sky. But what if the parachute was invisible?   The parachute could be made out of the Quantum  Stealth material allowing the pilot to safely   glide down to the ground without being spotted.  Then the pilot can hide under the Quantum Stealth   parachute making them completely invisible to  all forms of visual sensors, including eyesight.   The pilot calls for extraction and safely  waits, undetected, until the cavalry arrives. Another thing to think about is the  tactical advantage Quantum Stealth   could give special forces units. An entire  boat of Navy SEALs could be docked off shore.   The boat is using Quantum Stealth so it  is invisible. Normally special forces   teams work under the cover of night, but  now they can be invisible at any time of   day. They plan their mission to take  place in the middle of the afternoon   when their target is most vulnerable. The SEAL  team is outfitted in Quantum Stealth dive suits.   They swim ashore undetected, complete their  mission, and return to their invisible boat. The best part is that by the time the enemy  realizes what happened, it will be too late.   The SEAL team will already be safely back at  base. When the enemy goes to review camera logs   and sensors nothing comes up. The Quantum  Stealth made sure the SEALs were invisible   to all types of sensors. It even kept them  from casting shadows. They are invisible and   undetectable. The enemy is baffled by the  unexplained infiltration of their outpost. Since the Quantum Stealth material  is versatile, and relatively cheap,   the military may use it to camouflage larger  objects. Take a plane hangar for instance.   The United States Airforce could build and  store prototype and cutting edge aircrafts   without the enemy ever knowing. If the  whole hanger was surrounded by Quantum   Stealth material the enemy would have no  clue it was even there. The hangar would be   undetectable by aerial surveys and satellites.  The military could work in complete secrecy. We talked about camouflaging one tank in Quantum  Stealth, but what about a whole battalion?   What if a group of tanks could infiltrate enemy  lines and get into striking positions without ever   being noticed? The only indication that the tanks  were there would be from the sound of the engines   and the firing of their cannons. But at that  point it would be too late for the enemy.   Even early warning detection systems wouldn’t be  able to pick up the signatures of the battalion   of tanks. Each one would be outfitted  with its own Quantum Stealth technology.   They would be able to fire, reposition, and  fire again taking out any enemy in their path   without being seen. The tanks would  be undetectable except by sound. This brings up another important point about  Quantum Stealth. The technology is not only   effective at making military assets invisible,  but the psychological warfare that goes along   with it could be just as devastating as bullets  and bombs. Imagine fighting an enemy you cannot   see or detect. Military forces with Quantum  Stealth can move freely across battlefields   and infiltrate bases without leaving anything  but footprints and tire tracks behind.   The toll that would take on the opposing soldiers  would be insurmountable. How do you fight an army   you can’t see? How do you defend against vehicles  and crafts that are undetectable? You can’t. You may be wondering if this technology  will be available to everyone. At this   point only the U.S. and Canadian militaries  have access to the Quantum Stealth Camouflage.   Would knowing the principles of how Quantum  Stealth material works allow someone to create   their own invisibility cloak? At this point it  would seem no one else has unlocked the secrets   of the Quantum Stealth material. The concept of  how it works is basic physics, but engineering   the material has only been accomplished  by Guy Cramer and his company. In fact,   Cramer has stated that he has already developed a  countermeasure for Quantum Stealth, so if someone   were to figure out how it is done, he would be  able to detect it. Presumably this information   would be shared with the military if enemy forces  got their hands on Quantum Stealth technology. Having access to Quantum Stealth technology  gives the military an immense advantage on the   battlefield. But what other applications  does the Quantum Stealth material have?   Cramer has already patented  other uses for his technology.   Some of which could change the world  for everyone, not just the military. The same material used to create Quantum  Stealth Camouflage can also be used as a   solar panel amplifier. Tests using current solar  panel technology paired with the Quantum Stealth   material showed that the solar panels  could more than triple their output.   Guy Cramer was able to increase the  output on three different solar panel   designs by threefold each. That is really  impressive. The Quantum Stealth material   could change the game when it comes  to harnessing the power of the sun. Quantum Stealth Camouflage is a reality.  It renders objects completely invisible   and undetectable by sensors. As of right now  the military is the only ones that have access   to this technology. It will change the way war  is fought. Using basic principles of physics,   Hyperstealth Biotechnology Inc. has turned  invisibility cloaks into a reality. But the world   as a whole may benefit even more from the other  applications of the Quantum Stealth material.   Maybe someday we will stop burning fossil  fuels that are causing climate change,   and get more energy from the sun  using Quantum Stealth technology. If you want to learn about stealth technology  watch our video Next Generation Stealth Bomber:   B-21 Raider (What Do We Know About It?).  Or if you want to get a glimpse at how   Quantum Stealth may tip the scale in  favor of the United States military   watch These Will Be the Most  Powerful Militaries In 2020.
Channel: The Infographics Show
Views: 154,707
Rating: 4.9233427 out of 5
Keywords: camouflage, quantum stealth camoflauge, military, invisibility, invisibility cloak, military invisibility cloak, technology, science, infographics, the infographics show, weapons, stealth, secrets, invisible
Id: 4SyzQRwNJJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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