Real Airbus Captain | #toliss #a320 NEO | #xplane12 | How Good is it?

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[Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] who needs to sync up the countdown music with the countdown timer anyway that's that's it's too complicated for me what is up everybody welcome back to the channel the long-awaited return well maybe long awaited for sub of you a long-awaited return of my presence in X-Plane 12. if you have been patiently waiting and I know there are a few of you out there this stream is for you guys I'm happy to bring you a tallest pre-release A320 Neo stream now I know there's been a couple out there already I've watched a few myself I've watched some of um xp72 watch them with Q8 I watched uh a review from Mr Blue games himself I was out on the road I was actually going to do this flight yesterday but I got called do some real world kneeling around I said hey you know what what better time into uh I mean that just worked out perfectly got to fly a brand new 320 Neo yesterday right out of the factory I got to fly that one around all day yesterday I have a super long day of flying got back late last night and got the stream ready to go this morning so I hope you guys are ready I got my coffee here this is going to be a it's gonna be a little bit of a different format on today's Stream So what I really want to do is yes we know the airplane will fly A to B we know tolos does a great job with all the normal systems getting everything going for like I said A to B flying we've seen a couple A to B flights already we're gonna do an A to B flight today we're going Burbank to Phoenix however we're gonna do a little bit more what I used to do back in the day on this channel we're gonna do some flight testing now we're not gonna do a full-blown flight test do all the alternate direct law and all that stuff we might dabble into a little bit of it but I'm actually gonna I'm gonna show you why I think X-Plane 12 is still very near and dear to a lot of people out there and that's because some of the the tools that this simulator provides you when you combine it with high quality add-ons such as this airplane right here which I've been impressed thus far I think it's it might come to come as a surprise to some of you so I can't wait to uh to show that to you guys I hope you guys are ready to get this show on the road Camp 321 in chat what's up man good to see you yes Cam I was actually just in La yesterday again thinking about all my La fans out there Callie simmer Mike's out there as well cam I was in LA yesterday I had to wait 45 minutes for a gate on taxiway uh I should Charlie was I on Charlie yeah I took the land of too far right I took a nice little uh mental photo of the in and out down there all the good double doubles with fries and all that and then we took the was at the North Route Bridge route one of those standard taxi routes in LA and then I sat on taxiway Charlie for 45 minutes missed a commute home got on the second one though it was a good time the Carter Joel is in the chat oh my goodness Carter Joel has joined the chat Carta good to see you man it's been a long time I hope you're well dude I hope you're getting caught up with a family life and work life and all that good stuff man always a pleasure to see Carter this is like going back to the roots of this channel of x-plank card is here slam cannons in the house slam I still haven't responded to you because I'm just a total a-hole I'm sorry my friend but I did not forget about you I actually messaged a couple of my buddies um about your message that you sent to me I haven't got any good information back to pass on yet it's just kind of like yeah I haven't really heard of anybody I don't really know of anybody in that scenario yet but I'm keeping my ear to the uh to the ground in case I do pick up on anything I will definitely get back to you slam Captain Tom in the house as well Benny Benny Kelly simmer starting off right again 10 gifted Subs guys if you pick up a gifted membership from Cali simmer shout him out let him know you're very appreciative of that that is very generous of Mr Callie simmer thank you man I really appreciate you Kelly Seymour for the 10 gifted sub memberships you guys are absolutely awesome thank you for the support good afternoon from the UK John ho good to see you Ryan Johnson always a pleasure yo V1 you should do the Spirit flight that operates MCO to see our Charleston West Virginia I don't think I've ever been to Charleston West Virginia I don't think so I might have Ryan interesting you know I almost was going to fly East Coast because um I I wanted to fly in some of that weather but the reason we're in Burbank today is I'm going to pause the alert box here for a few minutes a few minutes here as we let the wonderful sub memberships uh go on through and uh thank you Kelly simmer again for that but the reason I picked Burbank is because recently you guys knew or know that I did a recurrent training in the Sim and we did a practice flight we basically went to Vegas Burbank bourbon back to Vegas today we're going to do Burbank but I want to do something that I have been showed by you know my check air and stuff and the Sim like hey this is what happens if this happens and what that situation is is an engine failure off of Runway one five and Burbank where'd he go there's Rising terrain you're low level it's a very congested area they say you're right on base for 2-4 right in LAX I've never done that in real life never obviously never lost an engine out of Burbank on one five but that's what they always say in the Sim hey when you're in Burbank one five plan for the 24 right La plan for the two four right La it's there all the time so we're actually going to execute that today we'll do a that's going to take a little bit of time we'll kind of work through a little bit of the emergency there and then we're going to basically just kind of quick turn us maybe we'll launch it right at right there at La and then we'll fly on to Phoenix so actually you know what we could do we could actually probably just save our spot on the runway we'll do that with the totalis and then we'll do a normal flight uh we'll do some Maneuvers as well and we'll I want to show you guys some of the aerodynamic things and and uh we're gonna test something else out that I want to do on Landing as well so we're going to test that so Vance hire I believe I'm saying that right thank you for the two dollar Super Chat as well my friend always a pleasure thank you for the support alert box is back on so I don't miss any now but thank you very much appreciate that dance and uh Brian roster says Hi everyone finally a pratt and Whitney 320 Neo for sim yes this is one of the most one of the things I'm really really excited about is we have a proper Pratt and Whitney uh Neo now the uh and I say proper because the only other Neo and X-Plane would be a neo mod so you could put the the card engine mod on that we used to do an X-Plane 11 and uh but you could have but you still were flying the flight Factor 320 right so this is a true 320 Neo and we have the proper Pratt and Whitney engines which in my opinion if I gotta pit both of them against each other the Pratt and Whitney versus the leap I'm going to pick Pratt and Whitney all day because you know what bigger is better and this diameter is a little bit bigger than the uh than the the leap so now that being said I understand that Pratt Whitney has a fair share of issues with engines and Neo engines in particular I have seen it firsthand many of you knew or that have been around following me for a while know that every time I used to take off in the Neo with the pretz I would have the high Vibe checklist up I wouldn't have my chart up I wouldn't have anything else up but I would have my contingency for high Vibe and engine fail ready to go because that was when these engines first were launched from Pratt there were a ton of issues a matter of fact I just had a high Vibe the other day that uh well it's interesting we can talk about that later but Carter says leap for the win ah come on bigger is better my friend bigger is better kept Tom says press look better see and slam Canada says Pratt looks better look you're outnumbered by the mods and chat there card it looks like uh Pratt's gonna win this one so Benny Benny good to see you man you were November 0-1 oh you were number one November 0-1 jeez you were number one on the tolles community poll to stream the 320 you know Benny Benny thank you so much man I appreciate that yeah I did not even know that was going on somebody posted uh maybe it was you there was a couple posts in the Discord saying there was a poll going on and I was honored to see my name up there at the top of the list for flying the 320 Neo so guys thank you for voting for me I didn't even know that was going on and yes indeed we are here and yes of course full disclosure Tullis did send me this aircraft uh to pre-release stream to you guys I believe the airplane is coming out scheduled for 3 20 March 20th which see what they did there March 20th 320 kind of like that so it should be coming around the corner I believe the Price Is Right Around 90 I don't quote me on that that's just what I heard I think that's what it is um but again full disclosure yes I was sent this airplane frontalis so we're gonna give it a fair Shake today we're gonna do some testing we're gonna do some kneeling and then we're gonna just do a normal regular flight now the funny thing is I haven't done a normal Landing in this airplane yet so the landing that you saw in the thumbnail I was actually doing it on the emergency electrical configuration uh yeah it was just so I haven't done an actual normal Landing yet which will be interesting to see but X-Plane has been this is the last thing and then we're going to get going here X-Plane has been and I've been saying it myself you know X-Plane is the Sim of flight Dynamics flight Dynamics flight dynamics of the Sim So today we're really going to put that to test and I hope you guys are ready to experience it with me list of Gustavo good to see you my friend Gustavo I know you're a big X-Plane fan as well so this stream is uh is going to be right up your alley man right up your alley thank you for joining today welcome on board Gustavo I hope you're doing well hope you're having a wonderful Sunday uh Jeremy Harvey good to see you man always a pleasure to see you Jeremy there's a new Mentor pilot video out about the Atlas Air 767 crash in Houston this is unrelated you need to watch it let me know how it is I want to watch it I know some personal information about that um so I'm gonna watch that video myself probably later today but I want to hear your take on it as well so I know you are very into the investigations and all that Mentor pilot does a fantastic job with his videos anyway so looking forward to watching that one uh but let me know what you think Jeremy I'm gonna watch it myself and then we could see we can kind of share some notes all right here we go then the cells are massive yeah the Pratt and Whitney is the biggest 3 20 family engine uh available so it's bigger than obviously than the CEO engines and it's also bigger than the CFM leap I can't remember the diameter off top my head but I know it's a small margin but I know for a fact it is a little bit larger and I'm 6'1 and I could basically stand in here so I don't know what that is in inches or in non-freedom units or whatnot but it's it's pretty darn close uh massive fan blades everyone that flies to Neo for the first time whether they're new pilots on OE or whatnot everyone wants to get a picture of the of the engine standing in front of it because it is it is a pretty large engine then you see you know my buddy who flies to Triple Seven he's like oh you think that's cool check this out it's like oh all right well never mind I'll go back to my little narrow body 320 Neil but yeah the doesn't compare to the trip 7 but for the narrow body 320 it is a fantastic uh fantastic motor and the sounds are really good now while I'm down here I haven't actually done a full exterior I will say right out of the gate and this is kind of a live review I'm not going to spend too much time live reviewing there's plenty of Live reviews out here on this airplane already but if you guys remember when the tollis released the 319 4X plane 11 it was nowhere near the texture quality that it is now and then this airplane is by far the best textured and modeled airplane that I've seen tolos uh put out yet I mean I would almost I'd like to see some uh maybe some updates to 321 and it's been through the cockpit really really where it shines is right here let's go now I can't really see obviously because we're in the lovely X-Plane shadowing right now but this cockpit does look actually pretty darn good and I'm going to show you guys my settings real quick and then we're going to fire it up here the general no graphic settings so this is what I'm rocking basically maxing everything out except this guy right here I don't think it really makes a difference that's like chat let's see does that really make a difference uh why is this one down anyway close proximity object greater values increase graph yeah we'll just leave that one on medium uh Shadow and rendering are high everything else is pretty much maxed out so that's my settings I will say this cockpit does look very good that engine doesn't look much different to the 321 uh uh what do you mean uh you talking about the 320 321 yeah no the 320 321 basically the same engine just uh d-ration a little bit more power all right let's oh and I saw somebody David says I think someone they used the bus switch backup speed scale and I believe we can let's do this here general settings is that an option let's see situation uh has bus switches yes we'll talk about that because I've used that in fact I've actually used that in the real airplane which if you have it is pretty cool uh we'll talk about that the backup speed scale speed out this was a big thing when p3d was uh when FS Labs brought p3d their 320 and all that they had the backup speed scale simulated and all that so we're going to talk about that as well I've actually used this in the real airplane mostly just not out of necessity but as a troubleshooting uh situation and then we use it in the Sim during recurrent all the time basically what this does it gives you an AOA really that's it it's an AOA indicator essentially so it shows your AOA it shows you if you're fast and if you're getting close to critical AOA that's really it so oh the quality that the texture ah okay thanks Carter you mean the the engine doesn't look different to the 321 engine uh from them you know I haven't you're probably right there Carter I haven't uh I haven't flown the 321 Neo but that would be something we should probably check but I was talking really from like the cockpit standpoint to me it just seems like it's really been improved but I might be uh maybe I'm seeing things but even the overhead looks pretty good so let's fire it up I got the sounds all the way up hope you guys will be able to hear everything good my sounds and X-Plane just don't seem as crisp as I used to but here we go battery One battery two we'll go ahead and turn on the external power that's coming online look at that screens are coming online let's make sure everything's Max bright here I do have Reflections on I think it adds a little bit to the cockpits but you may want to turn them off if you don't like it but I do have the reflections on the screen which I think look pretty cool hello sir just want to say thank you for your streams on the throttle Tech V3 can't wait for mine to arrive hope to see it today uh KFC turbo will welcome and yes indeed my friend you will see the throttle Tech we have it ready to go and I'm going to be working on a binding video for the 320 throttle Tekken X-Plane I do have mine completely bound I made a binding video for Microsoft I will make one for X-Plane I just haven't had the time so uh we'll go ahead and turn off the uh the expat we are on vatsim which you know in order to declare an emergency you have to be on that Sim we have to have a center on mine to do the emergency show if we do an emergency into Los Angeles we may have to disconnect from vaction anyway does the throttle tail work with the Phoenix yes it does Works flawlessly with the Phoenix Captain sleep Works flawlessly okay let's continue with our overhead flow crew Supply on ground control on CVR test beautiful eight years one two and three we'll get that we have a nice New eight years panel up there that is the newer version uh that you're we're accustomed