'REACTS' Subarus Offroad? Are they any good?

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Subaru Outbacks and Foresters off-road so many people underrate these vehicles now I actually owned a Subaru Outback and it was a 1995 model that had the beef uh the flat four boxer engine in an automatic beautiful car and we own it when when our boys were young and we weren't able to do much full driving but it allowed us to go and do some basic camping and stuff the thing is they're a very underrated four-wheel drive well they're not even really a forward ride but a four drive for what they are is it going to go and keep up with a twin lock something or other on 35s no but it is amazing what they can do so in this video we're going to react to some fellas and these guys are just out have a whole heap of fun and they're doing it in their Subaru say good on them I uh I quite enjoy this this watch now the thing about this is you might be thinking oh yeah but you know it's it's not Extreme Action well it is when you're in a Subaru okay and it the thing is it still takes a lot of driving skill to get this level of vehicle up this track my race car would go up this track at 40 50k an hour without even breaking sweat a stock a fairly standard sort of Subaru has to work at it oh my God oh my God how do you feel stress the thing is this from a driver's perspective and this is where it matters in my opinion from a driver's perspective you can have as much fun at doing this as you can when you've got your big lifted Patrol or Land Cruiser or whatever it is okay this is all about the driver and what's more these guys learn to drive these vehicles off-road you go and stick them in a bigger truck they will be very competent drivers straight out because they've they're having to learn the utmost fundamentals of picking their line using their throttle and and just working the vehicle to make it get up the climb so they're they're going to be very competent drive as well they possibly already are but in this video they do a good demonstration of it there's a lot I've got to say about so let's do a reacts and see what we can learn from this well if I'm not oh sorry I can't I can't stop falling down the hill sorry mate go on these are trying to fill me with confidence I appreciate that I'm still not 100 confident make a goal to get halfway to that clearing halfway what do you reckon and then make it make an assessment from there it's going to be sketchy trying to get reverse down yeah make it all make it a break Okay so this is an interesting one now I'm reading between the lines a little bit here because there's obviously a bunch of backstory that I'm not privy to but I get the feeling that um the gentleman who was just chatting then is feeling quite pressured to get up this climb now it could be pressure he's putting on himself it could be pressure his his other mates are putting on him I think his name's Troy now that I think about it um and um you know so he's feeling a lot of pressure now went on trip leading or got people like that are feeling the pressure I always want people to stretch themselves but I never want them to stretch themselves to a place where they're damaging their vehicles or feeling like they're unsafe or whatever so I want to push them but not too hard and um because I want people to have the victory that we're about to see Troy have where he goes I didn't I didn't have the confidence I didn't think I could do it but with good coaching and and um and good leadership and and spotting he gets up this hill and he does a pretty good job of it to be honest and so yeah so just be aware of that if you're a trip leader and if you're on a trip and you've you're starting to feel some peer pressure coming at you you don't have to listen to it it's your vehicle it's your drive you own it and don't let people push you into something you're not comfortable doing okay so let's continue to sacrifice the horsepower and put the egg on them theirs is a better spot of me okay so Dez Dez here in the in the white shirt I was saying that he actually sent this video into me and um and so he actually drives a Subaru Forester and we see his Drive later on in the video you keep saying that one day someone will roll it'll be me you spotted them into it you can tell that there's three mates just having a good day out okay with a hint of tropical passion fruit mate oh mate guys if you're not familiar Troy's Outback is uh is the six six cylinder model three liter six cylinder it's got um an auto automatic gearbox set up nicely set up for touring let them slide in that huge right good boy all right okay this section here um in the edit I'll I'll get them to just replay that little bit there if Troy had kept his momentum flowing through he wouldn't have had to stop and wheel spin there so when you're off road you you've got two things going when you're moving you've got your momentum which is kinetic energy the vehicle's stored up kinetic energy it's kind of like a battery and when you hit obstacles you can draw down on that that energy or that power to get you through the obstacle the second thing you've got is traction at any given moment on any given bit of track you've got a certain amount of traction and you you know you can increase it by changing tires or whatever but in the on the day it is what it is so you've got traction of a certain amount and you've got the energy uh the momentum so work those two together the moment you stop your your your your energy battery is completely empty you now well that was a bit rude sorry I'll keep two fingers up um uh you've now just got your traction working okay and that's why your wheel spin whereas if you keep keep that momentum going you'll have that energy to contribute and you would have got straight over that rut without any wheel spin sorry to