Reaction video bogging stopes

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hi everybody today we're just going to have a look at some videos on some stokes just to clarify a few things so in this video we're going to look at a bogger cleaning up a hang up and knocking down the brow so you can see the freshly pinned mesh up here and they're obviously sending the bogger back in to just clean up this brow area here and the stop's in behind as you can see it's taking a big chunk out again scraping forward to try and clean the brow up and then knock the big rocks off clean up the scats and make it nice and clean the volume right so everybody can hear me and hear it now have a look in this area here you can see the tiny rocks starting to fall and remember whenever you've got tiny rocks starting to fall big rocks follow so just keep your eye on this area around here so you see the puffs of dust a bit more over here a bit more you can hear it starting to pop and crack lots more and that's the way it goes so whenever you see small rocks falling like that there's often big rocks coming behind it so that's a good one that one to look at first up next we're gonna have a look at this fogger it's going in um to get the stop to reel so the dirt's been compacted up the back and they need to loosen at the bottom so the dirt will reel down you can see it's starting to reel there really needs a hose on it there's lots of as you can see the dust come through but you can see it reeling and this is what you got to watch out for because when it reels like this sometimes you can get some bigger rocks come down and spit out at you again i would probably have a hose on the wall here pointed up so it's watering down if i came down as a shift boston saw that then i wouldn't be too happy about the fact that there's no water on it so i'd be getting the bogger operator to stop and put some water on it so with this one they're doing the same thing trying to get the hang up trying to get the um stop to reel this is a bit of an obstacle here this mesh on this side i would have got rid of that before i started to bog i'd be paranoid about it hooking onto something back there on the engine and ripping something off but again they're just trying to get the the fogger to the stop to reel you can see it coming it wants to come and again the little rocks and then you'll get some big rocks that follow it and there it comes and the reason that they want this to happen is because it's not compacted in and now it's all nice and loose makes it much easier to fog it but again you want to be watering that down that's nice size dirt easy bogging by looks of things there really good but you just got to make sure that you've got your water on it next video that we're going to watch is from an overseas mine and this is the way that we used to do things back in the day when i first started remote blogging back in the 90s so you see how he's got the harness over his shoulders and he's walking in behind it this is the sort of thing that they used to do back in 96-97 so i'm assuming that this is from an overseas mine and you can see you can sort of see that he's got it looks like he's got an airflow helmet on but again you know you'd want all this water down if it was here in wa or australia and you know there's no way that they'd let someone stand there like that unfortunately we've scraped a lot of people up against the wall over the years with this when we used to tele remote like that or sorry line of sight remote like that they used to put a cutting in the wall and put a big pad on the ground so you stood on the pad and you had the cutty in the wall to retreat into if the boggle went crazy because unfortunately they do they go crazy every now and then i had one go crazy on me in 97 and it went up and down the drive you know for about an hour and a half before it stopped itself and i was able to get out of the cutting but again you see the dust coming out that's unacceptable in australia completely so you'd be wanting them to throw some um some dirt or some water on that dirt straight away and this is the last one that we'll look at that got sent in and as you can see this blogger is on tele remote i'm sorry on line of sight remotes and he's got the bucket stuck with a great big rock in it and at this point he should be dropping the bucket down to get those wheels back on the ground so he can retreat out of there instead he's just frozen so the ideal thing would have been to crowd the bucket down or drop the boom do both and try and get those wheels back on the ground and then try and get that bogger out before the rest of this stuff falls in like it's about to and you can see it's pretty easy to bury a bogga when you do stuff like this and you're not confident in what you're doing so yeah not great but i hope you found that entertaining and if you've got any more questions that you want answered please send them through and if you can like and subscribe the channel thanks you
Channel: Australian Mining for New Starters
Views: 3,388
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Keywords: jumbo operator, $1500 a day mining job, New starter, hardrock underground, new to mining, gold mining, nickel mines, mining jobs, Australian mining, Mining advice, getting a mining job, hardrock mining, coal mining, iron ore mining, copper mining, nipper, truck, offsider, no experience, Mining information, mining training, online mining training, mining qualifications, mining tickets, Police clearance, entry level mining jobs, Mining jobs no experience
Id: EhV0tDm7fIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2022
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