to seeing the older one in the Phoenix uh we'll go strobe to Auto nav to position one seat belts off no smoking Auto emergency exit lights arm Landing elevation is auto two fault lights that looks good everything else is pretty much the same no act tanks or anything on the 320a we've got our Galley commercial everything looks good there we'll do a fire test number one fire test number two fire test number three beautiful up the right hand side everything looks good lights out concept here and one thing we do want to do PA I kind of like that they have this knot out and illuminated and I've mentioned it before but basically the reason on the third radio panel here that we have this PA knob out and the volume at halfway this is to record the flight attendant announcements on the black box or the CVR so if this button is off you're supposed to on your initial Flight of the day and on your through flight supposed to make sure that that stays on so that can be recorded to the black box like I said audio switching into normal that's basically just a remote control basically which rmp you're looking at but not really important toilet no one's in there right now which that's pretty good because it's early morning flight out of Burbank the lab is typically occupied at early morning which man did you get on those early 6 a.m flights Long Haul somewhere you need to do the fart removal procedure which we talked about a couple of streams ago is it true you can dual engine start the Neo Mr Swedish Moto you cannot dual start but you can dual motor for engine cooling which we will talk about here when we start up the engines uh allegedly there was a flight that was a repositioned flight operating under part 91 where the captain allegedly tested to see if you could start both engines at the same time allegedly and when he allegedly moved both Masters to the start position it triggered a bunch of faults and printed out like a 40-page engine start fault summary so not recommended there might be some mods somewhere again this is an Airbus where they're different across the globe every operator can have different options I think I've heard of rumors of being able to just go one two and then the airplane knows it will auto start one first and then the second engine but as far as my personal experience with the air the NEOS that I fly we start one engine at a time but we do dual motor them Captain Jill good to see you man hope you're well Captain Jew he says hi there Catherine hope all is well with you in the fam Geo 35 months of support dude I appreciate you Geo I hope you are well man I hope everything is good I haven't you know I miss uh chatting with y'all especially over on XP stream I've been so busy man it's just been absolutely crazy but gee I hope you're well man hope your family is good as well hope you're having a wonderful weekend dude thank you for the support and Mr Max rank coming in with 37 months 37 months three years and counting Max good to see you back my friend good to see you back max hope you're well dude hope you're uh I guess what St Louis getting pretty hammered up there with the weather lately right so man good to see you dude all right looks like he also tested the printer uh yes the printer does work which is pretty sweet let me finish setting up the airplane here we're gonna get going here everything else looks good uh our doors are armed already that's fine um I just had an auto but let's come down here and we're gonna go to the init we're gonna do a a knit a request um that we're going to do data link so this actually connects to sim brief which is pretty cool we do all that good stuff and we can get Adis and we're gonna do departure atis let's go ahead and do that and we're going to get a received message a Burbank what hey this is not available I wonder if that's because what if I do weather atis Burbank Phoenix and Tucson uh let's go ahead and do Adis let's do this way I think if that Sim is on it will actually print it you can actually get the message and print it because I've done that and it's pretty cool you can see our Uplink here here we go Burbank Phoenix Tucson the alternate Spirit Wings 357 cost index 11 390 that looks good well we always have to change in the uh in any uplinked flight plan we got to make sure we put in our Sid and our star so we're going to do that here as well let me just see if I can get the proper aidas let's go back let's go to received messages and we got a bunch of them uh not available so they're not available so I wonder if that's because no one is online on vatsim normally I've actually had that uh I think I already the flight on it all right so I've had the atis print off before but we just we don't have it uh oh now I cleared our flight plan Carter remember for 41 months let's go on the Milestone 41 months Captain Cartage a wool dude that's insane man 41 months dude good thank you so much Carter you've been around you've done a lot for the community man I'm glad to see you back on a live stream act glad to see you back on the live stream man good to see you Milestone 41 months can anyone top 41 that's a long time all right so since we can't get that that's fine we'll go back to mcdougatsu uh AOC make sure there's nothing new okay we viewed everything that's fine we'll just keep that on the flight plan page let's go ahead and put in our Sid and stars uh we don't need that let's go Burbank departure Runway one five we're on the slap two departure and the transition is Blythe for the Hydra so we're gonna go Blythe I'm gonna insert that and basically it's a manual leg out to Rave for Blythe and then we're gonna pick up Phoenix arrival I'm not sure what they're Landing right now let's just say they're Landing the ILS 8 on the Hydra no via Blythe transition insert let's go ahead and look through here make sure we got everything synced up we do beautiful that looks good Phoenix Runway eight uh you can still print the Metar atis pool from vatsim no it is online no it's metars work without anatis metars work without anatis so can I get a meter let me try that maybe that's what I did I know I got it to print before whether atis Metar that's what I need thank you thank you whoever said that thank you Dorian thank you because I know I did it before I know I did it before Harry gifting 10 more memberships to the channel Harry thank you so much for your support man kawatamundi salute right back at you dude thank you so much dude appreciate you I'm gonna pause the alert box once again here as we go through the new memberships guys if you pick one up thank you make sure you thank Carrie thank you again Harry very kind of you I appreciate that support man very very kind of you all right here's our new meter check this out print I wonder where this came from Adis Burbank here it comes it's going to print them all out and put some right up here not available not available but we have let's see 1 4 3002 zero wins pretty nice day here in Burbank which is contrary to what's been happening lately I'm just waiting for the last one to come through that's the one I want there's the last one had the printer all jammed up I wonder if this printer runs out of paper that would be pretty cool if they could simulate that Here We Go There It Is Metar Burbank if you guys seen any pictures or any shorts videos from the members that are on this channel of the real world cockpit this is what we do we do a lot of printing we do a lot of putting paper up I refer to some Pilots as paper hangers sometimes I like to bring little sticky things and hang paper all over the cockpit kind of drives me nuts but this is a very very common place to put a clearance and atis anything important Amendment so this is right smack dab where it should be Burbank we know zero win 10 miles clear 1-4 doesn't get any more standard than that so that looks good let's do what is important here we're going to do a secondary so uh the secondary normally we do Burbank Burbank or departure departure but because of Burbank and the way it's laid out the best option in case of a abnormal really is Los Angeles at least that's what I have been told I said well if I'm burning on fire my wings about to fall off I'll probably just make it right 180 and land on what is it that short Runway but I've been told that that's not the best option they say go to La everybody says go to La so I'm going to show you how I've been taught to set this specific departure up and then we're actually going to try it so what we're going to do here is we're going to select the ILS 24 right in Los Angeles on an emergency we're going to do no star no via basically that's just going to put the basic waypoints in there for the ILS we'll insert that with that in there we need to go secondary perf remember all we care about in the event of emergency here is the arrival which Burbank La is probably going to have very similar weather so we'll just zero the winds out like it shows here in Burbank temperature of uh one four I'm actually very curious to fly this because I don't know I've never like I said I've always been told this is the best option never actually done it in the Sim so let's can only make us better right q and H is three zero one two so three zero one two is set the barrel for two four right ILS I actually have my real world charts with me sitting next to me but let's pull it up here LAX I do like the efb integrated into the window here this is very good pretty nicely done approach ils24 right I feel like I just live in LA recently with all my flying that I've done LA and you can kind of see our position so let me zoom in on this this is kind of what we're what I've been talking about oh no I didn't even do that so here's Burbank if you have an engine failure or fire you really don't want to turn right because you've got high terrain on all sides you're sitting in this bowl over here so departing one five the single engine procedure actually is fly heading 160 which basically shoots you right down this Valley and it does put you on a perfect base for two four right you can see an intermediate fix there immerse and the Final Approach fix of Kobe so we're going to try this out we're going to see how it works for us today but um that's uh that's why we're setting it up now what we do need is the men's down here two four right is 322 I should know that I just landed on that Runway yesterday 322. in the Barrow is set for the secondary secondary is done radnav I will hard tune uh I'm not going to cartoon Van Nuys that's fine we're going to leave everything auto-tune there progress page let's put Burbank in here boom that is set and actually hey let's put LA because if we have an engine failure fire I just want to know where the my airport is so la is set there perf page we'll do that here in a minute a knit B we need to get the init page oh it's already loaded up it pulls it from SIM brief which is pretty darn cool let's look at our loading performance and look it did it loaded it directly from simbrief which that is a welcome addition I know a lot of uh a lot of a lot of y'all really like the Sim brief integration I do too I think it's pretty neat I also like doing things manually when it comes to uh to some of the Sim stuff which you can set but right now I have it to sync to sim brief and look at that pulled everything right out of simbrief initialize the weights absolutely awesome we could see our zero fuel 137.5293 all right that works what is her so then we'll go perf and this is probably my favorite part of this um I want to do a flaps three I'll show you what we have to do we're gonna do a flapstery toga but let's do an Uplink let's do take off data request and let's see what it brings us here this is I've mentioned this when I did the 321 stream this is nearly identical to how my operator gets takeoff data and I wish we could get takeoff data like this and other airplanes it's like the Phoenix in particular um I just think this is it's not because I'm lazy and it's how we do it but um so now we've got takeoff data Uplink so we'll do receive takeoff and we could see here our information look it's already defaulting to a flap screen I don't know if that's because I selected it or not flapstery and we're not going to do a flex if you want to do a flex you would press this uh button here but we're not we're just going to go right here and we're going to insert that Uplink and now we've got our speeds which they do match here 27 27 31 flap Street toga packs off is our takeoff engine out acceleration altitude for us on our engine out Sid our engine out acceleration is actually 1778. so let's call it 1770. that's our engine out acceleration altitude which was going to be a factor our fault scenario I have an engine to fire at 150 feet now I wonder if I should or 150 knots I wonder if I should change that to uh failure should I do a rollback what do you guys want to see you want to see a fire or a failure fire or failure fire failure on this takeoff you guys let me know I'm gonna I'm gonna start the Apu while we wait so let's go ahead and get the Apu fired up we got our fuel on board that's coming on that's coming on boom let's make sure it is balanced fuel is balanced done and Apu Master fire that fails okay well Captain Thomas see the rollback fire fire fire always okay fire it is severe damage separation DFW spotter I wish that was an option man I used to so my good friend of mine was a uh a Sim guy for the seven five it was a contract Sim guy so he did a couple uh different air airplanes or Airlines and I got to go sit in a 7-5 Sim and we did we did a severe damage separation oh boy why are we rolling brakes are not set that's that Apu thrust kicking in I think everyone wants a failure not a fire yeah Carter I know right I should just do a failure now Dimitri I saw you popping here let me scroll back up man where are you at Dimitri greetings from Vancouver question if you drive a Lambo on a dirt kind of Road full of potholes do you still get the lambo experience geez I know where you're going man I know where you're going welcome Dimitri I hope I was aligned too that was that Apu thrust man just pushed us forward we're good brakes are set now and an APU is on we'll go ahead and do that we'll go ahead and disconnect from ground power and let's go ahead and pull the ground power which you guys have seen this before which is pretty cool we'll go to the mech push button we'll go ahead and disconnect ground power other ground Services we have our fuel we have our cargo we don't need de-icing we are going to do pushback here momentarily so that is good we have terrain on let's get terrain on ND top altitude is we'll set 10 000 feet here just for now I know we're not going to get to ten thousand feet no ATC on except Denver and Salt Lake so we should be fine there 122 8 is on we are on that ATC is transponder transponder mode oh OMG so my daughter is watching with me right now and when you said fire or failure she said two words to describe my life Kelly simmer that's funny man thanks for sharing thank you for the support two words to describe her life right now uh oh man I I wonder uh I mean I always I don't know how old you're done or is you don't have to disclose it but I know I got two young two young ones or three and a one and a half almost two so I just when they get older man I hear it's exciting fire failure all right so dice has custom animation Gustavo I know I saw it it looks pretty good that's pretty cool I did see it oh man everyone is a land in La we probably uh we probably don't need uh to be on Dancing if we're gonna do an emergency because we might get spanked by somebody out here but we'll do our best all right uh what did I say the Metar was I'm sorry I'm getting all distracted 30 12. 