Reading Brandon Sanderson for the first time! Spoiler Reading Vlog

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hello everyone welcome back to naomi's bookshelf i am very excited to start my very first ever brandon sanderson book [Music] so i have never read brandon sanderson before and i've always been really scared too because his books are really interesting sounding and everyone who's ever read one loves it so that's first of all intimidating because what if i'm the person who doesn't like brandon sanderson what if that's the real thing that's going on uh but also then like if you read one book it's like a trilogy which then ends up into being like a multi-book or multi-series world and i'm like that's a really big commitment so i'm a little scared however i decided that this is my time to conquer the first book at least so i'm going to be doing a spoiler-filled vlog um this is not something i know what i'm going to just be saying yet but i want to be reacting to the book i want to be actually engaging with the material and saying my thoughts to you my predictions to you how i feel about what's on the page and i don't know what's going to come i genuinely don't know what's going to happen in this vlog but i am excited i am excited to read the final empire um this is my very first book i found it on brandon sanderson's video that he talks about where to start he mentioned himself that this is a good book to start with so i'm going to start with this one i mean lots of people have also mentioned that this is a good place to start but i'll take it from the author himself that final empire is a great place to start it has a lot of buzzwords for me which is also something that i really enjoy so it has the heist element and it has like without the bad guys one element that i think that's about this book but i don't know anything else and i really don't want to know anything else i have enjoyed fantasy at certain elements so i'm excited to jump into this i have it on ebook so um i'm ready to enter into this world and i don't know what to expect but uh you're coming along with me if you'd like so if you are new here and you would like to subscribe please do um and we're going to hopefully see if i like brandon sanderson i really hope i do i just really wanted to get on here quick and say i finished the prologue and um i'm really interested in this it is so good so far i really loved the setup of this at kessler i don't know how you pronounce his name but this idea of the medals and i'm sure everyone in the world has already read this book okay i'm sure of it but i haven't and so this is really interesting to me and the way that he burnt down the house and i'm just like what's going to happen the prologue was like so interesting so i'm very excited to keep going i'm not gonna check in after every chapter but the way it's been set up i'm really loving it so far so i just got to the beginning of chapter four so i finished chapter three and i am so excited about vin and kelser and dawkins i really am loving the dynamic and i love learning about vin's powers i'm loving this whole element i think it's just so much fun and i really enjoy how vin doesn't know anything so we're learning with finn um but i really love kelser he's my favorite so far he's just so good and i'm really excited to see how this job is gonna go i love heist heists are big things i really enjoy so yeah uh i'm really enjoying the characters we're meeting so far and how we're being introduced to all of these elements of metal in taking and what their powers are and i really am enjoying also the use of metals and how they can manipulate people or do different things i'm excited to see how that works down the line i think i might be hooked into a new series which is not something i need for 2022 but that's okay i'm gonna move on to chapter four now so it is now like 10 05 and i'm going to bed soon i'm feeling really tired but i want to update you i've gotten 14 into uh the final empire and i'm really enjoying it so i just finished chapter four and these chapters are long i'm not used to this in my normal books i read but i'm okay with that i'm really enjoying this um so i just finished the scene where they're told the plan that they're planning to take down the final empire the capital or whatever and kill and also that kelser wants to kill the uh lord and i'm like this is so crazy but i'm really enjoying it um so i really wanted to say i so the people we've met so far being brees and ham and yeden i really think that it's an interesting crew i really like how they're all being um introduced and how vin is just like these people are interesting i don't know if i really like working with them all but i'm good anyways so i really like this element of it and i am excited to see where it goes but that's a project for tomorrow because or maybe later tonight if i'm not able to fall asleep but i'm not going to do too much i'm just gonna go to sleep now but um not too shabby for my first time picking up a brandon sanderson book according to my ebook i am like 85 pages into my 600 page book so i'm very happy with that so i have made progress i am in the middle of chapter 12 and i am really enjoying it i enjoyed the teaching of the metal use and the different uh sessions i've been learning how to be a young lady um although i didn't really see much of that which i'm appreciative of as well i really enjoy all the different things we're learning it's been a five star so far um it's perfect and then i'm