[REAL ATC] Qantas suffers depressurization | Pilot becomes incapacitated

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you [Applause] one of 50 circle our Costas observer 173 35 Roger said judicially like level 2 plus 0 semi Flores is descending before 33 34 specifically reserved 173 35 Roger pen 34 34 34 emergency descent practical and with the sipping lemonade emergency of parallel Health paper shortage of 173 35 verse in our progeny a national portrait of our traffic producing 2 1 0 thousand Sarah what the third quarter 3573 35 advise if you wanna diverter still continue on the mountain after I totally followed I'm not sure we just try to get the authority of order theory and well and oxygen provider will delegate under 2 million telephones 35 more 2073 35 at interpretation again please close a bit more for our area which is coffee Walker okay Emma 1973 if you're asking for the lowest safe stage 3934 occur five ever 173 35 Roger leap controlled age based on descent to 8,000 nor for tonight for traffic 33:35 request a heading Futaba at the weather conditions for lawful with it to get literally under 70 335 understood sir steamer 2070 335 will you be doing a normal approach and landing and any dangers cordial symbol for Volga party with our other side will be at all culture rabid with just a diaper one 273 35 Roger there's no reporter network traffic tracking two cameras or at 8,000 the area QH is one zero one two thank you what the odds are for 170 335 you have to track on your own ID me raining I was sitting about my overhead little Albert if I first 173 $35 hunter and also require the services available I will require every opera 173 are 35 understood will organized services in ambulance ambulance 73 35 taking their battle with the dangers cargos and pob sir just for the ambulance I've got the meter sure when you're ready and the Qantas ability 35 Canberra metal auto the wind is too noisy degrees upon for not visible it is greater than 1 0 km/h dec 10 / ature one to two point zero Niner and the clinicians 1 0 0 900 we're accustomed angry ones taking the waypoint sir position landing for the olives someone's very hard same boy 1 473 35 there's no or traffic traffic tracking do it - Minzy but also a circle for equal to 70 335 contact mixer section also one-one-niner five-second or not off we didn't find the aircraft is performing as expected on a day earlier bogeys still on top the insanity okay [Applause] we're expecting everything to be normal from at the stage occupies other words 473 35 not a problem did you think there was any yang seems odd smells like yes so could be accommodated various combination of things but yeah we just lazy Jeff caught sight of his vessel for a 73 second timer on a 73 35 to go ahead 107 3/5 on a 70 335 should be like Canberra are you expecting a normal approach and landing is there anything yard like spy service man tonight I think we probably can the services however some sort of safety these other guys probably have some sort of medical services there any 123 thirty thousand problems 473 35 news ATI Canberra I changes when you're ready paying quarter 53:35 we tracked our directors decision was to be 335 no reported I fight ready first to Katya strictly cardiac 106 3 goodbye go straight across the street pizza 53:35 our runway is our three five and weand two eight zero degrees once it's not all crosswinds surface for a second corner seven three six five four three zero that's when I give you a pan-pan mr. quality presentation interface for my own safety police I've got a record smell for you 53:35 are legitimate and quarter-century good father you closer to Allah Salih for a right there is five so if we can plan for that next aligner first in v3 35 knows I would have you require ID style at night when you make you soon see 335 oh you guys will quote shortly a lot more happy observed so that you if you'd lost internet we go yes 73 35 fever approach you're aware of your attractive honesty and contact them now one to five decimal nine or that you what secretary broadcast all stations camera pouch in town will be remaining open to two aircraft a moody camp approach and tower control the display of all we might open be on top [Applause] [Applause] I think we have to specify the effective date ice run at 70 335 camera approach Roger made a in the control is based on your current heading maintain 8,000 camera qhs 1 0 0 9 I'll be commencing Victor's saying about 2 minutes time once you're inside controlled airspace evicting you to about a 1/8 mile final for the eyeless 7330 farm showing about 4 8 miles to touchdown is tender in control displace now floating 1 1 0 19 [Applause] 8070 335 does let me know if there's any deterioration in your situation [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] give me 3 35 seconds I'm not sure if you connect contact numbers 4 and you sort of start for a corner for there we're going to be to be honest and off by E we need to have sort of stairs to get to the airplane at that sort of assistance of in that way the ambulance crew should jump off order to go beyond my goodness I just compared me getting some sort of yeah of equipment to access the aircraft safer it will will arrange that and just rely on a seventy three thirty five but our advisors that Qantas engineering has been advised and you can expect to park at the base of the tower and well Leah aiming for rather earliest possible entry to the aircraft to provide the assistance 73 thirty-five turn right heading 1 to zero want 273 30 plants and I just advise if you require any assistance of frequencies aren't either stuff running to the approach and just confirm y'all ready yet to conduct the approach will be ready sucks rice 173 35 on a 73 30 40 Sen to 7500 on a 70 335 can happen now about two nine miles to touchdown and it'll be turned into on the next couple of minutes a semi 330 Falkenberg the ambulance is in attendance for your roll call - perfect - 70 335 turn left heading zero eight zero he's tender 7100 plus there's less than zero zero seven 335 170 335 turn left heading zero three zero your position three miles to the left of a localizer like a pilot intercept report established well there are three very apologies it will go across 33 35 170 335 dicen - 5770 335 occurred the descent you surely just passing about to pass through the localizer confirm here in the turns out of intercept 3 - 73 35 thanks D Center 5,400 the Annihilus from i-35 approached he had won six master touchdown like this $5 approach broadcast also since low level Amber approach and tower airspace remaining open beyond time on the hour it's that camera airspace remaining open 3:35 stuff - every 335 qnh one zero zero Niner and your pop indication to be slightly higher me punch yeah it's time to configure at the planet hey Timmy 335 thanks conduct l1 when Ike this and will seven [Music] I'm 73 35 Rosa made a surface wind two seven zero degrees at 1/4 or cross 173 35 when you have a moment you're familiar with camera in the parking we're gonna put you over this side face of the town so it'll be self advice drop which every NW it's not your land and then now I'll take your stretches from Eric still a little oh that's life I gather it on the right side something the importance right and still working on stairs but should have this sort of 15 we're gonna see the spheres here we're gonna together put them in just anything take you when he's feeling alpha like a 10 if you tell the medics are the FO is hearing your voice but conscious will 573 35 okay we've probably overreacted on that that all good and they're waiting for you so for you the wind is still cross with ones for knots you can expect some turbulence over the in the flare on the hangers on the right and your left sorry runway 3 5 3 um well for 973 [Applause] 53:35 as you come off straight ahead and you'll pick your master live just outside of town [Applause] here follow me vehicle will take you round of the left and that's a 27 ISM [Music] [Applause] you know we're all having here on the ground and the efforts done well keys you
Channel: VASAviation -
Views: 731,321
Rating: 4.8887401 out of 5
Id: uCQE77K8GUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 03 2018
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