30th and Metar Barrel Thirty twelve 30 12 30 12 I have it all synced up are you guys ready I'm ready to get out of here Beacon light is on and let's go ahead and do a push back straight back and I don't think anyone's landing around here but I'll make a call he's out of here we're gonna be blocking one five Burbank traffic experiments 357 we're pushing off gate Bravo Two we're gonna be blocking one five for about two minutes Burbank all right so we're going to push straight back this is a real world uh scenario here you do block the runway and Southwest gets pissed when you do this but uh 100 feet straight back or 100 meters straight back request push back it's going to do its thing we're going to get the throttle Tech cam online we'll wait for the truck to come up good thing we didn't go into the building there and then we'll taxi out we'll brief and don't let me forget to save the state before takeoff because we want to save the state before takeoff is it normal feel like you forgot everything one month after your typewriting yes 100 normal brakes release clear to push that was aggressive okay let's talk about dual Cooling in the Pratt and Whitney Neo now this is only a function of the Pratt and Whitney basically has to you want you want to have a Straight Shaft right we can get super technical and talk about all kinds of things but this is a geared turbo fan and basically you want to keep a Straight Shaft so what we do the Dual cooling basically makes each engine simultaneously [Music] uh how do I word this without getting technical Gustavo you probably have a better description but there's extremely tight tolerances on these engines and to make sure everything stays uniform and within limits they've introduced the Dual cooling function to keep everything as close as they can to controlled within limits if that makes sense maybe on a longer flight we'll actually dig into the book and I'll talk to you all about it but uh Park break is set Apu bleed is on and I watch when I go to ignition start here on the engine Master we see that dual cooling is available now in the real airplane this is not always available depending on the temperature of the engine if it is just you know maybe if it's sap overnight and it's really cold out you may not need dual Cooling and if you attempt to dual cool you'll actually get a dual cooling fail but in this particular instance we have dual cooling available so we'll go up here we'll press the Dual cooling push button we'll turn that on now we've armed the Dual cooling you must arm the Dual Cooling nor for it to work now when we start engine one we're basically going to motor number one and number two around eight to ten percent and one so let's go ahead and watch it here you can see that boom boom or N2 excuse me I studied 10 and one that would be way too much but uh so we got 10 N2 and they are cooling and sometimes I've actually seen the the quote-unquote cooling procedure it actually raises the temperature of the engine I I've seen it on the line I don't know really behind that but there you go look at that that's pretty cool that's pretty cool you could have done that with the Polaris Airbus crew did and bumped the terminal there we go now it's spinning up let me make sure my sounds I'm gonna bump up engines all the way you can see the cooling is now to zero very good startup sequence very realistic waiting for the Avail that's a nice bus transfer sound it's almost identical to the real airplane a veil let's go ahead and turn number two now you can see if we didn't dual cool you would have to sit here for another 30 seconds before starting the temp should increase because you're blowing air back so any hot air in the combustion on turbines is going back to EG to the EGT centers aha thank you Gustavo so back in like in the old days in the metro line or you'd actually have to get out and spin the prop like what 20 something times or whatever after shutdown slightly different reasons but similar these are Pratt Whitney's so before dual cooling was an option from Airbus on the pratts you would sit in the alley blocking traffic for almost eight or nine minutes because you might have a 45 second cooling time for number one than what another 45 seconds to start then you'd have another 45 second cooling time for number two and then another 45 or whatever it takes to start the second engine then after start so it was a very lengthy lengthy process and it would congest uh it would congest the Alleyways and all that stuff and it just wasn't very uh wasn't very conducive to high traffic airports so then they came out with a dual cooling function which made your life a lot easier so basically now you're ready to go we got two good starts so with two good starts we're going to go engine mode to normal the one thing I cannot bind is the arm so we're going to arm that and we'll get the flaps here in a second I'm going to turn the Apu bleed off dual cooling off we're gonna do a packs off takeoff but we're going to use the Apu for that as well so we're going to just leave the Apu running but the Apu bleed will remain off dual cooling push button is off let's go ahead and do flaps three we're doing a flaps three toga packs off go ahead and turn engine volume down a little bit here turn these sounds a little bit there we go turn it down a little bit now leaps do not have dual cooling correct leaps do not have two Cooling all right we got two good starts flaps three what was our trim up 0.4 so I'm going to cheat here and Pitch trim that point four we don't set the trim like this on the real airplane we use the actual numbers down here so this trim setting would realistically be uh what is that like 28 CG set 29 CG set you can see we look at this arrow and we look at the CG wheel here because I guess there can be some confusion back in that day you used to set it with this but I use that more of a of a verification technique now but this is how you actually set the trim now you look here at the CG and you can see here when I go to the fuel or I'm sorry the perf well whatever our perfect uh or CG was 29.6 there it is gross weight 147.9 29.6 that's pretty darn close 29.6 and we're 148 000 pounds so we're right at Max Landing weight all right so we got a good start on number two let's go ahead and taxi out here make sure we'll check for traffic nobody's behind us and we're gonna tax the one five there's nobody here so let's go brakes released Mike P gifting 10 more subs we're going to do a cinematic taxi out drive by view which I've been missing this Mike P welcome to the chat man and thank you for 10 more gifted Subs I need to pause that alert box here thank you so much Mike P appreciate you thank you for the continued support guys if you pick up a gifted sub from Mike P shout them out thank you so much man I appreciate the support don't forget to save before takeoff thank you Eagle One we're gonna tax out to the runway and then we're going to do kind of an abbreviated brief for engine out and then we'll we'll save it we'll fly the emergency and then we will snap back to the runway and fly a normal flight and then we'll do some maybe some aerodynamic flying the reflections are just I like the texture on the wing here but yeah the anti-aliasing that's what one thing that's an X-Plane thing but as far as the cockpit and the textures I really do think they look great I honestly I can't really complain about that ground friction does feel nice I will say X-Plane when your airplane's on the ground a man X-Plane is hard to be it really is hard to be to explain on the ground I never did mute that alert box sorry about that so I will probably I'll probably have to disconnect from Batson because I don't want to this sounds like there's a lot of traffic at La so I don't want to get in their way so we'll just we'll disconnect from that SIM for this takeoff I'll just do it right now actually disconnect from that Sim so we don't piss anybody off sorry to ask Captain don't be sorry but we I'm using the cat 3 design tiller cap 3 design I believe they are making it again and I totally forgot to get back to the gentleman that makes it he sent me an email a while back and I I forgot to get back to him I got to do that but the link is in the description or you do exclamation point tiller tiller video cat 3 design is who designed this tiller and it works uh properly in the toilets let's do a flight control check here so full Up full down a neutral another thing to note that I've noticed is the flight controlled deflection in relation to the speed at which it deflects with the side stick feels very realistic I think and I'm not I don't want to I'm not picking or throwing shade or anything like that but in Microsoft you know when you when I do this like maybe with the flyby wire and I'd have to double check with the Phoenix it feels like the control surfaces move too quick these like you see how I'm full aft I'm full after watch it's still going up that's very realistic that little bit of a delay there so the side stick and the speed at which the flight control surfaces are moving feels much more realistic in this airplane than other airplanes that we've been flying recently and now for the rudder watch this I'll actually press my pedal disconnect boom so now I'm disconnected from the nose wheel and I can do full left full right neutral and I'm still dead bang on the center line release that and if I release that now you see if I move the rudder so I'm moving the rudder now now how we're moving so that's what the pedal disconnect button is for it disconnects the linkage from the pedals to the nose wheel and it lets you do a flight control check there on the ground without us turning down a taxiway unfortunately we can't find a way at least I can't find a way to properly simulate that in Microsoft I'm having issues with it safe State before takeoff thank you good thank you what remind me one more time I'm going to do it right up here at the hold Short Line uh excuse me V1 are there any visual guides inside the cockpit to maintain set online yes right here basically this the inside of this pole is your Center Line so how we doing yeah we're pretty much bang on let me come a little bit more right now it's probably a little bit different I'm gonna I'll sync it up for you so I'm gonna get externally cheating and then back inside so the way my view is set up in X-Plane it actually seems to be right about here in the real aircraft where I sit but generally as a captain we use this as your Center Line guide and it's not necessarily bang on the middle here it's kind of like this inner side right here in real life is what we use for for Centerline control or you could think of it as you know step on the center line your right foot because it kind of lines up with your right foot your right thigh that's when you know you're on the center line Phoenix have that delay uh Flappy boy you know what I it's been a while since we flew the Phoenix I'm gonna have to check it I'm noticing things now you know when we get back in X-Plane it's been months since I've been an X-Plane so what we'll have to do is fly a stream in Microsoft soon maybe even later today I got nothing going on today we maybe double it up maybe we'll do like just a banger stream today who knows we'll do one this afternoon and I'd like to test I'd like to test that for my own knowledge because I can't recall you know I can't but I when I did the flight control check I just noticed that it the delay was much more realistic and what really triggers that is in real life when I do the flight control check especially you know like well let's go ahead and stop here real quick I'm going to stop I'm going to save State and then we'll finish this conversation so I'm gonna go situation and I'm going to save situation Burbank to Safe situation done the Burr to has been saved so we'll come back here in real life when we do the flight control check I say flight controls and then I pull my stick aft and I'm waiting for the first officer to say full up and there's it's not instantly there's a delay like I'll be asked full up full down neutral full left full right and you can kind of see like with my hand I'm already full but the airlonds aren't deflected full yet same with the rudder I'm full I'm full right it just it just that little bit of lag this really really represents that well um it's not as quick especially in the elevator especially in the elevator so I just one thing I wanted to point out all right Auto brakes Max takeoff config is checked radar PWS it's on auto these are typically an auto normally so I'm just gonna put those in Auto uh t-a-r-a we're not on vatsim that's fine that's an above mode uh re-arm them and cabin call is done so before we blast off real quick let's do a quick takeoff briefing because this is how we're going to do a simulated engine out on this one so uh emergencies after V1 we're going to continue as an in-flight emergency our single engine procedure is a heading of one six zero and typically Burbank they'll say uh you know climb on heading one six zero or you know RNA depending if your rnab off the ground or whatnot um depends on the departure really but uh 160 is our engine out heading we're going to fly 160 until reaching acceleration altitude of 1770 call it 1800 feet at that point we will then uh push to level off accelerate we'll speed up we'll clean up and then I'm going to be doing this single pilot not technically by the book I'm going to just run through the ecam to keep the airplane flying because I'm really doing this to see the validity if that's a word of landing on too far right out of Burbank I know in theory it is I've never done it in the Sim and I want to test it because this is how we set it up in real life out of Burbank so don't grade me on the handling of the emergency procedure please I'm just going to try to keep the airplane flying I'm gonna do what I can I'm gonna do my best single pilot and get us on the ILS to 2-4 right so that said you guys have been briefed I've been briefed I'm gonna go Apu bleed on because we're doing a Pax off toga static slap three take off I'm gonna need maximum yogas in chat so park break is off let's line it up and get out of here guard I saved it I saved it just there at the whole Short Line thank you man safe state has been completed man I do miss the flyby Cam and X-Plane got my lights 250 hour move right there oh they told us also has modeled the new Landing lights I think which are the fairing lights which I personally hate that's an Airbus not not I don't hate toast for it but I like the old school extendable lights all right so here in Burbank real real technique here you want to use as much runway as possible you don't just want to follow that lead online I could use a little bit more but then we'll spin it around that's where if anybody's standing up they're gonna get fall over all right that wasn't very good that'd probably be a debrief there look how much runway I left behind me so probably another plane length I could have uh could have set up on all right we got yogas in chat we only have a hundred and 86 likes so here's the deal I need 200 and 75 likes we'll do toga flapstery packs off from outside View if we don't hit 275 likes in the next 30 seconds we're just going to do it from the inside view which is pretty lame and boring so help me out help out the Channel smash down that like button or just click it nicely you don't have to smash it just click that like button one time if you click it twice you don't like it so just click it once 275 you guys are absolutely awesome chrono's off we're going to do toga flaps 3 static from exterior View I'm excited let's do this what I will do is I will I'll spool it up 50 from here because it's pretty sweet so spool them up 50 no forward on the stick oh just that [Music] all right here we go holding the brakes 50 percent yoga maybe a little bit more growl on that one still pretty good man toga break Maxis get back on Center Line oh my gosh 80 knots stress set 100 knots check V1 rotate positive rate Gear Up Engine 2 Fire I'm gonna pop this out so you guys can see it we're gonna fly the airplane all right 400 feet engine Two Fire thrust lever two idle lower that nose there's 17 100 we're gonna go ahead and push the level off speed speed speed speed where are we empty speed I need power on that one there we go come on baby get in one back in there don't sink don't sink oh that's not good kind of botched that one didn't we there we go let's go ahead and continue flyheading one six zero we're gonna select heading cool we're going into uh I gotta get up to 1700 feet too so I'm going to kind of trickle The Climb I will stop ecam flaps one that's going to help our climb performance I can't get that beta Target to come back let me go trying to trim that Rudder out look at that acceleration let's get back up to 1700 feet all right engine two Master hold on I want to see what this looks like oh man yeah we're burning we are burning all right let's stop playing there's 1700 feet back to our level off all right continue we can mention two Master off engine two Master confirm confirm engine fire push button two push engine fire push button two confirm confirm push discharge after eight seconds at this time uh departure uh spearwings 357 we've got an engine fire rest of the emergency uh returning to Los Angeles requesting two four right ILS all right uh spear Wings 357 Roger flyer president heading present heading for experience 357. okay here comes s speed zero stop B cam flap zero continue ecamp agent one discharge agent one discharge confirm discharge all right three to five prior to Green Dot let's go ahead and pull for open climb and I'm going