interrupt the video I've been creating online four-wheel drive training content for the last 10 years but I'm not helping as many people as I want to so I'm creating an online four-wheel drive training course so if you'd like access to some free and exclusive training videos click the link in the description and register your interest all right let's get back to the video this is where it's going to get better this is this hill is a lot steeper than it looks just so you know I've not driven it but look at the trees in the background is a good way to kind of get an indication of how steep the hill is the trees will tend to grow straight and um and so you know this is this has got some steepness to it for sure here Way Big Wheel there now if he turns to his right he'd follow the water watch some of my other videos where I talk about following the water technique and that would have worked quite well there I think yeah uh 96 degrees mate perfect foreign that's the benefit of having a lower car isn't it a lot of smaller car yeah good point but the angles that you feel when you're in the in the driver's seat a lot more gravity it's so much lower that's why these Subarus are just awesome because of that fact when you're watching this video moving forward start to think about some of the lines they've taken and other lines that could have been taken by using a lot more of their side angle because I I can see a couple of points I'll try to point them out to you where they could have taken a totally different line and really sat that vehicle up on its side it would have been stable and driven through on flat ground but it would just be like that so keep an eye out for it how good is this um direct directly underneath you for this section [Music] so Troy has got the driver's side window down and the passenger side window up I always try to drop both windows now they're doing a good thing they've got the UHF radios running I I run a gme handheld um but if you have the windows down it as a driver it gives you that other inputs that can be helpful um you've got to be aware of what you know what inputs you're taking because sometimes there's people on the side of the track giving you bad info but but you can certainly listen to your spotter as well all right some Fitness that for an angle glass the worst [Laughter] yet to come I don't think your car's loud enough Troy okay new muffler [Music] okay so that was good there Troy he's come onto the power he's he's really nice on the throttle it's very um he squeezes the throttle on and that's what you want to do you don't want to jab the throttle you want to squeeze the throttle line so he squeezes it on then the power it breaks traction and wheel spins and he gets off the power that's exactly the way to do it because if you're wheel spinning unless you're in mud generally speaking wheel spending is not going to get you anywhere so just back off and and have another think about what you can do subscriber traction boards see how good is that this is a great bridging technique here and a light vehicle like the Subaru ah you do that with my Land Cruiser which you know weighs a bit over three times it would bend it but traction boards are a great way of you know in these sort of environments great tool great tool these guys use them very effectively nice nice nice here we go oh the angle God the camera does not do that Justice the angle is unbelievable how are you going more like it I'm actually feeling all right oh yeah there you go you can see Troy's confidence is coming up he's starting to realize hey I got this no no it's needed it's good mate I would like to be running my Subaru up against that log yeah that's right vlog's helped him a bit yeah it is he's kind of got grip on the log it's like on the side of your wheel how's this for a problem I can't get the max tracks get one out get off trouble Troy moves off the log oh we gotta get him [Music] there's the other way so sometimes when you get it in these environments you've got a lot going on and I you know Troy's forgotten that he's selected reverse and swayed the throttle and driven backwards always just take you do have to kind of keep your wits about you because it's easy to make but silly little mistakes like that and you could put yourself into a worse situation than you want to be and we got this one all day I'll go the tracks again yeah we're making progress how good is it these fellas are just having a great day and I love that here it comes all right oh how are you going to do this bloody massive right here though because he's going to bottom out isn't he what nah I'm gonna Bridge him oh yeah okay okay you can have that again Des is doing a great job with the spotting he's got a good understanding of using these treadboards okay cool well I don't know if this is gonna work but it'll be sick if it does and it works a treat look at that yeah I was about to just jump down into that it's like a mirror and a half drop guess who's gonna make it possibly you if we didn't have any pumpkin take no chance we've got um another two up there as well yeah we've got plenty of we've got plenty of that breadboard just like thirty thousand dollars worth of Max tracks let us know in the comments down below if you've been on a trip like this with a couple of mates I have and it's just so much fun just good makes time a good purchase there because we're gonna have to put tracks for your rear wheel as well okay this is this is one of the moments where now I'm not there so I maybe if I was there I'd understand things differently but when I look at this we're we're heading up and we're going to sit hard to the left here I I'm sort of not sure why with the Subaru and it's low center of gravity why we're not sitting hard up to the right side up beside Des there's that tree root and following that line