Reacting To Old Deck Photos || Dr Decks

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[Music] hey guys dr. Dex here today we are cleaning our shop and we're purging we're getting rid of a bunch of stuff and DJ studio man happened to be going through some stuff and he found some things he thought I would be in residency so today's video is about that I appreciate you guys watching don't forget to click comment and subscribe down below if you got something out of the video or if you really enjoyed it never mind that background noise back there that's just the guys moving stuff around we're all good alright so I'm ready Calvin let's take a look all right you guys ready you know I don't remember what was in this box or what is in this box I have no idea so we're gonna find out right now Oh looks like some pictures of Wow Oh Andy have you seen this this is the deck we just replaced uh-huh so I got to bring Andy over cuz this deck you guys saw us rebuild this is that old deck and their hot tub they just had to replace it after we finished our deck and rebuilt it and tore it all apart yeah they had to replace the hot tub because I don't know if maybe yes moving it and then putting it back in the hole did something to it but um or if I didn't revive her it correctly I don't know but uh could you show us a little bit I think you guys will be quite impressed with the one we replaced it with yeah if you go back through some of our prior videos you'll find this deck Annie and I tearing it up and or maybe go to our Instagram page it's in there somewhere so that's crazy cuz this deck is 22 was 22 years old when we tore it apart so that's a gem right there wow man um we used to build a lot of cedar decks so this was one that we did a patio of like a lexan top and then we did a screened-in room because these people were from the south and they wanted a screened-in room so we screamed in the room i-i've wasn't familiar with it I hadn't done a whole bunch of it but everything was done in cedar so including the skirting all the decking we had some really cool curved not like bending curse but like just kind of freaky pathway I did and I just cut all the cedar on this curve with the jigsaw so I was kind of cool so I was probably 25 when I built that I'm 50 now here we go all right here's the pathway that I was telling you about out that screened-in room so just something a little different I'm still doing some deck lighting back then you know here's a cool one we did so these are old home show photos of I don't even remember where this one was old home show photos of decks that I used to put up and I'd like have a back wall and I just take a thumbtack and stick them up so people could come up and see him these are all old cedar decks a lot of five quarter by four western red cedar so we worked around a lot of hot tubs I worked with a lot of different hot tub companies back in the day so they would farm me work when I was when I was less expensive and was still struggling for work so they would exploit that sometimes but you know you learn you learn as you get older here's a deck we built I got to picture stuck together here this is a decade built I think in a place a town called Pew Walla and we whitewashed the whole thing it was also cedar used to make all my own benches made all my own railing all that kind of stuff so that was kind of cool where was this all's I remember about this deck is I had to cut this corner out because it was a mimic this was a permitted deck and it was mimicking the seawall and we were allowed to build out to the seawall which I don't even know if they let us do that nowadays but we did back then so this is all at a pressure-treated lumber because i think that's what the architect called out for everything had to be pressure treated no cedar had to be a certain way the stairs had to be done a certain way from what I remember I used to take on a lot of crazy projects because everybody else that did him was smart and they weren't interested in building it so then you guys kind of know the story of trucks when it came along used to be winchester grey was the ticket man I used to do a lot of aluminum railing in Winchester great tracks that was the deal back then when that was the only color that was available so that's a brown like um what do they call it this is a bronze hand railing so even back then though I was I was doing miters and I was actually staggering my fascia back then I was actually cutting trucks in half and staggering that cuz they didn't have a one buy back then it was just all decking material there you go there's a picture of that let's see what else we got here ah this is a mahogany deck we did on a place called taps island really yeah mahogany is beautiful for the first year run your guitars then it turns to poo oh yeah if it's a guitar it could probably last really good forever but this is outside in the elements so I'm about to go the lady that bought this deck is has rehired us to build a new deck for her in a new house on the same island so she just didn't want us to do it during Thanksgiving so another Winchester great Rex this one's probably over 20 years old I'm sure lots of pressure-treated glulams and things like that these are like old home show photos there's another cool one of that mahogany deck hopefully there's not too much glare a couple more of the mahogany deck how old will you say these pictures are I'd say most these photos are 18 to 20 years old if I had to guess some of them older trying to remember how old DJ studio man was when I built these decks but my mind is like failed me miserably okay here's a really interesting photo and this really dates this photo the geodesic dome yeah so this is a really cool deck we built around there was three of them connected in the middle and we worked around two and a half of them so it's a pretty cool experience a lot of fun I don't know you know I probably do another one if I had the opportunity it was a little bit of a challenge getting around those angles a lot of frigging angles man hey another cedar deck where was this one this was in Bellevue I think I used to travel further away from my house when I was younger so this was like this is probably a 50-minute drive back in the day but now it's probably an hour and fifty minute drive each way so I no longer go to this location but nice cedar deck we just acid-washed it what's acid-wash you ask alright so for all you young wings out there you take this stuff call Dogzilla Cassatt crystals and it's like a wood brightener and you'd mix it up with water and then you'd clean the deck and that's the last thing I do right before right as I got paid I'd clean the deck and out of here your prescriptions been filled I didn't even have a hashtag do you even know what a hashtag was back when I was building these decks right so um that was kind of a cool one but it Cedar's beautiful wood unless you're gonna put a wood sealer on it every year it's never gonna stay this nice that's why we do so many synthetic decks now where is this I don't remember another cedar deck there's so many done that's Trek Trek Sal there's another cedar deck 2x2 picket railing with a flat top cap I think those people called me back for an estimate but I didn't get the job so some of these decks are so old they've maxed out their lifecycle and they need to be replaced so they're at least 15 to 20 years old I'm just gonna rifle through ooh that's nice okay this deck was like 1400 square feet all clear cedar with a with a really unique rails combination orthodontist so the the expense wasn't the issue it was the quality that they wanted so this thing was glued and screwed with stainless steel stardrive screws that's all I remember on that one this is probably an industry standard still is this is a tight not cedar deck with an aluminum hand railing it's one of the first aluminum handrails I think we had done cool product this deck I was also tighten that cedar we did benches and planners and then I put some rope lights and one Tim rope lighting with a slider dimmer mechanism on it so that was again pretty cool I don't what do you think what do you guys think leave a comment alright guys well thanks for strolling down memory lane with me that was fun Thank You DJ studio man for finding those photos I hope you like what you saw yeah so I've been doing this for 30 years so you kind of accumulate a lot of photographs it's funny because the digital age allows me to share my information so much faster than I used to all these pictures you see here we're all taken with a 35-millimeter camera though the film was taken to a processor it was developed then I had to go through the negatives and then I had to choose the ones I want have them enlarged and then put them in these frames which is a total pain in the butt but hey if you enjoyed it or you liked what you saw please click that subscribe button and hit the bell icon as well if you want to be notified every time we're putting on fresh content thanks for watching have a great [Music]
Channel: drdecks
Views: 606
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Dr decks, drdecks, deck building, custom decks, the rebel carpenter, pacific northwest, carpentry, decks, deck, reaction, one off
Id: TbzZf6-7FTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 26 2019
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