to come to uh let's do three thousand and we can rearm the auto thrust and we can go MCT which we are through a Thrust MCT we can also help ourselves out with the autopilot I know we're really botching this up here bear with me I also need to activate the secondary so we'll go secondary activate secondary perf uh perf activate approach phase confirm that's going to mess with our speed that's okay I'll re-select speed uh manually three to five part agree not about 210 knots leveling off at 3 000. look there's our Runway so we're actually we're right on downwind okay engine search selector ignition all right Ninja 2 shutdown of no fuel leak we don't have them we're gonna skip that and balance on our T cast boats like ta so we don't have any uh Ras with one engine in Balance monitor cross bleach shut cross bleed is shut all right engine two shutdown clear engine two clear engine two status stop status don't have to take off checklist all right landing gear is up flaps up leaves the packs are set okay there we go we got a caution here cross bleed fault that's normal clear air clear air all right we need to get on the slope here so we're going to LS push buttons on and that's Fairwinds 357 to send and maintain 2 000 feet slow to 180 knots vectors for the iOS 2-4 ride all right VP next 10 flaps one flaps one Spirit Wings 357 flyheading uh one eight zero vectors ILS your clear approach two four rides so here we go out glideso blue low blue cat 3 single autopilot one plus two we need to slow down we're also looking visually for the runway here all right uh we go through the systems Pages we'll clear all that we'll clear all that so now we are single engine and we're gonna be we're way high over two four rides so wow that's fine uh let's go ahead and we're way high on that right there's no way yeah we're well above the Glide slope so we'll Vector through the Glide slope come left heading 160 170. we're gonna come up to 160 where flaps speed checks flaps two this airplane lives at flaps 280 knots we're going to come back around for the ILS so and we could probably do it visually that would actually be more fun we're open descent down to 2000 feet 180 knots so wow that is that is actually pretty fascinating I did not realize that's why we're doing that I did not realize how close La was 2 000 feet you can't make it you got to be looking for that Runway immediately or you need a vector out to the uh to the east that's pretty incredible I I'm really glad we did this because I did not realize how close that actually was I mean there's LA right there now if we put our constraints we should have had those on we could see Kobe is out of below 2200 feet so I tell you what let's see how it flies single engine ILS we'll fly heading zero seven zero Vector downwind ils-2-4 right all right we'll do Auto brakes uh medium you can see there we go there's our normal Glide slope coming back in uh what we should do is let's shoot a line off Merc uh what is our inbound course is 252. I should have put that in the other there we go two five no let's clear that we've already got it extended we're fine I was going to extend the line but we don't need to do that we've already got it there 180 knots flaps two or single engine we're actually trimmed down I got about 10 uh units of Rudder Trim in there we're looking good now listen that PTU running [Music] can you do it not only on one engine yes you can believe it or not uh an auto land with one engine [Music] an auto land with one engine uh yes I think you can right Gustavo you can do a cat three single engine can you Auto Land though I'm honestly drawing a blank man I think you can I don't see why not all right there we go now we're out past the glass up let's go to 170 and let's turn the spirit Wings 357 turn left two two turn left two nine zero cleared ILS 24 right all right two nine zero two four right ILS cleared approach cat 3 single that's what it is yeah should have cat three single if we come around here I'm actually going to change that Vector it's a little bit too steep 330 actually was better 330 approach there we go cat 3 single autopilot one plus two Glide slow blue lope blue we're gonna hand fly it once we're inbound a little bit more but I want to see it capture with one engine we are flying around single engine is doing a good job we'll notify the flight attendants we've done all that good stuff we're looking good send me a Peter good to see you man it's been a little hectic sorry man what do you think of it though Sim honestly I I'm getting used to it I like it I really do like it I think it's a it's a great airplane I think it's probably one of best I think it's probably the best tallest release that they've done as far as texturing and all the features that are implemented in it right out of the gate really I really do think it's a good airplane we're gonna we're doing some more tests here on the other portion of the flight but this is all accurate there's our Locust star this is what's capturing let's come down here to our perf EO we don't want to clear the EO yet that's our engine out so we're single engine Orlando config fool V app is 138 knots now a little bit of an overshoot there on the lope that was also a really steep intercept on my part no more than idle reverse zip correct when you only have one engine operating you really you just want to go idle reverse so let's see if it recaptures here I'm not doing any intervening I'm just going to let the airplane I'm testing the autopilot here on this airplane we see a brake median that's all properly simulated Glide slope still waiting to capture we do have the load capture there's our Glide slope star beautiful go around altitude we'll set 3000 white that's also correct for the Neo 3000 White I feel like my view got messed up I can see two four right in there let's go ahead and begin configuring so we'll go ahead and manage the speed we are on The Descent we'll go gear down arm the speed brakes the Phoenix minus 10 flaps full ah look at that it's pretty right on it it's doing a good job of correcting with a five knot crosswind as well so we are cat three single whoever asked about that I was drawn a blank sorry yes you can still barring there's no other abnormalities with your airplane theoretically yes it can land single engine Auto Land but you're you're restricted to a cat 3 single approach that has other stipulations to it all right here comes the thrust let's see how the uh facts are going to coordinate that see the yaw moment there it's trying I'm going to pull up the flight control cam over here that's pretty cool you can see it look at that that's where the trim Mark is wow that's pretty neat okay let's go autopilot off I'm gonna hand fly now I'm Gonna Leave the auto thrust on and we're going to hand fly this ILS let me go ahead and pop this out so you guys can see a little bit better pretty I mean very stable now let's see I really want to see the yawi if we get that yaw moment down here on uh when we go to idle because we have all that Trim in there some guys teach you know reset the trim 50 fret Mark or in the flare I don't do any of that you just fly the airplane use the rudder pedals like you were taught land is green we wouldn't say that I'm just seeing make seeing everything go through here we're cat one now because the autopilot's been connected minimum planning 100. 50 40 30 20 return 10. spoilers little wonky A Center Line control there that's just me being a bad pilot manual breaks not bad I'm a little off center line I know you could use reverse aircraft stop go ahead set the brake fly tennis stations not bad not bad let's go ahead and do a replay of that let's do a replay of that I'm gonna go ahead and let's just go I have replay cam I think I have a replay cam here there it is let's watch that replay we'll Analyze That Let's back it up oh nope nope nope we don't need to say I don't need any music we're not done we got a long way to go xp's what's up man good to see you so oh XP speaking of since you're here XP 72 had probably the best landing I've ever seen in the 320 on his stream on what was that yesterday two days ago I can't remember what stream you're flying on this uh 320 Neo but man that was the best Landing I've ever seen in the 320 man that was fantastic dude yeah absolutely I mean that was like a zero it was a zero 100 zero all right so I want to turn this down what I'm looking for here hold on pause that I need to where's my sim Sounds here we go I'm gonna turn X-Plane way down I'm what I'm looking for here is kind of the yawing effects of the airplane so right now we've got a lot of power the only Power from engine one right so we're countering that with left Rudder you can see the deflection here now the problem and I don't say problem but the issue is when you bring this power to idle what's gonna happen is you're now going to reduce that yaw moment and the airplane is going to want to roll back uh to the left now because of the way we were kind of trimmed out we were kind of crabbed a little bit into the good engine here so it kind of works to cancel itself out if you can kind of balance this fine line as you land as you flare I'm adding right Rudder to get nice and straight and then as I'm bringing the power back the aerodynamics is going to bring the airplane back to the left because I'm reducing the amount of thrust on this engine therefore reducing the amount of yaw on this engine needed to fly straight so I'm going to do that and let's also bring up the I like the output thingy where is that uh show [Music] a particle no hold on hold on hold on let me go here real quick I know there's a command for it where you show like the lift lift somebody I know one of ux planers have the wing lift is that it what's is it winglift oh no that's a raw output how do you do the um one of you guys I know you know it I know you know it show 3D flight model wasn't control m let's see let's see can we can we see it in maybe we can't see it in replay cycle through with control M all right I guess you can't see it and oh there we go ah I can't show it anymore all right let me go let's watch this so bring it back look at the rudder look at the rudder so I'm going to be inputting some rudder there we go to straighten it out at the same time bringing the power back and look look at that yaw now that's a little aggressive but I mean I I don't know if that's just aggressive or me not being ready for it but watch it so I'm straightening it out power comes back and because the power is coming back the thrust is reducing and it's yawing the airplane back to the left and then we actually got a nice little chunker Landing here and because we were so off uh we were so CR sideloaded then we had a little bit of a wiggle woggle to touch down idle reverse on the number one engine only not all that works in replay I got you thank you but I mean still you could see what we're getting at here as far as flight Dynamics wise so I think while it was a poor Landing it was a good it was a good uh showcasing of how the flight Dynamics are really pretty well done now I'd have to do it again and actually anticipate it better to see if it's too aggressive but no it's definitely there that yaw is definitely there when you bring that Rudder back now that's why some techniques will be if you reset the rudder Trim in the flare what's going to happen is this all this trim is going to be reset right so what happens the nose is going to come right as you bring the power to idle and it's going to counter the adverse yaw so you can see there that's my manual input and then bringing the power back boom it brings the airplane to the left so that's exactly what I wanted to see really cool it handled pretty well I'd have to probably try it again to see if I could not suck as much or see maybe if it needs some tuning but either way really neat to see actual True Flight Dynamics in play on that approach more right Runner more right Rudder man if I had a dollar for every time I said more right Rudder I'd probably have a couple hundred thousand dollars on that man but um that was pretty sweet you guys want to see the fire on takeoff let me see if I can this might crash the Sim but we have told us auto save right so what the heck let's just see let's just see because we have auto save we're gonna risk it I'm gonna let it load in here for a second you can see there's no airport loaded yet we'll fast forward let the Sim load when would you hit the rotor reset swarm now that it's a technique that is taught differently you know where I've been taught the Airbus so you don't reset the rudder you anticipate it with the rudder pedals and you fly it with Rudder pedals but I've heard guys resetting it in the flare resetting it you know a 30 feet or so just because you are what you're trying to accomplish is countering the yaw when you bring the good engine back to idle so in the real I should say on the real airplane in the real Sim it has been my experience that that yawing moment when you bring the operating engine to idle it is not so dramatic to the point where I feel like I need to reset the rudder trim I personally use my feet on the rudder pedals and kind of get her down myself now there are guys that do the rotor trim reset again it's not right or wrong just a technique and my own personal experience and how I've been trained I find it to be a little I don't like the airplane moving the flight controlled surfaces when I don't especially single engine when I don't want them to like what happens if you have to go around and you just reset the trim now you're going to have a wonky wonky uh Rudder you have to do all your trimming again so that's a negative to do on the rudder trim reset if you have to go around and then your typewrite you have to do a single engine go around actually do a couple of them so you know that's another Factor why I would I prefer not to reset the Reddit trim but not right or wrong just a technique all right let's see if we can watch this take off here yes I will do the we're going to do a uh we're gonna do the actual flight to Phoenix here momentarily so we're just getting we're just getting her started uh let me Zoom it up here this is where you guys were smashing that like button which I really appreciate Tom says in the da42 I don't like Landing with Rudder trim when I turn final I throw the rudder trim uh back to neutral and just play with the rudder pedal there you go yeah I like I like feeling my my Rudder moving all right so here's the takeoff let's just say we were a passenger where do you normally sit right here this is kind of the the oh shoot view right here this is where you'd be sitting you're watching the take off this is one thing you don't want to see after rotation especially at a Burbank now we had a miscombobulation of my part when I brought number two to idle it actually disconnected the auto thrusts and it brought number one dial as well that's right there you don't want to see that fly the airplane positive rate gear up you're on fire let the sucker burn fly the airplane fly the airplane because the fire may or may not kill you but if you stop Flying the airplane at 200 feet you will probably kill yourself and everybody on board so fly the airplane now because it was still producing thrust this is kind of an interesting thing as well we always practice these uh we always practice the engine failures you know right at V1 what was interesting is we were still producing thrust there for a little bit so my climb rate was very aggressive let's actually let's replay this here let's replay this cockpit view because this is a good teaching and learning moment especially you know for me so we were still producing a good amount of thrust so let's go positive rate and remember we are packs off toga now this was operating that's the fire alarm but look at our crime rate we were still producing thrust and look we're pitching way up there we're way past our single engine you know V1 cut you know 12 and a half degrees 13 degrees Max pitch right because we had thrust through the rotation so when I brought the second engine back let's see so we're flying out we're flying the airplane gear is in the well so look I brought the engine back and what happened here I don't know why this happened this I don't know if this is an X-Plane thing or maybe I did something wrong number one came back to idle I don't know why that is I I must I must have hit something or messed something up but that's why look that's one thing you do not want to do we just went from toga packs off to no engine power this is the no engine option on the 320. this is not good look at our look at our speed Trend look at that we're at acceleration altitude I should be pushed to