now at the part where i had to stop where i'm reading and not just keep going to the end of the chapter where vin saw her father in the ballrooms so i'm in the ballroom scene right now which is just like okay so her father is a nobility who she's gonna now be interacting with if he doesn't realize that his daughter is present um which is interesting i i mean i didn't really wait look for that to be happening but i guess maybe i should have seen that coming so um yeah okay it it's good i i did really want to say though that i really loved van learning how to control the medals and when she suddenly woke up in the middle of the street but like way above the street that was your friend because i'm scared of heights and i would have been terrified so um yeah i am enjoying learning with the magic system though and how the different things work in the world i really am thankful that we got to learn all about that already and it wasn't just thrown at us in the first like 10 chapters well i guess technically it is the first 10 chapters but it's not like within the first 50 pages you know what i mean anyways i'm going to get back into reading so i made it halfway through the book now i am 49 of my ebook which is about halfway or just over halfway um in physical form and i am just after the second ball so that's where i'm at and i am not sure where this is going to be honest um so we've already met shan lady chad and the soothing aspect and kelser pretended to be the informant and yeah um it's it's really picking up obviously this has been a very fast-paced book so far but it's picking up in regards to um the heist element and where it's going and there's not they're picking up on the information getting and the steps that they're taking so yeah that's it for tonight though i'm going to try finishing this off tomorrow but i'm going to be done for today and i have 300 pages left in my ebook which is about 250 pages left in a physical book i think but i'm pretty happy i'm finishing off on chapter let me just check uh chapter 19 finishing off that chapter so beginning at chapter 20. good morning it is now the 27th no 28th and i have just finished like started reading the next chapter um and i read about how marsh is teaching vin how to like test her medals and learn how to see what other metals people are burning and so much it was really interesting as well and then we i realized like i got to the next chapter where we discover that the text sections at the top of the chapters were actually the lord rulers um diary entries from before so i was like that's so interesting i was like is it prophecy is it not well i was like reading that section um but no i'm like what is this so cool and i'm like what does this mean so i just want to say that's really interesting i'm really intrigued by that update i also really wanted to mention um that is something i have mentioned already which is the ska and how they're treated and i think that this is a really interesting way of discussing the poverty and the way that people are treated with slavery and the different elements of that um obviously this book is about you know what the bad guys won but i do think this is a really interesting element of this discussion because i just finished this part where they're talking about the difference between the ska versus the nobility and you know how the scot can have like 12 children and the nobility don't it's like well that's a cultural thing and how the scar are shorter it's like well that's actually nutritional and i think it's really important because it is actually this good discussion to have about this book um whereas that's a real life issue and yet at the same time it's been a high fantasy book i think it's a good discussion to have because the ska are so impactful in the story where you know they're the ones who are going to be fighting against the higher up the people who are challenging them or the people who are ruling them and these people who have been so beaten down over hundreds of years are the ones who are really reflective of these the poverty the ones who are beaten the ones who are enslaved the ones who are really trapped in this environment of this cycle of abuse and poverty and malnutrition um it's just i think it's a really interesting thing to have in this book and i think it's really good discussions that we're seeing pop up in this and i am really engrossed in that level as well so i haven't mentioned that yet and i really wanted to so yeah so i uh have kept reading you're going to see me in this position for a long time um but chapter 26 the beginning of part four and this is so cool because this is not often said in books but this is after the army was um they found out that the army was going to attack the rebels and they were like running with the pewter metal in them and they kept running for so long and they had this big struggle so um it said vin lay in her bed feeling her head throb and it was 15 it had been over two weeks 15 full days and her head still hurt and i really love that it's talking about that and if you are new to my channel and you're just watching my reaction to reading um a brandon sanderson book for the first time ever um i have daily chronic migraines and so to have that be in a book where someone's actually referring to the chronic pain or the long-lasting headache that she's struggling with that's really cool um obviously this isn't something that she struggles with regularly but to have a full-on two-week long headache and pain