Read Excel File IN PYTHON WITH JUST ONE LINE OF CODE | Import Excel data file into python pandas

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hello guys welcome to my channel today in this video tutorial we are going to learn about reading excel file with the pandas libraries uh so let's start so first we will install pip install pandas and it will install pandas now we will um install uh pip install open pyxl and press enter now both the libraries are installed so i'll import import pandas and now it takes a single line to read an excel file so i'll use df equals pandas dot read underscore excel and now here i can pass the file path so i'll use [Music] single quotes here and now i'll come to this and as i have my excel file in this downloads folder so i'll go to properties and copy this copy this and now i'll come to this file and now i'll paste it here now i'll go and have a backslash and sample one dot x x l s x and here i'll use a backslash to remove this error now i'll print this df and now if i run this now it is showing an error it is saying that no such file directory because we have misspelled this so i'll make it correct and now rerun this now you can see that all the record is run and read and shown in this console you can see it here now we will get a specific column from this so for that i will come here and i will use here um data equals df not df pandas dot data frame and here i'll use df and comma and then columns equals and then column name inside square bracket so i'll use first name and now i'll print data and now if i run this it should read all first names so if i run this now you can see that the first names are shown here so i think that's all for today i hope you like the video if you like the video please like subscribe and comment thank you
Channel: Programming Guru
Views: 8,425
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Keywords: Programming Guru, Guru Programming, programming, gurru, programminggurru, Read Excel Files IN PYTHON WITH JUST ONE LINE OF CODE, pandas.read_excel, Read Excel with Python Pandas, How to Import an Excel File into Python using Pandas, Reading Excel File in Python, Import Excel data file into python pandas, read excel in python, write excel in python, write excel in python openpyxl, read write excel in python, excel read and write in python, python excel automation, python excel
Id: pkZ4xjaQ8Qg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 11sec (251 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 04 2022
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