level off here in MCT thrust or toga thrust really if you need it but we are leveling off there's our speed call that's accurate true to real life love to hear that modeled speed speed so now it's like okay you got yourself in a bad situation now we need to okay I know acceleration is 1700 feet now on a real two crew environment hopefully this would never happen you'd realize hey why is number one at idle got to bring number one online it took me a minute to get that situated but you just put yourself in a poop sandwich you need to get yourself out of it so the only way look how close the buildings are look at your vertical speed the only way you're going to get out of this is to actually lower the angle of attack and recover the flight path here so this is what we do that's that's a problem here we go we got N1 coming back online as soon as we got our power back to MCT look at the yaw there's that power coming in countering with left Rudder now because we were so slow this is a very dangerous this is a very dangerous spot to be in right here and we almost put this sucker in the dirt we are so slow and I'm trying to correct with Aeron or not a little bit of Elon I need to be using more Rudder here instead of aileron because when you add aileron what deflects on the wing here look at these bad boys what are these things doing they are just killing lift do you really want to be killing lift at VLS 140 knots 760 feet above the ground while on fire no you do not want to be killing lift when you're 760 feet above the ground 140 knots on fire above Burbank of all places too I mean above any ground or water but let alone this congested area so my debrief will be less aileron more Rudder here because you've got to get the airplane you've got to get more lift on your wings so we got the uh we got her back under control here more Rudder more Rudder look I'm basically full Rudder there maybe some tuning in play but that there we go our roll spoilers are down we're back in it we have control of the airplane now I'm three or four hundred feet below 400 feet below the traditional acceleration altitude okay so now I'm going to go ahead and start climbing back up there's my f speed I know because we're doing a flaps uh three toga I gotta get those flaps up if I can because that's really going to help the climb performance and look right now the flaps are in transitioned from three to one and look at look at that our speed trend is going up Flaps in position one now our speed is coming up nicely now I can go ahead and start milking that for some climb rate we were pretty we were super heavy we're 148 000 pounds so we weren't light but there we go now we got our speed climb we're climbing up we're not following the flight director but this emergency situation gotta do what you gotta do I got to get to my acceleration altitude I know that's going to be a safe altitude Here Comes 1700 feet we're going to level off and at the same time we're we're still burning now in real life hopefully the non-flying pilot is going to be working through and you would no longer be burning at this point but these engines I hate saying this because you would never really want it to be this way but theoretically this pylon is designed to burn and fall off however you have a bunch of fuel right here on the wing tank you're shooting fire out the back you don't want to be burning if you can help it but what's going to kill you faster the ground or an injured fire the ground will definitely kill you faster so fly the airplane always always fly the airplane here we go now we're back to normal I'm single piloting this for 1700 1800 feet here comes that speed we're going to continue to clean up the airplane and take it into LA and then we'll take care of the fire situation look the fire's out I blew the bottle we're no longer burning now let's just get the airplane on the ground so that was a really neat uh that was actually really neat I really enjoyed that I mean it was pretty poorly flowing from a procedure standpoint they were basically no procedures but single pilot doing it here first time I mean it's kind of neat to see how it all went down and you could see my mistakes you could see the roll there trying to that is one spot that's scary I mean that is a very scary spot to be on right at VLS High AOA roll spoilers out I mean that is how you put a transport not even a transfer that's how you put any airplane into the ground right there I mean that was let's just go back to because it was so bad so dangerous when you see this on your PFD this is of what you do not want to see so here we go I'm gonna rewind a little bit further so here we go for some reason number one came back it shouldn't have come back right here when you see this look out the window look at that yaw look at that yaw stop stop with the aileron get more Rudder in there now I'm I can see I'm full left Rudder so maybe there could be some tweaking on the effectiveness of Rudder Maybe not maybe it's me but either way get that Rudder in there get the AOA down lower the nose and recover that flight path because you do not want to be sitting right there at VLS with freaking one engine running it's just not a good spot there we go we cover the flight path you've got time you're looking out the window IMC is really that's where you can see IMC could be super dangerous but we got her done we saved it we're good uh using aileron is such a hard-coded natural response in situations where Rudder is better slam absolutely man you're absolutely correct I mean look at that nice model the Flight of the fun factor of the tallest man that's a really nice external model okay this was fun let's go ahead and do this what we're going to do is we're going to go uh we're going to end replay mode so let's do this we're going to go flight we're gonna this might do its thing I'm gonna go Ctrl m we'll turn everything off how do I turn it off there we go turn it off and what we're going to do here is I'm going to reconfigure the cockpit Engine 2 Master on that's normal we were flaps three and everything else looks good let's go back up top push that in I don't know if that makes a difference and then let's go Burbank takeoff load let's see what happens here let's go here let's go to fault scenarios we're going to delete that I'm just going to apply that everything looks good we do have random faults on but told us for the win and we are right back to normal with a ready to go 320 on a flight to Phoenix so let's bring it all back this is why I think X-Plane is going to be valid for quite some time explain to me is very much a tool you can use this Sim as a very efficient tool for training you know we just went through a whole engine out fire scenario and we're right back to runway for normal takeoff so now we can kind of calm down I can get back to hanging out with you guys and chat let's do a normal takeoff let's reconnect to that Sim we're on we'll get everything back on I'm going to let the airplane spawn in we'll get make sure everything is good to go alert box is coming back on I hope I didn't miss anything there on the uh alerts but I think everything else looks good let's do an auto brakes Max takeoff config is check spoilers armed wellers are not arms Brothers will not arm that's fine and take off config done all right let's go lights are coming on do some normal esque flying we'll still do a packs off takeoff with the Apu bleed on explain hey man I'm back at X-Plane for I said that something had to bring me back and explain a 320 Neo from tolos will bring me back an X-Plane no doubt about it let's make sure nobody's on Final there nobody's Landing over there and here we go Burbank traffic uh beer Wings 357 departing Burbank Runway one five Burbank all right here we go brakes off lights are set let's go ah so now we do a normal takeoff on the departure up to 10 000 feet let's see if I can do a little bit better of a lineup this time uh do not have to reset I don't think I I've turned the failure off and I saved the state before we had any failures so that is why that's why we did the Save State there before any failures were active I'm hoping we don't get another an engine fire let's hope we don't get another one let's see if I can make this turn here without I'm oh yes I can look around so much nicer to look at click and drag without locking up the flight controls do you love that uh we're off center line on that one but we saved some Runway but we were definitely off center line there all right that's all good let's go spool them up 50. proper takeoff let's go there we go I don't know why we're so far to the not Center Line Manitoba SRS Auto thirst blue hey you know I said 100 knots check V1 or rotate positive rate and Gear Up Navin fly by man I've missed that flyby View ah let's do it again never get enough of flybys now look at that we're well below the pitch too we should be climbing out higher that's the performance we got let's do it one more one more I love the earbuds all right there's acceleration altitude lower the nose there's our positive trend right in the thrust climb climb Auto thrust flaps when and there's not much to look at on this here so they what we'll do is we'll go autopilot one because I wanna oh T cast standby my bad t-a-r-a that should be an above mode and let's go direct to slap sometimes I give you Rave sometimes they give you slap if you're lucky first climb climb nav what's our outside air temp is plus 13 so we're looking good PBR really nicely done I do like the PBR the external looks really good I think it's the best external that we had from tolos No Doubt I love having proper prats out there man I love having problems there's s speed oh look we forgot to retract the flaps automatically but look there they go we've got to retract them so now they want Auto which is just how it works in real life and I wouldn't expect anything different from Tolus because they do have really nicely done system simulation nice steep turn there you're more of a Corona Mance to the PBR yeah I can't do that PBR stuff man as far as simming is concerned all right we're supposed to go to 39 you may think that's a little bit crazy for this flight but for a Neo it's really not uh Optimum though is 36 Max 390 let's hell let's Let It Go all the way to 39. why not why not we'll go full screen cam does it ever happen in real life for the flaps Auto sequence because you and the effo were busy hopefully not because you were busy but let's talk about Auto flap retraction I think I've briefed it I've talked about it but let me talk let me tell you why Auto flap is in place and there's actually a bad technique for auto flap retraction so the auto flap retraction was initially designed for a heavy 321 or really a heavy airplane every Airbus where your s speed is actually above your vfe so your clean speed is actually above where your your max or your yeah your flap limit there's 10 000 feet we'll go ahead and get the lights off oh we forgot to do this as well so Airbus put in that auto flap retraction where if you reach was like 207 208 knots it will auto retract the flaps but it will leave the slats out now while you're when you're heavy this is all fine and dandy because it has you know it's anticipating the acceleration rate of a heavy airplane where you can get in trouble with auto flap retraction is if you're just trying to do it to be cool is if you're in a light airplane if you're in a light 320 a light a light 321 even if you let it auto retract you may still over speed the slats because the acceleration rate of a lighter airplane is not anticipated as it was a heavier plane when they when they designed the auto flap retraction and the buffer and the margin and all that so there actually was a memo not too long ago that said if you're you know don't get in the habit of just doing Auto flap retraction on a light airplane that's not what it's there for you can still over speed and there have been instances of people over speeding the slats because they're trying to just be cool and let the auto retraction do the thing you really need to be nice and heavy because the acceleration of a heavy 321 especially is much more docile and it's going to take a lot more to go from that 207 whatever it is 208 knots to there to the actual slat limit so that's a little bit more in depth on the auto retraction that's what it's there for try to still do it manually like when you're above your s speed flap zero after takeoff checklist that's the call that's normal letting it do auto is not a normal thing unless you're heavy no howdy on the winglets oh I know yeah that's what we're missing on the winglets I forgot about that shift one is quite cinematic with shift one oh wow it's like a slow flyby interesting let's do a chef shift two here we go in the turn I still like shift two better I like the flyby sound why have you not installed any orthos on that because it's not even not even like orbix is not even properly set for 12 right like it's just you can do it but you have like Auto gen mess and all that stuff I I'm not about that like X-Plane 12 to me Here Comes 18 000 feet set standard X-Plane 12 to me is a tool where I want to use this SIM for training purposes for running ecams for watching the flight dynamics of the airplane in real time let me do it right now let's go control them wind data element forces what's that let's go outside real quick uh what else we got here AOA oh this would have been cool to have up when we were doing that when we were super high in fat or super slow and in that steep turn there that's your AOA that's pretty neat uh win knots stream lines the Wake turbulence there you go you can see our wake that's pretty cool and microbursts I thought there was a way to see the lift I swear we did the lift Vector before I think it's this I think it's element forces yeah you can see you can see the uh basically their lift factors right so I mean you can see the nice lift Factory with the wing you can see with the most amount of lift is being produced we have a turn coming up here we do so let's watch the turn here uh we're 19 on the Restriction we're climbing via the Sid that's fine we're about to turn so we're going to watch I want you guys to pay attention to the aileron portion of the Wings here in the turn so let's take a look at this so here we're going to start to roll oh no not yet should roll into the turn here so look we're creating more lift on this aileron look at that that's pretty cool and we're actually creating negative lift on this Wing to bring that Wing down that's pretty neat there's our aoas element forces plus AOA now we're gonna bring this lift up look at that 20 to 18 you can see it's very small but it you know you don't need a whole lot whoa pretty neat so all right well we're still at 19. I tell you what let's just do an open climb 390 send it thrust climb open climb up we go small movements that's power your moment arm mask there you go yeah so the longer the arm the smaller the movement you need right explain 12 a tool versus Microsoft a game I I wouldn't quite say Microsoft is a game it can be gamey depending on what add-ons you have no doubt about it but I still consider Microsoft very much a Sim I've started my Private Pilot training and I have 10 mean to Casey great day Papa Tango thank you for the Five Dollar Bank angled check man um the uh would you ask Sarah oh you started your private that's awesome man 10 hours 10 hour mark that's awesome man congratulations on that it is a floater hey most light GA airplanes are that way but that's exciting I have been to Columbus many times I've been there actually Columbus was where I encountered severe turbulence uh one time in an Embraer so uh thank you so much for your support Papa tengo congratulations on your 10 hours of Flight Training that is very exciting hope you continue to pursue the dream my friend pursue that dream that's awesome more accurately the longer moment arm the greater the force applied therefore the movement more movement on the wing there you go thank you Stephen yes indeed moment on maths all right up to 39 typical Neo doing Neo things where are we at 250 knots we're gonna have to juice that up a little bit what's our perf data actually let's let's do properly here let's go Phoenix we'll put that in there perf uh on 12 now let's do 75. that should increase our speed there we go 291.77 in the climb and Crews were seven nine Mach that looks better there we go so now we've got an acceleration we've changed the the cost index and we've got our speed coming up let's see how it handles this cost index change should lower that vertical speed pretty good there like that vertical speed coming down Pac-Man zero five six thank you for the