Reading In Video Games (and why I barely do it)

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All right. Be honest here, when playing  a game that has optional text entries,   do you actually read all of the ones you  come across? Hell, do you even read like   half of them? Because for me  the answer is a definitive no.   I typically will check out the first couple I  come across, but after a few hours, my extent   of interacting with them is doing a quick  click through to get rid of the notification. The thing is, there is often a lot of really  good writing in these optional text logs. Take   Control. The various entries explore the secrets  of the game’s main location, The Oldest House and   examine the paranormal and supernatural encounters  experienced by the Federal Bureau of Control.   These stories are highly influenced by those of  the SCP Foundation, a wiki that documents the   anomalies observed by the fictional organization.  Control essentially takes the kinds of stories   that you find yourself reading in pitch blackness  at 3 AM and spreads them across its game world.   They’re well-written and unsettling, and they add  even more layers to the space you’re exploring.   With that said though, there are also a lot of  them, and while they don’t take long to read,   it is still a notable interruption from the  main gameplay loop. Despite being interested   in what they had to say, I felt like I was  constantly pausing to read some new note,   and after a while it started to seem like I was  reading almost as much as I was actually playing.   It threw off the pacing, and even though they  were enjoyable to a degree, interacting with   them felt almost separate from the core of  the game, so I just started to skip them. And this happens to me with nearly every  game I play that has these kinds of text   entries. Regardless of if they are well-written  or interesting, a lot of the time they hurt the   game’s pacing, so they stop being worthwhile for  me to engage with. In general, pacing is one of   the hardest things to get right when designing a  game as it is impossible to account for how each   individual player will approach a title. There  are so many elements to games that are competing   for the player's time. Devs not only have to  think about the pace of gameplay like how many   combat encounters there will be in any given  stretch or when to throw in a puzzle or a boss,   but they also have to consider how things like  watching cutscenes, having conversations with NPCs   and navigating menus to do anything from leveling  up skill trees to changing or buying gear to   reading text logs will impact  the pacing of a game. It is an   imperfect science because no two players are  the same, making it near impossible to balance. With there being so many aspects competing for the  player’s time, when things start to feel too slow,   the obvious answer is to stop engaging with  optional elements like reading text logs. And that’s okay. People don’t need to read  everything. Frankly, it is already hard   enough to get everyone to read what is considered  mandatory text as some people just hate reading   anything in a game, to the point where they won’t  even play titles that don’t have voice acting. In the grand scheme of game design, finding the  best way to incorporate optional text entries   is not that important, however, it also isn’t  entirely inconsequential. For instance, a lot of   games use various kinds of logs as an incentive  for exploration; they are a type of collectible   for players to find with the reward being a little  piece of lore. More often than not though that is   the extent of the reward. Unlike many other forms  of collectibles, there isn’t a greater bonus for   collecting a certain amount of them. So with  games that use them as the primary collectible,   if players hit a point where they no longer care  about reading optional material, it takes away one   of the main reasons to explore, which depending  on the title could have a negative impact. I think there’s value in considering how best  to implement them despite the fact that they   are largely optional. So, what is the  most effective way to incorporate them? Obviously the answer differs greatly depending  on the game in question. And a part of that comes   from expectations we have of certain genres. Like,  where I almost always stop looking at optional   logs in open-world games, I find myself reading  almost everything in narrative exploration games   like Gone Home or Firewatch as it is kind of the  core of those types of games. I go in knowing that   I will be spending a fair bit of time reading, so  when I come across notes, I’m more likely to want   to read them because that was the plan from the  start, whereas with something like Horizon Zero   Dawn, they feel more like an obstacle in the  way of me fighting a rad ass robot dinosaur.   Action oriented titles are always going to  have a harder time of convincing players it   is worthwhile to interact with these things, but  it isn’t impossible. If developers want players to   engage with optional readings, they have to make  them feel like a part of the core experience. A title that does this really well—and I  promise one day I’ll make a video where   I don’t use it as a positive example  for whatever topic I’m talking about,   but it's not my fault that Mobius Digital  made a masterpiece—is Outer Wilds. One of the main things players do in Outer  Wilds is search for text logs left behind   by an ancient alien species known as the Nomai.  