Reading Hilariously BAD Gamestop Store Reviews

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this video is brought to you by squarespace gamestop you know it you'll love it or you hate it you probably hate it most people seem to hate it we like it remember that time we made a video reviewing video game reviews yes i thought it'd be fun to do it again but while i was pulling reviews i ended up down a different path a slightly different path and i just wondered what if i took a quick peek at the actual gamestop reviews for our local game stops and what i found there was way funnier than anything else that i had found kim hasn't seen any of them yet and i gotta tell you they're fun we're gonna take it in turns i'm gonna read this first one from mrs meza who said one star i don't have money to go there i don't really see how that's gamestop's fault is she trying to say it's expensive maybe that's the review it's too expensive can't afford it therefore one star kitty says two stars don't believe what google says they're only open till nine and ignore the phone i actually stood outside and called watch them play hot potato i've done that and then put it down and ignore it awesome go to a different game stop or game exchange down the street let me be honest kitty they're all gonna do that because we're closed but still two stars what made it not one star she likes something about games there's something about it scott says two bucks for many copy of destiny copulate off oh because you can't you can't write the f word yeah it actually took me a little bit i had to google the word copula but i figured that out but i still don't get two bucks for many copy of destiny i can tell you what it means okay cause i've had this guy come in before okay i'm familiar with this man he brought in a deck load of copies of destiny and expected to get like retail prices i thought he was saying destiny was only two dollars and he was like that's too cheap or something it's only worth two dollars actually it's probably nice it sells for five dollars i don't think they even take it and trade anymore oh all these one-star reviews but do you know a place that always gets five-star reviews across the board squarespace is the easy to use all-in-one platform to build a beautiful website and run your business or just show off what you're all about if you had a website game which you should make one your little crafty craftings and you would probably sell your craftings on the website and it would track how much of the craftings that you've been selling and sellings i have a website and you could make any kind of website you wanted think of a website right now it could literally just be a picture of simon wearing a top hat and it could be called or think of a website you put me on the spot make me think of things it can be put me on the spot and make me think about and it's a picture of kim going and me going when building my website i was constantly impressed by how easy it was to add pictures text even embed my videos right into the site i just selected one of the 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game that would literally a brand new release yeah like yeah they're not going to sell a brand new release for 20 bucks i'm sorry yeah but also if you have your pro card it's like twenty percent off i can't shut that part of my camera used to work at gamestop if y'all don't remember that yeah lazy boys says one star you're looking to get scammed i'd recommend it i don't like what what does he think he was scammed on probably probably 30 copies of destiny it's awesome i've said this so many times but gamestop gives amazing creating value like value i can't talk but i'm telling the truth they give such good credit they give good trade and value depending on what you bring depending on what you bring in if you're bringing in a crappy sports wii game yes you're gonna get 10 cents if you're bringing in destiny yes you're gonna get two bucks i traded some mario game in at some point during a promo and i got fifty dollars for it yeah ash says they wouldn't let my five-year-old sister use the bathroom but they expected me to spend money there never again ash they don't have a public bathroom it's not a restaurant most places don't have a public bathroom your little five-year-old can go across the street to starbucks and pee all over that toilet seat for your pants ashley keith five stars found a playstation hat here but you're not wearing it in the profile picture i love the five star review because he found a playstation hat fur king oh two stars they didn't have fortnite on cd i hate to break it to your fur king but nowhere has fortnight on cd unless you would like to go on ebay and buy it for like for like literally over 100 bucks at this point it just keeps going it's one of the most expensive games fortnite from walter white of course it is one star their new manager ryan is a degenerate roid raged imbecile no i have to point out this gamestop in particular almost every single bad review was about ryan oh ryan sucks oh dear but there's someone else that works there can't remember his name they love him he is either one of two things a complete jerk a cringy tool that acts so goofy that it's obviously fake and genuine ryan sucks or maybe he really is that much of a loser this is the review of ryan this is hate speech this is a ryan rose at this point either way it's sad this boy i should say raised his voice at me said my opinion was invalid and even fat shamed me what a disgrace ryan you can't be doing that ryan i hear many complaints from other customers about him even from employees if you see someone who appears to be on steroids so much that his manhood has shrunk down to a vienna sausage then stay away from this rude pathetic excuse for a human being joseph is the best though joseph joseph's the guy yeah the only redeeming factor of this story if joseph is there he'll take very good care of you yeah joseph is a good he's knowledgeable ryan's kind and is actually interested in what you have to say if you want to have a conversation he always likes to throw in his two cents on things how he's not the manager instead of small brian that was the best one out of all the ryan and joseph like love and hate but my lord they went in on ryan and he probably just didn't give him twenty dollars for those thirty copies of destiny's probably that's probably well and fat shamed but you know s kelly says ryan was a total jerk oh and that's putting it nicely oh is this whenever i go to spend 65 on a game you would at least expect some common decency ryan is like the worst human being ryan stop acting like gamestop customers peed in your fruity pebbles first thing in the morning adjust your snarky condescending attitude and maybe even just act like you give a damn please review audio between 11am to 12pm saturday march 24th do you actually record audio yes oh my god i would pay so much money to hear the audio from march 24th between 11 and 12. ryan i don't know what he's doing but he's messing