up um maybe there's further up you can't cross over maybe it takes you nowhere and that's why I say I don't know but I just feel like well I'm just not sure quite with the information I have why we're doing it this way what's dragging man is that you're exhaust that sounds okay you can see that we're we're really these are you know these are some serious ruts but yeah yeah if he was sitting up to his right to our left that's what I'm thinking when you're sliding this hole well like that okay there he goes I can't remember if these Subarus have limited slip diffs or anything of that nature this is exciting I'm going to make the executive decision for Troy's sanity to get the discovery into place with a winch I just really worried he's gonna blow his transmission or a CV or something in this last bit okay there we go you left wheel up on this you'll be able to do it you can see there's lots of picking lines lots of technical working out where we can put the vehicle working it through just taking little bits at a time chunking it down there's nothing wrong with this now I know that some of you are thinking oh yeah I've got my truck and walk up there he goes like I said my 80 series My Land Cruiser my 105 they'll all go up this easy as but they're doing a great job great spotting as always they're doing a great job with the vehicles they have they're having a whole heap of fun and isn't that really what it's all about I think so so I just think credit to them how do you feel strength you us up with sliding and non-controllable well done man all right so now we've got Dez in his Forester okay oh my God you've got all the momentum going yeah I've probably got a little bit okay yeah that's a good angle yeah wow your seatbelt's gonna be locked as well yeah this is interesting I'm wondering if Dez is running an oversized Tire because the transmission seems to be working a lot oh sorry awesome sorry who are we apologizing to yeah she's focused Okay so I'm not going to have a go at this but I'm going to use this as an example of something I think we all need to be aware of to my knowledge what I can see there DES isn't wearing a seat belt if you're doing this sort of full driving have your seat belt on the only exception to that is sometimes when you get on a really steep climb and you have to take the seat belt off to get out of the car your seatbelt won't latch back in that's you know what can you do about it you just got to manage that but if if at all possible wear your seatbelt because if something goes wrong trust me you will come out of the vehicle and get hurt and you don't need that so just put your seat belts on it's it's crazy not to oh okay I won't disturb you might go for it okay good drive there it goes just like that just like that you can see that the forest is doing this drive easier than the app pack did some of that's because he's got all terrain tires some of that's probably experience and I think this Forester looks like it's probably modified and this pull correctly the Foresters had a little bit oh my God off-road oh my god um focused in the outback dib huh wait a second I'll even get solid wise how about that I've got all the Creative Solutions come on there you go so you notice Des has got that left hand with Daddy and that's great makes you can hear what's going on a lot better all right there you go all right yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes hey how good is that that's great well the Desmond well done Des this is your go bro well done yeah it was well done we were um timing that we probably took about 45 minutes to an hour okay I think Dez has taken eight minutes maybe yeah let's call it ten You're Gonna Love It watching that back tell the nice people how you feel hot sweaty relief all right the last thing I want to raise is end of the Hill fantastic and Des has got his Canadian Club out now I'm not going to pick on this he might be camped at the top of the hill for all I know but all too often out there on the tracks I do see people drinking whilst they're out Wheeling now you do you but if you're drinking I'm not coming Wheeling with you and that's because you're not going to be safe and you might say oh I'm fine well you're not you're not even allowed to drive on the road without when you're drinking and out here in the bush you've got to drive at a much higher level and and a more complex level than you do on the on the town roads and City roads so to compromise your driving skill by drinking in my opinion is just foolishness especially if you've got family and friends in the car well that's just Next Level crazy really in my opinion and I've seen it all too often so I just wanted to like I say I don't know Des might be camped at the top of hill and that was his Day Day's driving was done but if he was driving any further I wouldn't be too keen on him having drinks at this point in time so that's just my little thing I know it sounds a little bit old man and all that but like I just like to go home at the end of my Wheeling trips you know and I don't like wrecking the trucks and I don't like hurting other people so that's why I say that sort of stuff um I'm all for having a drink you know but yeah anyway look I think we've all learned something from that that was fantastic let me know in the comments down below what you reckon and would have you ever owned an Outback would you ever ever thought a Subaru Outback could do a climb like that all right I'm mad Matt stay safe on the trails
Channel: MadMatt 4WD
Views: 45,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: madmatt 4wd, 4wding, wheeling, offroad, 4x4, mad matt, mad matt 4wd, off road, madmatt, 4x4 action, 4x4 adventure, subaru, reacts
Id: iLWJDfdyfZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 02 2023
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