These writings contain all sorts of information   about the solar system, and they give players  both lore about the discoveries and lives of   the Nomai as well as clues for how to solve  the mysteries of the different locations.   All of the logs are optional as it is possible  to beat the game through sheer force of will,   albeit highly unlikely. The importance of this  though is that interacting with the text is a   choice, and its one players are happy to make  because the information in the logs is valuable   both narratively and mechanically. The best way  to find the answers needed in order to progress   is by reading everything. A fair amount  of the text logs only advance the lore,   but as players become desperate to find any  hint that might put them on the right path,   they’re far more inclined to engage with any  text they come across. It doesn’t matter that   not every piece of writing does have answers  in it, what matters is that any of them could. Now, I’m not saying that every game should  follow this path and make optional text   logs feel mandatory as that just wouldn’t  work with a lot of titles, but I do think   most games could benefit from having them be  important both narratively and mechanically. The most efficient way to do this is simply by  giving players tangible rewards for collecting   a certain amount of text logs. Lore  is a great motivator for some players,   but cool new weapons and abilities is one for far   more, so having text-based collectibles amount to  something greater helps keep players searching for   them, and ideally the reward for collecting logs  would be tied to the information in them. A pretty   solid example of this can be seen in The Ruined  King. Collecting lore entries found throughout   the world rewards players with rune shards, which  can be used to upgrade various character stats.   So the more notes they collect, the more powerful  their team can be, incentivizing players to keep   collecting logs regardless of whether or not they  are interested in reading them. Alongside this,   a handful of entries have information that can  lead players to even more valuable rewards,   which makes it worthwhile to read them. What  I like the most is that these entries aren’t   just quick notes placed right next to whatever the  player is trying to find that say something like   “ah I forgot the code, so let me write it down  here so that I remember it!” Instead, they’re   actual additions to the lore that help build out  the world while also giving hints on how to solve   certain puzzles. Sometimes it even takes finding  multiple connected notes to figure something out,   making it even more important to engage with the  journals. The Ruined King could stand to have more   text entries that players need to interact with  to uncover hidden rewards, but it is at least   heading in the right direction by making entries  valuable to read for both lore enthusiasts and   reward-chasers, while also encouraging players  who don’t want to read to still collect them. Along with rewarding players for  interacting with text entries,   another important factor in getting folks to  read them is how they’re presented. Personally,   I am far more likely to read a note I find in  a game if it is a physical thing within the   world. It helps make reading it feel connected  to the core gameplay. It is more immersive to   read a note while hearing noises from the space  around you and seeing your immediate surroundings   than it is to read one from a menu screen that  has almost nothing to do with the note you’re   reading. Actively pausing a game feels like an  inconvenience where reading something native to   the world feels like an extension of gameplay,  despite them kind of being the same thing. Alongside this, the amount of text plays  a role as well. I wish I wasn’t like this,   but when I see a huge page of text while  playing a game, my brain goes into full “i   ain’t reading all that. i’m happy for you  tho or sorry that happened” mode. However,   if text is presented in smaller chunks, I am far  more likely to read it even if it ends up being   just as long as a massive block of text would  be. By just giving out 2 or 3 lines at a time,   it makes it easier to digest. This  kind of presentation doesn’t work   for every game or kind of text log, but  when applicable, it can go a long way. Placement also matters a fair bit. Putting too  many entries next to each other quickly becomes   overwhelming. Like, Horizon Zero Dawn clumps a  lot of text entries together on the main quest,   so whenever I’d go to these important  locations, I’d be met with a solid 10   minutes of reading when I just wanted to  see what would happen next in the story,   killing whatever momentum I had. To its credit,  the game recognizes that it tosses a lot of   important lore at the player through these text  logs, so Aloy will sometimes try to summarize   what each is about through a line of dialogue,  with the goal being that players will get enough   information to understand the general gist of  what they’re about without actually reading. And this actually leads into how a handful  of games try to get past the problem of   players not reading anything, which is to  just have audio logs instead of text ones.   