Super Chat ten dollars man appreciate that very kind of you great to see you back on the bus or in the bus on stream always love the inside cheers to you in the fam Pac-Man appreciation man thank you so much for that yes uh it's always good to be back in the Airbus man I love this airplane so much thank you for the 10 super chat glad you're enjoying the content I hope you stay with us all the way into Phoenix Sky Harbor America's friendliest airport or something like that right damn bro this makes me want to get back into X-Plane Aviation Blaze so my thing is I don't know and I might have missed it in the chat but now that we're kind of leveling off here in our cruise portion climb Cruise portion of flight maybe you guys can I can pay more attention but the last I checked as far as scenery like full-blown compatibility with 12 like orbix I really haven't seen anything am I did I just miss something like I have all the orbics HD stuff from X-Plane 11. does that is that been updated for 12 like does it fully take advantage of 12 or is that still not a thing because I've said it before man give me some third-party scenery some more those I'll do it but I'm not going to waste my time anymore and 12 going and doing my own orthos it's just not something that I'm gonna do because I'm going to use this Sim like I said as a tool but I've seen guys I've seen Sims I mean Sim Aviator Sim looks freaking great I mean he's got all the orthos in the world he's got all the sceneries X-Plane 12 does his own orthos I mean he's got it looking good you can definitely make the Sim as far as ground textures and the lighting look pretty decent but I mean we still got you still have limitations in the Sim when I when I look at immersive environments to fly in like when I want to fly when I want to recreate a real world flight that I've done you can't beat Microsoft because the environment is so immersive everything about that Sim is immersive X-Plane 12. honestly no lie guys to me is what p3d used to be to explain 11. so for those that haven't been around in the Sim world for a long time you know you had FSX and p3d and then X-Plane X-Plane was kind of there in between you had X play 9 10 but X-Plane 11 really I think was the star of the show when it came to Sims and a lot of the FSX people transitioned to p3d p3d at least in my opinion is looked at as a simulator where you're going to pay a lot of money to to play I mean it is p3d is a very expensive situation but what you're getting you're getting some tools and some interactions whether it be between like we're showing here the different element forces and the you know full-blown replay and being able to integrate a bunch of other things into the Sim that make it very professional I guess is the word I'm trying to use to make it educational I mean p3d to me I don't even consider it as like a as like a fun Sim it's a study Sim but with with the introduction of Microsoft I think Microsoft has taken over like the fun the immersive environment and with the add-ons coming out we're getting some really high quality add-ons but X-Plane 12 I mean you've got higher dollar add-ons it's a more of a niche platform but the reason that it's niche I think is for the reasons that we just demonstrated on that takeoff if I want to come in here and I want to say hey in real life we're always putting in la24 right in our secondary for departure I want to know how is that going to work out in the real airplane from this stream but hopefully it will join Kelly simmers thank you Kelly simmer thank you so much for the ten dollar bang gangle check right back at you man man animal fries double double that's you're speaking my language Cali summer you're speaking my language man have a good rest of your Sunday man thank you for stopping by and thank you for your support but I mean back to what I'm saying I mean X-Plane 12 is now kind of what I looked at p3d being when I was Heavy in X-Plane 11. X-Plane 11 to me was the fun Sim you had all the cool replays the camera tools and you lacked some of the super high fidelity airplanes that you had in p3d but I think what you're seeing now is some really high fidelity stuff come to X-Plane 12. told us you know love them or hate them they support their product they stand behind what they produce to you guys if you have a problem with your product they're going to help you and they continue to push updates out I mean I think tolos in my opinion is the lead developer for X-Plane 12 right now I mean who else is developing airplanes for X-Plane 12 that are out with this caliber I mean I'm genuinely asking because I don't I don't really know but the 320 the 319 the 321 in my opinion I'm using them now as tools for training for testing and education hot start thank you David that's a good truth that's hot start very very variable done uh a pt1 promos thank you for the one dollar banking or check man I talked about I think I talked about it on one of my podcasts but uh if not I'll save it for for a for a podcast later on but uh it was a it was definitely a severe turbulence we couldn't descend we had overfly of the airport we had to come back around airplane had to go under heavy maintenance checks they had to check the tail for stress cracks and all that pretty nasty any tips before getting A320 type rating learn to speak French no uh don't try to don't try to come to your own conclusions on how the airplane Works read the book and understand your laws understand your flight control law if you understand what the airplane is trying to do unless they understand your laws really understand your flight control protections because when you understand what protections you have you know what you do not have so when you start introducing failures and stuff during your type ride you understand as things start breaking you understand what protections you're losing and that helps bring Clarity to what the airplane is going to do next so I would really say focus on the the Protections in your flight control laws focus on those protections understand them understand how they work because the big part of a typewrite really is how do you fly the airplane when things aren't all you know going well anybody can get in here and fly a perfectly good airplane it's when things start to go wrong that you really need to be paying close attention so Mick shiggity Pilots thank you for the 20 months a port man thank you so much this I had my first solo February 1st 1975 got my PPL in uh January February March April 2nd had a count through the 2003 mcshiggity pilot hey man you still got that PPL 2003 congratulations that's awesome man that was uh obviously had the itch for Aviation right from 1975 all the way to 2003 you still wanted to get in there and get get the job done for the full-blown PPO that's fantastic thank you for the support mcshiggity pilot I appreciate you I hope you will hope you're enjoying your Sunday somebody had a good question Mike P said uh how much do you have to worry about fire damaging hydraulics on the affected side Mike P it's definitely a concern but at that point there's really not much you can do about it right if you're burning fight the fire and then just deal with what the airplane gives you next so you know you have your three hydraulic systems engine two you're really looking at the you know your uh your yellow system then you've got your green system on engine one that if that had a fire but these are all you can isolate all of these systems so if you know bad goes to worst engine fire goes to hydraulic leak and you lose hydraulics there are procedures and protections in place in the design of the airplane to isolate your Hydraulics because Hydraulics is the lifeblood of the airplane now with that being said I say Hydraulics is the lifeblood of the airplane and it's that's true however in an Airbus and this is something I really want to save for we might have to fire the 321 Neo up because I really want to talk about the worst possible scenario in an Airbus honestly is is a dual engine failure at altitude because the electrical power electrical power is required in this airplane to fly even if you have hydraulics if you don't have electrics guess what you're not flying because the quote-unquote cable pulleys in the mechanical backup are electrically activated so if you have zero electrics no battery nothing you are a dead stick period so while Hydraulics are the lifeblood of the airplane electrical power is crucial in keeping the airplane flying so we'll have to save that for like a 321e that's more like I've gone into an e-tops conversation on the jump seat last night with a fantastic uh like I don't know 20-year Captain flew for them all you know I think he started at Reno air all of them uh uh used to fly the Airbus in Russia but we were talking about e-tops and electrical and what anyway long story short he brought up some great conversation about protecting the electrical system in this airplane and I think we're going to have to bust out the tollus 321 here pretty soon we are looking like we're going to be a little bit heavy for 37 39 so let's just dial in 37 I've got seven seven mock selected we'll recruse our altitude here 370. that is set we'll re-cruise it here three to seven we'll let her level off here we are rocking back and forth pretty good I'm not sure what that's all about took me a while I'm 67 now can't uh pass fa physical and more flight Sim is now your substitute well mcshegety pilot you've got some wonderful Sims to choose from man you've got X-Plane 12 explain 11 if you've got it all dialed up I honestly think you know we all forget about X-Plane 11 but realistically if you have all of the add-ons in X-Plane 11 you still have a pretty viable simulator there's no doubt about it but Microsoft X-Plane 12 11 P 3D if you're into that hey if you want when you have a moment could you please explain all the side stick principles I mean taking priority disengaging the other no I cannot discuss that and I will not discuss that publicly uh thanks for the thanks nature for the 99 Tailwind yes 90 not Tailwind tonight it was a 159 headwind yesterday I had a long day yesterday guys Dallas Houston Houston Denver La Dallas on a jump seat but man a long day with a repo flight as well also fun you have X-Plane 12 and Microsoft well there you go mcshiggity there you go you got two of the best in my opinion two of the best in my opinion all right when we get to Phoenix we are going to test out see if soft go around mode works let me uh let me go general settings what are their options here oh backup speed scale I want to talk about that let's talk about that while we're getting ready to level off semi-smooth we're kind of rocking around but we'll turn the seatbelt sign off anyway all right what is back up speed scale or the backup speed altitude Xena backup speed altitude autopilot 2 select all right that's because the autopilot this is really cool is not really capable of flying on this so because I have the backup speed scale on the first officer still receiving valid error data it says go to autopilot too so we can actually monitor what's going on over here now you can see the airplane went to selected speed oh no I was in selected speed there we go so that's pretty cool uh FD Captain side off it wants me to turn the flight director off on this side but we're not going to do that just yet we'll leave that ecam there but this is an AOA gauge guys we'll do an approach just what we're going to do we're going to do an approach and then we're going to do a soft go around and then we'll try a backup speed altitude approach to land in Phoenix so I think that'll be pretty fun oh Phoenix Towers online you know what maybe we should just we'll keep we'll stay online we'll see what happens but I hope I don't uh bother him too much but we're going to do a normal approach we'll do a go around hopefully we can trigger the go around soft function which is a Neo function and then we will do a backup speed altitude approach which is basically an AOA gauge so looking at this here you can see this is exactly what it looks like fast or slow and it's reading the angle of attack and we have our AOA you can actually see them when you walk around are they all 3D modeled on this one it should be where's that AOA vein is it on this side maybe it's not a 3D model of it it should be around here somewhere is it better to be in base or a commuter do you think would release an aircraft plus had 210 at 35 G50 they have 19 liters which leads to a 17 kilo times Crossing thank you for another uh Bank angle check man loaded question there uh the Apu thing solely wasn't I'm going to save that for a a different stream but depending on your altitude starting the Apu could be the worst thing you could possibly do in a dual engine failure definitely live in base if you can do it and I do remember the wins in Vegas was crazy man pretty crazy but thank you for your support Papa Tango appreciate you man so you could see here it's pretty simple you just keep it in the green so as you slow down you're going to see this get to slow as this goes to fast as you get the fast now the only issue with this is you do not have what when you're looking at this you do not have your vfe or your and your vfa next you don't have your flap um you can't see where your flat protections are you don't actually know what your indicated AirSpeed is so there's some techniques that are used to kind of keep you in the safe realm without over speeding the flaps and we'll talk about that when we do our backup speed scale approach but this is all it is is an AOA gauge it's pretty cool to have if you have a loss of AirSpeed or an unreliable AirSpeed event which has become more popular or prominent especially post covet because all these airplanes were sitting for long periods of time and things were getting into the pitot tubes and all that unreliable AirSpeed event could be pretty bad if the crew doesn't realize it and they don't know how to remedy the situation a tool that Airbus has put in is the backup speed scale not all Air buses have them some don't have the push button here but some have an activation where you turn off all three I think if you turn off all three adrs it will actually put you into backup speed scale depending on this on the systems that you have on that particular airframe but again this is another tool that's been implemented by Airbus to Aid you in an unreliable AirSpeed event pretty easy to fly honestly as as you just keep it in the green that's all you got to do so we'll look at that more when we're on our approach on our second approach into Phoenix but right now we'll go back to manage speed 370 we're getting ready to start down let me pull up the bottom of the thing here enter destination data let's do some normal stuff let's go back here let's get oh Phoenix Towers online so let me see if I can get destination atis let's see if we could send that off let's go perf next phase next phase and actually I'm just gonna set like 18. for now there's our top of descent we'll go mock descent and put this in the below mode you can see engines are coming back we're starting down let's go received Phoenix new Adis we'll print that we'll get rid of these can I get rid of these I thought there was a way to get rid of this I forgot you're just scrolling through the papers there but we're going to print out the new Adis we'll throw that up there Phoenix 3003 zero wins pretty calm pretty benign day out here we'll go zero for zero temperature of one nine and Q and H is three zero zero three what are they Landing oh top right okay we'll do that in a minute uh two sixes so we need to change the approach LS arrival uh let's do two six and two fives visual approach two six I'm gonna request two six so we'll set up for the ls26 Hydra Blyth one insert that there is our econ descent window I don't believe we have fms2 in this airplane it doesn't look like it because we would be in latch mode but we're on The Descent profile we're looking good let's go back to airports let's just get some Phoenix information approach ils26 and scroll down here 13 85 is the men's we'll set 1385 and the perf data what I really like too is I think this was an X-Plane 12 thing but all that Mouse lag over the mcdo you guys remember the mouse lag used to have an X-Plane 11. on the toll list you don't have that anymore at least you don't have it on this 320 Neo I don't I do not remember if it's on the 321 or 19 but zero Mouse lag on this airplane on the McD which is pretty nice all right we got our Barrel set let's get our LS push buttons on we have Adis information Juliet uh we're going to continue our descent down on the star which is arrival we're on the Hydra why