up that store john boy rock says the gamestop i went to smelled like p but everything else was good that just sounds like a regular game stuff that's every game i mean it makes me feel like i'm about to buy a game you know yeah it's like when you go to movie theaters you smell popcorn you know what it's about to be yeah sometimes when i accidentally pee on the toilet seat i'm like i should i should go to gamestop i should buy some amiibos i should find a playstation hat astra with three stars had games but didn't have a score bunny plush but then again it's game stop not score bunny stop so i guess that might be on me are they five that's actually my favorite one i laughed so much when i saw that the self-awareness that it's her own wrongdoing but still just three stars that's why i feel like it's a five-year-old it's so good anime nerd says one star i go to this gamestop every two weeks always good experiences here update around october 2019 i walked in on the manager i guess making out with an employee and hugging and i immediately left worst experience they wrote update yeah so what i love is their first post must have been i go to this gamestop every two weeks always good experiences until today hold on a second i've had one bad experience i walked in on the manager i guess making out what's the i guess if he's wrong it was a crime so maybe clarify you're just saying uh this one's from kimberly actually not me here at 10 a.m and the door is locked nice that's it for that one this walter says one star i was at the eighteen t store it was at the wrong place but still gave the gamestop a one stop this is from clarence so you know it's gonna be good if you say you have a game because the box is out on the showcase please have the game when i bring it up christmas time child wanted the game christmas time no there's no comma you got an elf living in your house initially i wasn't gonna put this one in but christmas christmastime child is what got me this is something i had to explain to you once they make us put the empty boxes on the shelf for advertisement doesn't necessarily mean they have the game you right here watching this are probably shopping at gamestop wrong and i do it every time i go in i start grabbing things off the shelves there's no point now you could just walk up to the counter and be like hey can i please get this game this game in this game and you have to start getting your grubby mitts all over everything because they put that back on the shelf once you leave william one star roped me off yeah it could be one of two things [Laughter] he went into game stop and they started putting barriers around him and roped him off i'm guessing he meant ripped me off but it's not there's no there's one i know one p and an r it's one piece so he definitely got roped off they definitely roped him off in a little corner of the store and he couldn't leave until they closed that night memed says they stole my buddy's wii and his kids play it like what the heck why won't they return it this is them and after we called them they rick rolled us and called us bad words i don't think that happened i don't think it happened i think he traded in his wii and forgot i think he's on something fun your mocha says three stars five shares of game stuff oh the reason why i put that in is because it was three months ago and if you had actually done it at that point you probably would have made a lot of yeah i knew that it made up so this jamaica knew what they were on about and if they did preach what they sow preach what they do they would be rich right now actually if they if they um didn't hold strong i just found that one interesting sherry with one star i've never been there sasha says two stars people gave us the wrong game we checked out i feel like that's an easy fix scenario yeah but it is frustrating to get all the way home and realize you have the wrong game so you agree with this one i do because i've done it before and i felt really bad autumn says there is a certain chick who works in this store who will flirt with your man right in front of you lol i was just kind of confused at first but we've been in there twice and that's just how she is she's very overbearing and i think that it's rude to be that pushy overall good store in nice location the manager is nice ballpark frank says store had games all over floor and is so small cannot move around in here well not go in there again take the time to go to others i just like building more pictures in my mind and then walking in with so many games on the floor he couldn't move around was there an earthquake what happened at that texas gamestop this is from leah i did not go to gamestop i went to sally's one star i'll tell you what happened what happened she was on the googly maps you know mapping to it and her little thing popped up said how did you enjoy gamestop because it was probably next to a salad so she got pissed it was like that is probably what happened it's really exciting that's funny yeah i went to sally's tell people where i went i did not go to gamestop what am i some kind of nerd well that's all the ones i had for our local ones but i did look at the reviews from your store and there was only two bad ones oh and one was about you oh so it's from a guy called glenn you remember glenn no this is from a year ago when you still worked there the sales associate kimberly automatically signed me up for a membership that i didn't want no i didn't i went i went into the store to explain i didn't ask for the charge and was told they can't reverse the membership that literally never happened this information was never told to me until i looked at my receipt this was unprofessional and wasn't corrected first of all in order to give you a membership i would have to ask for your information which you would have to give to me and i would have to ask you if you want a magazine or a digital subscription so if you've got a subscription it's because i asked you if you wanted one and you said yes so glenn lenny boy i hope you had a good time i i i had fun this is fun this is funny if you like this kind of video you have to like it because it's something that we don't really do ever so you gotta tell us if you like it and leave a comment and sub and all that and that's it i feel like we should leave on like a really funny note was that the note yeah
Channel: BeatEmUps
Views: 486,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gamestop, Amazon, reading bad reviews, gamestop reviews, funniest gamestop reviews, terrible, terrible reviews, reading terrible reviews, bad gamestop review, beatemups, beatemups girlfriend, terrible nintendo switch, funny reviews, funny gamestop reviews, reviews, bad reviews, Girlfriend, Game Stop, local gamestop, gamestop horror stories, worst gamestop experience, worst gamestop review, nintendo switch, Reading TERRIBLE Gamestop Store Reviews, kimberly toon, beatemups kim
Id: jqMX8lLLB0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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