While far from being the first game to include  them, Bioshock seemingly popularized their use,   and for good reason as it does an incredible  job implementing them. Aside from just generally   being engaging, they’re also spaced out well  and can be easily listened to while players   continue exploring Rapture. It’s a good formula  as there is no stoppage in play and folks get   more information about the world. With that said,  it seems that as games have gotten more complex,   it has become harder to properly implement audio  logs. For instance, chatty playable-characters   have started to become the norm in a lot of AAA  titles. They vocalize everything they observe,   have conversations with folks they come across,  and monologue about what they’ve been through   and what’s to come. With all of this dialogue  happening, it makes it more likely that audio   logs will be interrupted if the player continues  to move around while listening to them. So with a   lot of games now, when I find an audio journal,  I just stand in one spot until it finishes,   which creates a lot of the same problems that  just reading an entry causes. In fairness,   a lot of games allow players to listen to audio  entries later on, but it does involve going   through menus, which I get is not a big deal, but  it is enough of a barrier where I will end up just   forgetting about them. One potential solution for  this aimed primarily at open-world games could be   to add some sort of quick menu that comes up  when traveling and prompts players to listen   to audio journals they’ve found. It would be a  helpful reminder and give something to listen to   during long treks across the map. While audio  logs are generally the easiest way for players   to learn about the lore of a game, I don’t  think it’s a great replacement for text ones;   the big reason being that they’re a lot harder  to make. It involves hiring an actor, which   not every studio can feasibly do, and also many  titles have atmospheres that would be completely   shattered by voice lines. Lastly, text entries  allow writers to include many different forms of   messages from diaries to newspaper clippings to  emails, and there is less flexibility with what   voice entries can be, so it’s safe to say that  written journal entries aren’t going anywhere. Everything I’ve talked about are ways that get  me to be more engaged with optional readings, but   many of these suggestions take a lot of work, and  it begs the question: should game developers focus   on finding the most effective way to integrate  these types of text and audio logs? Ideally, yeah,   of course. If a developer is going to include  something in a game, even if it is optional,   they should do it in the most effective way.  However, I don’t expect that a lot of developers   will make it a priority. Games need to come out,  and no title ever releases in a perfect state.   Devs have to meet certain deadlines for a game  to stay viable, so not every aspect can get the   attention it fully deserves. The reality is with  most studios the main question they’re probably   asking when it comes to optional text logs isn’t  how can they include them most effectively;   it’s whether or not they should include them  at all. Personally, I’d rather a game have   something imperfect but enjoyed by some than cut  it all together. So, while I appreciate the games   that convince me to read the notes, journals, and  other forms of text spread across their worlds,   I kind of have to come to terms that with  most games the reading is not there for me.   But it may be there for you, or at the very least  for a lore YouTuber who can do all the hard work   of digging through the writing, condense all  the information and make a fire video on it. And maybe you’re the one who wants to make  a fire video about the lore of a game,   but you don’t know all that much about the  things that go into it like video editing or   writing. Or ya know maybe you just like learning  stuff that you can then apply to other aspects of   your life. If either’s the case, you should  check out this video’s sponsor, Skillshare. Skillshare is an online learning community with  thousands of classes for folks who want to explore   their creativity and learn new skills. I’ve  found it to be a useful resource for improving   my editing and graphic design abilities, and  I’ve also learned a ton from their classes   on organization and productivity. I am pretty  terrible when it comes to those sorts of things,   so it has been useful to pick up some  new strategies from various classes.   Thomas Frank’s course on Mastering  Productivity has been my favorite   as it gave a lot of actionable steps to  improve certain aspects of my workflow. So yeah, the first thousand people to use this  link will get a 1 month free trial of Skillshare.   That time alone is more than  enough to learn a ton of new   and useful skills that can help you in  all areas of your life. Give it a shot   and if it does help you make that lore  video, send it my way when you’re done. Anyway, thanks to Skillshare  for sponsoring this video. With that, I'd like to thank my patrons. A  lot of new patrons have joined recently and   it has meant so much. The support has been  overwhelming and it feels incredible to know   that people are in my corner. A special  shout out to William Glenn8 and Elfinrez   for being honorary bagbutens. uh that's all.  That's all I have. I hope you're well. bye. you
Channel: Razbuten
Views: 510,050
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Id: Fe8Itezy5P4
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Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 28 2022
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