level i really appreciate that in a book even though it's like a not big thing but i really love seeing that so i had to mention that i also i'm really enjoying um how this is talking about that um different ailments and the way that like they're you know when they got hurt earlier on when they were trying to get into the lord ruler's castle or palace and the pain didn't go away for a very long time i enjoy seeing the injuries that don't get healed instantly so i think this is a really realistic interpretation of that so i'm really happy i also want to say i'm now on 27 i should say um but the execution scene was horrific and i also think i should tell you i really love brandon sanderson's writing i think it's just so poetic and it's so visual like the way the scene was written you could just picture the crowd and the executions of all the people and it says and another four died another four died and it was just oh my goodness and now on to chapter 27 where it's like and there was it was endless and hours and then the bloodied water and it's just like you can picture in your head what's going on i'm so glad i'm finally reading a bread in sanderson book and i'm so glad i'm also like thinking about this one stuff just reading on and like telling you my thoughts because then i'm just not like flying through the book i'm actually thinking about it which is such a great thing too so his writing is just so good and so perfect so i've been reading some more and i have loved the scene of shan versus vin on the rooftop um you can tell that rivalry was building throughout the whole book so i really enjoyed seeing that develop and that was so awesome to see vin and her powers because you know she's strong but at the end same time you're like that's really powerful for her so soon into her um training to be able to attack and know what to do so i thought that was really great and then i am now at the part where marsh just was killed and his note just got to them and so they need to evacuate essentially and leave their current hiding place or their current safe house um that is just i'm getting to the end i'm like almost there i have a hundred pages left to my ebook and it is so good it's so intense like what's gonna happen next and i'm obviously gonna need to read book two in the near future so oh this is why i didn't want to read um brandon patterson because it's a commitment but i'm excited um to find note what happens next and how it's going to go and i also want to say ellen um i really love seeing him as the character and the way he thinks that um vin is out to steal from him or something but he doesn't know that she actually saved his life that's so cool i hope that he discovers her identity soon and that he'll actually join with them and not just be trying to change the world be under like with the lord ruler still in power but also wanting to like remove the lord ruler and join their side so i hope that happens soon but so good so i am now in chapter 37 36 where um they had the whole scene with kelser fighting the um i can't remember the name now but he killed him and then kelsey died and that was like what kelser died and now they are rising up with kelser being like his bones taken over by that person who was rideau and that's weird um and vin is now mistborn i'm just like i'm happy but i'm also like what um and then of course eldon um yeah eldon or eldon whatever um he is like he wanted to protect vin so or valette who he thinks that's her name so that's something i was like oh he's liking her he's liking her um and he wants to protect her so that's cool but i'm like okay okay we have like 50 pages left not even um in my ebook 50 pages and what's going to happen now um what's going to happen now of course not to read book 2. um ah okay he died and it was all building up to this so now they have this grand plan to all take over their own little parts and now all of this got all this got in the city are going to rise up with them i'm just like of course this is building up but i i'm impressed i'm oppressed i want to say something before it gets too far in but i so i'm in the scene where she's like just in the cell and she can't find any medals because she just burnt all of her medals from what they told her to do um and i'm like she needs to use her earring that's gonna be the metal that she needs to use to kill i think that's what i'm gonna say i'm predicting that right now so i am now done um mistborn or the final empire the first book in the mistborn trilogy or series and i loved it i couldn't put it down to talk about my thoughts um for the last section and man i loved it it was so good it lives up to the height it lives up to the hype it was just incredible uh with all the characters and with the storyline and the world building i was totally invested the whole time um man i loved also how vin just really came to her own her character was so well developed and i really oh my goodness i just loved everything and kelser his character was just so well-rounded in all the different facets and i loved seeing the different perspectives on different people yeah and and i also really loved that this world isn't all about magic but it's about the metal burning and i love that twist on fantasy i don't read a lot of fantasy but that was a really great way to read it um or just develop a world so that was so incredible too oh i i don't know what else to say um yeah so good i oh so i don't have my thoughts um okay so first of all one thing i really love is heists in