Reading the landscape, watershed, keyline, keypoint, understanding contours - example @ rose valley

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I want to take you on an adventure looking at contours watershed keyline well at least a key point and I've seen how some animals of enjoy Nevada Kaline I'm in the Rose Valley from area and I'm going to have a quick look at how the water comes down to here so the watershed for Rose Valley this Rose Valley some water comes from Saddleback Mountain so let's have a look at Saddleback Mountain these are billion dollar properties I don't know I just know for the record I don't know these people at all and I haven't designed for any of them okay I see a hamlet here a couple of houses a lot of erosion just here has been caused I think there's a disturbance reference from construction what's giving me the idea that they're doing some construction is a crystal sequence I can see some Timbers here maybe left over from construction of this road I doubt it it's like there's something new going on in here and they're very close to the edge of the plateau let's just hope they keep the trees some people chop down the trees because they want a view and that's not gonna work for them there if we look at this property here I'll take you out a little bit it seems as though the water is coming down this is a South gentle South slip see the road on the ridge perfect for fighting fire as the fire often follows a rich the water was probably coming down here is here this little bit of a gully this wine here they've given up here which is good and not tried to put pasture there I can that might be a bit rough in there and it sort of filters the water before it gets to here I don't know how old these sounds is but they look pretty young maybe this one's own 70s or 80s but this one's differently I'm sorry this one over here is definitely recent so it's a bit hard to tell what's going on there I think they're trying to weed vegetate after the construction if you look here though we can zoom in I'm looking at this could be their septic from the house for distance and not very nice because it's actually now at the top of a watershed to this house I don't know here let them put their septic there but I did I'm not sure what's going on here maybe that's the septic right so we can see water starts at this house comes down here into a very gentle gully you may not even be aware of it if you owned that property you may be aware of some water sitting here coming here I don't know what they've got here for their road they maybe got a culvert to get the water under the road some sort of pipe they could have used the road all of this and fenced that off to grow stuff see how that could be water could come down here and you could put the camber the slope on the road just gently so that it could have great benefit there you could use it don't seem to have done that so then the water comes and what this dry thing is here maybe some sort of orchard what it comes down here and into there barrier down small pond pretty big if you're there but you can't really put a boat on it not that big so and then the overflow I think is here listen to there the cow green that is that's lovely you're not using that it can fence that off and grows other favorite crops in there whatever they're into and unfortunately on this property they've been smart listen rocks you if being fairly smart now said look just let it go this area here let it go but the would go in today and grow it at once to do hopefully it's not just it's not full of weedy plants hopefully it's got some indigenous plants in there do you see how dark it is in here that term it's pretty steep as Shadow is pretty deep we've now hit what I think is the edge of the plateau let's go out and have check on that there's a little bit of greenery there to see how that undulates like that but so it tells me we've hit the edge of a ridge let's go down out a bit more get a better overview see this is a bit like a crater I think so Dilbert might have once been a crater volcanic nation here this is rich possibly higher mountain than that day that area there so the water comes he down without a creek and then to these properties here I want to show you in here examples of pretty bad planning you the plowing here is good and bad mostly good unfortunately see here we started to get more on the contour I think the contour is actually like this there it is that it be contour plowing gives a lot more stability to the site keeps the nutrients the fertilizer whatever they're using the seeds keeps them on site here this is ridiculous this is going straight downhill I'm not even sure why they went up there anyway it's go across to the next little Ridge so there's a creek there and here is a ridge there's got to be something pushing the water into a creek I'm going to zoom out we can see another watercourse II so this is see that's quite dry if you had tea line you could take the water from here with putting the barriers damn small barrier dam find the key point something like that he and you could put it all around the water around here like that you could flow beautifully but this is one of the wettest valleys in Australia and which is farming rich as in nutrient and water resources one of the richest farming districts in New South Wales 20 it doesn't run I'm gonna go after it I want to have a look in here because I think at some point somebody started constructing you or they did construct them they've gone see that yeah those rocks very geometrical I doubted that it's an archeological finding I think how smart for shared might have been there at some point this is code where is Valley Farm but that's just a flag to the farm further down the hill if you look at your hand what's going on I can see here that there's all these almost on contour markings that I could bet my bottom dollar that's from cattle or sheep the sheep know it's exhausting and really compresses your bones to try and go downhill directly downhill hurts your legs I also know it's exhausting going straight uphill so they don't do it they're not that stupid they Traverse because they browse as they go they're not in a hurry but traverse along the contour slightly off contour and I'm wondering sometimes if this is how Yeomans discovered the the the formula for care line because it's very natural for animals to do this see here I think this is the key point but I wouldn't be able to tell you that unless I looked at the topographical map I'd have to look at do the mathematics to really know that this is a key point for this little valley the Rose Valley farm um Valley because when it when we go back out you can see this area's called Rose Valley actually has primary primary reaches here one to and three possibly four I don't know whether the region ends there's at least five ridges in this valley it's quite a complex Valley Rose Valley so here I'm saying to you I think this is a dry Ridge this farm is really lucky if they wanted to go organic they could do it without the worry of getting any watershed from that property up there because you see this is a really big ridge above them so top of the mountain there no properties up here then there's a ridge here so they've got two bridges either side I mean if they were going to do organic bees that's a different story but I'm talking about something that's a crop dependent on water they could possibly not get much air pollution and they could do an organic certified organic farm he all right so we're going to go in again and find that key point where I reckoned it was here because the water comes over and starts to deposit slows down here at that green section day and this if you owned this property you get all my design advice for free today so this is where you would put a dam or a pond it's not directly above the house so if it were to break it's not a risk put a pond in here and then you can gravity feed down into your zone 1 zone 2 as in home grown vegetables and watch it this these guys are so close to the city they don't really need to grow their own food look what's going on in here can I find this quite fascinating a huge tree actually fantastic for shading what seems if you had your pond there you could gravelly feed to here and this could be really lush but the opposite seems to be happening look at this property up closest as close as they will let me go it looks like this is a bit of a holding pen like some area where you put sick animals or young animals that might have fallen off the back of a truck and party curbs things like that this seems to be fenced off for intensive care of animals and it's just eroded instead of using sell grazing or rotation it seems to be maybe they've got a pet course there with a favorite horse and they keep them in confinement but this is not healthy and there's also some erosion there the other possibility it's see that Brown area there that might be just where they turn the trucks around this farm could be so much more productive with designed but I suspect because the property is so expensive between another multi billion dollar property that is a hobby farm and probably doesn't need to be very productive just fun but you know in permaculture design you could still make that property really fun we could have had a natural swimming pool here they do have that in Mount Kyra's is constantly spring fed natural swimming couldn't need to worry about it hibernating overwinter none of those sorts of worries you could have see that massive tree you could have a few of those around your natural swimming pool in fact I probably live up here and would relocate it's not far to go but that's all I've got to say about keyline we don't have this example is not functioning as a key line property except where the animals are doing their thing they're doing a better Kaline there there's a lot of erosion which should not be erosion and a key line design would make this farm really soon thanks for now I
Channel: Permaculture Visions
Views: 1,621
Rating: 4.878788 out of 5
Keywords: keyline, permaculture, design, watershed
Id: sMUKtok3XRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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