is it Hydra I always think of Hydra Rockets 2-6 transition uh is not on here oh here we go for ILS hey I don't know for two six where's our two six seven left seven right is this not Landy for two six what's going on there let's go to our plan mode I do like being able to bring these out it's nice I'm going to zoom that range way down though punt Tesla cancer jam it jaggle uh doesn't I don't think it has a two six radar vectors for two six okay so since Tower is online hopefully they'll just give us vectors for two six we can't really change our star without air traffic control telling us to so we're going to continue to fly down on the Hydra as best we can we'll just set a bottom altitude I'm assuming for something out here at limo oh here we go there it is obviously limo expect radar vectors so limo 250 hour pilot move there couldn't even find the transition the seven thousand feet 210 knots will dial in 7 000 feet seven is set minimums are set 13.85 we're gonna try to do a soft go around on this one which is kind of like an intermediate go around and I'm actually going to pull out the procedure for you real quick or not the procedure but we'll read about it and then we will do it Mateo chewy what's up man good to see you dude isn't there an enhanced bus using GPS data for Speed and out chaos I'm probably correct I am unfamiliar with that though oh look our trade table comes out nicely forgot about that tray table stood for takeoff and Landing they used to show a video a guy got impaled from the tray table or a piece of the tray table they don't show it anymore because it's I guess it's not PC but that's why you always want to have that tray table stowed um all right soft go around uh I used to soft go around was prohibited with one engine inoperative okay so we know that where is I had a give me a second guys basically what it does is you don't have to go full toga to go around which is actually much more pleasant for the passengers and for everybody involved they go around procedure happens much slower which is good because if you've ever done a full-blown go around a toga thrust it's just it's what we call asses and elbows man it's just it happens so fast and it can it's never very pretty I don't care how experienced you are it's just never very pretty um that's all I guess I don't know I had a I had a little section I wanted to read you guys and I can't I can't find it now but the softs go around function basically you go to toga and then you go right back to flex MCT and that will trigger man go around soft which will produce a climb rate that will allow the airplane to clear obstacles but at a much lower uh thrust setting not full toga thrust and if you need toga thrust at any point though you just go right back into toga but you do go to toga to cycle the box into the go around then you bring it right back into that MCT and it will um uh it will uh enter the soft go around though so we're going to try that today how do you compare the flyby wire to this I know obviously that question come up a lot it's really I don't really want to compare them like anything visually but as far as you know the depth of simulation so far I mean the flyby wire is an open source project it's got a lot of stuff coming it's got a lot of stuff going for it but these systems are a little bit deeper on the tallest I mean from my personal experience now there are some things I want to test out in the flyby wire mod no doubt about it but as far as my experience with the combining it with the kind of the aerodynamic properties of X-Plane you're going to get more advanced simulation in the tollus at this point in time not to say that can change because the flyby wire is rapidly changing it's rapidly advancing the guys working on it extremely hard and they pushing out crazy updates all the time as a phenomenal efb so Mike P I agree I think eventually though they'll uh they'll catch up I mean look what they've accomplished in a year I mean it's pretty crazy when you think about it definitely uh it's crazy but if I'm going to study for a recurrent Sim you'll probably see me back here in X-Plane which we did my last big recurrent we did it in the 319 in X-Plane 11. pretty cool but all right Sandra out of below two two zero it's doing a good job maintaining the path or LS push buttons on 111.75 should have a course line down there somewhere everything else looks good though as a soft toga only for Neo or CEO it's only for the neat for the Neo for the Neo it's only a Neo function it's only a Neo function Camp says an American Airbus Captain was telling me the soft go around is more of a software upgrade the engine specific not sure if he is right so it is a software upgrade I have only seen it on the NEOS I am not sure if it will eventually come to the CEO cam but you're you're correct because before we never had soft go around in the Neo like I flew NEOS without dual Cooling and without soft go around mode these are all things that have and without uh yeah I think they all had backup speed scale but these are all things that Airbus does after the fact and it's also very company specific you know different operators can add can purchase different features for their Fleet so it can vary tremendously when you look at all the air buses across the globe you know what has what or just because this one has soft go around and this one doesn't doesn't mean it's incorrect it just means that that operator on that airframe does not have that so I think most operators in general try to keep some type of Collective uniform system on their airplanes but it doesn't always happen that way especially when you start purchasing airplanes from defunct Airlines or airlines that are parking airplanes and we saw we saw this get expedited during covet right a lot of airlines not a lot but there were some airlines that went under parked airplanes and those airplanes were bought up and picked up by other operators so that's when you start to see a mix of a mix of stuff until the company can go back and make it All Uniform but 3003 on the meter we're at a 17 9 17 5 descending via the Hydra we're looking good I don't know Niels if it will come to the CEO I do not know I I kind of hope it does I'm trying let me I gotta find this thing maybe it shows me in here let me go over here um that's there I'm still looking for it give me a second soft rides saw here we go here we go um here we go the NEOS in order to execute the soft go around set the thrust levers to the toga detent to ensure the engagement of SRS go around mode so again that's why we say you still go into toga because you need to set the SRS command bars and you want to cycle the box into the go around phase however uh then set the thrust levers to the flex MCT detent to engage the go around soft modes NEOS at any time if toga thrust is desired you can simply put the thrust levers into toga and get that toga thrust but that's your that's kind of how it's depicted let me see if I can go here saw I had a whole thing that talked about the climb rates and all that it targets a climb rate I forget what the number is it's not a limitation but a Target the soft go around will Target a climb rate and performance and it will uh it will fly that instead of a full-blown toga go around in the after dark let me see let me take a look Mateo Chewie says I thought you started an hour after 320 Sim pilot not an hour later just realized I missed most of the stream promise I'll catch up with it soon Mateo what's up man welcome no it's been it's been quite eventful we did a engine fire failure a diversion to LA and we retook off and we're going to go in here we're going to do some other stuff now with the Neo here should be pretty fun should be pretty fun we're going to go around then we're going to come back we're going to do a backup speed scale approach 2 000 feet per minute okay it is 2 000 feet per minute but yeah cam I was looking there on my side I was trying to find if they had anything about the CEOs I don't see anything for the CEOs getting a soft codon function that may that may be more than a software upgrade because I don't know I don't know man I don't know I don't know why they couldn't it's not like the the CEO doesn't have enough power performance to do that but there's probably something else Airbus engineer could explain but to my knowledge that soft go around is really only for the NEOS as of now that could definitely change all right it's doing a phenomenal job with the 27 not Tailwind I've kind of been keeping an eye on this this is pretty accurate you'd be on the top end of the speed scale with the Tailwind here and The Descent it's doing a good job we're below 17 we're right on speed 250 knots uh we are looking pretty good coming over punt we should slow to 230 knots I don't see Phoenix tower hasn't called me one two zero point nine I've got him primed up ready to go uh what we'll do is for the Phoenix we will shoot the approach we're going to go around we'll do an intermediate go around we won't do a super low level one so let's do it at like I don't know a little bit after prun e what does it go around altitude is 5000 on this we'll make sure we have that set and then we'll do a backup speed scale visual approach completely so we'll just hand fly visual approach what is that two on the flap that's a hoist Point are you looking out the window coming out the window yeah these are hoist points that's what that means I think it's like a hook that's a hoist point all right ten thousand feet we'll go ahead and get everything on here we'll leave the turn off lights on because we may be talking Air Traffic Control here 230 knots what I'll do is I'm going to go ahead and select speed we will activate and confirm V app 136 131 is VLS and we have 210 at tyke all the way down basically one more speed restriction nine seven and six doing a really good job of maintaining the dsam profile do you think I'm Gonna Fly X-Plane more in the future I look I said earlier if we could start getting some orbic sceneries and stuff out that are like fully compatible with 12 then yes but to me 12 explain specifically the tallest here these are these are tools to me I want to use these airplanes as tools running ecams experimenting explaining and teaching flight dynamics of the airplane like we did when we took off and diverted to La we saw that I mean that was that was Peak X-Plane in my opinion that takeoff we did with the engine fire and you could see me kind of fumble through it you saw number one roll back we basically went from two engine toga flaps three to no engines low speed high AOA roll spoilers up airplane yawing away from you you that was the Pinnacle of X-Plane 12 and the tollus combined in my opinion that is what this Sim Shines on as you use those scenarios to teach and to train yourself and I mean I say train train yourself here proficiently on the Sim I mean obviously you would you really wanted a train you have to train in a real Sim in the you know in a Level D Sim but this is about as close as you're gonna get about as close as you're gonna get especially if GA flight trading is a thing for you definitely better yeah absolutely and that's where most everybody starts right is in GA aircraft so getting the ga flight Dynamics oh speaking of ga is the king air is the airfoil labs has it been updated for X-Plane 12 . ah I've been after we flew that King extreme I've got another itch for it got another itch for that King air and I would love to fly the airfoil apps King air and X-Plane 12. I just don't know if it's been updated yet James Johnson says you should make a flight to Iceland where they have to land sideways if you like a challenge I think I've seen some of those videos those crazy uh crosswinds maybe in due time my friend maybe in due time of year says well said thank you man yeah that's it's um X-Plane is very much a tool and it's from in my opinion I don't have all the fancy simulator your sim looks pretty darn good man no doubt about it so maybe it's got the shaders got the orthos looks pretty darn good all right seven thousand well I kind of blew through that 210 back there we'll set 210 here after Jammu I'll tell you what we're gonna do let's just give ourselves a vector because we uh it took the it didn't update the runway transition oh man that's that screwed me so many times Well at least at least three or four times specifically it screwed me one time really good and uh pilot Edge I'm gonna self Vector myself heading one zero zero and we'll resequence so we'll go direct what is the final jaggle is Jago on the final uh no it's not oh yeah it is 258 so that's zero seven eight inbound zero seven eight we'll go ahead and insert that off of jaggle pull select heading now we've got rid of the star we're 210. we're right at Green Dot you could we're a little bit below Green Dot so yes I'd like to see at least the flaps one here let's go ahead and drop flaps one I'm gonna change the sounds back I had all my engine sounds way up I think the engine volume is pretty good right now though so we'll just leave it like that Shack oatmeal the solo man himself is in the chat Shaq guys you're stopping by shout out Shaq oatmeal did his first Solo or was it on Friday Thursday one of those days man I last week you texted me when I was in the dark hole of our new house but congratulations Shaq on getting your first solo done man and that's just I love seeing it because I remember I remember you saying you're starting your training or you're doing training and you're doing the flight Sim thing and like it just when you first start starting PPL training is probably one of the most daunting things that you do in aviation is just getting started and then looking at that first solo of being seeming so far away and then actually completing it and Shaq man you're a grinder you work hard you're a great man I just did I'm so happy for you congratulations on your first solo please continue to keep me updated as you progress through your training and I want to give you a call later today man I'll give you a ring I want to hear all about it so congrats man very neat stuff I still remember the first day I soloed still remember all right he's on a five mile for two five what do we got going down yeah well 2000 ta everything should be on do I need to put the transponder in oh there we go helps me turn on there he is oh there's a guy right there I see the traffic or 7 210 knots all right now just waiting for them to revamp clouds improve AA and performance so maybe I honestly and it might just have to do because I don't have any and this is kind of why I wanted to keep my sim vanilla until we have legit uh sceneries come on because I tried to hack my orbix HD for California and then it really tanked my performance because it was like doubling up the 3D objects or something it just it wasn't really compatible I mean you could make it work but the way I did it it really tanked my performance but without it the Sim to me is running pretty good but yes anti-aliasing definitely needs Improvement in the clouds yeah no doubt Cloud's an anti-aliasing but again beating a dead horse going back to I enjoy X-Plane 12 for the the moments of teaching dissecting flight Dynamics looking at looking at them not just looking at the airplane moving flight Dynamics I mean looking at the actual values now whether they are oh you know what I can do external we're going to turn that way down there we go that way we don't have to keep adjusting different volume sliders but being able to just pull this up and you know is it maybe 100 accurate maybe maybe not but it gives you an idea and this is such a tool to teach I mean if I had stuff like this when I was learning how to fly it would have it would have really expedited the way I retain knowledge because I am a visual learner and when I see values changing even if they're not exactly correct I can see I go okay that's what I got so these are the AOA percentages and I can see where they're where they're greater where they're lower and you can actually see look the tail yes the tail is essentially a wing it is creating a lift it's either creating lift upwards creating lift down and that's how you control the pitch of the airplane I mean it's just seeing these things is uh is phenomenal for teaching and understanding uh understanding aerodynamics so really cool that's what I'm most excited about with this Sim and I I really do enjoy it Phoenix traffic uh spirit Wings 357 we're on a uh left downwind for two six seven thousand feet in Sky Harbor traffic all right we're going to maintain this we'll join out so we'll join right there at prune how about that let's go ahead and descend and maintain 5 000 feet especially how to open descent