books and i thought the heist in this aspect was really well done i really loved how it went through all the different levels of what they would need to do and some of the things they had to do were really crazy but they managed to pull it off and even when the little hiccups happened or the big hiccups happened they managed to work it out i also loved how every member of the crew had a really important element to make they all either top vin important lessons or they had to play important roles as this year as the book went on or the series of events in the heist element went on i also enjoyed how each crew member was different from each other i could tell that they all had different personalities and they all worked together in different scenarios well i also really appreciated that the way they treated the sca was really important i thought that was a really great representation in there for the have and have not element and i liked how vin when she was in high society you could tell that she started to really adapt into that as uh that's also something that she would totally do if they were doing that for multiple months and not just over a short period of time oh yeah and then something else i really liked how this book happened over the course of many months and so it wasn't just a quick two-month sprint and it ended up being many many months so that's also something great and i liked how it didn't have i mean yes vin ends up being the mistborn of the book but i liked how at the same time as that's the kind of unexpected but expected way to go um you do see that she has these amazing skills all along and i think that that's really incredible too so i really appreciate that and i love that she learned so many lessons all the way through and yeah i don't know how else to say this but i i really enjoyed everything about it it was such an incredible world and incredible characters and the way they developed um each character was developed and the writing i just could see it all in my mind and i think it was really incredible so yeah i also loved how one character had a limp and that was just a part of life so that was something incredible to see so a little bit of disability rep in there and i thought that it was also incredible with the pits so like ptsd those different things were also great to see and i i also love that counselor was just like i'm always light and i'm always crazy and i always do stupid stuff and if people get along with me i liked that personality and i just yeah and then marsh at the end how he was like i'm still alive i couldn't tell you oh and that end scene where she like takes down uh the lord ruler where she just manages to figure out that all the medals were needed and how she actually figures out how to take him down it wasn't a special medal it ended up being just taking off his medals um i thought that was really great too so it wasn't anything super special or significant but it was all of her abilities to survive up until that point um yeah five stars perfection and i will be reading book two next year don't you worry um i'm so glad i had such a great time reading brandon sanderson i walked into this reading experience scared of a couple things one that it would not live up to the hype because that's something when you see someone who's so hyped up or so prolific you're like is it going to be that good for me and it was the second thing was is this going to be something that i will enjoy because it's not my type of genre and it was i loved all the things about it the buzzwords for me the team element it was really great so i was very excited about that and the third thing is that's a really big book to keep my interest like that and it i mean not that big books don't keep my interest because i read big classics but i don't tend to read big books outside of that and once i realized the chapters were like 20 pages long that's something else that doesn't really pique my interest too much i was totally on board for it all so i'm really happy with everything about that book and i'm so thankful i finally read it i am so happy i didn't tell anyone i was reading this anyone online um so it's not on my goodreads yet it's not about anything and i'm gonna wait to post that information until this video goes live yeah this is my little surprise book i've been actually waiting to read this book for a while and make this video for a while until i have the time to dedicate to reading vlog so yes my thoughts were all here you were on with the ride with me for this little time of me reading my very first ever brandon sanderson and i can tell you it won't be the last so thank you so much for joining me on this reading journey so please let me know down below if you've read brandon sanderson before or if you've read the whole trilogy um i am sure most people have at this point and if you have watched this whole video i'm sure you have but please let me know um how soon i should pick up booktube because i feel like i will pretty soon but i am excited to chat about all the spoilery things with you in the comments below about this book also please subscribe if you are new here and like this video if you enjoyed it and i will see you tomorrow for another day of vlogmas bye for now
Channel: Naomi’s Bookshelf
Views: 103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: n75EqdQp-wo
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Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 29 2021
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