holder twitch late to the party hogatoitsch welcome to the stream man if you want to see some real flight Dynamics we did an engine fire at a Burbank and the 320 Neo with a diversion into LAX pretty cool you get to see me kind of Bobble through the procedure but really what it what I did it for was to see the handling of the airplane see how the ecams are handled and the airplane does a great job which was definitely expected with Tolus what is the um how do I adjust the time I'm going to I knew there was a command for it midday is kind of meh man uh uh I thought there's like a shift something command I forget what it is you know figured out later let's go all the way down to four thousand we'll continue coming down to four get the throttle Tech cam on get ready k l is that it oh I'm tracking real world time that's the problem let me do this Don thank you ah okay I'm gonna bring the time back bring the time back a little bit just to make it a little bit more a little bit more juicy than uh midday X-Plane 12 without any scenery that's just on me bright lighting looks pretty darn good I mean look at that pedestal that looks pretty darn good sun's coming up early morning five for Four Towers online let's go ahead and give them a call what the hell one two zero point nine uh right let me see if I'm in this guy's airspace here thousand to go Phoenix tower good afternoon uh sphere Wings 357 4.9 descending 4 000 with information kilo requesting iOS 26. everything Phoenix tower continue uh uh I can't really give you anything unless I can give you any clearance that's about it so I'll just continue Roger continue uh Super Wings 357. cool let's go ahead and rip it in here zero one zero ish fly by View do I think X-Plane 12 physics are more accurate than Microsoft yeah I think they're more accurate uh in in certain phases you know I think Microsoft does a great job in basically normal flying but when you start doing abnormal stuff in Microsoft I get some finicky Vibes and I really think that I think that will change with time as the Sim continues to develop but you know normal flying in X-Plane I'm sorry in Microsoft is not what am I trying to say normal flying in Microsoft is good abnormal flying in Microsoft when you start introducing failures such as engine failures or anything like that it gets a little bit iffy that looks pretty good though right there wow look at that that actually looks pretty darn good see that I like that this looks good that looks good if I could just have SIM Aviator come visit and set up my sim with all the juicy add-ons I'm going to slow to 180. basically turn three two zero four thousand cleared approach cam we're gonna do a visual approach next we're gonna do a soft go around on this one Catherine Paul 1.2 Gladstone blue low blue approaching via Phoenix to -10 next 10 flaps two flaps two 180 this airplane lives at flaps 2 180. definitely a piece of eye candy there I mean that I mean come on I know there's some aliasing issues but this is the default toll is 320 Neo and when you look at this come and you see how far Tullis has come from when they first released the 319 and X-Plane 11 it's just phenomenal Loke star 5.3 on the gas we got a little extra gas for the go around that's perfect for Neo beautiful got the banana bus coming into Sky Harbor today Black Box says inertia is pretty much Miss yeah inertia in Microsoft is an issue yeah inertia inertia is a really hard thing to get right in any Sim honestly the best Sim if you guys really want to talk flight Dynamics and what's the best flight digital combat simulator is literally the closest thing to real flight Dynamics as you're going to find on a PC so there's Glide slope star going out to to set 5 000 blue Glide slope star lokestar we'll go ahead and manage the speed trickle on down I think when we hit uh we're going to try to do a go around soft maybe at 3 000. we'll do it at three thousand what's the landing elevation out here 11 30. so 12 20 200 is a thousand all right so let's say we're coming down flaps three gear is still up I know I'm Gonna Leave the gear up I should work with the gear up all right so let's just say we gotta go around here so spear Wings 357 uh go around so here we go it's out to prune flaps one maybe we were too high spring super seven we're on the go-around sorry 122.8 we'll give you a call right back on Final uh 3.357x interesting I wonder if we were their speed out star we cycled the prune I wonder if we were too high we might have been too high what does a star signify that means it's a capture mode the Airbus pilots in Toulouse call it Death Star because if you mess with anything right now when you're in out star mode you go to vertical speed mode all right there's our out interesting so I did a good go around there I'm wondering why we didn't trigger the go down soft we might have been too high I know the 321 does it we'll have to look at that let's go ahead and res we're going to continue to fly the Mist here we're at 5 000 feet 210 knots so let's go ahead and do a backup speed altitude approach yeah it went into climb mode so I'm thinking there chaos I'm I don't know I almost want to try it again shoot all right let's go ahead and uh put us on download basically three five zero five thousand feet let's go perf Let's Go activate confirm let's go direct jaggle we gotta redo all this again jaggle zero seven eight I'm just going to re-extend the box I know it's probably slowing down on me right now insert that no nav intercept normal pull for heading select speed 210 keep coming right we'll go zero eight zero 320 Neo is still pre-released correct still pre-release is it like capture and Boeing yes uh Niels the 320 Neo is going to release on March 20th as of now that is the planned release date March 20th 3 20. hmm now I'm actually kind of puzzled uh do we must have missed a trigger there because I know the tallest will do it I've seen it happen and pilot air on that one but go around works very nice as you can see you go around is non-existent just a little extra flying all right let's go ahead and do a backup speed scale approach shall we so I'm gonna go ahead and uh let's wait till we turn final we'll call him back let's go ahead and extend flaps one beautiful sunrise in the desert uh let's cheat five more degrees left and let's descend back down to uh we'll cut it in we'll go three thousand it says all sorts of problems with this Neo today gonna have to talk to that one guy in the Discord who works at the Airbus plant in Mobile I know man definitely I need to get out there I would love to go tour the Airbus play on mobile that would be pretty neat all right we're down to 3 000 let's try this again as soon as we turn final I will uh I will activate our backup speed scale and I'll just show you guys it's a AOA it's all it is it's AOA let me get this is ready to go cool actually we can probably just do it now right it's just now uh if air data reliable at least one reliable air data use a fun reliable AirSpeed unreliable AirSpeed procedure apply so we'll say that's all been accomplished so now I'm going to go uh manual thrust and that's what we're going to do I'm gonna go flight directors off I'm going to give myself the bird disengage the autopilot I've done that first autopilot's off I'm going to pop this out so we could see it so what we are doing is we are look at this I'm getting fast so let's go ahead and slow down a little bit and bring the power back I'm going to bring it right back into the green I want to get my lights on I want won't have time for that we'll start our turn inbound all right so I'm descending it three thousand about 800 feet to level off I've got my bird on the bird is really crucial in my opinion especially when you're in a backup speed scale scenario because you want to see your AOA the angle of attack actually if you want to know is right now is between that Center Dot and the top of the tail of the airplane that is your angle of attack or the wing excuse me the wings of your of that airplane there on the bird that is your angle of attack I'm gonna go ahead I'm going to slow down a little bit more here and if I manage the speed it won't do anything we're going to select that was like what 148 what's RV app going on just a serious about 135 just as a referencer [Music] in the procedure you'd be able to do all this and get it calculated all right three thousand let's go ahead and level off so we gotta split the Horizon as I level off I'm gonna add a little bit of power here Finnish Tower experience 357 we're trying to final uh two six [Music] two six clear lands Pretty Wings 357. all right we are clear to land two six we're gonna level here about 3 000 feet and actually it's almost easier to fly in backup speed scale than when you're trying to maintain an AirSpeed because look you have that whole green band whole green band to look at a little bit low should be at three thousand well we would climb back up I don't really want to climb if you can help it and real life we'll climb back up I can see the runway out there now we'll get we'll get centered on it get a little slow now watch what happens if I go flaps too look at that look at look at the AOA changing you see that so now it flaps two coming out there I gotta watch it you know one over speed like now we're gonna we're right on the verge of being fast so there's techniques that uh in the procedure for unreliable AirSpeed that will help you as you extend flaps stay within the limits but all right now look see them I have my power back aoa's coming way back I want to keep it right in the middle if you can help it get back on that Runway there we're clear to land two six once we intercept the Glide slope we'll go gear down amantha you're really stress testing the Early Access of course that's what I'm here for you don't think that I would just give the 320 Neo a pass because it's told us do you we stress test that's why any any Dev that hands me an airplane for like pre-release I always wonder if at the back of their mind they're like oh gosh should we really do it because I'm gonna I'm gonna test it I'm not just gonna go in a to B and fly around I'm gonna actually I'm gonna look for stuff and uh right now tolos is passing with flying colors only my only question is that that soft go around I don't know if that was a pilot air or uh maybe we're missing something all right here comes the Glide slope so I'm going to set about 50 thrust we'll go gear down arm the speed brakes I'm going to get myself towards the bottom of that green AOA I'm going to go ahead and go flaps three as flaps three comes out watch that AOA look at the AOA changing on the backup speed scale now that is there's that's normal I forget there's a way to if I actually did the procedure in the book I think there's a way to remedy that we're just kind of flying by the seat of our pants or flying by the seat of our backup speed scale I should say all right flaps config full gear down spoilers on Thousand stable clear to land a little bit High correcting [Music] five knot crosswind there a little bit fast that's all right I'll be I'd rather be a little bit on the fast side than the slow side especially when you don't actually know your speed two rights Two Reds we're catching up to that Glide slope nice and easy I guess I'm flying a half dot high on this approach I see the Pappy so we're visual minimum all right this is actually my first normal Landing in this airplane or normal if you can call it that um Beautiful spoilers reverse green be selling the shadow that airplane looks pretty cool I wonder if I have a funky curve on my Rudder pedals 70 knots [Music] left turn one able and uh we're parking uh West Side here or north side bravo charlie seven Charlie thanks for the ATC for spearing us 357 we'll see all right now I'm going to disconnect from that because I want to look at the replay so we'll go ahead and disconnect let's just go right into replay mode let's take a look at that shall we see how we did well back it up I'm using the MFG crosswinds I don't know I probably have to adjust them a little bit I'm feeling like I'm it's almost like I'm not used to better ground friction I'm used to the Microsoft ground friction so I'm doing a lot of excess pilot inducing oscillations but here we go man that that looks pretty dang good I'm gonna actually take a screenshot of that I'm gonna take a screenshot of that uh uh here we go play it turn up the external a little bit let's see how we did here bringing the power out a little bit a little bit more flare maybe a little aerodynamic braking thrust reversers it's pretty good probably could have had a better touchdown that was the nowhere near XP 72's Landing he absolutely buttered it let's watch it again oh let's watch the flyby view what are we doing slow-mo it here man that I do miss the flyby cam come on that flyby cam is awesome I mean pretty textbook Landing for an Airbus definitely not a butter though definitely not a butter what do we touch down right about there all right nice having replay absolutely I mean that was still pretty good that was still pretty good that's pretty good all right well when did we start 11 it's 140 we might have to uh double up the streams today we'll have to see I'm still feeling like I feel like now that I've experienced X-Plane 12 again I need to experience some Microsoft again to kind of compare while it's fresh in my mind again about like the flight Dynamics and stuff but talking about the tallest right now the 320 Neo we're definitely I'm gonna have to fly this airplane again and we will fly it again I'm going to look up um some more abnormal stuff that I want to work through in the ecam I know they've got it modeled I like flying the tollis uh the Neo here specifically because the ecams can be slightly different between the CEO and a Neo and there's some that I want to check out here on the 320 Neo indeed uh wouldn't mind seeing a fly-by-wire stream there you go you know what chaos we might have to fire up the flyby wire in like another hour so I'm gonna take a quick lunch break we'll come back while everything is fresh and hot in memory maybe we'll load up the 320 Neo in Microsoft as well but what I have seen so far in this tallest 320 Neo is really really well done the performance is great it always is with tollis the cockpit the textures the modeling are way better than what they have been in the past I think told us really put in the time to kind of sharpen up those aspects and I'm loving these Wing Tech honestly I love this Wing texture this Wing texture spot on swing looks looks great the flaps hanging down got a little bit of a glossed Sheen to it so absolutely loving it guys if you're tuning in late and you want to see like some really hardcore aerodynamics in play check the beginning of the stream out we did the engine fire single engine land in LAX thank you all for the support today and coming in and donating and just hitting the like button being part of the X-Plane 12 game we're gonna stream again here in another hour or so so I hope to see you back for a little bit of a comparison stream so far told us I'm really liking what they've done here with this 320 Neo I look forward to Flying it more and maybe taking some into some weather maybe doing some Auto lands on our next couple of uh next couple of flights we'll have to do a 320 Neo Auto Land here coming up on the next one so until the next time which should be later today get those C is in chat especially if you're a new member and uh I feel like I got to do my normal sign off because we always do normal sign off but I will be seeing you here soon so until I see you again later today stay safe stay healthy get a couple Landing practices in and uh yeah we'll see you here in about another hour so I'll get a scheduled stream up here in not too long so thank you again Thomas guys see in a few I'm V1 obviously uh [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: V1-Simulations
Views: 28,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: v1, v1aim, fenix, fenix sim, fenix simulations, v1 sim, v1sim, v1 simulations, airbus, a320, real, pilot, 320sp, 320 sim, blackbox, real world, tutorial, mircrosoft, msfs, Microsoft flight simulator, Fenix, Fenix A320, Fenix Simulations A320, 320, sim, 320 sim pilot, msfs live, 737, pmdg, msfs 737, approaches, sim pilot, thorttletek, throttletek, A320 Neo, fenix a320, A320, emergency, real world ops, ini, inibuild, inibuilds, a310, Airbus, A300, build, toliss, neo, tokiss a32n, toliss a320 neo, 320 neo, PW
Id: olVQsa1YpvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 167min 24sec (10044 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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